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Royal Style and Titles Act, 1953

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Royal Style and Titles Act, 1953
enacted by the Parliament of South Africa

Act No. 6 of 1953. First published on 4 March 1953 in Government Gazette Extraordinary No. 5018, and came into force on 29 May 1953 in terms of Governor-General's Proclamation No. 105 of 1953. Repealed on 31 May 1961 by the Republic of South Africa Constitution Act, 1961.

967893Royal Style and Titles Act, 19531953enacted by the Parliament of South Africa


To provide for the alteration of the Royal Style and Titles.

(Afrikaans text signed by the Governor-General.)
(Assented to 25th February, 1953.)

Preamble.Whereas the Royal Style and Titles, as amended by proclamation dated the twenty-second day of June, 1948, issued under section one of the Royal Style and Titles Act, 1948 (Act No. 17 of 1948), are at present “Elizabeth II, Dei Gratia Magnae Britanniae, Hiberniae et terrarum transmarinarum quae in ditione sunt Britannica Regina, Fidei Defensor” in the Latin tongue, and “Elizabeth II by the Grace of God of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas Queen, Defender of the Faith” in the English tongue, respectively:

And whereas Her Majesty’s Governments in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon have agreed that it is necessary and expedient that the Style and Titles appertaining to the Crown be altered to accord with the current constitutional position within the Commonwealth and that accordingly the Parliament of each Commonwealth country should appoint and declare the Royal Style and Titles to be used in and for its own territory:

And whereas it is fit and proper that in relation to the Union of South Africa the Style and Titles of Her Majesty in the Afrikaans tongue be also appointed and declared:

Now therefore, be it enacted by the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate and the House of Assembly of the Union of South Africa, as follows:―

Declaration of Royal Style and Titles in relation to the Union of South Africa.

1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any law contained, the Style and Titles of Her Majesty the Queen, as Sovereign in and over the Union of South Africa, are hereby appointed and declared to be “Elizabeth II, Africae Australis regnorumque suorum ceterorum Regina, consortionis populorum Princeps,” in the Latin tongue, “Elizabeth II, Queen of South Africa and of Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth” in the English tongue, and “Elizabeth II, Koningin van Suid-Afrika en van Haar ander Koninkryke en Gebiede, Hoof van die Statebond” in the Afrikaans tongue, respectively.

2. This Act shall be called the Royal Style and Titles Act, 1953, and shall come into operation on a date to be fixed by the Governor-General by proclamation in the Gazette.

This work is in the public domain because it was created and first published in South Africa and it is an official text of a legislative, administrative or legal nature, or an official translation of such a text.

According to the Copyright Act, 1978, § 12 (8) (a), "No copyright shall subsist in official texts of a legislative, administrative or legal nature, or in official translations of such texts."

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