Saturday Evening Gazette/June 7, 1856/The Buchanan Mass Meeting
The Buchanan Mass Meeting.—Something over 3,000 people assembled in and about State street this evening, to exchange congratulations on the nomination of Buchanan and Breckenridge. Fireworks of gorgeous hues were set off from the Times office, which was brilliantly illuminated, and in front of which a speakers’ stand was erected. The vast assemblage was called to order by Samuel R. Glen, Esq., and after remarks from that gentleman, eloquent addresses were made by Messrs. H. H. Cook, of Lenox, W. P. Richardson, of Kentucky, Perkins Cleveland, of Connecticut, and D. W. O’Brien, and B. S. Treanor, of this city. The Boston Brass Band discoursed some excellent music, including a Grand March, dedicated to Hon. James Buchanan, and composed for the occasion. Appropriate resolutions were passed, cheer upon cheer given for the candidates, and the mass meeting adjourned.