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Saturday Evening Gazette/June 7, 1856/General Notices

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Saturday Evening Gazette, June 7, 1856
General Notices
4514939Saturday Evening Gazette, June 7, 1856 — General Notices

General Notices.

Rice Damask Curtain Goods can always be found at G. L. & J. B. Kelty’s, 170 Washington street, as well as all kinds of curtain goods and fixtures.

Those who use Arnold’s Globules and Vital Fluid find that they suffer much less in years before from the Biliousness debility so prevalent during the Spring and early Summer. Any person who has any humor or tendency to Biliousness will find great relief from their effect.

The Only Cure for Toothache worthy of the name if Drs. Cummings and Flagg’s Nerve Anodyne. It removes the pain at once and keeps off the annoying fear of its return. The Doctors—whose office is situated at 25 Tremont street—continue to practice dentistry with great success.

Soda Season.—Tompkins at the corner of Washington and Winter streets has commenced his summer benevolence in dispensing his delicious creams to the people. The popularity of these, the last year, promises to renew with this, and already the sound of the fountain is heard on the warm days playing where the shadows sleep in the afternoon at the well known corner.

“Every Boy’s Friend.”—Dyer’s Healing Embrocation. This is one of the most useful and efficient compounds in the world.—For wounds, bruises, burns, cuts, &c., &c., it is unsurpassed. It is also one of the best preparations for rheumatic affections. Those who have tried it never think of being without a supply. It is every body’s friend.—Boston Bee.

To the Ladies.—We learn that Messrs. Grant & Co., of this city, proprietors of the Boston Manilla Emporium, 315 & 317 Washington street, received, per steamer Arabia, invoices of rich visites and mantillas, consigned to them by a French house. They hope to get them through the Custom House the first of the week. They consist of 9 packages, numbering over four hundred Mantillas. This addition to their present stock will make this the largest assortment in Boston.

The Art of Dyeing Human Hair is but imperfectly understood even by those who make the greatest pretensions. The most of the popular Hair Dyes of the day may, for the time, color the hair, but soon be succeeded by a tarnished green, or other unsightly appearance. Bogle’s Electric Hair Dye is void of these noxious properties. It instantly dyes the hair a beautiful natural black or brown, which neither water nor sunshine can tarnish in the least; and “to make assurance doubly sure” his agents are authorized to refund the money if the most perfect satisfaction is not given. Prices 50 cents, $1.00 and $1.50 per case. Inventor, W. Bogle, Boston, and sold by Druggists everywhere.

The Drawing Book, or the Government School of Design published by authority for the department of Practical Art, $2; Wheeler’s Life and Travels of Herodotus, 2 vols., cloth, $2; The Huguenot Exiles, 75c; The Rise and Progress of the English Constitution, by E. S. Creasy, $1; Tennyson’s Poems, 75c; Adventures of Gerard the Lion Killer. Translated from the French by Charles E. Whitehead, $1.25; Gabriel Vane, his Friends and his Fortunes, by Jeremy Loud, $1; The States and Territories of the Great West, with maps, &c., by Jacob Finis, $1; Introduction to the Study of Art, by M. A. Dwight, $1; Haswell’s Mechanics’ Tables, 50c. For sale by Redding & Co., 8 State street.

We think it for the interest of our readers to call their attention to the new Paper Hangings Store just opened at No. 113 Washington street. In looking through this extensive stock we were surprised at the great improvement made in this useful article, as seen in the varied and beautiful styles offered at this establishment.

Messrs. Hitchings & Dennett are thorough masters of their business, and we think can suit the most fastidious.

Are you getting Bald? Is your hair turning grey? Do you wish to cultivate good whiskers and moustaches? Your hair to be soft, silky, and glossy? Your head to be cool, comfortable, and free of dandruff? Mothers! are your children to have luxuriant heads of hair? Then use Bogle’s Hyperion Fluid, which never fails in its unerring effects. Prices 25 cts. 50 cts. 75 cts. and $1.50 per bottle. Bogle’s Balm of Cytheria stands unrivaled for eradicating tan and pimples, and beautifying the complexion. Price 50 cts. Inventor and proprietor, W. Bogle, Boston, and sold by Druggists everywhere.

Dyspepsia Cured.New York, July 31.—Gentlemen:—Having suffered many years from repeated attacks of dyspepsia in its worst form, and almost exhausted my hopes of being able to obtain any permanent relief, I was induced to have recourse to the Oxygenated Bitters, prepared by Dr. George B. Green, for which you are agents. It gives me great pleasure to say, that its effect upon me has been highly beneficial, eradicating the disease, and restoring me to good health; and I sincerely hope that all who may be suffering from that dreadful disease, will be induced to give the medicine a trial, fully believing they will not be disappointed in the result.

Joseph Hoxie, No. 76 Wall street.

Second Board, June 7, 1856.

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