Romance of the Rose (Ellis)/Chapter 89
How eight young doves the glorious car
Of Venus bore to where afar
Her son’s great hosting was arrayed,
And how she brought him speedy aid.
Love breaks the truce
Then Venus bade her suite with care
Her chariot, golden wrought, prepare,
For ne’er with miry ways she deals.
But her bright car, whose glittering wheels16530
Are set with fairest orient pearls,
A train of doves through ether whirls.
From out her dove-cot chosen are they,
Pink-footed, but of plumage grey.
In twink of eye the car is dight,
And Venus setteth forth to fight
Her battle against Chastity.
The well-trained birds one moment try
Their wings, and then the air they beat
Untiringly, till rest their feet16540
Where lies the host. Venus descends
From out her chariot, and straight wends
Her son to meet her, who that day
The late-made truce had cast away,
For Love soon proved that little loth
Was he to break his faith and troth.