San Kuo/Volume 1/Chapter 38

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4588771San KuoCharles Henry Brewitt-TaylorLuo Guanzhong


Plan for Three Kingdoms: The Suns Avenge Themselves.

Nothing discouraged by two unsuccessful visits to the retreat of the sage whose advice he sought to secure, Liu Pei made preparations for a third visit. His brothers disapproved, and Kuan Yü said, “Brother, you have sought him twice, surely this is showing even too much deference. I do not believe in this fame of his for learning; he is avoiding you and dare not submit to the test. Why so obstinately hold this idea?”

“You are wrong, my brother. Duke Huan of Ch‘i paid five visits to the 'Hermit of the Eastern Suburb' before he got to see his face. And my desire to see the sage is even greater than his.”

“I think you are mistaken,” said Chang Fei. “How can this villager be such a marvel of wisdom? You should not go again and, if he will not come, I will bring him with a hempen rope.' ”

“Have you forgotten the great Prince Wên’s visit to Chiang Tzu-ya, the old man of the Eastern Sea? If he could show such deference to a wise man, where am I too deferential? If you will not go, your brother and I will go without you,” said Yüan-tê.

“If you two go, how can I hang back?” said Chang Fei.

“If you go, then you must be polite.' ”

Fei said he would not forget himself, and the three set out. When they were half a li from the little cottage, Yüan-tê dismounted, deciding to show his respect by approaching the house on foot. Very soon he met Chuko Chün, whom he saluted with great deference, enquiring whether his brother was at home.

“He returned last evening; you can see him to-day, General.”

As he said this he went off with some swagger.

“Fortune favours me this time,” said Yüan-tê, “I am going to see the master.”

“That was a rude fellow", said Fei, “it would not have hurt him to have conducted us to the house. Why did he go off like that?”

“Each one has his own affairs,” said his brother. “What power have we over him?”

Soon the three stood at the door and they knocked. The serving lad came out and asked their business and Yüan-tê said very deferentially, “I would trouble the servant of the genius, gentle page, to inform the Master that Liu Pei wishes to pay his respects to him.”

“My Master is at home, but he is asleep.”

“In that case do not announce me.”

He bade his two brothers wait at the door quietly and he himself entered with careful steps. There was the man he sought, lying asleep on the couch, stretched on a simple mat. Yüan-tê saluted him with joined hands at a respectful distance.

The time passed and still the sleeper did not wake. The two brothers left without, beginning to feel impatient, also came in and Chang Fei was annoyed at seeing his revered elder brother respectfully standing by while another slept.

“What an arrogant fellow is this Master?” said he. “There is our brother waiting, while he sleeps on perfectly carelessly. I will go to the back of the place and let off a bomb and see if that will rouse him.”

“No, no; you must do nothing of the kind,” whispered Kuan Yü, and then Yüan-tê told them to go out again.

Just then he noticed that the Master moved. He turned over as though about to rise, but, instead, he faced the wall and again fell asleep. The serving lad made as if he would rouse his master, but Yüan-tê forbade him to be disturbed and he waited yet another weary hour. Then K‘ung-ming woke up repeating to himself the lines:—

“Can any know what fate is his?
Yet have I felt throughout my life,
The day would come at last to quit
The calm retreat for toil and strife.”

As he finished he turned to the lad saying, “Have any of the usual people come?”

“Liu, the Uncle of the Emperor is here,” said the boy. “He has been waiting some time.”

“Why did you not tell me?” said he, rising from the couch. “I must dress.”

He rose and turned into a room behind to dress. In a short time he re-appeared, his clothing properly arranged, to receive his visitor.

Then Yüan-tê saw coming toward him a man rather below medium height with a refined face. He wore a head-wrap and a long crane-white gown. He moved with much dignity as though he was rather more than mortal.

Yüan-tê bowed saying, “I am one of the offshoots of the Han family, a simple person from Cho. I have long known the Master’s fame, which has indeed thundered in my ear. Twice I have come to visit you, without success. Once I left my name on your writing table; you may have my note.”

K‘ung-ming replied, “This hermit is but a dilatory person by temperament. I know I have to thank you for more than one vain visit and I am ashamed to think of them.”

These courteous remarks and the proper bows exchanged, the two men sat in their relative positions as host and guest and the serving lad brought tea. Then K‘ung-ming said, “From your letter I know that you grieve for both people and government. If I were not so young and if I possessed any talent, I would venture to question you.”

Yüan-tê replied, “Ssŭma Hui and Hsü Shu have both spoken of you; can it be that their words were vain? I trust, O Master, that you will not despise my worthlessness but will condescend to instruct me.”

“The two men you speak of are very profound scholars. I am but a peasant, a mere farmer, and who am I that I should talk of Empire politics? Those two misled you when they spoke of me. Why do you reject the beautiful jewel for a worthless pebble?”

“But your abilities are world embracing and marvellous. How can you be content to allow time to pass while you idle away life in these secluded haunts? I conjure you, O Master, to remember the inhabitants of the world and remove my crass ignorance by bestowing instruction upon me.”

“But what is your ambition, General?”

Yüan-tê moved his seat nearer to his host and said, “The Hans are sinking; designing ministers steal away their authority. I am weak, yet I desire to restore the State to its right mind. But my ignorance is too vast, my means are too slender and I know not where to turn. Only you, Master, can lighten my darkness and preserve me from falling. How happy should I be if you would do so!”

K‘ung-ming replied, “One bold man after another has arisen in various parts of the Empire ever since the days of the great rebel Tung Cho. Ts‘ao Ts‘ao was not so powerful as Yüan Shao, but he overcame him by seizing the favourable moment and using his men properly. Now he is all-powerful; he rules an immense army and, through his control of the Court, the various feudal lords as well. You cannot think of opposing him. Then the Suns have held their territory in Chiangtung for three generations. Their position may not appear too secure, but they have popularity to appeal to. You can gain support but win no success there. Chingchou on the north rests on the two rivers Han and Mien; their interests lie in all to the south of them; on the east they touch Wu and on the west they extend to the ancient states Pa and Shu. This is the area in which decisive battles have to be won and one must hold it in order to be secure and Heaven has virtually made it yours. Yichou is an important place, fertile and extensive, a country favoured of Heaven and that through which the Founder of Han obtained the Empire. Its ruler Liu Chang is ignorant and weak. The people are noble and the country prosperous, but he does not know how to hold it all, and all the able men of the district are yearning for an enlightened prince. As you are a scion of the Family, well known throughout the land as trusty and righteous, a wholehearted hero, who greatly desires to win the support of the wise, if you get possession of Yi and Ching, if on the west you are in harmony with the Jung tribes, on the south win over I and Yüeh, make an alliance with Sun Ch'üan, and maintain good government, you can await confidently the day when heaven shall offer you the desired opportunity. Then you may depute a worthy leader to go to the north-east while you take command of an expedition to the north-west, and will you not find the warmest welcome prepared for you by the people? This done the completion of the task will be easy. The Hans will be restored. And I will be your adviser in all these operations if you will only undertake them.”

He paused while he bade the lad bring out a map. As this was unrolled K‘ung-ming went on, “There you see the fifty four divisions of Ssuch‘uan. Should you wish to take the overlordship you will yield to Ts‘ao Ts‘ao in the north till the time of Heaven be come, to Sun Ch'üan in the south till the position may become favourable. You, General, will be the Man and complete the trinity. Chingchou is to be taken first as a home, the west next for the foundation of domination. When you are firmly established you can lay your plans for the attainment of the whole Empire.”

As K‘ung-ming ceased his harangue, Yüan-tê left his place and saluted him, saying, “Your words, O Master, render everything so clear that meseems the clouds are swept aside and I see the clear sky. But Chingchou belongs to Liu Piao, my kinsman, and Yichou to another kinsman; I could hardly take the land from them.”

“I have studied the stars and I know Liu Piao is not long for this world; the other is not the sort of man to endure. Both places will certainly fall to you.”

Yüan-tê bowed his acknowledgments. And so, in one conversation, K‘ung-ming proved that he, who had lived in complete retirement all his life, knew and foresaw the three fragments into which the Empire was to break. True, indeed, is it that throughout all the ages no one has ever equalled his intelligence and mastery of the situation.

Behold, when Liu Pei frets that he is weak,
Then “Sleeping Dragon” is not far to seek;
When he desires to know how things will hap,
The Master, smiling, shows him on the map.

“Though I be of small repute and scanty virtue,” said Yüan-tê, “I hope, O Master, you will not despise me for my worthlessness, but will leave this retreat to help me. I will assuredly listen most reverently to your words.”

K‘ung-ming replied, “I have long been happy on my farm and am fond of my leisure. I fear I cannot obey your command.”

Yüan-tê wept. “If you will not, O Master, what will become of the people?”

The tears rolled down unchecked upon the lapel and sleeves of his robe. This proved to K‘ung-ming the sincerity of his desire and ne said, “General, if you will accept me, I will render what trifling service I can.”

Then Yüan-tê was delighted. He called in Kuan and Chang to make their bow and brought out the gifts he had prepared. K‘ung-ming refused them all.

“These are not gifts to engage your services, but mere proof of my regard,” said Yüan-tē.

Then the presents were accepted. They all remained that night at the farm. Next day Chuko Chün returned and his brother said to him, “Uncle Liu has come thrice to see me and now I must go with him. Keep up the farm in my absence and do not let the place go to ruin for, as soon as my work is accomplished, I will certainly return.”

Then, turning from his humble home,
He thought of peaceful days to come,
When he should take the homeward way
And ne‘er beyond the valley stray.
But duty kept him in the west,
And there he found his place of rest.

An old poem may be quoted here:—

The Founder of Han seized his gleaming blade
And at Mangtang the blood of the white snake flowed.
He conquered Ts‘in, destroyed Ch‘u and entered Hsienyang.
After two centuries of rule the line was near broken,
But Kuang-Wu, the great, restored the glory at Loyang.
And his children occupied the throne
Till decay began in the days of Huan and Ling.
The Emperor Ling removed the capital to Hsüch‘ang,
And, within the four seas, all was confusion.
Bold spirits started up in fierce contention.
Ts‘ao Ts‘ao, seized the favourable moment
And the Imperial authority passed into his hands,
While the Suns made to themselves
A glorious heritage east of the river,
Solitary and poor, Liu Pei wandered from place to place,
Till he found a haven in Hsinyeh.
Sorely distressed he was at the sorrows of the people,
But the Sleeping Dragon conceived a noble ambition,
Within his breast were thoughts
Of great things to be accomplished by force of arms.
Then, because of the parting words of Hsü Shu,
And by the thrice repeated visits to his retreat,
The great hero found and knew his mentor.

When the age of K‘ung-ming was but thrice nine years,
He turned from his books, put aside his lute
And left the peaceful fields he had loved,
Under his guidance Chingchou was taken
And the Land of the Four Streams conquered.
He unrolled great schemes, as one all knowing,
In speech, he went to and fro in the world,
The sound of war drums rolled from his tongue,
The words from his heart stirred one to the utmost depths,
The dragon pranced, the tiger glared,
And peace was brought to the world.
Through all the ages his fame shall never decay.

After taking leave of the younger brother, Yüan-tê and his followers left for Hsinyeh, with K‘ung-ming as companion. When they took up their abode there, K‘ung-ming was treated as a master, eating at the same table, sleeping on the same couch as Liu Pei. They spent whole days conversing over the affairs of the Empire.

K‘ung-ming said, “Ts‘ao Ts‘ao is training his men for naval service and hence certainly intends to invade the country south of the river. We ought to send our spies to ascertain what he is really doing.”

So spies were despatched.

Now after Sun Ch'üan had succeeded to the heritage of his father and brother he sent far and wide to invite men of ability to aid him. He established lodging places for them in Wu, and directed Ku Yung and Chang Hung to welcome and entertain all those who came. And year by year they flocked in, one recommending another. Among them were K‘an Tsê, of Kueichi; Yen Chün, of P'êngch'êng; Hsüeh Tsung, of P‘eihsien; Ch'êng Ping, of Junan; Chu Huan, of Wuchün; Lu Chi, of the same place; Chang Wên, of Wu; Ling T‘ung, of Kueichi and Wu Ts‘an of Wuch'êng; and all these scholars were treated with great deference.

Some able leaders came also, Lu Mêng, of Junan; Lu Hsün, of Wuchün; Hsü Shêng, of Langya; P‘an Chang, of Tungchün and Ting Fêng of Luchiang. Thus Sun Ch'üan obtained the assistance of many men of ability both in peace and war and all went well with him.

In the seventh year of “Established Tranquillity” Ts‘ao Ts‘ao had broken the power of Yüan Shao. Then he sent a messenger to Chiangtung ordering Sun Ch'üan to send his son to court to serve in the retinue of the Emperor. Sun, however, hesitated to comply with this request and the matter was the subject of much discussion. His mother, the lady Wu, sent for Chou Yü and Chang Chao and asked their advice.

The latter said, “He wishes a son to be present at court as a hostage whereby he has a hold upon us, as formerly was the case with all the feudal chiefs. If we do not comply with this request he will doubtless attack the territory. There is some peril.”

Chou Yü said, “Our lord has succeeded to the heritage and has a large army of veterans and ample supplies. He has able men ready to do his bidding, and why should he be compelled to send a hostage to any man? To send a hostage is to be forced into joining Ts‘ao, and to carry out his behests, whatever they be. Then we shall be in his power. It would be better not to send, but rather to wait patiently the course of events and prepare plans to attack.' ”

“That is also my opinion,” said the Dowager.

So Sun Ch'üan dismissed the messenger but did not send his son. Ts‘ao Ts‘ao resented this and had since nourished schemes for the destruction of the Suns. But their realisation had been delayed by the dangers on the north and, so far, no attack had been made.

Late in the eighth year, Sun Ch'üan led his armies against Huang Tsu and fought on the Great River, where he was successful in several battles. One of Sun’s leaders, Ling Ts‘ao, led a fleet of light vessels up the river and broke into Hsiak‘ou but was killed by an arrow. He left a son, Ling T‘ung, fifteen years of age, who led another expedition to recover his father’s corpse and was so far successful. After that, as the war was inclined to go against him, Sun Ch'üan turned again to his own country.

Now Sun Ch'üan’s brother, Sun I, was Prefect of Tanyang. He was a hard man and given to drink and, in his cups, very harsh to his men, ordering the infliction of severe floggings. Two of his officers, Kuei Lan and Tai Yüan, bore their chief a grudge and sought to assassinate him. They took into their confidence one Pien Hung, of the escort, and the three plotted to kill their master at a great assembly of officials at Tanyang amid the banquets and junketings.

Sun’s wife was skilled in divination and on the day of the great banquet she cast a most inauspicious lot. Wherefore she besought her husband to stay away from the assembly. But he was obstinate and went. The faithless guardsman followed his master in the dusk when the gathering dispersed, and stabbed him with a dagger. The two prime movers at once seized their accomplice and beheaded him in the market place. Then they went to Sun’s residence, which they plundered. Kuei Lan was taken with the beauty of the dead Prefect’s wife and told her that as he had avenged the death of her husband she must go with him, or he would slay her. The wife pleaded that it was too soon after her husband’s death to think of re-marriage but promised to be his after the mourning sacrifices.

She thus obtained a respite, which she utilised to send for two old Generals of her husband’s, Sun Kao and Fu Ying. They came and she tearfully told her tale.

“My husband had great faith in you. Now Kuei and Tai have compassed his death, and have laid the crime on Pien Hung. They have plundered my house and carried off my servants and slaves. Worse than this, Kuei Lan insists that I shall be his wife. To gain time I have pretended to favour this proposal and I pray you now to send the news to my husband’s brother and beg him to slay these two miscreants and avenge this wrong. I will never forget your kindness in this life or the next.”

And she bowed before them. They wept also and said, “We were much attached to our master and now that he has come to an untimely end we must avenge him. Dare we not carry out your behests?”

So they sent a trusty messenger. On the day of the sacrifices the lady called in her two friends and hid them in a secret chamber. Then the ceremonies were performed in the great hall. These over, she put off her mourning garb, bathed and perfumed herself, and assumed an expression of joy. She laughed and talked as usual, so that Kuei Lan rejoiced in his heart, thinking of the pleasure that was to be his.

When night came she sent a slave girl to call her suitor to the Palace, where she entertained him at supper. When he had well drunk, she suggested that they should retire and led him to the chamber where her friends were waiting. He followed without the least hesitation. As soon as she entered the room she called out, “Where are you, Generals?” Out rushed the two men, and the drunken man, incapable of any resistance, was despatched with daggers.

Next she invited Tai Yüan to a supper and he was slain in similar fashion. After that she sent to the houses of her enemies and slew all therein. This done, she resumed her mourning garb and the heads of the two men were hung as a sacrifice before the coffin of her husband.

Very soon her brother-in-law came with an army, and hearing the story of the deeds of the two generals from the widow, gave them office and put them over Tanyang. When he left he took the widow to his own home to pass the remainder of her days. All those who heard of her brave conduct were loud in praise of her virtue:—

Full of resource and virtuous, few in the world are like her,
Guilefully wrought she and compassed the death of the lusty assassins,
Faithful servants are always ready to deal with rebellion,
None can ever excel that heroine famous in East Wu.

The brigandage that had troubled Wu had a!! been suppressed and a large fleet (of seven thousand) keels were in the Yangtse River ready for service. Sun Ch'üan appointed Chou Yü to be the Admiral-in-Chief.

In the twelfth year (207A.D.) the Dowager Lady Wu, feeling her end approaching, called to her the two advisers Chou Yü and Chang Chao and spoke thus:—“I came of a family of Wu, but losing my parents in early life, my brother and I went into Yüeh, and then I married into this family. I bore my husband four sons, not without premonitions of the greatness to be theirs. With my first, I dreamed of the moon and with my second, Ch'üan, of the sun, which omens were interpreted by the soothsayer as signs of their great honour. Unhappy Ts'ê died young, but Ch'üan inherited and it is he whom I pray you both to assist with one accord. Then may I die in peace.”

And to her son she said, “These two you are to serve as they were your masters and treat them with all respect. My sister and I both were wives to your father, and so she is also a mother to you and you are to serve her after I am gone as you now serve me. And you must treat your sister with affection and find a handsome husband for her.”

Then she died and her son mourned for her, but of that and her burial nothing will be said.

The following year they began to discuss an attack upon Huang Tsu. Chang Chao said the armies should not move during the period of mourning; however, Chou Yü, more to the point, said that vengeance should not be postponed on that account; it could not wait upon times and seasons. Still Sun Ch'üan halted between two opinions and would not decide.

Then came Lü Mêng, the Commander of the North, who said to his master, “While I was at Lungchiushuik‘ou one of Huang Tsu’s captains, Kan Ning by name, offered to surrender. I found out all about him. He is something of a scholar, is forceful, fond of wandering about as a knight-errant. He assembled a band of outlaws with whom he roamed over the rivers and lakes where he would terrorise everybody. He wore a bell at his waist and at the sound of this bell every one fled and hid. He fitted his boats with sails of Ssuch‘uan brocade and people called him the 'Pirate with Sails of Silk.'

“Then he reformed. He and his band went to Liu Piao, but they left him when they saw he would never accomplish anything and now they would serve under your banner, only that Huang Tsu detains them at Hsiak‘ou. Formerly when you were attacking Huang Tsu, he owed the recovery of Hsiak‘ou to this same Kan Ning, whom he treated with liberality, but when Su Fei, the Commander-in-Chief, recommended him for promotion, Huang Tsu said he was unsuited for any high position as, after all, he was no more than a pirate.

“So Kan Ning became a disappointed and resentful man. Su Fei tried to win him over to good humour and invited him to wine parties and said, 'I have put your name forward many times but our chief says he has no place suitable for you. However, time slips away and man’s life is not very long. One must make the most of it. I will put you forward for the magistracy of Ohsien, whence you may be able to advance.' So Kan Ning got away from Hsiak‘ou and would have come to you then, but he feared that he would not be welcomed, since he had assisted Huang Tsu and killed Ling Ts‘ao. I told him you were always ready to welcome able men and would nourish no resentment for former deeds. After all, every man was bound to do his best for his master. He would come with alacrity if he only felt sure of a welcome. I pray you to express your pleasure.”

This was good news for Sun Ch'üan and he said, “With his help I could destroy Huang Tsu.” Then he bade Lu Mêng bring Kan to see him.

When the salutations were over, the chief said, “My heart is entirely captivated by your coming; I feel no resentment against you. I hope you will have no doubts on that score and I may as well tell you that I desire some plan for the destruction of Huang Tsu.”

He replied, “The dynasty is decadent and without influence. Ts‘ao Ts‘ao will finally absorb the country down to the river unless he is opposed. Liu Piao provides nothing against the future and his sons are quite unfitted to succeed him. You should lay your plans to oust him at once before Ts‘ao Ts‘ao anticipates you. The first attack should be made on Huang Tsu, who is getting old and avaricious, so that every one hates him. He is totally unprepared for a fight and his army is undisciplined. He would fall at the first blow. If he were gone, you would control the western passes and could conquer Pa and Shu (Szech‘uan). And you would be securely established.”

“The advice is most valuable,” said Sun Ch'üan, and he made his preparations. Chou Yü was appointed Commanderin-Chief; Lü Mêng was van-leader; Tung Hsi and Kan Ning were sub-leaders. Sun Ch'üan himself would command the main army of ten legions.

The spies reported that Huang Tsu, at the news of an expedition against him, called his officers together to consult. He placed Su Fei in chief command. He also appointed vanleaders, and other officers, and prepared for defence. He had two squadrons of ships under the command of Ch'ên Chiu and Têng Lung. On these he placed strong bows and stiff crossbows to the number of more than a thousand and secured the boats to heavy hawsers so that they formed a barrier in the river.

At the approach of the men of Wu the drums beat for the ships to attack. Soon arrows and bolts flew thick, forcing back the invaders, who withdrew till several li of water lay between them and the defenders.

“We must go forward,” said Kan Ning to his colleague.

So they chose a hundred light craft and put picked men on them, fifty to a boat. Twenty were to row the boats and thirty to fight. These latter were armoured swordsmen. Careless of the enemy’s missiles these boats advanced, got to the defenders' fleet and cut the hawsers of their ships so that they drifted hither and thither in confusion. Kan Ning leaped upon one boat and killed Têng Lung. Ch'ên Chiu left the fleet and set out for the shore. Lü Mêng dropped into a small boat and went among the larger ships setting them on fire. When Ch'ên Chiu had nearly reached the bank, Lü reckless of death went after him, got ahead and struck him full in the breast so that he fell.

Before long Su Fei came along the bank with reinforcements, but it was too late; the armies of Wu had already landed and there was no hope of repelling them. Su Fei fled into the open country, but he was made prisoner. He was taken to Sun Ch'üan who ordered that he be put into a cage-cart and kept till Huang Tsu should be captured. Then he would execute the pair. And the attack was pressed; day and night they wrought to capture Hsiak‘ou.

He sees his ships cut loose and burned,
By the “Silk-sailed Pirate” he once spurned.

For Huang Tsu’s fate, see next chapter.