Scofield Reference Bible Notes/Joshua
Book Introduction - Joshua
Read first chapter of Joshua
Joshua records the consummation of the redemption of Israel of Israel out of Egypt; for redemption has two parts: "out," and "into" (Deuteronomy 6:23). The key-phrase is "Moses My servant is dead" (Joshua 1:2). Law, of which Moses is the representative, could never give a sinful people victory (Hebrews 7:19; Romans 6:14; 8:2-4).
In a spiritual sense the book of Joshua is the Ephesians of the Old Testament. "The heavenly" of Ephesians is to the Christian what Canaan was to the Israelite and blessing through divine power (Joshua 21:43-55; Ephesians 1:3)
The government, as before, was theocratic; Joshua succeeding Moses as the ruler under God.
Joshua falls into four parts:
- The conquest, 1-12.
- The partition of the inheritance, 13-21.
- Incipient discord, 22.
- Joshua's last counsels and death, 23,24.
The events recorded in Joshua cover a period of 26 years (Ussher).
[edit]Verse 3
[edit]Every place
The law of appropriation. God gives, but we must take.
Verse 21
[edit]scarlet line
The scarlet line of Rahab speaks, by its color, of safety through sacrifice. Hebrews 9:19,22.
Verse 1
The passage of Jordan, type of our death with Christ Romans 6:6-11; Ephesians 2:5,6; Colossians 3:1-3.
Verse 3
[edit]The two memorials
The two memorials. The twelve stones taken out of Jordan and erected by Joshua in Gilgal, and the twelve stones left in Jordan to be overwhelmed by its waters, are memorials marking the distinction between Christ's death under judgment in the believer's place Psalms 42:7; 88:7; John 12:31-33 and the believer's perfect deliverance from judgment. The stones in Jordan stand, typically, for Psalms 22:1-8.
Verse 19
[edit]first month
i.e. April.
Verse 2
Circumcision is the "sign" of the Abrahamic Covenant Genesis 17:7-14; Romans 4:11. "The reproach of Egypt" was that, during the later years of the Egyptian bondage, this separating sign had been neglected (cf. Exodus 4:24-26 and this neglect had continued during the wilderness wanderings. The N.T. analogue is world conformity; the failure openly to take a believer's place with Christ in death and resurrection. ; Romans 6:2-11; Galatians 6:14-16. Spiritually it is mortifying the deeds of the body through the Spirit. ; Romans 8:13; Galatians 5:16,17; Colossians 2:11,12; 3:5-10.
Verse 11
The manna is a type of Christ in humiliation, known "after the flesh," giving his flesh that the believer might have life John 6:49-51 while the "old corn of the land" is Christ apprehended as risen, glorified, and seated in the heavenlies. Occupation with Christ on earth, "crucified through weakness," tends to a wilderness experience. An experience befitting the believer's place in the heavenlies demands an apprehension of the power of His resurrection ; 2 Corinthians 5:16; 13:4; Philippians 3:10; Ephesians 1:15-23. It is the contrast between "milk" and "meat" in Paul's writings. ; 1 Corinthians 3:1,2; Hebrews 5:12-14; 6:1-3.
Verse 15
Trans. "consecrated," Joshua 6:19 in R.V. "holy."
Verse 1
Trans. "consecrated," Joshua 6:19 in R.V. "holy."
Verse 5
[edit]And it shall come to pass
The central truth here is that spiritual victories are won by means and upon principles utterly foolish and inadequate in the view of human wisdom. 1 Corinthians 1:17-29; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.
Verse 11
The sin of Achan and its results teach the great truth of the oneness of the people of God, Joshua 7:11. "Israel hath sinned." See in illustration ; 1 Corinthians 5:1-7; 12:12-14,26. The whole cause of Christ is injured by the sin, neglect, or unspirituality of one believer.
Verse 42
[edit]at one time
Cf. Joshua 11:18. As the context shows, the verse refer to different parts of Palestine and different kings.
Verse 18
[edit]long time
(See Scofield "Joshua 10:42").
Verse 15
Or, Rephaims.
Verse 3
Heb. "goel," Redemp. (Kinsman type). (See Scofield "Isaiah 59:20").
Verse 25
(See Scofield "Psalms 19:9").
Verse 34
i.e. a witness; so Joshua 24:27.
Verse 1
i.e. a witness; so Joshua 24:27.
Verse 14
(See Scofield "Psalms 19:9").
Verse 31
prolonged their days after.