Scenes and Hymns of Life, with Other Religious Poems/Invocation Continued

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For other versions of this work, see Female Characters of Scripture. II. Invocation Continued.



And come, ye faithful! round Messiah seen,
    With a soft harmony of tears and light
Streaming through all your spiritual mien,
    As in calm clouds of pearly stillness bright,
    Showers weave with sunshine, and transpierce their slight
Ethereal cradle.—From your heart subdued
    All haughty dreams of power had wing'd their flight,
And left high place for martyr fortitude,
True faith, long suffering love.—Come to me, come!
    And, as the seas beneath your master's tread
    Fell into crystal smoothness, round him spread
Like the clear pavement of his heavenly home;
    So in your presence, let the soul's great deep
    Sink to the gentleness of infant sleep.