Scientific Methods/Name Index
Name Index
Abel, 172
Abelard, 7, 72
Achinstein, 13
Ackerman, 133, 211, 212
Adler, 188
Alexander, 4, 6
Alexandria, 5, 88, 208
Alfonso VII, 8
Alhazen, 132
Al-Khwarizmi, 6
Alvarez, 51
Anchorage, 46, 50, 58, 59
Angier, 193
Antarctica, 107, 193
Aquinas, 9
Arab, 6-9, 128, 132
Arabian Peninsula, 6
Archimedes, 10, 11, 61, 64, 159, 172
Aristocles. See Plato
Aristotelian, 43, 60, 61, 72, 160
Aristotle, 4, 5, 14, 46, 60, 63, 72, 82, 162
Arnaudin, 153, 154
Arnauld, 11
Athens, 3, 4, 5, 6
Atwater, 177
Augustine, 5, 6, 181
Aurelius, 196
Ausubel, 153
Axelrod, 203, 204
Babylonia, 6
Bacon, F., 10-12, 14, 17, 74
Bacon, R., 8, 9
Bailey, 16
Baker, 137, 187
Bauer, 70, 92, 93, 95, 96
Bean, 142
Bedouin, 6
Begleiter, 70
Berkeley, 51
Bernard, 150, 170
Bernard of Chartres, 11
Bernstein, 177
Beveridge, 74, 97, 100, 103, 107, 139, 143, 165, 172, 174, 178
Bhagavad Gita, 184
Bible, 92, 196, 198, 205, 208
Biondi, 174
Blackett, 194
Blake, 168
Blatty, 117
Blauner, 200
Blondlot, 145
Boghosian, 122
Bonnichsen, 68
Boyd, 61, 143, 177
Brehaut, 6
Broca, 142
Bronowski, 10, 125, 155, 184, 185, 196, 198, 208, 209, 212
Brown, 17
Browne, 101
Brumer, 2
Brunelleschi, 132
Bruner, 128, 162
Bruno, 10
Buck, 8
Buddha, 198, 211
Burns, 187
Bush, 191
Caliph Omar, 88
Calvin, 17, 20, 134, 143, 171, 177, 181, 182, 185, 200
Campanella, 195
Campbell, 184, 185, 196, 212
Carnap, 146, 156
Catholic Church, 7
Cavazon-Gaither, 2
Chambliss, 6, 9, 82
Chandler, 169
Chartres, 7, 8
Chauvenet, 33, 35, 37-41, 47, 48
Cheng, 72
Chladni, 166
Christian, 5, 8, 9
Clausewitz, 158
CM-2 Connection Machine, 121
COBE satellite, 193
Cohen, 191
Coleridge, 211
Committee on the Conduct of Science, 205
Conant, 12
Constantinople, 8
Copernicus, 10, 157
Cowell, 101
Cray, 102, 121
Crombie, 8
Crusaders, 8
Cunningham, 11
Curie, 199
da Vinci. See Leonardo da Vinci
Daedalus, 185
Dante Alighieri, 182
Dartmouth, 126, 127
Darwin, 14, 92, 99, 170-172, 184, 186, 207-209
Darwinian, 17, 157, 187
Davy, 17
Dedekind, 195
Derry, 70, 185, 186
Descartes, 10-12, 14, 74, 131, 132, 162
Diaconis, 46
Dillard, 44, 63, 181-183, 198
Dixon, 31, 35
Doyle, 71, 99, 149
Dulong, 157
Edison, 14, 169
Egypt, 101, 196
Ehrlich, 107
Einstein, 68, 71, 74, 129, 130, 132, 139, 148, 156, 162-164, 167, 170, 171, 173, 175, 177, 178, 184, 195, 197, 201, 207, 209, 211, 213
Eiseley, 127
Eldredge, 17, 163
Emerson, 212
Empedocles, 195
Ennis, 89
Eratosthenes, 5
Euclid, 4, 207, 208
Europe, 4, 6, 7
Executive Office of the President, 191
Fabre, 100, 101, 135
Fairweather, 6
Feynman, 185, 199
Fisher, 27, 31, 57
Fleischmann, 144, 145
Fleming, 178
Fowler, 3
Franklin, 187, 207
Freedman, 202
Freud, 188
Gaither, 2
Galileo, 10, 14, 44, 90, 91, 160, 184
Galison, 51
Gallup, 19
Gandhi, 184
Gellner, 96
Gerard, 172
Gibbon, 5
Giere, 158
Gilbert, 141
Gleick, 59, 107, 149, 164, 200, 212
God, 3, 5, 6, 7, 105, 128, 139, 184, 195
Goldstein, 4, 5, 7, 8, 208
Goleman, 127, 134, 200
Gomory, 191
Gould, 17, 88, 127, 135, 140, 142, 163
Gregory, 135
Grosseteste, 8, 9
Harris, 3, 9, 42, 71, 189
Hartmann, 166
Hastorf, 126, 127
Heisenberg, 63, 129, 130
Helmholtz, 169, 172, 175, 176
Hemingway, 105
Heminway, 106
Heraclitus, 144
Hesse, 187
Hilts, 120
Hippocrates, 104
Hochberg, 132
Hoenig, 197
Hoffman, 37
Hoffmann, 164, 167, 170, 173, 175, 210
Hofstadter, 178
Holmes, 71, 73, 99, 149
Holton, 44, 90
Hooke, 11
Hoover, 19, 69
Hornsby, 48
Houdini, 207
Hubbard, 136
Hubble, 194, 208
Hudson River, 21
Hume, 61, 63
Hurley, 64, 83, 87
Huxley, 92
Ibn el-Ass, 88
Ibrahim, 128
Icarus, 185
India, 6, 200
Isidore of Seville, 6
Islam, 6, 8, 9
Ittelson, 135
Jarrard, 136, 167, 191
Jason, 177
Jefferson Starship, 185
Jeffrey, 156
Jesus, 184
Jones, 142
Joyce, 181
Justinian, 6
Kant, 14
Kelvin, 179
Kennedy, 186, 200
Kepler, 10, 131
Kilimanjaro, 105
Killeffer, 4, 105, 111, 171, 180, 190
Kohlberg, 206
Kolata, 70, 94
Krafft, 198
Kropotkin, 170, 181
Kuhn, D., 71, 72, 129, 137, 140, 147, 164, 165, 206
Kuhn, T., 128, 145, 148, 150, 151, 157, 161-164, 167, 188
Lakatos, 160, 161
Lambert, 158
Lamont, 106
Landon, 19
Langmuir, 119
Larson, 97, 114, 115, 130, 146
Lee, 61, 62
Leibniz, 72, 208
Lenzen, 61
Leonardo da Vinci, 8, 9, 14, 123, 187, 208
Leuba, 172
Literary Digest, 19
Locke, 11
Loehle, 179
Lord, 128, 129
Lorenz, 1, 190, 199, 201
Lubkin, 190
Luoma, 118
Maddox, 198, 205
Magnus, 9
Magsat, 18
Malinowski, 62
Mall, 142
Malthus, 208
Mannoia, 68, 143, 158, 163, 165
Maori, 137
Marx, 188
Maslow, 181
Massey, 31, 35
Matthiessen, 172, 184, 198
Medawer, 12, 13, 73
Mediterranean, 6
Menard, 207
Mendel, 207, 209
Mensa, 91
Michelson, 166
Mill, 61, 64, 65, 72
Minkowski, 129
Mohammad Ali, 14
Morris, 2
Mostelle, 46
Mulla Nasrudin, 106
Muslim, 6, 7, 8, 88
Nair, 35
National Science Foundation, 192, 203
Neisser, 131, 132
New Zealand, 137
Newton, 10, 11, 90, 99, 132, 157, 164, 171, 173, 186, 197, 207, 208, 209
Newtonian, 15, 44, 61, 68, 161, 163
Nowak, 204
Ohm, 149
Oliver, 45, 150, 173, 179, 180, 194
Open University, 52, 111
Oppenheimer, 184
Oxford, 7, 8
Paris, 7
Pasteur, 175, 178, 197
Pavlov, 202
Pearl Harbor, 98
Penzias, 141
Percy, 180
Persia, 6
Phelps, 17
Pioneer 10, 68
Planck, 97
Plato, 3, 4, 8, 125, 133, 162
Platt, 169, 171-174, 176, 177
Poincaré, 170, 175-177
Pons, 144, 145
Pope, 194
Popper, 13, 143, 150, 156, 157, 188
Porter, 192
Press, 15
Princeton, 126, 127
Ptolemy, 4
Pythagoras, 4, 7, 148, 208
Pytheas of Massilia, 150
Ramanujan, 200
Rapoport, 203
Reinfeld, 111, 117
Rifkin, 11
Rilke, 163
Roentgen, 145, 178
Roller, 44, 90
Roosevelt, 19, 184
Rushton, 202
Russell, 12, 136
Rutherford, 16, 194
Salerno, 7
Salk, 158, 198
San Fernando, 101
Schwarzschild, 44, 119
Scripps Institution, 101
Serapis, 5
Shah, 61, 106, 168
Shakespeare, 183
Simonton, 200
Sindermann, 169, 201, 205
Sizi, 44, 90
Smith, 9, 195
Smoot, 16
Snow, 3, 187
Socrates, 3, 4, 82, 184
Spain, 6, 8
Spencer, H., 183, 187
Spencer, J., 94
Steinbeck, 171, 182
Stevens, W., 131
Stevens, W.K., 70, 186
Stevenson, 212
Sufi, 63, 106, 168, 174, 185
Sun Tzu, 98, 110
Supernova SN1987A, 101
Syene, 5
Syracuse, 61
Szilard, 184
Tantalus, 211
Teale, 100, 135, 166, 196, 210
Teeple, 176
Terkel, 198
Thierry of Chartres, 7
Thomas, 136
Thomson, 150
Thurstone, 46
Timpane, 187
Toledo, 8
Toulmin, 163, 167
Trobriand, 61-63
Trotter, 157, 166
Unzen Volcano, 198
Velikovsky, 188
Venn, 76, 78, 79, 81, 84
Vesalius, 10
Vietnam, 90
Virgil, 60
Voltaire, 196
von Braun, 194
von Neumann, 155, 196
Wallace, 131, 170, 208, 209
Wallas, 169
Wason, 71
Watson, 193
Watterson, 168, 196, 212
Weber, 194
Weisskopf, 61
Weyl, 43
Whitman, 195, 213
Wilford, 68, 106, 137
Will, 48, 71, 102, 125
William of Conches, 7
William of Occam, 72, 149
Williams, 198
Wilson, 20, 45, 46, 102, 104,
105, 111, 117, 157, 178
Wolfe, 171
Wordsworth, 210
Wright, 205
Wyngaarden, 193
Yale, 126
Yates, 27, 31, 57
Young, 33, 57
Ziman, 144