Scofield Reference Bible Notes/Jeremiah
Book Introduction - Jeremiah
Read first chapter of Jeremiah
Jeremiah began his ministry in the 13th year of Josiah, about 60 years after Isaiah's death. Zephaniah and Habakkuk were contemporaries of his earlier ministry. Daniel of his later. After the death of Josiah, the kingdom of Judah hastened to its end in the Babylonian captivity. Jeremiah remained in the land ministering to the poor Remnant (2 Kings 24:14) until they went into Egypt, whither he followed them, and where he died, early in the 70 year's captivity. Jeremiah, prophesying before and during the exile of Judah, connects the pre-exile prophets with Ezekiel and Daniel, prophets of the exile.
Jeremiah's vision includes: the Babylonian captivity; the return after 70 years; the world- wide dispersion; the final regathering; the kingdom-age; the day of judgment on the Gentile powers, and the Remnant.
Jeremiah is in six chief divisions:
- From the prophet's call to his message to the first captives. 1:1-29:32.
- Prophecies and events not chronological, 30:1-36:2.
- From the accession to the captivity of Zedekiah, 37:1-39,18.
- Jeremiah's prophecies in the land after the final captivity of Judah, 40:1-42:22.
- The prophet in Egypt, 43:1-44:30.
- Miscellaneous prophecies45:1-52:34.
The events recorded in Jeremiah cover a period of 41 years (Ussher).
[edit]Verse 3
[edit]fifth month
i.e. August.
Verse 11
(See Scofield "Numbers 17:8")
Verse 1
[edit]word of the Lord
The general character of the first message from Jehovah to Judah by Jeremiah is threefold:
- (1) He reminds Israel of the days of blessing and deliverance, e.g. Jeremiah 2:1-7.
- (2) He reproaches them with forsaking Him, e.g. Jeremiah 2:13.
- (3) He accuses them of choosing other, and impotent, gods, e.g. Jeremiah 2:10-12,26-28.
All these messages are to be thought of as inspired sermons, spoken to the people and subsequently written. Cf. Jeremiah 36:1-32.
Verse 6
[edit]The Lord said
The general character of the second message to Judah is:
- (1) of reproach that the example of Jehovah's chastening of the northern kingdom 2 Kings 17:1-18 had produced no effect upon Judah, e.g. Jeremiah 3:6-10.
- (2) of warning of a like chastisement impending over Judah, e.g. Jeremiah 3:15-17.
- (3) of touching appeals to return to Jehovah, e.g. Jeremiah 3:12-14.
- (4) of promises of final national restoration and blessing, e.g. Jeremiah 3:16-18.
"Israel" and "Ephraim": names by which the northern kingdom (the ten tribes) is usually called in the prophets. When by "Israel" the whole nation is meant, it will appear from the context.
Verse 23
[edit]without form and void
Cf. Genesis 1:2. "Without form and void" describes the condition of the earth as the result of judgment ; Jeremiah 4:24-26; Isaiah 24:1 which overthrew the primal order of Genesis 1:1. SCOFIELD'S "GAP" THEORY!
For Another Point of View: See Topic 401495 (Gap Theory) For Another Point of View: See Topic 8756
Verse 28
[edit]repent (See Scofield "Zechariah 8:14").
Verse 17
[edit]trustedst (See Scofield "Psalms 2:12")
Verse 24
(See Scofield "Psalms 19:9").
Verse 1
[edit]The word that came
The general character of the message in the temple gate is, like the first and second messages, one of rebuke, warning, and exhortation, but this message is addressed more to such in Judah as still maintaining outwardly the worship of Jehovah; it is a message to religious Judah, e.g. Jeremiah 7:2,9,10; 9:10,11.
Verse 8
(See Scofield "Psalms 2:12").
Verse 22
[edit]nor commanded
Cf. (See Scofield "Exodus 20:4") , note 2, the threefold giving of the law. The command concerning burnt-offerings and sacrifices was not given to the people till they had broken the decalogue, the law of obedience.
Verse 33
[edit]carcases See Jeremiah 19:11; 2 Kings 23:10; Ezekiel 6:5. Fulfilled in part in all the destructions of Jerusalem, but with a final look toward Revelation 19:17-21.
Verse 6
(See Scofield "Zechariah 8:14").
Verse 4
(See Scofield "Psalms 2:12").
Verse 7
[edit]fear (See Scofield "Psalms 19:9").
Verse 1
[edit]The word
This, like the other messages, is made up of rebuke, exhortation, and warning, but in this instance these are based upon the violation of the Palestinian Covenant Deuteronomy 28:1-30:9. (See Scofield "Deuteronomy 30:3"). The Assyrian and Babylonian captivities of Israel and of Judah were the execution of the warning, Deuteronomy 28:63-68.
Verse 15
[edit]holy flesh
See Haggai 2:12 i.e. to what purpose the "holy flesh" of sacrifices? Its efficacy is "passed from thee" who rejoicest in evil. Cf. Isaiah 1:13-15.
Verse 5
[edit]swelling of Jordan
i.e. under such a test as in Jeremiah 49:19; 50:44; Joshua 3:15; 1 Chronicles 12:15
Verse 25
(See Scofield "Psalms 2:12").
Verse 1
The significance of a drought at this time was very great. It was one of the signs predicted in the Palestinian Covenant Deuteronomy 28:23,24 and already fulfilled in part in the reign of Ahab. 1 Kings 17:1, etc. As that sign had been followed, even though after a long interval, by the Assyrian captivity of the northern kingdom, it should have been received by Judah as a most solemn warning.
Verse 6
(See Scofield "Zechariah 8:14")
Verse 11
[edit]the Lord said
The Remnant, of whom Jeremiah was the representative, are carefully distinguished from the unbelieving mass of the people. The coming captivity, which they must share, for they too have sinned Jeremiah 15:13 though Jehovah's judgment upon the nation, will be but a purifying chastisement to them, and they receive a special promise Jeremiah 15:11. Verses Jeremiah 15:15-18 give the answer of the Remnant to verses Jeremiah 15:11-14. Two things characterize the believing Remnant always-loyal to the word of God, and separation from those who mock at that word Jeremiah 15:16,17 Cf. Revelation 3:8-10.
Verse 21
[edit]thee Marg
thee Remnant.
Jeremiah 15:11-21; Jeremiah 23:3-8; 31:7,14; Isaiah 1:9; Ezekiel 6:8; 8:11-14; 9:4; Ezekiel 11:16-21; Joel 2:32; Amos 5:15; Micah 2:12; 4:1; 5:3; 7:18; Zephaniah 2:7; 3:13; Haggai 1:14; Zechariah 8:6; Malachi 3:16-18; Romans 11:5. (See Scofield "Romans 11:5").
redeem (See Scofield "Isaiah 59:20") See Scofield "Exodus 14:30".
Verse 1
The sign of the unmarried prophet is interpreted by the context. The whole social life of Judah was about to be disrupted and cease from the land. But note the promises of verses Jeremiah 16:14-16; 17:7,8.
Verse 21
[edit]The Lord
Or, JEHOVAH. Psalms 83:18.
Verse 1
[edit]The Lord
Or, JEHOVAH. Psalms 83:18.
Verse 5
Psalms 2:12 (See Scofield "Psalms 2:12").
Verse 1
[edit]The word
Israel (the whole nation) a vessel marred in the Potter's hand, is the key to this prophetic strain. But Jehovah will make "it again another vessel" Jeremiah 18:4.
Verse 8
(See Scofield "Zechariah 8:14").
Verse 3
i.e. Terror on every side.
Verse 16
(See Scofield "Zechariah 8:14").
Verse 24
Contracted from Jeconiah, 1 Chronicles 3:16.
Verse 1
This final restoration is shown to be accomplished after a period of unexampled tribulation Jeremiah 30:3-10 and in connection with the manifestation of David's righteous Branch Jeremiah 23:5 who is also Jehovah-tsidkenu Jeremiah 23:6. The restoration here foretold is not to be confounded with the return of a feeble remnant of Judah under Ezra, Nehemiah, and Zerubbabel at the end of the 70 years Jeremiah 29:10. At His first advent Christ, David's righteous Branch Luke 1:31-33 did not "execute justice and judgment in the earth," but was crowned with thorns and crucified. Neither was Israel the nation restored, nor did the Jewish people say, "The Lord our righteousness." Cf. Romans 10:3. The prophecy is yet to be fulfilled. Acts 15:14-17.
Verse 3
(See Scofield "Jeremiah 15:21").
Verse 5
(See Scofield "Isaiah 4:2").
Verse 11
[edit]seventy years
Cf. Leviticus 26:33-35; 2 Chronicles 36:21; Daniel 9:2 The 70 years may be reckoned to begin with the first deportation of Judah to Babylon. 2 Kings 24:10-15. B.C. 604 according to the Assyrian Eponym Canon, or B.C. 606 according to Ussher; or from the final deportation ; 2 Kings 25:1-30; 2 Chronicles 36:17-20; Jeremiah 39:8-10. B.C. 586 (Assyr. Ep. Canon), or B.C. 588 (Ussher). In the first case the 70 years extend to the decree of Cyrus for the return Ezra 1:1-3 B.C. (Assyr. Ep. Canon), or B.C. 536 (Ussher). In the second case the 70 years terminate B.C. 516 (Assyr.Ep. Canon) with the completion of the temple. The latter is more probable reckoning in the light of Daniel 9:25.
Verse 20
(See Scofield "Job 1:1").
Verse 26
A name for Babylon. Jeremiah 51:41.
Verse 29
[edit]all the inhabitants
The scope of this great prophecy cannot be limited to the invasion of Nebuchadnezzar. If Jehovah does not spare His own city, should the Gentile nations imagine that there is no judgment for them? The prophecy leaps to the very end of this age. (See "Day of the Lord," Isaiah 2:10-22; Revelation 19:11-21 "Armageddon," ; Revelation 16:14; 19:11-21.
I will call (See Scofield "Isaiah 2:12").
Verse 3
(See Scofield "Zechariah 8:14").
Verse 11
[edit]this man
(See Scofield "Jeremiah 38:4").
Verse 13
(See Scofield "Zechariah 8:14").
Verse 19
[edit]fear (See Scofield "Psalms 19:9").
repented (See Scofield "Zechariah 8:14").
Verse 1
[edit]fifth month
i.e. August.
Verse 15
(See Scofield "Psalms 2:12").
Verse 17
[edit]seventh month
i.e. October.
Verse 1
[edit]carried away captives
Cf. 2 Kings 24:10-16. The complete captivity of Judah came eleven years later. 2 Kings 25:1-7.
Verse 1
[edit]The word
The writings of Jeremiah in chapters 30 to 36, cannot with certainty be arranged in consecutive order. Certain dates are mentioned (e.g. Jeremiah 32:1; 33:1; 34:1,8; 35:1 but retrospectively. The narrative, so far as Jeremiah gives a narrative, is resumed at Jeremiah 37:1. These chapters constitute a kind of summary of prophecy concerning Israel as a nation, looking on especially to the last days, the day of the Lord, and the kingdom-age to follow. If the marginal references are carefully followed the order will become clear. But these prophecies are interspersed with much historical matter concerning Jeremiah and his time.
Verse 2
Three "writings" by Jeremiah are to be distinguished:
- (1) This is impersonal--a general prophecy, and probably the earliest. Jeremiah 30:1-31:40.
- (2) The prophecy destroyed by Jehoiakim. Jeremiah 1:1-36:23.
- (3) The destroyed writing re-written doubtless the writing preserved to us. Jeremiah 36:27.
Verse 6
(See Scofield "Micah 5:1").
Verse 7
(See Scofield "Jeremiah 15:21").
Verse 11
[edit]redeemed (See Scofield "Isaiah 59:20"). See Scofield "Exodus 14:30".
Heb. "goel," Redemp. (Kinsman type). (See Scofield "Isaiah 59:20").
Verse 19
(See Scofield "Zechariah 8:14").
Verse 9
- (1) A sign of Jeremiah's faith in his own predictions of the restoration of Judah Jeremiah 32:15 for the field was then occupied by the Babylonian army; and
- (2) a sign to Judah of that coming restoration.
Verse 24
Or, engines of shot.
Verse 40
(See Scofield "Psalms 19:9").
Verse 1
[edit]while he
(See Scofield "Jeremiah 37:11").
Verse 15
[edit]In those days
See "Davidic Covenant" (See Scofield "2 Samuel 7:16"). "Kingdom (O.T.)" Genesis 1:26. See Scofield "Zechariah 12:8". "Kingdom (N.T.)" ; Luke 1:31-33; 1 Corinthians 15:28.
(See Scofield "Isaiah 4:2").
Verse 9
[edit]ninth month
i.e. December.
Verse 22
[edit]ninth month
i.e. December.
Verse 11
[edit]And it came to pass
Five phases of Jeremiah's prison experiences are recorded:
- (1) He is arrested in the gate and committed to a dungeon on the false charge of treason Jeremiah 37:11-15.
- (2) he is released from the dungeon, but restrained to the court of the prison;
- (3) he is imprisoned in the miry dungeon and kept in prison court Jeremiah 38:1-6.
- (4) he is again released from the dungeon and kept in the prison court Jeremiah 38:13-28 until the capture of the city;
- (5) carried in chains from the city by Nebuzar-adan, captain of the guard, he is finally released at Ramah. Jeremiah 40:1-4.
Verse 4
[edit]let this man
See Jeremiah 26:11.
The fundamental reason why the prophetic warnings of the Old and New Testaments are unwelcome to an unreasoning optimism.
Verse 6
[edit]then took they
(See Scofield "Jeremiah 37:11").
Verse 1
[edit]tenth month
i.e. January.
Verse 2
[edit]fourth month
i.e. July.
Verse 7
Here began the "times of the Gentiles," the mark of which is that Jerusalem is "trodden down of the Gentiles," i.e. under Gentile overlordship. This has been true from the time of Nebuchadnezzar to this day. See "Times of the Gentiles" (See Scofield "Luke 21:24"). See Scofield "Revelation 16:19".
Verse 18
(See Scofield "Psalms 2:12").
Verse 1
[edit]seventh month
i.e. October.
Verse 10
(See Scofield "Zechariah 8:14").
Verse 7
See, Jeremiah 2:16; 44:1. Called "Hanes," Isaiah 30:4.
Verse 10
(See Scofield "Psalms 19:9").
Verse 17
[edit]queen of heaven
See Jeremiah 44:18,19. (See Scofield "Judges 2:13").
Verse 1
A near and a far fulfilment of these prophecies against Gentile powers are to be distinguished. In Chapter 46, the near vision is of a Babylonian invasion of Egypt, but verses Jeremiah 46:27,28 look forward to the judgment of the nations. (See Scofield "Matthew 25:32") , after Armageddon Revelation 16:14, See Scofield "Revelation 19:17" and the deliverance of Israel ("Israel," Genesis 12:2,3 See Scofield "Romans 11:26"). Jeremiah 50:4-7 also looks forward to the last days.
Verse 10
[edit]day of the Lord
See Day (of Jehovah) note, (See Scofield "Isaiah 2:12").
Verse 25
(See Scofield "Psalms 2:12").
Verse 7
(See Scofield "Psalms 2:12").
Verse 11
(See Scofield "Psalms 2:12").
Verse 17
See Jeremiah 49:14-22 (See Scofield "Genesis 36:1").
Verse 34
Heb. "goel," Redemp. (Kinsman type). (See Scofield "Isaiah 59:20").
Verse 25
[edit]O destroying mountain
See note 2 on Babylon, Isaiah 13:1; Zechariah 4:7, (See Scofield "Isaiah 13:1").
Verse 4
[edit]tenth month
i.e. January.
Verse 6
[edit]fourth month
i.e. July.
Verse 12
[edit]fifth month
i.e. August.
Verse 31
[edit]twelfth month
i.e. March.