Scofield Reference Bible Notes/Ecclesiastes
Book Introduction - Ecclesiastes
Read first chapter of Ecclesiastes
This is the book of man "under the sun," reasoning about life; it is the best man can do, with the knowledge that there is a holy God, and that He will bring every-thing into judgment. The key phrases are "under the sun;" "I perceived"; "I said in my heart." Inspiration sets down accurately what passes, but the conclusions and reasonings are, after all, man's. That those conclusions are just in declaring it "vanity" in view of judgment, to devote life to earthly things, is surely true; but the "conclusion" (Ecclesiastes 12:13) is legal, the best that man apart from redemption can do, and does not anticipate the Gospel.
Ecclesiastes is in five parts:
- Theme, 1:1-3.
- Theme proved, 1:4-3:22.
- Theme unfolded in the light of human sufferings, hypocrisies, uncertainties, poverty and riches, 4:1-10:20.
- The best thing possible to the natural man apart from God, 11:1-12:12.
- The best thing possible to man under the law, 12:13,14.
[edit]Verse 2
"Vanity," in Ecclesiastes, and usually in Scripture, means, not foolish pride, but the emptiness in final result of all life apart from God. It is to be born, to toil, to suffer, to experience some transitory joy, which is as nothing in view of eternity, to leave it all, and to die. See Romans 8:20-22.
Verse 14
(See Scofield "Psalms 19:9").
Verse 6
(See Scofield "Hebrews 1:4")
Verse 7
(See Scofield "Psalms 19:9")
Verse 11
Or, as good as an inheritance, yea, better too.
Verse 16
[edit]Be not righteous
See; Ecclesiastes 7:16,17 Natural wisdom: be moderately religious and moderately wicked.
Verse 12
(See Scofield "Psalms 19:9")
Verse 10
[edit]there is no work
Verse 10 is no more a divine revelation concerning the state of the dead than any other conclusion of "the Preacher" Ecclesiastes 1:1 is such a revelation. Reasoning from the standpoint of man "under the sun" the natural man can see no difference between a dead man and a dead lion. Ecclesiastes 9:4. A living dog is better than either. No one would quote verse 2 as a divine revelation. These reasonings of man apart from divine revelation are set down by inspiration just as the words of Satan ; Genesis 3:4; Job 2:4,5 are so set down. But that life and consciousness continue between death and resurrection is directly affirmed in Scripture. ; Isaiah 14:9-11; Matthew 22:32; Mark 9:43-48; Luke 16:19-31; John 11:26; 2 Corinthians 5:6-8; Philippians 1:21-23; Revelation 6:9-11.
grave Heb. "Sheol," (See Scofield "Habakkuk 2:5").
Verse 13
Also; Deuteronomy 6:2; 10:12 (See Scofield "Psalms 19:9").