Roman Catholic Opposition to Papal Infallibility/List of Authorities
The following list of books has been compiled, partly to show the editions to which references have been made, and partly as a help to study. It is, of course, needless to say that such a list has no pretensions whatever to completeness.
Acta. Concil. Vaticani. Collectio Lacensis. T. vii. 1892.
Acton. History of Freedom.
Acton„ Sendschreiben an einem Deutschen Bischof. 1870.
Alzog. History of the Church.
Anonymous. Pourquoi le Clergé Français est Ultramontane. 1879.
Anonymous.„ Ce quise passe au Concile. 1870.
Aquinas. Opuscula Selecta. Paris. 4 vols. 1884.
Aquinas.„ In Sententiis. 3 vols. Parma Edit.
Argentre, D'. Elementa Theologica. Paris. 1702.
Augustine. Works. Gaume's Edition.
Barral. Defense des Libertés de l'Eglise Gallicane. 1817.
Baunard. Hist, de Card. Pie. 2 vols. Paris. 1886.
Bausset, Card. Histoire de Bossuet. 4 vols.
Bellarmine. De Controversiis. Works, 11 vols. Paris. 1874.
Bergier. Dict. de Theologie. 12 vols. Paris. 1876.
Berrington & Kirk. Faith of Catholics. 1830.
Billuart. De Ecclesia.
Bonnechose. Hist. C. Constance.
Bossuet. Works. Ed. F. Lachat. 30 vols. Paris. 1864.
Botalla. Infallible Authority of the Pope.
Bourgeois et Clermont. Rome et Napoleon. 3 vols. 1907.
Bryce. Biographical Studies.
Butler. Historical Memorials of the English Catholics.
Cambridge Modern History—French Revolution.
Carson. Reunion Essays. 1903.
Cecconi. Histoire du Concile du Vatican. French transl. 4 vols. 1887.
Chauvin. Le Père Gratry. 1901.
Choupin L. Valeur des Decisions Doctrinale. 1908.
Chrismann. Regula Fidei Catholicæ. 1854.
Christophe. Histoire de la Papautè, pendant le XIV. Siècle. 3 vols. 1853.
Clifford, Lord. Letters to the Earl of Winchelsea.
Cobb, G. F. Few Words on Reunion. 1869.
Consalvi, Card. Memoires. 2 vols. Cretineau-Joly. 1864.
Correspondant. 10th Feb. 1906. Articles by Thureau Dangin.
Cyprian. Ed. Hartel. 3 vols.
Dechamps. L'Infallibilité et le Concile Général. 1869.
Denzinger. Enchiridion. 1854.
Döllinger & Reusch. Die Selbstbiographie des Cardinals Bellarmin.
Döllinger„. Declarations and Letters.
Duchesne. Beginnings of the Temporal Power of the Pope. 1908.
Dupanloup. Observations. 1869.
Dupanloup„. Lettre sur le futur Concile Œcuménique addressée par Mgr. L'Évêque, d'Orleans au clergé de son Diocese. 1868.
Dupanloup„. See Chapon. Mgr. Dupanloup et la Liberté. 1889. and Revue du Clergé Français. 1st May 1909, p. 375.
Fessler. True and False Infallibility. 1871.
Fleury. Histoire Ecclesiastique. Avignon. 1777.
Foisset. C. de Montalembert.
Follenay. Vie de C. Guibert. 2 vols.
Foulon. Darboy. 1889.
Franzelin. De Traditione.
Friedberg. Aktenstücke. 1876.
Friedrich. Documenta ad illustrandum Conc. Vat. 2 vols. 1871.
Friedrich.„ Döllinger. Sein Leben. 3 vols. Munchen. 1899.
Friedrich.„ Tagebuch. 1871.
Gallitzin. Defence of Catholic Principles.
Garnier. Liber Diurnus.
Gasquet. Lord Acton and his Circle.
Gerson. De Auferibilitate Papæ ab Ecclesia.
Gerson„. Life by Schwab. 1859.
Ghilardi. Torquemada De Plenitudine Potestatis R. P. 1870.
Gladstone. Vaticanism.
Gosselin. Temporal Power of the Pope in the Middle Ages. Transl. by Kelly of Maynooth. 2 vols. 1853.
Goyau. L'Allemayne religieuse. 5 vols. 1905.
Granderarth. Vatican Council. 3 vols.
Gratry. Letters.
Gregorovius. Roman Journals.
Grisar. Lainez-Disputationes Tridentince. 2 vols. 1886.
Gueranger. De la Monarchie Pontificate. 1870.
Guettée. Histoire de l'Eglise de France. 12 vols. 1856.
Guillermin. Vie de Mgr. Darboy. 1888.
Halifax, Lord. In Nineteenth Century. May 1901.
Hasenclever. Das neue Dogma von der Unfehlbarkeit des Papstes. 1872.
Hefele. Conciliengeschichte. First Edition. 1855.
Hefele.Second Edition.
Hefele.French translation. 12 vols. Goschler and Delarc. 1859.
Hefele.English translation. 5 vols. from 2nd edition. 1872. (By Clark & Oxenham.)
Hefele.„Honorius und das sechste Allgemeine Concil. 1870.
Hefele's letters will be found in Schulte. Altkatholicismus and Revue internationale de Theologie (pp. 485–506). 1908.
Hohenlohe. Memoirs. 2 vols.
Hurter. Compendium Theologiæ Dogmaticæ. 3 vols. 5th edition. 1885.
Husenbeth. Life of Milner. 1862.
Irenæus. Ed. Harvey. 2 vols. 1857.
Janus. The Pope and the Council. Rivingtons. 1869.
Jerome. Ad Rufinium. De Script Eccles.
Jervis. Hist. Ch. France. 2 vols. 1872.
Jervis.„The Gallican Church and the Revolution. 1882.
Jourdain. Hist. Univ. Paris.
Keenan. Controversial Catechism. 17th thousand. 1860.
Ketteler. Le Concile Œcuménique. Tr. Bélet. (?) 1869.
Ketteler.„ Liberté Antorité, Église. Tr. Bélet. 1862.
Ketteler.„ Das Unfehlbare lehramt des Papstes. 1871.
Knabenbauer in Luc.
Krautheimer. Catechism of the Catholic Religion. 1845.
Lagrange. Hist. de Dupanloup. 3 vols.
Lamennais. Œuvres Complètes. 14 vols. Paris. 1836.
Lamennais.„ Correspondance. Ed. Forgues. 2 vols. 1863.
Langen. Das Vat. Dogma. 5 vols. 1870, etc.
Layman (Rom. Cath.). Reasons why a Roman Catholic cannot accept the doctrine of Papal Infallibility as defined by the Vatican Council. 1876.
Lenormant. Les Origines de l'Histoire.
Leto (Pompanio). Eight Months at Rome. 1876.
Lichtenberger. Encyclopédie des Sciences Réligieuses. 12 vols.
Liddon. Life of Pusey. 4 vols.
Liebermann. Institutiones Theologicæ. 5 vols. 1831.
Luzerne, De, Card. Works. Migne. 6 vols.
Maistre, J. De. Œuvres. 8 vols. Bruxelles. 1845.
Manning. Pastoral. 1867.
Manning.„ Petri Privilegium.
Maret. Du Concile Général. 2 vols. 1870.
Marin. De l'Infallibilité Doctrinale. 1870.
Martin, Conrad. Dogmatik.
Melchior, Cano. Opera. 3 vols. Rome. 1890.
Michelis. Der häretische Charakter des Infallibilitätslehre. 1872.
Milner. End of Religious Controversy. Ed. 2. 1819.
Mozely. Essay on Development.
Murray. Tractatus de Ecclesia Christi. 3 vols in six parts. 1862.
Newman. Letter to Bishop Ullathorne—Standard Newspaper. 7th April 1870.
Newman.„Letter to Duke of Norfolk.
Nielsen. Geschichte des Papstthums. 2 vols. 1880.
Ollivier (Emile). L'Eglise et L'Etat. 2 vols.
Orsi. De irreformabili Romani Pontificis in definiendis Fidei controversiis judicio. 3 vols. Rome. 1739.
Pallavicini. Hist. C Trent.
Pastor. History of the Popes. English translation. 1891.
Perraud, A. Le P. Gratry ses Derniers Jours. 1872.
Perron, Du, Card. Les Ambassades et Negotiations. Paris. 1623.
Perrone. De Traditione.
Phillipps, Ambrose de Lisle. Union Review. 1866.
Pius IX. Brief to Archbishop of Munich. See Acta, Conc. Vat.
Puller. Primitive Saints and Roman Church.
Purcell. Life of Manning.
Purcell.„Life of Ambrose de Lisle Phillipps. 2 vols. 1900.
Quirinus. Letters from Rome on the Council. 1870.
Reinkens. Ueber die Einheit der katholischen Kirche. 1877.
Reinkens.„ Kniefall und Fall des Bischop Ketteler. 1877.
Reusch. Letters in Schulte Altkatholicismus.
Review. Dublin. 1869.
Review.„ Home and Foreign. 1863.
Rreview.„ Rambler. 1862.
Revue des Deux Mondes. 1858.
Richerius. Vindiciæ Doctrinæ Majorum. 1683.
Rosière. Liber Diurnus. 1869.
Rudis. Petra Romana. 1869.
Rump. Die Unfehlbarkeit des P. 1870.
Ryder. Idealism in Theology. 1867.
Salmon. Infallibility.
Schulte. Der Altkatholicismus. 1887.
Schwane. Histoire du Dogme. 6 vols. References to the French translation of the Dogmengeschichte.
Sicard. L'Ancien Clergé de France. 3 vols.
Tablet, the. 1869.
Theiner. Acts of the Council of Trent.
Thureau Dangin. La Renaissance Catholique en Angleterre an xix Siècle. 3 vols. 1906.
Turmel. Hist. Théol. Positive. 1906.
Turmel.„ Histoire du Dogme de la Papauté. Paris. 1908.
Ullathorne (Bp.). Letter on the Rambler. 1862.
Ullathorne.„ Autobiography. 2 vols.
Ullathorne.„ Expostulation.
Ullathorne.„ Döllingerites.
L'Univers. 1869.
Veron, Francis. Regula Fidei. Ed. Sebastian Brunner. 1857.Veuillot L. Rome pendant le Concile.
Vincent of Lerins. Commonitorium.
Ward (Bernard). Dawn of the Catholic Revival. 2 vols. 1909.
Ward„ (W.). Life of Wiseman. 2 vols. 1900.
Ward„ (W. G.). Essays on the Church's Doctrinal Authority.
Waterworth. Council of Trent. 1848.
Wordsworth, Ch. Miscellanies. 3 vols. 1879.