Scofield Reference Bible Notes/3 Kings (1 Kings)
Book Introduction - 1 Kings
Read first chapter of 1 Kings
First Kings records the death of David, the reign of Solomon, the building of the temple, death of Solomon, division of the kingdom under Rehoboam and Jeroboam, and the history of the two kingdoms to the reign of Jehoram over Judah, and Ahaziah over Samaria. Includes the mighty ministry of Elijah.
The book is in seven parts:
- From the rebellion of Adonijah to the death of David, 1:1-2:11.
- From the accession of Solomon to the dedication of the temple, 2:12-8:66.
- From the division of the kingdom to the death of Jeroboam and Rehoboam, 12:1-14:31.
- The kingdoms to the accession of Ahab, 15:1-16:28.
- Accession of Ahab to his death, 16:29-22:40.
- From the reign of Jehoshaphat to the accession of Jehoram over Judah, and Ahaziah over Samaria, 22:41-53.
The events recorded in First Kings cover a period of 118 years (Ussher).
[edit]Verse 29
Exodus 14:30; Isaiah 59:20. (See Scofield "Exodus 14:30"). See Scofield "Isaiah 59:20".
Verse 6
Heb. "Sheol," (See Scofield "Habakkuk 2:5").
Verse 2
[edit]high places
Cf. Leviticus 26:30; Deuteronomy 12:11-14. The use of commanding elevations for altars seems to have been immemorial and universal. In itself the practice was not evil ; Genesis 12:7,8; 22:2-4 ; 31:54; Judges 6:25,26; 13:16-23. After the establishment of Mount Moriah and the temple as the centre of divine worship ; Deuteronomy 12:5; 2 Chronicles 7:12 the pentateuchal prohibition of the use of high places Deuteronomy 12:11-14 which had looked forward to the setting up of such a centre, came into effect, and high places became identified with idolatrous practices. The constant recurrence to the use of high places, even for Jehovistic worship (See Scofield "1 Kings 15:14") and after the building of the temple, proves how deeply rooted the custom was.
See 2 Kings 18:4-22; 23:1-37; 2 Chronicles 33:3,17,19 Note below refers to "Groves." (See Scofield "Judges 3:7").
Verse 8
[edit]son of Hur
Or, Benhur.
Verse 1
[edit]the house of the Lord
The typology of the temple, if indeed it has any typical significance, is most obscure and difficult. The N.T. invariably expounds the typology of the tabernacle, not of the temple. The symbolism of the latter may be revealed in the kingdom-age (see "Kingdom" O.T., (See Scofield "Genesis 1:26") See Scofield "Zechariah 12:8" N.T., ; Luke 1:32; 1 Corinthians 15:28. In the N.T. the usual Gk. word for sanctuary (naos) is used
- (1) of the temple in Jerusalem Matthew 23:16.
- (2) of the believer's body 1 Corinthians 3:16,17; 6:19
- (3) of the local church 2 Corinthians 6:16 and
- (4) of the true church Ephesians 2:21 But in all these instances the thought is simply of a habitation of God. No reference to the structure of the temple, as in the case of the tabernacle Hebrews 9:1-10:39.
Second month, i.e. May.
Verse 4
[edit]windows of narrow lights
Cf. 2 Chronicles 4:20. In the holy of holies in the tabernacle no light but the shekinah glory was provided. In many ways Solomon's temple manifests the spiritual deterioration of the people, and Jehovah's condescension to it in grace.
Verse 27
[edit]they stretched forth Or, the cherubim stretched forth their wings.
Verse 37
Second month, i.e. May.
Verse 38
Eighth month i.e. November.
Verse 1
Eighth month i.e. November.
Verse 5
Or, spaces and pillars were square in prospect.
Verse 21
[edit]Jachin i.e. He shall establish.
Boaz i.e. in it is strength.
Verse 48
[edit]shewbread (See Scofield "Exodus 25:30")
Verse 1
[edit]Then Solomon
The consecration of the temple illustrates all consecration. The temple, like the believer 1 Thessalonians 5:23 was threefold: the court, that which was outward, visible, answered to the body; the holy place, where everything appealed to the sacred emotions, answered to the soul; the holy of holies, the place of communion with God Exodus 25:22 answered to the spirit of man. The ark was the most all- inclusive type of Christ of any one of the vessels of the tabernacle. (See Scofield "Exodus 25:9"). When, therefore, the priests brought the ark into the court, the holy place, and the holy of holies, they were, in type, enthroning Christ over the body, with its powers and appetites; the soul, seat of the emotions and desires; and the mind, seat of the capacity to know and commune with God. See Scofield "Genesis 1:26" note 3. In Christian experience this answers to ; Romans 12:1-3; Ephesians 5:18.
Verse 2
Seventh month i.e. October.
Verse 10
1 Kings 8:10,11. (See Scofield "Exodus 40:34")
Verse 40
(See Scofield "Psalms 19:9").
Verse 61
The word implies whole-heartedness for God, single-mindedness, sincerity -- not sinless perfection.
Verse 5
1 Kings 11:33. (See Scofield "Judges 2:13").
Verse 43
called Roboam. Matthew 1:7.
Verse 1
called Roboam. Matthew 1:7.
Verse 16
(See Scofield "Judges 8:1").
Verse 32
[edit]eighth month i.e. November. 1 Kings 12:33.
altar See 1 Kings 12:25-33; Deuteronomy 12:4-14. (See Scofield "Amos 4:4").
Verse 18
[edit]and an An impressive illustration of Galatians 1:8,9.
angel (See Scofield "Hebrews 1:4").
Verse 1
Called Abijah, 2 Chronicles 13:1.
Verse 14
[edit]high places
Cf. 2 Chronicles 14:3. It appears that local sacrifices to Jehovah (though not according to the divine order) were offered in the times of the kings upon "high places" (cf) 1 Samuel 9:12. Apparently Asa's mother had defiled one of these with an idol, 1 Kings 15:13. Asa destroyed the idol and the idolatrous (but not the Jehovistic) "high places." But see "high places," (See Scofield "1 Kings 3:2").
Verse 24
Called Josaphat, Matthew 1:8.
Verse 11
[edit]kinsfolks Heb. "goel," Redemp. (Kinsman type). (See Scofield "Isaiah 59:20").
Verse 1
[edit]Elijah Heb. "Elijahu," Luke 1:17; 4:25 called Elias.
Ahab It was a small thing for a man whose life was passed in Jehovah's presence to stand before Ahab.
Verse 9
[edit]Zarephath called Sarepta, Obadiah 1:20; Luke 4:26.
Verse 3
[edit]Obadiah In such a time as the reign of Ahab and Jezebel a believer's true place was by Elijah's side. Obadiah is a warning type of the men of God who adhere to the world while still seeking to serve God. The secret of the Lord, and the power of the Lord were with Elijah, the separated servant. Cf. 2 Timothy 2:20,21.
feared (See Scofield "Psalms 19:9").
Verse 5
(See Scofield "Hebrews 1:4").
Verse 30
Heb. "a chamber in a chamber." 1 Kings 22:25.
Verse 25
Heb. "a chamber in a chamber." 1 Kings 20:30.