Satyagraha in South Africa/Index
Abdul Kadar Bavazir = Imamsaheb q. v.
Abdulla Haji Adam Jhaveri, Sheth, 43
Abdul Rahman, Doctor, 13
Abubakar Amad, Sheth, 23, 33
Accounts, the importance of keeping proper, 122-3
Adajania, Sorabji Shapurji, 211 ff.
Adam, Sheth Haji, 44
Adamji Miyankhan, 49
Agreements, golden rule for interpreting, 18
Ahmedabad, Satyagraha of the millhands in, xiii
Aiyar, Sir Subrahmanya, 52
Albrecht, 252
Alexander, Mrs, helps to save the author from being lynched, 58-9
Alexander, Police Superintendent, contrives to save the author from mob fury, 59 ff., 185
Ali, 133
Ali, H. O., 118 ff.
Allahabad, 50
Amad Bhayat, Sheth, 308
Ampthill, Lord, 228 ff., 325
Anandacharulu, P., 52
Andrews, C. F., 177, 270, 321-2, 324, 325, 327, 331, 333
Asiatic Department created, 83 ff., 85 ff.
Asiatic Law Amendment Ordinance, 97 ff.
Asiatic Registration Act, 126 ff.
Avesta, the, 242
Badruddin Tyebji, 50
Bagasra, xii
Balfour, 308-09
Banerji, Surendranath, 52
Basutos, the, 8
Beauty, false notions of, 9
Bechuanas, the, 8
Bhagavata, the, 10
Bhandarkar, Professor, 51 ff.
Bhavani Dayal, Mrs, 278
Bhownuggree, Sir Muncherjee, 66 ff., 118 ff.
Bible, the, 11
Blharilal Maharaj, 304
Bloemfontein, 5, 181
Bloemfontein jail, 312
Boers, the, 14; compel ‘natives’ to till land for them, 14; come into conflict with the English and ‘trek’ into the interior, 14; love their own language, 15-6; their large farms, 15; love of liberty, 15; their women equally brave, 16, 17; their religion, 16
Boer War, the, 14, 66 ff.; Indian ambulance corps in, 75 ff.
Bombay, xii, 49, 52, 81
Booth, Dr, 76
Boston tea party, 204
Botha, General, 15, 17 ff., 108, 130 ff., 156, 182, 228 ff., 267, 268
Briscoe, Dr, 294, 299
Buller, General, 77
CALCUTTA, 49, 52, 257
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry, 17, 19
Cape Colony, the, 5, 13, 19, 25, 36; Indian grievances in, 36 ff.
Cape of Good Hope, 5
Cape Town, 5, 6, 8, 13, 36, 262
Cartwright, Albert, 154 ff., 181, 196
Chamberlain, 62 ff., 69, 81
Chamney, 168 ff., 307, 309
Champaran, Satyagraha in, xii, xiii, 84
Charlestown, 290, 294 ff., 297 ff.
Chelmsford, Lord, xii
Chesney, 50
Christ, 12, 16, 114, 172
Christopher, A., 295
Clifford, Dr, 112
Clothes, the philosophy of, 10
‘Colour Bar’ In legislation, 29, 87 ff.
Co-education on Tolstoy Farm, 243 ff.
Constitution of the Union of South Africa, how framed, 19 ff.
Courland, s. s., 52 ff.
Crewe, Lord, 228
Cronje, General, 14, 80
Cullinan, the, the world’s largest diamond, 4
Curtis, Lionel, 93, 96, 109
Curzon, Lord, 79
DADA ABDULLA, Indian firm in Durban, 41-3, 52 ff.
Dadabhai Naoroji, 65 ff., 118 ff.
Dadibarjor, Dr, 59
Daily Mail, the, 204
Daily Star, the, 154
Damania, N., 238
Daud Muhammad, Sheth, 185, 216 ff.
Deccan Sabha, 51 ff.
Defence of India Act, 94
Delagoa Bay, 4, 38, 178
Deportation to India, Satyagrahis punished with, 221 ff.
Desai, Pragji Khandubhai, 216, 238, 241
De Wet, General, 15
Dharma-yuddha, xiv
Dick, Miss, 179
Diepkloof prison, hunger strike in, 226
Doctor, Mrs J. M., 281
Doke, Miss Olive, 170
Doke, Rev. J., 142, 168 ff., 179, 181
Doukhobors of Russia, 115
Drew, Rev. Dewdney, 181
Drugless healing on Tolstoy Farm, 247 ff., 254 ff.
Duncan, 108
Dundee, 309-10
Durban, 4, 6, 8, 41-3, 54 ff., 141, 175, 177, 184 ff., 290 ff.; the author mobbed in, 58
Elgin, Lord, 28, 118 ff., 120; his crooked policy, 124 ff.
Ellis, 262
Emigration Act, the Indian, xii
Empire, the British, 19
English, the, in South Africa, 14; defeated by the Dutch at Majuba, 14; in Natal, 21
Escombe, Harry, 22, 45, 54, 75
Esselen, 322, 327
Europeans’ argument for excluding Indians from South Africa, 90
European traders, their relations with Negroes, 24
Food on Tolstoy Farm, 246
Fourth Resolution, the famous, 102
Friend, the, 181
GANDHI, C. K., 281
Gandhi, Harilal Mohandas, 216
Gandhi, Maganlal Khushalchand, 109, 177, 320
Gandhi, Mrs Kasturba, 280-1
Gandhi, Mrs K. C., 281
Gandhi, Mrs S. M., 281
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand, the author, leaves India for South Africa in Dada Abdulla’s case, 41; lands in Durban, 41; is pushed out of the train at Maritzburg and insulted in other ways, 42-3; but sees the case through, 43; admitted as advocate of the Supreme Court of Natal, 45; helps to found the Natal Indian Congress, 45 ff.; and the Natal Indian Educational Association, 47; returns to India, 48; writes pamphlet on condition of Indians in South Africa, 50; meets Lokamanya, 50: and Gokhale, 51; addresses meetings in Poona and Madras, 52; recalled to South Africa, 52; mobbed in Durban, 57 ff.; but declines to prosecute assailants, 62 ff.; serves upon the ambulance corps in the Boer War, 75; returns to India and starts practice in Bombay, but is called to South Africa again, 81; opens an attorney’s office in Johannesburg, 85; joins the Indian Stretcher-bearer Corps in the Zulu ‘rebellion’, 97 ff.; his speech adumbrating Satyagraha, 104 ff.; serves on deputation to England, 118; starts Indian Opinion and founds Phoenix Settlement, 141 ff.; gets two months’ imprisonment, 148 ff.; his experiences in Johannesburg jail, 149 ff.; comes to terms with the Government on behalf of the Indians, 154 ff.; but is opposed and assaulted, 161 ff.; nursed by the Dokes, 168 ff.; his attempt to cast out fear, 186; charged with cunning, 207; in prison again, 220; goes to England on a second deputation, 227 ff.; writes Hind Swaraj, 231; his experiment of co-education, 243 ff.; experiments in drugless healing, 247 ff., 254 ff.; rejection of milk, 257; insistence upon speaking in the mother tongue, 265; requests Gokhale to speak in Marathi, 265-66; meets the mine-owners in connection with Indian labourers’ strike, 291 ff.; goes with the strikers to Charlestown, 294 ff.; and with them crosses over into the Transvaal, 297 ff.; gets nine months’ imprisonment at Dundee, 310; and three months’ at Volksrust, 310; released after six weeks, 322; meets General Smuts, 327 ff.; negotiates provisional agreement, 330 ff.; his letter to General Smuts marking the end of the Satyagraha struggle, 336 ff.; leaves South Africa for England en route to India, 338
Gandhi, R. M., 281
Germiston, 111, 137
Ghelanl, M. M., 219
Ghorkhodu Rustomji Jivanji = Parsi Rustomji q. v.
Gibson, J. C., 167
Gita, the Bhagavad, 244
Godfrey, George, 83
Gokhale, Gopal Krishna, 37, 50; the author meets, 51, 80, 177, 212; his visit to Tolstoy Farm, 248; tour in South Africa, 260 ff., 272 ff., 278, 306, 315, 321, 331, 338
Gokuldas, H., 281
Govindarajulu, V., 281
Greylingstad, 307-8
Griffin, Sir Lepel, 118
Gujarat, xiii, 23
Gujarati, 47, 99, 102, 132, 141-2, 241, 243, 247, 279
HABIB, SHETH HAJI, 102 ff., 108, 228 ff.
Harbatsinh, 311
Hardinge, Lord, 270, 315, 324, 325, 327
Heidelberg, 308
Henry, on finger prints, 101
Hertzog, General, 15, 227
Hind Swaraj (Indian Home Rule), 231, 232
Hindi, 102, 141, 247
Hindu, the, 52
Hobhouse, Miss, 181
Hosken, 111 ff., 131 ff., 180, 196
Hunger strike in jail, 226
Hunter, Sir W. W., 22, 66 ff., 118
Husen Daud, 217
Indentured Indian labour, stopping of, xii
India, Government of, 21 ff.
Indian Ambulance Corps in the Boer War, 75
Indian immigration restricted in Natal, 31
Indian labourers reach Natal, 21; their condition bordering on slavery, 22, 23; Europeans’ agitation against them, 26; poll-tax imposed upon them upon expiry of indenture, 28; strike work, 282, 286 ff.; march into the Transvaal, 293 ff.; sent back to Natal and cruelly compelled to work, 314 ff.; but secure a repeal of the poll-tax in the end, 335
Indian Opinion, 97, 99, 108, 109, 141, 145, 177, 179 ff., 184, 186, 197, 198, 231, 234, 273, 278, 320
Indian settlers, their hardships in Natal, 26 ff.; in the Transvaal, 32 ff.; in Orangia, 35, 36; in the Cape Colony, 36 ff.; divided among themselves, 39-40; their resistance to an attempt to disfranchise them in Natal, 43; form ambulance corps in the Boer War, 75 ff.; undergo voluntary registration, 94; and get the Asiatic Ordinance as reward, 96 ff.; raise a Stretcher-bearer Corps in the Zulu ‘rebellion,’ 97 ff.; declare Satyagraha against the Asiatic Act, 102 ff.; send a deputation to England, 116 ff., inaugurate a fresh body for Satyagraha struggle, 128; send 150 of their number to jail, 152; reach with General Smuts a settlement, 154 ff.; which is repudiated, 189 ff.; send an ultimatum to the Transvaal Government, 198 ff.; make a bonfire of registration certificates, 202 ff.; charged with forcing fresh issue, 206 ff.; send a second deputation to England, 228 ff. etc.
Indians, ‘free’ 23-24
Indians Relief Bill, 335
Indian Stretcher-bearer Corps in the Zulu ‘rebellion’, 97 ff.
Indian traders enter South Africa, 22; their relations with Negroes, 24 ff.; disfranchised in Natal, 29; restrictions imposed upon them, 30
Iyengar, Bhashyam, 52
JAIL, JOHANNESBURG, author’s experiences in, 149 ff.; clothing in, 149, 150; diet in, 152 ff.
Jail, Pretoria, 220
Jail, Volksrust, 220, 311
Jameson, Dr, his raid on Johannesburg, 68
Java, 13
Johannesburg, 3, 4, 19, 68 ff., 85, 96, 97, 98, 111, 130, 149, 154, 157, 178, 184, 202, 213 ff., 234, 239, 262 ff.
John King of Portugal, 5
Joshi, H. I., 98
Juhu, xiv, xv
KACHHALIA, A. M., 132 ff., 148, 173, 179, 192 ff., 213, 308, 320
Kallenbach, H., 178 ff., 234, 236, 238, 240 ff., 248-9, 257, 262 ff., 269, 295, 298, 302-3, 304, 310-11, 313, 322
Kashmir, 3
Kenilworth Castle, s. s., 228
Kheda, Satyagraha in, xiii
Khllafat wrong, Satyagraha against, xiii
Kildonan Castle, s. s., 231
Kitchener, Lord, 16, 18, 80, 182
Kitchin, Herbert, 141, 180
Klerksdorp, 262
Kohinoor, the, 4
Koran, the, 242
Kotval, P. K., 247, 248
Kruger, President, 15, 33, 68
Krugersdorp, 262
LADYSMITH 71, 77, 78 ff.
Lansdowne, Lord, 32, 81
Laughton, F. A., 55
Lawley, 235, 254
Lawley, Sir Arthur, 85
Lazarus, D., 287, 290
Locations, Indians segregated In, 35
Lukin, General, 316, 317
Lutavan, 255
Madeira, 120, 124, 126
Madras, 49, 52, 223, 315
Madras Standard, the, 52
Majuba Hill, 14
Malays, the, 13, 36
Marathi, Gokhale requested to speak in, 265-6
Mariannhill, Trappist monastery at, 240
Maritzburg = Pietermaritzburg q. v.
Mauritius, 22, 23, 147
Meat excluded from Tolstoy Farm, 236-7
Medh, S. B., 98, 216
Mehta, Dr Pranjivan Jagjivan, 212
Mehta, Sir Pherozeshah Merwanji, 50, 283
Mehtab, Bai Fatma, 297
Merriman, 37, 228
Milk, the propriety of rejecting, 257
Milner, Lord, 17 ff., 69, 70, 85, 86, 89, 93, 154, 181
Mir Alam, 167 ff., 187, 204
Mirabai, 297
Molteno, Miss, 182
Molteno, Sir John, 36
Moodaley, Jack, 185-6
Morley, Lord, 32, 118, 228
Moses, 16
Motilal, the Vadhvan worker, xi
Mudallar, K. M., 281
Mudaliar, Valliamma, 283-4
Mudalingam, Mrs R. A., 278
NADERI, s. s., 52 ff.
Nagappan, Swami, 224 £f.
Naidoo, Mrs A. P., 278
Naidoo, Mrs P. K., 213
Naidoo, Mrs Thambi, 278
Naidoo, P. K., 223, 295, 303, 304
Naidoo, Thambi, 147, 148, 156, 167, 238
Nanabhai Harldas, Mr Justice, 55
Narayanswaml, 225
Natal, 4, 5, 19, 21 ff.; Indians’ grievances in, 26 ff., 37, 52, 53, 87; passim
Natal Indian Congress, the, founded, 45 ff.
Natal Indian Educational Association founded, 47
Natal Mercury, the, 43
Natesan, G. A., 223
Navajivan, 51
Nawabkhan, 153
Nazar, M. H., 55, 67, 80, 141
Negroes, the, of South Africa, 8; their physique, 8-9; huts, 9; clothing, 10; food innocent of spices or condiments, 10-11; languages, 11; religion, 11; truthfulness, 11; timidity, 11-12; ‘civilization’ leads them into vice and disease, 12-3, 21; their relations with Indian and European traders, 24
Newcastle, 279, 282, 286, 293, 295
Norton, Mr, 52
ORANGE FREE STATE = Orangia q. v.
Orangia, 5, 14, 25; Indian grievances in, 35 ff.
Orloff, the, 4
Parbhusingh, an Indian, assigned most responsible work at the siege of Ladysmith, 79
Parsi Rustomji, 56 ff., 185, 216, 223, 281
Passive Resistance, phrase first used to denote the Indian struggle but since given up, 109-10; distinguished from Satyagraha, 111
Patel, M. H., 281
Patel, R. M., 281
Peace Preservation Ordinance, 94
Pearson, Willie, 177, 270, 322
Permanent funds, the impropriety of managing public bodies with, 129
Petit, Mrs Jaiji, xii
Phillips, Rev. Charles, 181
Phoenix, 97, 98, 141, 177, 184 ff., 219, 234, 274, 278, 315, 320
Phuka, the cruel practice of, 257
Pietermaritzburg, 4; author pushed out of the train at, 42, 43
Pietermaritzburg jail, 283
Pillai Parameshvaran, 52
Pillay, Miss B. M., 278
Pillay, Miss Minachl, 278
Pillay, Mrs K. C., 278
Pillay, Mrs K. Murugasa, 278
Pillay, Mrs N., 278
Pillay, Mrs N. S., 278
Pioneer, the, 50
Polak, H. S. L., 142, 177, 306 ff., 322 ff.
Poll-tax on Indian labourers, 28
Poona, 50 ff.
Porbandar, 23, 41, 52
Portugal, 5
Portuguese, the, 4
Potchefstroom, 262
Pretoria, 4, 41, 42 ff., 81 ff., 130, 148, 157, 218, 261, 267 ff., 325, 327
Pretoria News, the, 181
Progression, law of, applicable to all righteous movements, 208-10
Punjab wrong, the Satyagraha against, xiii
Rahimkhan, 304
Rajendraprasad, Babu, xii
Rajkot, xii
Raju Govindu, 281
Rama Sundara, Pandit, 137
Ramzan on Tolstoy Farm, 247
Ranade, Mahadev Govind, 50
Redmond, 119
Reuter sends exaggerated summary of the author’s speeches to South Africa, 52
Rickshaw, the author spared the shame of a—ride, 58
Ripon, Lord, 29, 44, 46
Ritch, L. W., 119, 120, 124, 177, 260
Roberts, Lord, 14
Robertson, Sir Benjamin, 327, 330, 331, 333
Rose Innes, Sir James, 323
Roosevelt, President, 92
Rowlatt Act, the, xiii; Satyagraha against, xiii
Royeppen, Joseph, 219, 238
Royeppen, Solomon, 281
Rule, the golden, for the interpretation of agreements, 18
Sandals made on Tolstoy Farm, 240-1
Sanitary arrangements on Tolstoy Farm, 239-40
Sarvajanik Sabha, 51 ff.
Satyagraha, advent of, 102 ff.; implications of, xiv, 17, 92-3,
187-8, 209-10, 285, 306; invention of the term, 109-10; distinguished from passive resistance, 111: fresh association organized for, 128 ff.
Satyagraha in India in respect of Viramgam customs, xi, xii; as regards the stopping of indentured labour, xii; in Champaran, xii, xiii; by the mill-hands in Ahmedabad, xiii; in Kheda, xiii; against the Rowlatt Act, xiii; against Khilafat and Punjab wrongs, xiii, xiv; for Swaraj, xiii, xiv
Satyagrahis keen upon keeping promises, 253; their chivalry, 325-6
Saunders, 52
Saurashtra, xi, 23, 41
Savage, Dr, 97
Schlesin, Miss Sonja, 178 ff., 295, 320
Schreiner, Olive, 37, 182 ff.
Schreiner, W. P., 36, 37, 262, 323
Searle, Mr Justice, 276 ff.
Selborne, Lord, 32, 81, 85
Servants, no domestic—on Tolstoy Farm, 236
Shelat, U. M., 98
Shukadeva, 10
Sinha, Ramnarayan, 304
Smuts, General, 15, 17, 90, 130 ff., 154 ff.; his breach of faith (?), 189 ff.; 207 ff., 228 ff., 267, 272, 300, 306, 321 ff.
Snakes on Tolstoy Farm, 252 ff.
Socrates, 298
Sodha, Ratansi Muljl, 216
Sodha, Revashankar R,, 281
Solomon, Sir Richard, 124 ff.
Sorabji Rustomji, 317
South Africa, climate, 3; geography, 4 ff.; cereals, fruits etc., 5, 6; cattle, 6; landscape, 6; rivers, 6 ff.; agriculture, 7; seasons and rainfall, 7; the Negroes of, 8 ff.; area and population, 8 ff.; the Dutch in, 13 ff.; the Malays in, 13; Indians in, 21 ff.
Standerton, 307
Stead, W. T., 17, 182
Stent, Vere, 181
Subrahmanyam, G., 52
Subrahmanyam, Indian labourer, assaulted by his master, 53
Surat, 23
Swaraj, the fight for, xiii, xiv
Swazis, the, 8
Symonds, 121
Table Mountain, 6
Tagore, Maharaja J. M., 52
Taib Haji Khanmamad, Indian firm in Pretoria, 41
Tamil, 102, 141, 241, 243, 279
Tata, Sir Ratanjl, 232
Teaching children on Tolstoy Farm, 241
Teakworth, 307
Telugu, 102, 241, 243, 279
Testament, the New, 16
Testament, the Old, 16, 33
Theatre, Empire (Johannesburg), Indians declare Satyagraha at meeting in, 102 ff.
Thwaites, Dr, 169
Tibet, 3
Tilak, Lokamanya, 51 ff.
Tolstoy, 115, 188
Tolstoy Farm, 133, 232 ff., 298
Transvaal, the, gold and diamond mines in, 4, 14, 25; Indian grievances in, 32 ff., 38, 81, passim
Transvaal Immigrants Restriction Act, 206
Transvaal Leader, the, 154, 304
Tulsidas, 286
Vereeniging, the Peace of, 17, 18, 278
Vernon, Police Superintendent, 156, 215
Verulam, 315, 316
Victoria, Queen, 14
Vihari, 238
Viramgam customs cordon, Satyagraha as regards, xi, xii, xiv
Volksrust, 214, 218, 290, 297, 299 ff., 310
Weakness, the duty of judging—charitably, 139, 225
Wedderburn, Sir W., 65 ff., 119
West, Albert, 174, 320, 321
West, Miss Ada, 176, 320
White, General, 77
Wylie, Col., 323, 327
Yeravda Jail, xiv
Young India, 51
Yusuf Mian, 130, 158, 167, 192, 204
ZANZIBAR, 178, 266, 269
Zulu ‘rebellion’, Indian stretcher-bearers in, 97
Zulus, the, 8 ff., 21