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Robert's Parliamentary Practice/Chapter 10

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Robert's Parliamentary Practice (1921)
by Henry Martyn Robert
Chapter 10—Fourth Drill, Illustrating Chapter IX
4284175Robert's Parliamentary Practice — Chapter 10—Fourth Drill, Illustrating Chapter IX1921Henry Martyn Robert



Reports of Committees.

[Another meeting of the Parliamentary Law Class. The meeting is organized as described in note at beginning of the previous drill.]

Chairman. Is the committee appointed to investigate the ventilating system of the High School ready to report?

Mr. U [chairman of the committee, reads the report]: The committee appointed to investigate and report on the ventilating system of the High School submits the following report:

Mr. A [rising and interrupting]. Mr. Chairman.

Chairman. For what does the gentleman rise?

Mr. A. In this part of the hall we cannot hear the report.[1]

Chairman. Mr. U will please come to the platform. The chair thinks the report will be heard when read from the platform.

Mr. U [coming to the platform reads the report]: The committee appointed to investigate and report on the ventilating system of the High School submits the following report: The committee visited the school taking with them an expert in ventilating systems.[2] They found that the school is equipped with an out-of-date apparatus in bad condition, and consider the poor ventilation that results therefrom a menace to the health of the pupils. The committee, therefore, recommends the adoption of the following resolution: "Resolved, That a fan ventilating system be installed in the High School, the cost not to exceed $2,000."

L———— U————
B———— V————
J———— W————

By direction of the committee I move the adoption of the resolution. [Hands the report to the chairman.]

Chairman. The question is on the adoption of the resolution reported by the committee, which is as follows, "Resolved," etc. [reads the resolution]. Are you ready for the question?

[Question debated and put, and the resolution adopted.]

Chairman. Is the committee to which was referred the resolution relating to contributing to the public library prepared to report?

|Mr. T [committee chairman, rising, says]: Mr. Chairman, the committee to which was referred the resolution "Resolved, That we give $200 to the public library" recommends that it be not adopted because of the present depleted condition of our treasury. [Hands resolution to the chairman.]

Chairman. You have heard the adverse report of the committee.[3] The question is on the adoption of the resolution, "Resolved, That we give $200 to the public library," the recommendation of the committee to the contrary notwithstanding. Are you ready for the question?

[After debate the question is put and the resolution is lost.]

Chairman. Is the committee to which was referred the resolution relating to a rest room ready to report?

Mr. S [chairman of committee, rising, says]: The committee to which was referred the resolution, "Resolved, That a rest room be maintained for the convenience of the women and children of the surrounding country," with the pending amendment, "to add the words 'provided the annual cost is not more than $500,' " recommends that the amendment be adopted and that the resolution as thus amended be adopted [Hands to the chairman the resolution and the amendment.][4]

Chairman. You have heard the committee's favorable report. The resolution referred to the committee is, "Resolved," etc. [reads the resolution]. There is pending an amendment, "to add the words 'provided the annual cost is not more than $500.' " The question is on the amendment. Are you ready, etc.?

[Question debated and amendment adopted; question on amvended resolution stated, debated, and put, and resolution adopted.]

Chairman. Is the committee to which was referred the resolution relating to building a new High School ready to report?

Mr. R [reporting member of the committee,[5] rising, says]: The committee to which was referred the resolution, "Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that a new High School should be built immediately, the cost not to exceed $100,000," recommends that it be amended by striking out "100,000" and inserting "150,000," and that as thus amended the resolution be adopted. By direction of the committee I move the adoption of the amendment. ['Hands to the chairman the resolution, and also on a separate paper the proposed amendment, as follows:]

Amendment to the Resolution relating to a new High School, Proposed by the Committee.

Strike out "100,000" and insert "150,000."

A——— B———, Chairman.][6]

Chairman. You have heard the committee's report, and its motion to amend the resolution referred to it by striking out "100,000" and inserting "150,000." The question is on the amendment. Are you ready, etc.?

[Question put and amendment adopted; question stated and put on amended resolution and it is adopted.]

Chairman. Is the committee to which was referred the resolution relating to a new clubhouse ready to report?

Mr. Q [committee chairman, rises and reads the report]: The committee to which was referred the resolution "Resolved, That we build a new clubhouse at a cost not to exceed $50,000," after a careful consideration of the subject, recommends the adoption of the following substitute, "Resolved, That the Board of Trustees be, and is hereby, authorized to repair and enlarge our clubhouse at a cost not to exceed $10,000."

[Signed by all the committee.]

On behalf of the committee I move the adoption of the substitute. [Hands to the chairman the written report and the original resolution.]

Chairman. The resolution referred to the committee is, "Resolved," etc. [repeating the resolution]. The committee reports a substitute for it as follows, "Resolved," etc. [repeating the substitute]. The question is on substituting the committee's resolution for the original resolution. Are there any amendments proposed to the original resolution? [No response.] There being none, the committee's substitute is open to amendment. [After it has been amended and the debate has ceased, the chair, as in Second Drill, page 40, puts the question on the motion to substitute, which is adopted. He then announces the result and proceeds:] The question is now on the resolution as amended which is, "Resolved, That the Board of Trustees be, and is hereby, authorized to repair and enlarge our clubhouse at a cost not to exceed $10,000." As many as are in favor of the resolution say Aye. Those opposed say No. The ayes have it and the resolution is adopted. Is there any further business to come before the meeting? [No one claiming the floor he continues:] There being none the meeting stands adjourned.'[7]

  1. Any member may interrupt the proceedings in this way when his rights as a member are being interfered with, as explained on page 88 under Raise a Question of Privilege.
  2. The committee may invite outsiders to assist it in its work provided the society incurs no obligation thereby.
  3. As soon as a resolution is reported back it becomes the pending question. In this case the committee makes a recommendation but makes no motion. Therefore the chair states the question on the adoption of the resolution, the committee's recommendation to the contrary notwithstanding.
  4. In this case the committee chairman makes no motion because the committee simply recommends the adoption of the pending resolution and amendment.
  5. Usually the chairman of the committee makes the report. Sometimes, however, the chairman is not in favor of the report of the committee, or he may not be the best one to champion the report. In such a case the committee should appoint another member, called the reporting member, to make the report.
  6. The committee's amendments must be written on a separate sheet regardless of whether the report is written or oral. No marks or writing should be put by the committee on any paper referred to it.
  7. When there is no further business to come before the meeting, if a motion to adjourn is not made immediately and no one claims the floor, the chair should declare the assembly adjourned.