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Robert the Bruce and the struggle for Scottish independence/Index

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Aberdeen, Bishop of, loyalty to Edward I., 90; excommunication of, 272

Aberdeen, Bruce in the neighbourhood of, 137

Abernethy, Alexander of, deputed to capture Wallace, 113

Act of Settlement, fate of an, 304

Alan, Sir Brian fitz, appointed Governor of Scotland, 90

Alban, the four separate kingdoms of ancient, 28

Alexander I., the Fierce, death of, 26

Alexander II., Lord Hailes on the succession to, 66; decision of, as to Bruce, the Competitor's election to the throne, 67

Alexander III., marriage of, 34; sentiment of nationality aroused by, ib.; does homage to Edward I., 35; death of, 36; civil war following on the death of, 39

Alnwick Castle, siege of, 320

Angus, Earl of, see Umfraville

Angus of the Isles, hospitality to Bruce by, 144

Annales Londinenses, the, 172

Annals, the work of Lord Hailes entitled, 13

Arbroath, letter to Pope John XXII., from laymen at, 272-274

Argentine, Sir Giles de, bravery of, at the battle of Bannockburn, 49

Argyll, Bruce in, 184, 185

Arran, reconnaissance by Douglas in, 146; arrival of Bruce in, ib., 147

Arscoll, battle of, 236

Arundel, Earl of, leads an English force into Scotland, 246; defeated by Douglas, 247

Athol, Earl of, accompanies Edward I. to France, 90; execution of, 140

Athol, Earl of (David), captures Brechin Castle, 180; doubtful allegiance to Bruce of, 212

Aula Rubra, see Red Hall

Avignon, Randolph Moray's mission to the Pope at, 293

Ayr, Bruce holds a Parliament at, 189, 229

Ayr Castle, Bruce appointed Governor of, 112


Bain, Mr. Joseph, historical labours of, 3, 319

Balliol, Edward de, sent to the Tower, 94; recalled to England from Normandy, 297; joins in an invasion of Scotland, 369

Balliol, John de, pleads his claim to the Scottish Crown, 40; acknowledges the King of England as Lord Paramount of Scotland, 57; commission considers a claim to the throne of, 62; the kingdom of Scotland handed over to, 68; crowned at Scone, ib.; releases Edward I. from all agreements, 69; humiliating treatment of, by Edward I., 70; refuses to comply with King Edward's summons to London, 71; enters into a secret treaty with King Philip of France, ib.; is defeated at Dunbar, 75; resignation of, 77; later career of, 78; exiled to France, ib.; death of, 79

Balliol, Sir William de, leads a foray of the Scots, 101

Ban, Donald, reign of, 25

Bannockburn, tactics of Bruce at the battle of, 200-203; English commanders at, 203; behaviour of the English and Scottish soldiers before the battle of, 212; position of the Scottish army at, 213-215; battle of, 213-223; magnificent appearance of the English army at, 215; King Edward's remarks on the Scottish army at, 216; excellent choice of ground by Bruce at, ib.; Edward de Brus's generalship, 217; final rout of the English at, 218; flight of Edward II. after the battle of, 219-223; English losses at, 220; Scottish losses at, 223

Barbour, The Brus by, 5-7; pensions awarded to, 8; gift of the ward of a minor to, ib.; account of the battle of Bannockburn by, 203; incidents of Bruce's invasion of Ireland related by, 240; on the death of Bruce, 338

Baston, poem on the victory at Bannockburn by, 2, 212

Bath, Bishop of, King Edward's spokesman at Upsettlington, 57

Beaumont, Henry de, Earl of Buchan, appointed a Guardian of Scotland, 186; at the battle of Bannockburn, 208; quarrels with Moray as to the restoration of his lands, 368; invades Scotland, 369

Beck, Anthony, Bishop of Durham, appointed Lieutenant of Scotland, 45; capture of Dirleton Castle by, 95; in command of cavalry at the battle of Falkirk, 97; warlike spirit of, 326

Berwick, meeting of Scottish commissioners at, 62; Parliament at, 64, 80; sack of, by Edward I., 72-74; a mutiny in the English garrison at, 111; Nigel Bruce executed at, 139; assault on, by Bruce, 190, 233; siege of, 233, 255, 265-270; fight between de Neville and Douglas at, 248; trade of, 348

Bigod, de, Earl Marshal, in command of the English cavalry at the battle of Falkirk, 97

Biland, battle of, 283

Birgham, treaty of, 44

Blackburn, Robert de, gallant feat of, 257

Boece, Hector, historical inaccuracies of, 11

Bohun, Sir Henry de, combat between Bruce and, 205

Bonkil, Sir John of, supports the claim of Robert de Brus, the Competitor, to the Scottish throne, 41

Bothwell Castle, Edward I. captures, 110; Edward de Brus captures, 225

Bower, Walter, edition of the Scotichronicon by, 9

Bowmaker, Walter, see Bower, Walter

Breaux, family name of Bruce, 17

Brechin, Sir David de, joins the national cause, 180; tragic fate of, 276

Bretaine, Sir John de, appointed Warden of Scotland, 123

Brodick Castle, Douglas captures, 146

Bruce, Robert, difficulties attending the preparation of an account of, 1, 2; Wyntoun on, 10; authenticity of the chronicles regarding, 11; birth of, 17; descent of, ib., 21; claim to the Scottish throne considered by a commission, 62; first appearance as restorer of the Scottish monarchy, 77; high in favour with Edward I., 81; fights on the side of Scottish rebels, 85; signs a confession to Edward I., 86; attitude of, during the campaign of Wallace, 98; acts a double part, 110; succeeds to his father's estates, 114; list of public acts of, up to the time of Wallace's execution, 121; flight from England of, 128; slays John Comyn, 129; coronation of, 131; names of Scottish nobles present at the coronation of, 132; castles forfeited, 133; sentence of excommunication passed upon, 134; received hospitably by Angus of the Isles, 144; seeks shelter in Rachrin, 145; in the island of Arran, 147; desperate condition of the cause of, 151; adventures in the land of Lorn, ib.; pursued by a bloodhound, 154; defeats the English at Loudon Hill, 164; a crisis in the fortunes of, 165; defeats de Monthermer, 166; invades Argyll, 184; makes a raid in Clydesdale, 187; invades England, 189; holds a Parliament at Ayr, ib., 229; makes an unsuccessful assault on Berwick, 190; captures Perth and Dumfries, 191; magnanimous treatment of Macdouall by, ib.; resides at Clackmannan Castle, 193; reliance upon military skill of, 199; choice of ground at Bannockburn by, 201-203; orders celebration of mass in the Scottish camp, 203; injunctions to his soldiers by, ib.; encounters Sir Henry de Bohun, 205; anecdote of, as to a relic of St. Fillan, 210; clemency of, 224; prepares to invade Ireland, 228; a probable blunder of, ib.; marriage of Marjorie, daughter of, 230; expedition to the Western Isles by, ib.; invades England, 231; lays siege to Carlisle, ib.; attack on Berwick by, 233; second invasion of England by, 235; joins Edward de Brus in Ireland, 239; campaign in Ireland, 240-244; first battle in Ireland, ib.; incident of kindness of heart in, 242; returns from Ireland, 244; Pope John XXII. threatens, with excommunication, 251; personal appearance of, described by the Pope's legates, ib.; invasion of England by, 269; treats with Edward II. for peace, 270; again excommunicated, 271; masterly tactics before English invasion, 281; another invasion of England by, 282; defeats Edward II. at Biland, 283; reply to terms of peace by Edward II., 292; birth of Prince David, 296; stricken with disease, 298; holds a Parliament at Scone, 298; sets about defence of the Highlands, 299; builds a castle on Cantyre, 300; engages in country pursuits, 301; chooses a residence in the Lennox, ib.; love of the sea by, 302; hospitality of, ib.; renounces the truce with England, 307; invades Ireland a second time, 319; promised plenary absolution from the Pope, 334; illness of, 337; visits Galloway, ib.; final instructions by, 338; commissions Douglas to carry his heart to the Holy Land, ib.; death of, 340; buried at Dunfermline, 341; how his memory has been cherished, 343; character of, 343-353; earlier career of, 343; Wallace and, 344; the assassination of Comyn, 345; courage and sagacity as King, ib.; Randolph Moray and, ib., 346; humaneness of, ib.; as a civil ruler, 347; no adequate portrait of, 352; high rank as a military commander, 353; children of, 354

Brus, Alexander de, defeat and death of, 149

Brus, Edward de, first mention of, 116; gains a victory over the English in Galloway, 183; harries the English Border, 189; captures Rutherglen and Dundee, 196; lays siege to Stirling Castle, 197; command at Bannockburn of, 201; division of, bears the brunt of the battle at Bannockburn, 217; created Earl of Carrick, 226; invades North Cumberland, ib.; campaign in Ireland of, 236-244; defeats the Earl of Ulster at Conyers, ib.; lays siege to Carrickfergus, ib., 238; defeats the English at Arscoll, ib.; returns to Ulster, 237; crowned King of Ireland, 238; asks Bruce to join him in Ireland, 239; death of, 259

Brus, Marie de, imprisoned by order of Edward II., 139

Brus, Nigel de, capture and death of, 139

Brus, Robert de, first Lord of Annandale, 18; a friend of David I., ib.; speech attributed to, before the battle of the Standard, 30; joins Stephen against David I., ib.

Brus, Robert de, second Lord of Annandale, 19

Brus, Robert de, third Lord of Annandale, 20

Brus, Robert de, fifth Lord of Annandale, 20

Brus, Robert de, the Competitor, sixth Lord of Annandale, 20; designated heir to the Scottish throne by Alexander II., 41; attempt to seize the kingdom for, ib.; a claimant to the Scottish throne, 56

Brus, Robert de, "le viel," seventh Lord of Annandale, 21; romantic marriage of, ib.; character of, 77; Governor of Carlisle, 85; asked to resign by Edward I., 93; death of, 114

Brus, Robert de, eighth Lord of Annandale, see Bruce, Robert

Brus, Thomas de, and the death of John Comyn, 129; defeat and death of, 149

Brus, William de, Lord of Brember, 18

Brus, William de, fourth Lord of Annandale, 20

Buchan, Countess of, crowns Bruce at Scone, 131; imprisoned by order of Edward II., 139

Buchan, Earl of, see Beaumont

Burghs, Scottish, wise policy of the kings regarding, 349


Caerlaverock, siege of, by Edward I., 106

Caerlaverock, The Roll of, 105; description of army of Edward I. in, ib.

Caithness, Bishop of, appointed Chancellor of Scotland, 60

Cambuskenneth Abbey, Brace's compact with the Bishop of St. Andrews at, 120

Cambuskenneth, Parliament at, 303

Campbell, Sir Colin, chastised by Bruce for breach of discipline, 240

Campbell, Sir Nigel, appointed a commissioner by Bruce to treat for peace with Edward II., 227

Cantyre, Bruce builds a castle on, 300

Cardross, Bruce's residence at, 301, 302

Carlisle, Earl of, see Harcla

Carlisle, Robert de Brus, "le viel," appointed Governor of, 72; siege of, 94, 99, 231; muster of the English army at, 105

Carrick, Earl of, see Bruce

Carrickfergus, siege of, 238

Chronica Gentis Scotorum, see Scotichronicon

Clackmannan Castle, Bruce's residence at, 193

Clare, Richard de, English commander in Ireland, 244

Clifford, Sir Robert de, campaign against Wallace by, 85; appointed a Guardian of Scotland, 186; at the battle of Bannockburn, 206

Clonmacnoise, Annals of, 236-238

Clydesdale, Wallace in, 85

Coal, as English payment of ransom, 274, 297

Coinage, Scottish, 351

Comyn, John, influence of, as a Guardian of Scotland, 50; claim to the Scottish throne advanced by, 58; quarrels with Bruce, 102; appointed a Guardian of Scotland, defeats English troops at Roslyn, 112; surrenders to England, ib.; sent into exile, 113; sentence of exile conditionally remitted, 116; assassinated by Bruce, 126; cause of the quarrel between Bruce and, 127

Conyers, battle of, 236.

Corbridge burnt by the Earl of Buchan, 72

Cornwall, Earl of, see Gaveston

Coronation Stone, of Scotland, removal of, by Edward I., 79

Crab, John, Scottish engineer at the siege of Berwick, 266

Craigencallie, Bruce at, 157

Cressingham, Sir Hugh de, appointed Treasurer of Scotland, 82; defeated by Wallace at Stirling Bridge, 92; death of, ib.

Cullen, death of Bruce's queen at, 330

Cumberland, considered a part of Scotland, 93; raids by the Scots in, 99

Cumbria, the ancient British kingdom of, 24

Customs of the Scots and Brets, forbidden by Parliament, 123


Dalry, defeat of Bruce at, 138

David I., youth of, 26; feudal government of, ib., 27; invasion of England by, 29; battle of the Standard, 31; death of, ib.; ardour for Scottish independence of, 34

David II., birth of, 296; marriage to Princess Johanna of England, 331-334; crowned at Scone, 366

Despenser, Sir Hugh le, with Edward II. at Bannockburn, 215; English commissioner at York, 297

Devorguila, mother of John de Balliol, 62

Dirleton Castle, captured by the Bishop of Durham, 95

"Douglas Larder," the, 150

Douglas, Sir James, at the battle of Methven, 135; wounded at the battle of Dalry, 138; captures Brodick Castle, 146; the "Douglas Larder," 150; defeats Sir John de Moubray near Kilmarnock, 163; curious letter concerning, 165; re-captures his own castle, 174; success in Tweeddale of, 180; with Bruce in Argyll, 184; captures Roxburgh Castle, 194; command of, at Bannockburn, 201; magnanimous bravery of, at Bannockburn, 208; created a knight banneret, 213; makes a raid through Durham, 231; attack on Berwick by Bruce and, 233; victory at Scaithmoor, by, 234, 235; joint Guardian of Scotland during Bruce's absence in Ireland, 239; victory of Lintalee by, 247; combat between de Neville and, 248; treaty between the Earl of Lancaster and, 279; invades England, 308; generous rivalry between Moray and, 312; assault on the English camp by, 315; receives back his English property from Edward III., 327; Bruce commissions, to carry his heart to the Holy Land, 338; probable descent of, 347; Bruce's last wishes regarding the duties of Moray and, 357; receives letters of protection from Edward III, on his mission to the Holy Land, 358; reaches Seville, 360; takes part in a battle against the Saracens, 361; death of, ib.; buried at Douglas, 362; Barbour's description of, 364; relics of, 365

Douglas, Sir William de, a Scottish leader, 86; surrenders to the English at Irvine, 87; imprisoned at Berwick, 89

Dryburgh Abbey, the burning of, 282

Dublin, defence of, 241

Dumfries, treaty between England and Scotland concluded at, 108; Bruce slays Comyn in the Greyfriars Church at, 130; Edward II. at, 173; Bruce captures, 191

Dunaverty Castle, Bruce at, 143

Dunbar, Patrick de, Earl of March, a claimant to the Scottish throne, 56; appointed captain of the English forces in Scotland, 99; urged by Edward I. to proceed against Wallace, 113; gives shelter to Edward II. after Bannockburn, 222; joins the Scottish national party, 239

Dunbarton Castle, Parliament at Westminster makes provision for the safe custody of, 123

Dunblane, churches at, stripped of lead by Edward I. for war material, 114

Dundalk, the storming of, 236

Dundee, story of Wallace at, 83; surrender to Wallace of the castle of, 93

Dunfermline, birth of David II. at, 296; Bruce buried at, 341; a burial-place of Scottish kings, 342; destruction of the abbey at, ib.

Dunkeld, Bishop of, see Sinclair

Dunstaffnage, capture of, 185

Durham, Bishop of, see Beck

Durham, Douglas makes a raid through, 231


Eadgar Aetheling, seeks refuge at the Scottish Court, 24

Earldom, value of an, in Norman days, 26

Edinburgh, the English army at, 200; sack of Holyrood, 282; Parliament at, 328, 335

Edinburgh Castle, Parliament at Westminster makes provision for the safe custody of, 123; siege of, by Randolph Moray, 195

Edward I., directions by, as to the marriage between his son and Princess Margaret, 44; letter from, to the Bishop of St. Andrews, 47; request from the Scottish Guardians to, 53; conference with Scottish nobles at Norham, 55; collects records of homage of Scottish kings, 56; judgment regarding the claims of Bruce and de Balliol, 64; commands John de Balliol to join him in London, 70; prepares for war against Scotland, 71; receives homage of Scottish barons, ib.; makes a progress through Scotland, 75, 79; Wallace and, 79; removes the Coronation Stone from Scone to Westminster, 79; invades Scotland, 95; fights the battle of Falkirk, 96, 98; instance of the cruelty of, 100; prepares for a great expedition into Scotland, 104; Pope Boniface opposes the claim to Scotland of, 108; keen pursuit of Wallace by, 113; holds a Parliament at St. Andrews, ib.; lays siege to Stirling Castle, 120; scheme of, for the government of Scotland, 122; summons Scottish commissioners to a Parliament at Westminster, ib.; alleged design against the life of Bruce by, 128; favour shown toward Bruce by, ib.; hears of the assassination of Comyn, 132; orders a campaign in Scotland, 133; letters from, to Aymer de Valence, ib., 134, 142; sufferings from dysentery of, 135; orders Bruce's sister and daughter to be imprisoned in "cages," 139; lays a charge against Scottish prelates before the Pope, 141; fury of, at defeat of Loudon Hill, 165; probability of ultimate triumph over Scotland of, 166; death of, 167; dying injunctions of, to the Prince of Wales, ib.; legend on the tomb of, ib.; character of, ib., 168

Edward II., irresolute spirit of, 173; invades Scotland, 187; route into Scotland of, ib.; at the battle of Bannockburn, 213; contempt for the Scottish army at Bannockburn by, 215; headstrong conduct at Bannockburn of, ib.; flight from the field of Bannockburn, 221; founds Oriel College, Oxford, 223; assembles a Parliament at York, 226; letters from Bruce to, expressing a desire for peace, 227; intrigues of, with Scottish barons, 261; prepares to capture Berwick, 265; sues for peace, 270; adopts secret measures to win over the Scots, 278; boasts that he will establish peace by force of arms, 280; invades Scotland a second time, 281; disgust among his followers for, 289; renews proposals for peace, 291; complaints as to the Pope's recognition of Bruce as King of Scotland, 295; commands Edward de Balliol to return to England, 297; abdication of, 305

Edward III., succeeds to the throne, 305; confirms the truce made by his father, 306; commands an army against the Scots, 310; proclamation of, during campaign against the Scots, 311; failure of Scottish campaign of, 318; issues letters of protection to Douglas on his mission to the Holy Land, 359

Elgin, Edward I. at, 79

Elizabeth, wife of Bruce, death of, 329; incidents in the life of, 330

Eric, King of Norway, negotiations between Edward I. as to the marriage between Princess Margaret and Prince Edward, 42; sends plenipotentiaries to England to confer as to the succession of Princess Margaret, ib.; claim to the Scottish succession by, 58

Exchequer Rolls, evidence regarding Bruce's work in the, 299


Fabyan, story of Bruce's sojourn in Norway by, 145

Falaise, treaty of, 56

Falkirk, battle of, 96-98

Fife, English invaders in, 251

Flanders, expedition by Edward I. to, 89

Flemings, encouraged to settle in Scotland, 349

Flemish merchants, gallant defence of Berwick by, 74

Fœdera Angelicana, Rymer's, 13

Folk-lore, the spider in, 15

Fordun, John of, the Scotichronicon by, 8; remark on claimants to the Scottish throne by, 50; opinion of, as to settlement of the Scottish succession, 65; account by, of a plot against Bruce, 275

Forfar, captured by Bruce, 190

France, collections of public treaties printed in, 12

Fraser, Sir Simon, joins the Scottish national party, 111; sent into exile, 124; execution of, 140

Fraser, William, Bishop of St. Andrews, letter to Edward I. from, 47; policy of, as to the Scottish succession, 50, 51

Free trade, policy of, in Scotland, 350

French knights in the English army, 285

Froissart, historical point of view of, 2; story as to the last wishes of Edward I., 167; description of Scottish cavalry by, 308; on the death of Bruce, 338, 339

Furness, the Scots at, 235


Gael, ancient contempt for the Saxon by the, 28

Galloway, struggle for independence of, 31; uncultivated state of Crown lands in, 40; the English in, 107; raid of Bruce in, 173; Edward de Brus in, 183; an Act concerning, 351

Galythly, Patrick, claim to the Scottish throne by, 58

Gascons, fight between the Scots and, 234

Gaveston, Piers, Earl of Cornwall, honours bestowed upon, by Edward II., 173, 180; Warden of Scotland north of the Forth, 188; sentenced to perpetual exile, ib.; death of, 197

Glasgow, Bishop of, see Wischard

Glentrool, adventures of Bruce in, 157

Gloucester, Earl of, speech to Edward I. by, regarding the Scottish succession, 65; counsels flight of Bruce from England, 128; appointed Captain-General of the English forces in Scotland, 187; at the battle of Bannockburn, 206 et seq.; death of, 219

Gray, Sir Thomas (senior), warlike distinction of, 4; taken prisoner at the battle of Bannockburn, 208

Gray, Sir Thomas, authorship of the Scalacronica, 5; warlike experiences of, ib.; narration of Bruce's flight from England, 129; story of the assassination of Comyn, ib.

Great Britain, the printing of public treaties in, 12

Guacelin, Cardinal, sent to excommunicate Bruce, 251

Guardians, Scottish, six appointed, 39; number of, reduced to four, 41; meeting of the, with Edward I. and Eric of Norway, 42; dissensions between the, 50; besiege Stirling Castle, 104


Haco, King of Norway, defeat of, 33

Hailes, Lord, deceived by Barbour's inaccuracies, 7; the Annals by, 13; praiseworthy historical researches of, ib.; Sir Walter Scott on, ib.; remarks on the conferences between Scottish nobles and Edward I., 60; opinion of, regarding Bruce's claim to the Scottish throne, 66; on the letter of the cardinals to the Pope, regarding Bruce, 251-252; on the terms of peace between Bruce and Edward II., 254; on summary of provisions of English Parliament at Northampton, 324, 325

Haliburton, Ralf de, betrayer of Wallace, 117

Harcla, Sir Andrew de, gallant defence of Carlisle by, 231; makes an agreement with Bruce, 287; arrested by Edward II., 289; trial of, ib.; execution of, 290

Hardy, Sir T. D., historical labours of, 3

Harry, Blind, inaccuracy of the poem on Wallace by, 82, 84

Hartlepool, messengers to King Eric of Norway sail from, 46; Douglas occupies, 231; in terror of the Scots, 258

Hastings, Sir John de, a claimant to the Scottish throne, 56

Haye, Sir Gilbert de la, denounced a traitor by Edward I., 134; appointed a commissioner by Bruce to treat for peace with Edward II., 227

Hemingburgh, Walter of, value of the writings of, 3; on Bruce's relations with Wallace, 85; graphic description of the battle of Falkirk by, 96

Heraldry in the time of Edward I., 105

Hertford, imprisonment of de Balliol at, 78

Hexham, burnt by the Scots, 72; curious protection granted to, 94

Highlanders, bravery of, at the battle of Biland, 284

Highlands, free from the English, 104; Bruce's plans for defence of the, 299

Holinshed, description of the English soldiers by, 309

Holland, Count of, a claimant to the Scottish throne, 56

Holyrood, sack of, 282

Homage, claim by Henry III. for, from Scotland, 35; instances of, done by Kings of Scotland to those of England, commanded to be read by Edward I. at a conference at Norham, 56; done by de Balliol, 68; done by James the Steward, 142

Hume, David, silence of, regarding Bruce's claim to the Scottish throne, 66

Hume, of Godscroft, anecdote of Sir James Douglas by, 16

Huntingdon, David I. and the earldom of, 31


Inchaffray, Abbot of, at the battle of Bannockburn, 213

Inchcolm, Abbot of, see Bower

Ingibiorg, Princess, marriage to Malcolm Canmore of, 24

Innes, Cosmo, edition of Barbour's Brus by, 6

Ireland, Edward I. collects supplies in, 105; campaign of Edward de Brus in, 236-244; famine in, 237; Bruce arrives in, 239; Bruce's march through, ib.-244; supposed second expedition of Bruce into, 319

Irvine, surrendered to the English, 87

Itchenstoke, Edward I. hears of the coronation of Bruce at, 132


Jedburgh Castle, Parliament at Westminster makes provision for the safe custody of, 123

Jedworth Forest, English attempt to level, 247

Justiciaries, appointment of, in Scotland, 123


Keith, Sir Robert de, appointed warden of Selkirk Forest, 102; leads a cavalry charge at Bannockburn, 217; appointed a commissioner to treat for peace with Edward II, 227

Kenlis, battle of, 236

Kildrummie Castle, Parliament at Westminster orders, into the responsible keeping of the Earl of Carrick, 124; captured by the English, 131

Kinghorn, death of Alexander III. at, 36

Kirkpatrick, with Bruce at the assassination of Comyn, 130

Kirkpatrick, Sir Roger de, appointed a commissioner to treat for peace with Edward II., 227


Laing, Dr. David, opinion of, as to the historical accuracy of Boece and Buchanan, 12

Lamberton, William de, Bishop of St. Andrews, appointed a Guardian of Scotland, 102; deputed by Edward II. to use his influence to bring the Scots to terms, 188; excommunicated, 272; represents Scotland in the negotiations for peace at York, 296; warlike spirit of, 326; death of, 335

Lanark, Wallace slays the sheriff of, 85

Lancaster, Earl of, appointed Guardian of Scotland, 246; treaty between Douglas and, 279

Lanercost, Chronicle of, characteristics of the, 4; where compiled, ib.; evidence regarding the history of the, ib.; on the Scottish rebellion at the time of Wallace, 84; on the execution of de Harcla, 290; on the truce between Bruce and Edward II., 306; on the treaty between Bruce and Edward III., 324; on the Scottish Coronation Stone, 328

Largs, battle of, 33

Leinster, incident in Bruce's invasion near, 240

Lennox, Earl of, devotion to the cause of Bruce by, 144; Bruce exchanges certain lands with, 301

Letter from Scottish laymen to Pope John XXII., 272-274

Lincoln, reply by Edward I. to Pope Boniface drawn up at, 108; English Parliament at, 321

Lindsay, Sir Alexander de, sent into exile, 124

Linlithgow Castle, Parliament at Westminster makes provision for the safe custody of, 123; siege of, 192

Lintalee, battle of, 247

Livingston, Andrew de, sheriff of Lanark, slain by Wallace, 85

Lochmaben Castle, handed over by Edward I. to the Earl of Buchan, 77; imprisonment of Scottish hostages in, 100; siege of, by Bruce, 102; forfeited to England, 133; captured by the English, 139

Lomond, Loch, Bruce's retreat on an island in, 145

London, de Balliol summoned by Edward I. to, 70; trial of Wallace in, 118

Lorn, John of, opposition to Bruce by, 152-156; captures the Isle of Man from the Scots, 245

Lothian, the prey of rival Saxon chiefs, 23

Loudon Hill, battle of, 165

Luke, Cardinal, sent to excommunicate Bruce, 251

Lumphannan, battle of, 247

Lundin, Sir Richard de, deserts the Scottish rebels, 86; advises Surrey at the battle of Stirling, 91


MacAlpin, Kenneth, the Scottish kingdom of, 22

Macandrosser, attack on Bruce by the, 138

Macbeth is defeated by Malcolm Canmore, 23

Macdouall, Sir Dougal, defeats the brothers of Bruce, 149; in command of Dumfries Castle, 191; death of, 318

Macdoualls, defeat of the, by Edward de Brus, 184

Macduffs, hereditary privilege of the, 131

MacEth, Wimund, Celtic rising under, 29

Maid of Norway, see Margaret, Princess

Maitland Club, edition of the Chronicle of Lanercost printed for the, 4

Malcolm Canmore, defeat of Macbeth by, 23; diplomatic policy of, 24

Mandeville, Roger de, a claimant to the Scottish throne, 58

Mar (Donald), Earl of, with Bruce in Weardale, 310; succeeds Moray as Regent, 370

Mar, Earl of, favours the cause of Bruce, 76

March, Earl of, see Dunbar, Patrick de

Margaret, Princess, marriage to Alexander III. of, 34

Margaret, Princess, the Maid of Norway, proposed marriage to Prince Edward of, 42; lavish expenditure by Edward I. on behalf of, 46; story that she had been kidnapped, 49; an impostor calling herself, ib.; death of, ib.

Marjorie, Princess, imprisoned by order of Edward II., 139

Marmion, Sir William, adventure of, 263

Matilda, Princess, married to Henry I., 26

Mauley, Sir Edmund de, death of, at Bannockburn, Maxwell, Sir John de, entertains Wallace, 104

Melrose, proposed interview between English commissioners and Bruce near, 188

Melrose Abbey, sack of, 252; plan for restoration of, 298; Bruce's heart buried in, 362

Melton, Archbishop, English force led by, 269; warlike spirit of, 326

Menteith, Sir John de, supposed betrayal of Wallace by, 117; joins Bruce, 186

Menteith, Murdoch de, plot against Bruce by, 275

Merlin, prophecy of, 172

Methven, battle of, 135

Monthermer, Sir Ralph de, Bruce defeats, 166; released unconditionally by Bruce after Bannockburn, 224

Moray, Sir Andrew de, colleague of Wallace, 84; lays siege to Urquhart Castle, 90

Moray, Earl of, see Moray, Randolph

Moray, Sir John de, taken prisoner by the English at Carlisle, 232

Moray, Randolph, taken prisoner at Methven, 135; pardoned by Edward I., 142; taken prisoner by Douglas, 181; reason of his opposition to Bruce, 182; blockades Edinburgh Castle, 195; command at Bannockburn of, 201; bravery of, at Bannockburn, 206-209; with Edward de Brus in Ireland, 229, 237, 239; appointed joint Guardian of Scotland by Bruce, ib.; with Bruce at the battle of Biland, 283; goes on an embassy to the Pope, 293; reasons urged to the Pope for recognition of Bruce as King of Scotland, ib., 294; successful diplomacy of, 295; represents Scotland in negotiations for peace at York, 296; goes to France to arrange treaty with King Charles, 303; invades England, 308; generous rivalry between Douglas and, 312; appointed Regent after the death of Bruce, 358; death of, 369; personal appearance of, 370

Moray, Thomas, see Moray, Randolph

More, Sir Thomas de la, the chronicle by, 2

Mortimer, Earl of, charged with treachery, 318; treaty of Northampton the work of, 367

Moubray, Sir John de, defeated by Douglas, 163

Moubray, Sir Philip de, unhorses Bruce at Methven, 135; counsels Edward I. at Bannockburn, 204; delivers up Stirling Castle to Bruce, 224; enters the service of Bruce, ib.; with Edward de Brus in Ireland, 229

Myton, the Chapter of, 269


Newcastle, Balliol does homage to Edward I. at, 68; execution of Scottish prisoners at, 141; muster of an English army at, 246, 265, 307

Norham, conference between Edward I. and Scottish nobles at, 55; the scene of many exploits, 263

Norman-French spoken in Scotland, 34

Norsemen, districts of Scotland occupied by, 23

Northampton, deliberations at, regarding peace between England and Scotland, 324

Northumberland, considered a part of Scotland, 32; overrun by Wallace, 93; invaded by Edward de Brus, 226; a Scottish army invades, 257


O'Connor, Eth, chief of Connaught, invoked as an auxiliary by Edward I., 198

Oliphant, Sir William de, defends Stirling Castle, 115

O'Neills, crown of Ireland offered to Edward de Brus by the, 228

Oriel College, Oxford, Edward I. and the founding of, 223

Orkney, death of the Maid of Norway at, 49

Ormesby, Sir William de, appointed Justiciar of Scotland, 82

Overlord of Scotland, Edward I. assumes the title of, 60, 69, 70


Pembroke, Earl of, see Valence Percy, Sir Henry de, knighted at the sack of Berwick, 73; encounters Wallace in Ayrshire, 84; campaign against Wallace by 85; created Earl of Carrick instead of Bruce, 133; appointed Warden of Scotland north of the Forth, 188

Perth, churches of, stripped of lead by Edward I. for war material, 114; Bruce captures, 191

Philip, King of France, secret treaty between de Balliol and, 71; Wallace seeks the assistance of, 103; attempts an alliance with the Scots, ib.; secures a truce between England and Scotland, 108

Picardy, de Balliol in, 79

Picts, ancient territory of the, 22

Pinkeny, Robert de, a claimant to the Scottish throne, 57

Placita Roll, account of the invasion of Scotland by Edward I. in the, 78

Pope Boniface, message to Edward I. from, 108; claim to the kingdom of Scotland by, ib.; letter from Edward I. to, 109

Pope Clement V. issues a mandate of excommunication against Bruce, 186

Pope John XXII., issues a bull commanding a truce between England and Scotland, 251; continues to act in interest of Edward II., 271; letter to Edward II. from, urging peace, 277; letter to Edward II. from, regarding consent to Bruce's title as King of Scotland, 294

Pope Nicholas IV. grants dispensation for the marriage between Prince Edward and Princess Margaret, 44

Provins, treaty of, 103


Raa, Rawe, betrayer of Wallace, 117

Rachrin (Rathlin), Bruce seeks shelter in the island of, 145

Ragman Roll, no record of de Balliol's reign in, 77; origin of the, 79; returned by Edward III. to the Scots, 328

Randolph, Thomas, see Moray, Randolph

"Randolph's Field," 209

Red Hall, at Berwick, gallant defence of, 74

Richard I. grants remission of homage to William the Lion, 32

Richmond, Earl of, appointed Warden of Scotland, 172; opposes Bruce in Galway, 174; mission to the Scots by, 279; defeated by the Scots at Biland, 283

Robert II., birth of, 230; the Scottish crown settled upon, 260

Rome, Church of, enormous political power of, 325

Rood, the Black, returned by Edward III. to the Scots, 328

Ros, Sir William de, a claimant to the Scottish throne, 57; appointed joint Warden of Scotland, 186

Roslyn, battle of, 111

Roxburgh Castle, surrendered to Edward I., 75; plot by Scottish leaders to surprise, 101; Parliament at Westminster makes provision for the safe custody of, 123; captured by Douglas, 194

Rufus, William, reconciliation between Malcolm Canmore and, 24

Ryan, Loch, the landing of Bruce's brothers at, 149

Rymer, Thomas, the Fœdera Anglicana of, 13


Salisbury, conference between representatives of England, Scotland, and Norway at, 42

Scaithmoor, battle of, 234

Scalacronica, 'the authorship of, 5; mention of Wallace in, 85

Scone, coronation of de Balliol at, 68; Edward I. removes the Scottish Coronation Stone from, 79; coronation of Bruce at, 131; Scottish Parliament at, 260, 274, 298; David II. crowned at, 366

Scotia, the ancient kingdom of, 22

Scotichronicon, the, 8; account of events in Scotland in, after the death of Princess Margaret, 50

Scotland, early history of, 22-37; first consolidation of the present kingdom of, 33; degree to which the ruling class had become alien in, 34; distractions by the barons, 51; civil dissension in, 76; scheme of Edward I. for the government of, 122; trade with the Low Countries, 261; laymen's plea to the Pope on behalf of, 272

Scots, fusion of Picts and, 28; antipathy of, to the Welshmen of Strathclyde, ib.

Scott, Sir Walter, encomium of Lord Hailes by, 13; at Douglas Castle, 366

Scutage, remission by Edward I. of, due by Bruce, 128

Seal, the Scottish, broken and sent to the English Treasury, 68

Selkirk, foundation charter of the monastery of, 27; meeting between Bruce and English commissioners at, 188

Selkirk Forest, Wallace's retreat in, 83; Sir Robert de Keith appointed warden of, 102

Seton, Sir Alexander de, rescues Bruce at Methven, 135; counsels Bruce at Bannockburn, 211

Seven Earls, the, ancient constitution of, 27; complaint of, 52

Sheriffs, appointed over every county in Scotland, 123

Sinclair, William, Bishop of Dunkeld defeats English forces in Fife, 249; excommunicated, 272

Siward, Earl, campaign against Macbeth by, 23

Siward, Sir Richard de, accompanies Edward I. to France, 90

Skene, Mr. W. F., edition of the Gesta Annalia by, 9

Soulis, Sir Nicholas de, a claimant to the Scottish throne, 57

"Sow," English war-engine called the, 265

Spalding Club, edition of The Brus published by the, 6

Spider, story of Bruce and the, 14-16

Standard, battle of the, 29

St. Andrews, Bishop of, see Fraser and Lamberton

St. Andrews, Parliament held by Edward I. at, 114

State, peculiar social and political relations of Church and, 142

State Papers, jealously guarded before the English civil war, 12; later treatment of, ib.; Parliament and the editing of, 13

St. Bride, patron saint of Douglas, 359

Steward, James the, surrenders Roxburgh Castle to Edward I., 75; sent into exile, 113; does homage to Edward I., 142

Steward, Walter the, command of, at Bannockburn, 201; created a knight banneret by Bruce, 213; married to the daughter of Bruce, 230; joint Guardian of Scotland during Bruce's absence in Ireland, 239; in command at Berwick, 266; at the battle of Biland, 284; death of, 303

Stevenson, Mr. Joseph, edition of the Chronicle of Lanercost by, 4

St. Fillan, Bruce and a relic of, 210

Stirling, battle of, 91; siege of the castle of, 114, 115, 197; Parliament at Westminster makes provision for the safe custody of, 123

Stoke Goldington, letter of Edward I. from, 134

Stone, Scottish Coronation, removed by Edward I. to Westminster, 79

St. Paul's Cathedral, sentence of excommunication passed upon Bruce in, 135

Stracathro, de Balliol's statement on his abdication made at, 77

Strathord, surrender of Comyn at, 112

Surrey, Earl of, see Warenne


Tanistry, Celtic law of, 63

Temple-Listen, English camp at, 95

Thorfinn, Earl, supports the usurper Macbeth, 23

Torwood, Bruce's army in the, 199

Turnberry, meeting of nobles at, to discuss the Scottish succession, 41; Bruce's landing at, 148

Twenge, Sir Marmaduke de, in command of the English cavalry at the battle of Stirling, 92; released unconditionally by Bruce after the battle of Bannockburn, 225

Tynedale, a raid on, 72

Tytler, silent regarding Bruce's claims to the Scottish throne, 66


Ulster, campaign of Bruce in, 237-240

Ulster, Earl of, commands English troops in Ireland, 236

Umfraville, Gilbert de, Earl of Angus, demands an indemnity from Edward I., 59

Umfraville, Sir Ingelram de, leads a foray of the Scots, 101; appointed sheriff of Roxburgh, 102; plots against Bruce, 152; appointed joint Warden of Scotland, 186; opinion on the Scottish tactics at Bannockburn, 215; taken prisoner at Bannockburn, 220

Upsettlington, conference between Edward I. and Scottish nobles at, 58


Valence, Aymer de, Earl of Pembroke, appointed Lieutenant of Scotland, 133; letters from Edward I. to, ib.-134; defeats Bruce at Methven, 135; reproached by Edward I., 151; defeated by Bruce at Loudon Hill, 164; resigns his command in Scotland, 172; accompanies Edward II. in his flight from Bannockburn, 221; appointed Guardian between Trent and Tweed, 226; uniform ill-fortune of, 233

Vincenza, Bishop of, Balliol entrusted to the charge of, 78


Wake, Lord, claim for restoration of lands in Scotland, 367; joins the Earl of March in invading Scotland, 369

Wallace, Sir Malcolm, quarrels with Sir David de Graham as to the estate of Sir William Wallace, 101

Wallace, Sir William, first public record of, 80; youth of, 82; legends regarding the powers of, 84; slays the King's sheriff, 85; in favour of the restoration of de Balliol, 87; defeats the English at Stirling, 91; recognised as the national champion, 93; assumes the title of Governor of Scotland, 95; loses his ascendancy, 102; makes a journey abroad, 103; is imprisoned by King Philip of France, ib.; efforts of Edward I. to capture, 116; betrayal of, 117; trial of, 118; execution of, ib.; charges preferred against, 119

Walsingham, Thomas of, value of the writings of, 3; testimony of, as to Bruce's clemency, 224

Wanton, Sir John de, defeated by Douglas, 175

Warenne, John de, Earl of Surrey, defeats de Balliol at Dunbar, 75; appointed Governor of Scotland, 82

Wark, muster of the English army at, 198

Weardale, campaign of Bruce in, 319

Welbeck, Abbot of, appointed to convey the Maid of Norway to England, 46

Westminster, letters patent of Balliol deposited at, 69; Edward I. summons Balliol to, ib.; Edward I. removes the Scottish Coronation Stone to, 79; Parliament at, 122; Scottish commissioners at the Parliament at, ib.; proposals of English and Scottish commissioners at, 123

Wigtownshire, uncultivated state of Crown lands in, 40

William I., the Lion, fights in the army of Henry II., 32; conditions of homage to the English King agreed upon by, ib.

William, the Conqueror, compels Malcolm Canmore to do homage, 24

William Rufus, reconciliation between Malcolm Canmore and, 24

Wischard (Wishart), Robert, Bishop of Glasgow, the rising of Wallace inspired by, 84; documentary confession of Scottish rebel leaders drawn up by, 86; imprisonment of, 108; sentenced to exile, 113; supports Bruce as King of Scotland, 131

Wymes (Wemyss), Sir Michael de, obnoxious to Edward I., 134

Wyntoun, Andrew of, the metrical chronicle by, 9; minute descriptions by, 11; comparative accuracy of, ib.; apocryphal account of the death of Princess Margaret by, 49


Yarmouth, the fitting up of a ship for the Maid of Norway at, 46

York, Archbishop of, opinion of, as to proposals of peace between England and Scotland, 227; holds a council of war at Doncaster, 230

York, Parliament of Edward II. at, 226; English army at, 259; meeting between English and Scottish commissioners at, 323