Samson Agonistes/Errata

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The omitted lines and the errata have been incorporated in the work.

3073892Samson Agonistes — Omissa and errataJohn Milton


Page 89 after verse 537. which ends,
Not much to fear, insert these.

What if his eye-sight (for to Israels God
Nothing is hard) by miracle restor’d,
He now be dealing dole among his foes,
And over heaps of slaughter'd walk his way?
Man.That were a joy presumptuous to be thought.
Chor.Yet God hath wrought things as incredible
For his people of old; what hinders now?
Man.He can I know, but doubt to think he will;
Yet Hope would fain subscribe, and tempts belief.

After the next verse which begins, A little stay, insert this.

Chor.Of good or bad so great, of bad the sooner;

Then follows in order, For evil news, &c.


Errata in the former Poem.

PAge 4. verse 62. after being no stop, p.13. verse 226. for destroy, r. subdue, p.21. v.373. for demuring, r. demurring, p.22. v. 400. for never, r. nearer, p.23. v.407. for Imports, r. Imparts, p.35. v.127. after threat'ns, insert then, p.44. v.313. for Thebes, r. Thebez, p.46. v.341. for pill’d, r. pil'd, p.47. v.371. no comma after knowledge, but after works, p.71. v.323. for shower, r. showers, p.83. v.102. no stop after victor.

Errata in the latter Poem.

PAge 16. verse 127. for Irresistable, r. Irresistible, p.17. v.158. for complain’d, r. complain, p.21. v.222. for mention’d, r. motion'd, p.28. v.355. before, such r. And, p.43. v.657. no stop at the end, p.44. v.661. for to, r. with, p.75. v.259. for divulg’d, r. divulge, p.78. v.324. for race r. rate, p.79, v.336. for Mimirs, r. Mimics, p.90. v.553. for heard r. here.