Rosemary and Pansies/The Wine of Life

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4281654Rosemary and Pansies — The Wine of LifeBertram Dobell


When Love offers
Thee his wine
Ne'er mistrust
Its purple shine;
Quaff it boldly,
Drink it up,
Life's best nectar's
In the cup.

Doubts are traitors,
Fears are foes;
They will bring thee
Naught but woes:
Love's of life
The very breath,
Want of Love
Is life-in-death.

Ever say
A thankful grace
When thou see'st
A lovely face;
When she sings
A song divine
Adore as at
A holy shrine.

Love of all things
Is the best,
Bid it welcome
As thy guest;
Who would miss it,
Missing all
That can befall!

He who loves not
Forfeits wholly
Life's best bliss:
Grace and beauty,
Eyes of fire,
No true man
But must desire.

The richest gifts
From nature's loom
Are youth and beauty
In their bloom:
Priceless treasures!
Seize and hold,
Better far
Than wine or gold!

Say not beauty
Will decay,
Say not youth
Soon flies away:
Could but youth
And beauty stay,
Who would value
Them, I pray?

Boldly venture
Then your all,
Let not fear
Your heart appal:
Beauty is
The prize supreme,
Substance of
The poet's dream!