Scofield Reference Bible Notes/Titus
Book Introduction - Titus
Read first chapter of Titus
WRITER: The Apostle Paul ( 1:1)
DATE: Practically the same with First Timothy
THEME: Titus has much in common with First Timothy. Both Epistles are concerned with the due order of the churches. The distinction is that in First Timothy sound doctrine is more prominent 1 Timothy 1:3-10 in Titus the divine order for the local churches Titus 1:5. The permanent use of these Epistles lies in this twofold application, on the one hand to churches grown careless as to the truth of God, on the other, to churches careless as to the order of God's house. The importance of this order is made solemnly emphatic in that the tests by which true elders and deacons may be known are repeated ; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-9.
There are two divisions:
- The qualifications and functions of elders, 1:1-16.
- The pastoral work of the true elder, 2:1-3,15.
[edit]Verse 3
(See Scofield "Romans 1:16").
Verse 5
It is not at all a question of the presence in the assembly of persons having the qualifications of elders, made overseers by the Holy Spirit Acts 20:28 that such persons were in the churches of Crete is assumed; the question is altogether one of the appointment of such persons. These assemblies were not destitute of elders; but were "wanting," in that they were not duly appointed. There is a progress of doctrine in respect of the appointing of elders. Cf. v. 5, note.
Elder (presbuteros) and bishop (episcopos = "overseer") designate the same office (cf Titus 1:7; Acts 20:17; 20:28 the former referring to the man, the latter to a function of the office. The eldership in the apostolic local churches was always plural. There is no instance of one elder in a local church. The functions of the elders are: to rule ; 1 Timothy 3:4,5; 5:17 to guard the body of revealed truth from perversion and error Titus 1:9 to "oversee" the church as a shepherd his flock ; Acts 20:28; John 21:16; Hebrews 13:17. 1 Peter 5:2. Elders are made or "set" in the churches by the Holy Spirit Acts 20:28 but great stress is laid upon their due appointment ; Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5. At first they were ordained ( (Greek - προχειροτονέω[1]," "to elect," "to designate with the hand,") by an apostle; e).g. Acts 14:23 but in Titus and First Timothy the qualifications of an elder become part of the Scriptures for the guidance of the churches in such appointment. 1 Timothy 3:1-7.
Verse 11
Grace (in salvation). vs. Titus 3:7; Romans 3:24. (See Scofield "John 1:17").
Verse 13
(See Scofield "Romans 1:16").
Verse 14
Sin. (See Scofield "Romans 3:24").
Verse 5
[edit]righteousness (See Scofield "Romans 10:3")
saved (See Scofield "Romans 1:16").
Verse 6
(See Scofield "Romans 1:16").
Verse 7
[edit]by his grace
Grace (in salvation). Hebrews 2:9; Romans 3:24 (See Scofield "John 1:17").
Verse 11
Sin. (See Scofield "Romans 3:23").
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