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Royal Naval Biography/Hoste, William

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2168021Royal Naval Biography — Hoste, WilliamJohn Marshall

Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath; and a Knight of the Austrian Order of Maria Theresa.
[Post-Captain of 1802.]

This officer is descended from Jaques Hoste, Governor of Bruges, in Flanders, whose son Jaques was driven from Zealand by the persecution of the Duke of Alva against the Protestants, and came to England in the year 1569.

He entered the naval service as a Midshipman under the protection of the late Lord Nelson, at the commencement of the French revolutionary war, and served with that great commander in the Agamemnon and other ships, till after the expedition against Teneriffe; when his patron having lost an arm, transferred him to the care of Captain Ralph W. Miller, commanding the Theseus of 74 guns[1]. The following are extracts from Nelson’s correspondence relative to his protégé, previous to the latter attaining his sixteenth year:

To the Rev. Dixon Hoste, of Godwick, Norfolk, Feb. 14, 1794:– “You cannot, my dear Sir, receive more pleasure in reading this letter than I have in writing it, to say that your son is every thing which his dearest friends can wish him to he; and is a strong proof, that the greatest gallantry may lie under the most gentle behaviour. Two days ago it was necessary to take a small vessel from a number of people who had got on shore to prevent us; she was carried in a high style, and your good son was by my side[2].”

To the same, May 3d. “The little brashes we have lately had with the enemy only serve to convince me of the truth of what I have already said of him; and in his navigation you will find him equally forward. He highly deserves every thing I can do to make him happy.”

To Mrs. Nelson. “Hoste is indeed a most exceeding good boy, and will shine in our service.”

In Aug. 1798, Mr. Hoste succeeded the Hon. T. B. Capel in the command of la Mutine, the only small vessel attached to Nelson’s squadron in the battle of the Nile. This appointment being confirmed by the Admiralty in December following, he continued to serve in her till the close of the war. His post commission bears date Jan. 7, 1802. He subsequently commanded the Eurydice of 24 guns, and Amphion frigate.

At the commencement of 1809, we find Captain Hoste employed as senior officer in the Adriatic, where he cruised with unremitting vigilance against the enemy’s vessels, carrying supplies and reinforcements to the garrisons of Ancona, Corfu, and the Ionian islands. On the 8th Feb. the Amphion, in company with the Redwing sloop of war, captured a French brig, mounting six 12-pounders, and destroyed two storehouses of wine and oil collected at Melida, an island near the coast of Dalmatia. She subsequently assisted at the capture of thirteen deeply laden merchantmen in the mole of Pesaro[3]. An account of a very gallant, well-conducted, and successful attack made on the enemy’s fort and vessels at Cortelazzo, between Venice and Trieste, will be given in our memoir of Captain Phillott, who commanded the detachment employed on that service. The following is an extract from Lord Collingwood’s official letter on the occasion:

“I have on many occasions had to represent the zeal, the bravery, and the. nice concert of measures that are necessary to success, which have distinguished the services of Captain Hoste; and this late attack of the enemy is not inferior to those many instances which have before obtained for him praise and admiration. The manner in which he speaks of Lieutenant Phillott, who commanded the party, and of the other officers and men, is highly honorable to them; but the Amphion’s officers and men, following the example of their Captain, could not well be otherwise than they are. * * * Within a month two divisions of the enemy’s gun-boats have been taken, consisting of six each.”

In June 1810, another gallant enterprise was performed by the boats of the Amphion, Active, and Cerberus, which ended in the capture of Grao, a town in the gulf of Trieste, and a convoy laden with naval stores for the arsenal at Venice[4].

Passing by, for the present, several boat actions, in which the valour of British sailors was eminently conspicuous and always successful, we now come to the most important naval event which had for some time occurred on the Mediterranean station; namely, the brilliant victory obtained by Captain Hoste over an enemy’s squadron of far superior force near the island of Lissa, March 13, 1811. The battle is thus described by himself:

Amphion, off Lissa, March 14, 1811.

“Sir,– It is with much pleasure I have to acquaint you, that after an action of six hours we have completely defeated the combined French and Italian squadrons, consisting of five frigates, one corvette, one brig, two schooners, one gun-boat, and one xebec; the force opposed to them was his Majesty’s ships Amphion, Active, Cerberus, and Volage[5]. On the morning of the 13th, the Active made the signal for a strange fleet to windward, and day-light discovered to us the enemy’s squadron lying to, off the north point of Lissa; the wind at that time was from the N.W., blowing a fine breeze. The enemy having formed in two divisions, instantly bore down to attack us under all possible sail. The British line, led by the Amphion, was formed by signal in the closest order on the starboard tack to receive them. At 9 A.M. the action commenced by our firing on the headmost ships as they came within range. The intention of the enemy appeared to be to break our line in two places, the starboard division, led by the French Commodore, bearing upon the Amphion and Active, and the larboard division on the Cerberus and Volage. In this attempt he failed (though almost aboard of us;, by the well-directed fire and compact order of our line. He then endeavoured to round the van ship, to engage to leeward, and thereby place us between two fires; but was so warmly received in the attempt, and rendered so totally unmanageable, that in the act of wearing he went on shore OH the rocks of Lissa, in the greatest possible confusion.

“The line was then wore to renew the action, the Amphion not half a cable’s length frem the shore; the remainder of the enemy’s starboard division passing under our stern and engaging us to leeward, whilst the larboard division tacked and remained to windward, engaging the Cerberus, Volage, and Active. In this situation the action continued with great fury, his Majesty’s ships frequently in positions which unavoidably exposed them to a raking fire from the enemy, who, with his superiority of numbers, had ability to take advantage of it; but nothing, Sir, could withstand the brave squadron I had. the honor to command. At 11h 20' A.M. the Flore struck her colours, and at noon the Bellona followed her example. The enemy to windward now endeavoured to make off, but were followed up as close as the disabled state of his Majesty’s ships would admit of; and the Active and Cerberus were enabled at 3 P.M. to compel the sternmost of them to surrender, when the action ceased, leaving us in possession of the Corona of 44 guns, and the Bellona 32[6]. The Favorite of 44 guns, on shore, shortly after blew up with a dreadful explosion, the corvette making all possible sail to the N.W., and two frigates crowding sail for the port of Lessina, the brig making off to the S.E., and the small craft flying in every direction; nor was it in my power to prevent them, having no ship in a state to follow them.

“I must now account for the Flore’s getting away after she had struck her colours. At the time I was engaged with that ship, the Bellona was raking us; and when she struck, I had no boat that could possibly take possession of her. I therefore preferred closing with the Bellona and taking her, to losing time alongside the Flore, which ship I already considered belonging to us, I call on the officers of my own squadron, as well as those of the enemy, to witness my assertion. The correspondence I have had on this subject with the French Captain of the Danaé (now their Commodore), and which I enclose herewith, is convincing; and even their own officers, prisoners here, acknowledge the fact. Indeed, I might have sunk her, and so might the Active; but as the colours were down, and all firing from her had long ceased, both Captain Gordon and myself considered her as our own; the delay of getting a boat on board the Bellona, and the anxious pursuit of Captain Gordon after the beaten enemy, enabled him to steal off, till too late for our shattered ships to come up with him, his rigging and sails apparently not much injured; but by the laws of war I shall ever maintain he belongs to us. The enemy’s squadron was commanded by Mons. Dubourdieu, a Capitaine de vaisseau, and a member of the Legion of Honor, who is killed. In justice to a brave man I must say, he set a noble example of intrepidity to those under him. They sailed from Ancona the 11th instant, with 500 troops on board, and every thing necessary for fortifying and garrisoning the island of Lissa. Thanks to Providence, we have this time prevented them.

“I have to lament the loss of many valuable officers and men; but in a contest of this kind it was to be expected. It is now my duty to endeavour to do justice to the brave officers and men I had the honor to command. I feel mself unequal to the task: nothing from my pen can add to their merit. From your own knowledge of Captains Gordon, Whitby, and, Hornby, and the discipline of their ships, every thing you know, Sir, might be expected; and if an officer so near in the same rank as themselves may be permitted to give an opinion, I should say they exceeded my most sanguine expectations; and it is a duty I owe all to express in the most public manner my grateful sense of the brave and gallant conduct of every captain, officer, seaman, and royal marine, employed on this occasion. From my first Lieutenant, Mr. David Dunn, I received every assistance that might be expected from a zealous, brave, and intelligent officer; and his exertions, though wounded, in repairing our damage, is as praiseworthy as his conduct in the action, particularly as I have been unable to assist him from a wound in my right arm, and several severe contusions. Captain Moore of the royal marines, of this ship, received a wound, but returned to his quarters immediately it was dressed. The Captains of the squadron speak in the wannest terms of their officers and men, particularly of their first Lieutenants, Dickenson, Henderson, and Wolridge; and the behaviour of my own officers and ship’s company, who have been with me so long, was every thing I expected from their tried worth; but I must not particularize where all are equally meritorious. The damage the ships have sustained is very considerable, and I fear will render us totally incapable of keeping the sea. I enclose a statement of the enemy’s force[7], together with a return of the killed and wounded in the squadron, and deeply lament they are so great[8]. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)William Hoste.”

George Eyre, Esq. Senior officer in the Adriatic, &c.

Amphion, Lissa, Mar. 15, 1811.

“Sir,– On my arrival here this morning, I found the remainder of the French Commodore’s crew and troops, 200 in number, had retired to Lissa. They were summoned to surrender by Messrs. Lew and Kingston, two Midshipmen of the Active, who had been left in charge of prizes, and several men belonging to privateers. The summons was acceded to; they laid down their arms, and were made prisoners of war. The spirited conduct of these young men deserves every praise; nor can I forbear mentioning the dastardly behaviour of a Sicilian privateer brig of 14 guns, named the Vincitore, awl commanded by Captain Clemento Fama, who was lying in this port, and previous to the commencement of the action hauled down his colours to a small one-gun Venetian schooner: this was witnessed by every man in the squadron, and I believe there was but one opinion on the subject. Messrs. Kingston and Lew afterwards went on board, took charge of the brig, beat off the schooner, and prevented her from destroying the vessels in the bay.

“I omitted a circumstance in my former letter respecting the Corona, which, from the meritorious conduct of those officers and men employed, deserves to be mentioned. The Corona caught fire in the main-top, shortly after her capture, and the whole of her main-mast and rigging was instantly in flames. Lieutenants Dickenson of the Cerberus, and Haye of the Active, with a party of men, were on board her at the time. The ship now presented a most awful spectacle, and I had quite given her up as lost. No possible assistance could be afforded from the squadron, and she had to trust alone to her own exertions; these, however, were not wanting, and by the extraordinary perseverance and coolness of the officers and men, the fire was at last extinguished, with the loss of the main-mast, and the ship of course saved to the service. I have to express my warmest thanks to Lieutenants Dickenson and Haye, and the officers and men employed under their orders, and beg leave to recommend them to the commander-in-chief. I have the honor to be, &c;

(Signed)W. Hoste.”[9]

Captain G. Eyre, &c.

The following is a copy of the correspondence between Captain Hoste and the French commodore, alluded to in the first of the above letters:

H.B.M.S. Amphion, at the Island of Lissa, March 15, 1811.

“Sir,– The frigate you commanded in the late action with the British squadron, struck her colours to H.B. Majesty’s ship Amphion, under my command; I was not able to take possession of you at that moment, being engaged with the Bellona frigate, but I considered you as my own, and as a man of honor you must have thought so yourself; I call on the officers of your own squadron, as well as those I have the honor to command, to witness my assertion. You know, Sir, I might have sunk you, had I not considered you as having surrendered, and so might two of my squadron also. By the laws of war, the Flore belongs to me; and the purport of my present truce is to demand her restitution, in the same state as when she struck. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)William Hoste.”

To Mons. Peridier, Captain, commanding the frigate Flore, off Lessina.


On board His Imperial and Royal Majesty’s frigate
“the Danaé, in the Roads of Lessina.

“Sir,– In consequence of the wounds received by M. Peridier, Commandant of his Imperial and Royal Majesty’s frigate la Flore, I have had the honor to take upon me the command of his Imperial and Royal Majesty’s ships, and cannot surrender to you his Imperial Majesty’s frigate under the laws to which you refer, because she did not strike her colours, as you are pleased to state. His Majesty’s frigate had her flag cut by shot. Her state not allowing her to continue the engagement any longer, her Captain thought proper to withdraw from it. If you should not consider my answer satisfactory, I request you will address yourself to my government. I have the honor to be, &c.

(No signature.)

To M. the Commandant of the Amphion
frigate, at Lissa.

H.B.M.S. Amphion, Lissa, March 19, 1811.

“Sir,– The letter I had the honor of receiving to day was neither signed nor dated (I presume through mistake); I return it for its signature.

“As Captain of the Danaé, you will not admit that the Flore struck her colours in the late action, nor did I call on you to do so. No, Sir, I call on Mons. Peridier, the commander of that ship, as a man of honor, to declare whether she struck her colours or not; and if M. Peridier was so severely wounded as not to have charge of the ship at that time, I look to his next in command for an answer to my letter of the 15th; but I again assert, and ever shall maintain, that, by the laws of war, his frigate belongs to my Sovereign, and his sword to me; the world will judge between us. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)W. Hoste.”

To the Captain, commanding the frigate Danaé

The Amphion and Volage having refitted at Malta, escorted the captured frigates from thence to Portsmouth, where the former ship was paid off on the 12th Aug. 1811. About Nov. in the same year, Captain Hoste was appointed to the Bacchante, a new 38-gun frigate, in which ship he returned to the Mediterranean[10]; and on the 26th July, 1812, captured la Victoire French privateer of 3 guns and 35 men. The capture of two valuable convoys on the coasts of Istria and Apulia in September following, will be fully detailed in another part of this volume[11].

On the 13th Nov. 1812, the marines of the Eagle and Bacchante were lauded on the beach near Fesano, a small town about 8 miles from Pola, where a large quantity of timber had been discovered; part of which was brought off without opposition. Next day they re-landed, in company with those of the Achille, brought away as much as could be stowed, and burnt the remainder. Captain Hoste subsequently captured two vessels laden with wine, from Tarento bound to Corfu.

In Jan. 1813, the boats of the Bacchante cut off a division of the enemy’s flotilla[12]; and six vessels laden with grain and sundries. In the following month she captured two gunboats and eight sail of merchantmen: one of the former was carrying despatches from Corfu, and had on board a French General of Artillery and his suite, going to Otranto.

On the 11th May, Captain Hoste having received information that a number of vessels were lying in the channel of Karlebago, proceeded towards that place without loss of time; but, from contrary winds, and a strong current, did not arrive there till the morning of the 15th. The object of his visit had in the mean time escaped. Finding, however, that the port afforded excellent shelter to the enemy’s convoys, he determined to destroy the works which defended it, and accordingly brought up within pistol-shot of the batteries. After a good deal of firing, a flag of truce was hung out, and the place surrendered at discretion. A detachment of seamen and marines then landed, under the directions of Lieutenant Hood, blew up the castle, destroyed all the public works, and brought off two 12-pounders, 4 nines, and 2 brass sixes. In the execution of this service, the Bacchante had 4 men severely wounded. The particulars of a very gallant exploit performed by her boats on the coast of Abruzza, in the following month, will appear in our memoir of the officer who commanded them on that occasion[13].

Captain Hoste served on shore at the capture of Fiume, by, the squadron under Rear-Admiral Freemantle, July 3, 1813[14]; and two days afterwards landed at Porto Re with a party of marines, blew up the forts which had previously been abandoned by the enemy, rendered the guns useless, and destroyed their carriages. On the 2d of the ensuing month, after assisting in silencing the batteries at Rovigno, he disembarked at the head of a detachment of seamen and marines from the Eagle and Bacchante, drove the French troops out of the town, disabled the guns, demolished the works, burnt all the vessels that were on the stocks, brought off part of a large convoy, and destroyed the remainder in the harbour.

We have already stated, that by the fall of Ragusa, the allies became masters of every place in Dalmatia, Croatia, Istria, and the Frioul, with all the islands in the Adriatic Sea; and as Captain Hoste commanded the naval force and a detachment of military employed in the reduction of the important fortresses of Cattaro and Ragusa, we shall here insert his own account of the operations which led to their surrender:

Bacchante, off Castel Nuova, Oct. 16, 1813.

“Sir,– I arrived off Ragusa on the 12th instant, and joined the Saracen and three gun-boats, with a detachment of the garrison of Curzola on board, commanded by Captain Lowen, who had been directed by Colonel Robertson to act on this coast. From the information I received from Captain Harper, of the Saracen, together with the state of the country about Cattaro, and the insurrection of the Bocchese, I lost no time in proceeding to this place, with the vessels under my orders. On the 13th, in the morning, we forced the passage between Castel Nuova and the fort of Rosa, and after some firing, secured a capital anchorage for the squadron, about three miles above the former. In the evening, I detached the boats of this ship and two Sicilian gun-boats, under the orders of Captain Harper, who very handsomely volunteered his services, to capture the enemy’s armed naval force, which I understood were lying between Isle St. George and the town of Cattaro. Captain Harper completely succeeded: the enemy had deserted their boats on his approach, and having succeeded in manning them with the armed Bocchese in the neighbourhood, he most gallantly attacked and carried the island, the commandant and his garrison surrendering at discretion. I enclose his report of the affair, with the account of the guns, &c., captured[15]. This is a point of the utmost importance to our future operations: it commands and fronts the narrow channel to the narrow branch of the river that leads up to Cattaro itself; and, fortified as it is, it would have been with difficulty, if at all, the ships of war could have passed it. The fort of Peroste was taken by the Bocchese the same night; and I have now the pleasure to acquaint you, that Castel Nuova, and Fort Espagnol, surrendered by capitulation to the British force this morning. The garrison remain prisoners of war till exchanged; the officers are allowed their parole. There are several Croats amongst the garrison, who are willing to enter the Austrian service, and I intend sending them to Fiume. I shall lose no time in getting up to Cattaro. Fort St. John is the only place the enemy possess in the Bocco. The French general, Gauthier, has retired into the fort, with about 600 men: it is about fifteen miles up the river, and is a very strong place. I intend proceeding there directly our affairs are arranged here. I have left a garrison in Fort Espagnol, and enclose the return of the stores, guns, &c., taken in the three places[16]. The Montenegrins have been of considerable service in closely blockading the country round Espagnol, and the neighbourhood. I cannot mention in too warm terms the conduct of Captain Harper; he is ever ready, and most indefatigable, and the capture of Isle St. George does him, the officers and men, the highest credit. I am much indebted to Captain Lowen for the ready advice and assistance he at all times gives me; and the zeal that animates every -one is highly praiseworthy. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)W. Hoste.”

Rear-Admiral Freemantle.

Bacchante, before Cattaro, Jan. 5, 1814.

“Sir,– I have much satisfaction in acquainting you, that, after ten days cannonade, the fortress of Cattaro surrendered by capitulation this morning to the Bacchante and Saracen. The terms I granted to the garrison are, to lay down their arms on the Marina, to be transported to some port in Italy, to be considered as prisoners of war, and not to serve against England or her allies till regularly exchanged. It is unnecessary I should enter further into detail, than to say, that by the exertions of the officers and crews of both ships, our batteries were enabled to open from four different points on the castle and works at day-light on Christmas morning; that on the 1st Jan., two additional batteries, of 18 and 32-pounders, were opened, and played against the castle; and that on the 3d I had arranged every thing with the chief of the Montenegrins, for a general assault, when the commandant, General Gauthier, sent out, expressing his wish to capitulate.

“This morning the capitulation was signed; a copy of which I enclose, with the state of the garrison[17]. Our loss, I am happy to say, has been trifling; 1 seaman killed, and Lieutenant Haig, R.M., slightly wounded.

“The mouths of the Cattaro are now freed of the enemy, Sir; and in bringing this business to a successful issue, the officers and meu have exerted themselves to the utmost. We have received no assistance but from a few Montenegrins; ve have had to trust to our own resources alone, and we have found them in the zeal and perseverance which has actuated all parties. From the exertions of Captain Harper and Lieutenant Milbourne, two 18-pounders and two mortars were got up the range of mountains before Cattaro, to the astonishment of friends and foes; and what was deemed impracticable by the French General, was completed in ten days. The zeal and activity of Captain Harper are well known to you, Sir; and I assure you, in no instance have they been more conspicuous than on the present occasion he is a most invaluable officer. It is my duty to mention the meritorious conduct of Lieutenants Milbourne and Rees, (acting) of the Bacchante; Lieutenant Hancock, of the Saracen; Mr. Vale, Master of ditto; Lieutenant Haig, R.M.; and Mr. Charles Bruce, Midshipman of the Bacchante; and the whole of the officers and men of both ships, have tried to excel each other on this occasion. The torrents of rain, and the fatigues and privations attending an attack of a fortress like Cattaro, at this season of the year, have been borne with a cheerfulness that entitled them to every praise. I cannot conclude this without acknowledging in the warmest terms the active assistance I have received from Captain Angelo, of Lieutenant-General Campbell’s staff, who was waiting in the Bacchante for a passage to Zante. His zeal and ability have supplied many deficiencies on our part, and considerably tended to the speedy reduction of the place. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)W. Hoste.”

Rear-Admiral Freemantle.

Bacchante, before Ragusa, Jan. 29, 1814.

“Sir,– My letters of the 6th inst. will have acquainted you of the capture of Cattaro, and of my intention to attack this place as soon as the artillery and stores necessary for the siege were embarked from that fortress, On my arrival here on the 19th, I found the place invested by the Austrian General Milutinovitch, with two Croat battalions, but not a single piece of artillery had arrived. Four mortars and two guns were immediately landed from the Bacchante, and opened on the works of the town, and fort Lorenzo, the morning of the 22d. The enemy returned a heavy fire from all his batteries. The approach to Ragusa is extremely difficult, by the commanding situation of Fort Imperial and the island of Croma; and it became an object of importance to secure this latter post before we could advance our batteries; two 18-pounders were therefore landed, and by the great exertions of the officers and seamen under Lieutenant Milbourne, one gun yas brought round the mountains at the back of Ragusa, a distance full six miles, and placed immediately opposite the island, which it completely commanded.

“The French General, however, on the morning of the 27th, sent out a truce to request our batteries would cease, and a capitulation was commenced and signed on the 28th, for the surrender of the town and its . The British and Austrian troops took possession the same day; 120 pieces of cannon were mounted on the works of the town and Fort Lorenzo, 21 in Fort Imperial, and 11 in the island of Croma, with a garrison of 500 men, and nearly six weeks’ provisions. The garrison are prisoners of war, not to serve against England or her allies till regularly exchanged. I am happy to say the best understanding has prevailed between the allied troops; and General Milutinovitch has expressed himself in the handsomest terms, for the assistance he has received.

“The object for which you sent me here, Sir, is now, I believe, obtained, by the expulsion of the French troops from the provinces of Cattaro and Ragusa, and it only remains forme to mention the meritorious conduct of all the officers and men who have shared the fatigues and privations attending it. I beg leave also to mention the great assistance I have received from Captain Angelo, who accompanied me from Cattaro. His ready and active services have considerably diminished the difficulties we have met with. The loss of the British, during the siege, has been 1 killed and 10 severely wounded. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)W. Hoste.”

Rear-Admiral Freemantle.

In March 1814, a deputation from the inhabitants of Parga, on the coast of Albania, having waited upon Captain Hoste and requested assistance against the French garrison, consisting of 170 men, commanded by a Colonel, he immediately proceeded thither, and took possession of the town and fortifications, the tri-coloured flag being hauled down on his arrival. He soon after quitted the Bacchante, on account of ill-health, and returned to England as a passenger in the Cerberus frigate.

Captain Hoste received the royal permission to accept and wear the insignia of a Knight of the Austrian Military Order of Maria Theresa, May 23, 1814; and was raised to the dignity of a Baronet of Great Britain on the 23d July following: in the course of the same year he obtained an honorable augmentation to his family arms; and on the 2d Jan. 1815, was nominated a K.C.B. He at present commands the Albion 74, stationed as a guard-ship at Portsmouth.

Sir William Hoste has been twice married; his present lady, to whom he was united April 17, 1817, is a daughter of the Earl of Orford. His youngest brother, Thomas Edward Hoste, served as a Midshipman under him in the Adriatic, and was made a Lieutenant in 1814.

Agent.– Isaac Clementson, Esq.

  1. See note † at p. 383.
  2. The Rev. Dixon Hoste married Margaret, daughter of Henry Stanforth, Esq. of Salthouse, co. Norfolk, and by that lady had ten children, of whom the subject of this memoir is the eldest now living.
  3. See p. 267.
  4. See Commander William Slaughter, in our next volume.
  5. Favorite, Flore, Danaé, and Corona, of 44 guns and 350 men each; the latter a 24-pounder frigate; Bellona, of 36 guns and 224 men; and Carolina of the same force, although described by Captain Hoste as a corvette. The brig and other small vessels carried in the whole 36 guns and 307 men, making, with the addition of 500 troops, a grand total of 284 guns and 2,655 men. The British squadron mounted 156 guns; and being 104 short of complement, went into action with only 879 men.
  6. The Bellona mounted 36 guns, see note at p. 472.
  7. See note at p. 472.
  8. Amphion 15 killed, 47 wounded; the other ships 35 killed and 103 wounded. Total 50 slain, 150 wounded.
  9. The French account of the action, written by an Italian Colonel, forms a most ludicrous contrast to the British Captain’s. It will be found at length in the Nav. Chron. v. xxv, p. 423, et seq., and an analysis thereof in James’s Nav. Hist. v. 5, p. 139, et seq.
  10. Captains Hoste, Gordon, Whitby, and Hornby, were presented by the Admiralty with gold medals, descriptive of the action off Lissa, to be worn by them with their uniforms in the usual manner. Their first Lieutenants were made Commanders.
  11. See Memoir of Captain Donat Henchy O’brien.
  12. See Memoir of Captain D. H. O’Brien.
  13. See Commander Silas Thomson Hood.
  14. See Vol. I. p. 674.
  15. See Memoir of Captain John Harper, C.B.
  16. Four gun-boats, mounting in the whole four long 24-pounders, and two 12-pr. carronades; and having on board 4 large brass 24-pounders, carriages, &c. complete, intended to be mounted on the fortifications at Cattaro. Found at Isle St. George, Castel Nuova, and Fort Espagnol; 11 brass and 23 iron guns, 1 brass 6½-inch mortar, 7 iron swivels, 6000 shot, upwards of 4500 live shells, about 12,300 pounds of gunpowder, 400 cartridges for the great guns, ready filled, 900,000 musket-ball cartridges, 8 cases of musket-balls, 900 hand grenades, 3 cases of ditto, 1 furnace for heating shot, and a quantity of provisions. Total number of prisoners, 438.
  17. The place to be given up to the British on the 8th Jan.; the garrison, consisting of 295 officers and men, to be disposed of in the manner already described.