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Scotland Act 1998

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Date of Commencement: See S.I. 1998/3178.
See this legislation with any revisons at legislation.gov.uk .

4606700Scotland Act 19981998the Parliament of the United Kingdom

Scotland Act 1998



Part I
The Scottish Parliament
The Scottish Parliament
1. The Scottish Parliament.
General elections
2. Ordinary general elections.
3. Extraordinary general elections.
4. Calculating time for meeting of the Parliament.
5. Candidates.
6. Poll for regional members.
7. Calculation of regional figures.
8. Allocation of seats to regional members.
9. Constituency vacancies.
10. Regional vacancies.
Franchise and conduct of elections
11. Electors.
12. Power to make provision about elections.
Duration of membership
13. Term of office of members.
14. Resignation of members.
15. Disqualification from membership of the Parliament.
16. Exceptions and relief from disqualification.
17. Effect of disqualification.
18. Judicial proceedings as to disqualification.
Presiding Officer and administration
19. Presiding Officer.
20. Clerk of the Parliament.
21. Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.
Proceedings etc.
22. Standing orders.
23. Power to call for witnesses and documents.
24. Witnesses and documents: notice.
25. Witnesses and documents: offences.
26. Witnesses and documents: general.
27. Participation of the Scottish Law Officers.
28. Acts of the Scottish Parliament.
29. Legislative competence.
30. Legislative competence: supplementary.
31. Scrutiny of Bills before introduction.
32. Submission of Bills for Royal Assent.
33. Scrutiny of Bills by the Judicial Committee.
34. ECJ references.
35. Power to intervene in certain cases.
36. Stages of Bills.
Other provisions
37. Acts of Union.
38. Letters Patent and proclamations.
39. Members' interests.
Legal issues
40. Proceedings by or against the Parliament etc.
41. Defamatory statements.
42. Contempt of court.
43. Corrupt practices.
Part II
The Scottish Administration
Ministers and their staff
44. The Scottish Executive.
45. The First Minister.
46. Choice of the First Minister.
47. Ministers.
48. The Scottish Law Officers.
49. Junior Scottish Ministers.
50. Validity of acts of Scottish Ministers etc.
51. The Civil Service.
Ministerial functions
52. Exercise of functions.
53. General transfer of functions.
54. Devolved competence.
55. Functions exercisable with agreement.
56. Shared powers.
57. Community law and Convention rights.
58. Power to prevent or require action.
Property and liabilities
59. Property and liabilities of the Scottish Ministers.
60. Transfers to the Scottish Ministers.
61. Property and liabilities of the Lord Advocate and the First Minister.
62. Transfers to the Lord Advocate.
Transfer of additional functions
63. Power to transfer functions.
Part III
Financial Provisions
64. Scottish Consolidated Fund.
65. Payments out of the Fund.
66. Borrowing by the Scottish Ministers etc.
67. Lending by the Secretary of State.
68. Borrowing by statutory bodies
69. The Auditor General for Scotland.
70. Financial control, accounts and audit.
71. Existing debt.
72. Accounts of loans to the Scottish Ministers.
Part IV
The tax-varying power
73. Power to fix basic rate for Scottish taxpayers.
74. Supplemental provision with respect to resolutions.
75. Scottish taxpayers.
76. Changes to income tax structure.
77. Accounting for additional Scottish tax.
78. Effect of tax reduction for Scottish taxpayers.
79. Supplemental powers to modify enactments.
80. Reimbursement of expenses.
Part V
Miscellaneous and general
Remuneration of members of the Parliament and Executive
81. Remuneration of members of the Parliament and Executive.
82. Limits on salaries of members of the Parliament.
83. Remuneration: supplementary.
Other provision about members of the Parliament etc.
84. Oaths.
85. Exemption from jury service.
Arrangements at Westminster
86. Scottish representation at Westminster.
87. The Advocate General for Scotland.
Cross-border public authorities
88. Cross-border public authorities: initial status.
89. Power to adapt etc. cross-border public authorities.
90. Power to transfer property of cross-border public authorities.
91. Maladministration.
92. Queen’s Printer for Scotland.
93. Agency arrangements.
94. Private legislation.
95. Appointment and removal of judges.
96. Provision of information to the Treasury.
97. Assistance for opposition parties.
98. Devolution issues.
99. Rights and liabilities of the Crown in different capacities.
100. Human rights.
101. Interpretation of Acts of the Scottish Parliament etc.
102. Powers of courts or tribunals to vary retrospective decisions.
103. The Judicial Committee.
Supplementary powers
104. Power to make provision consequential on legislation of, or scrutinized by, the Parliament.
105. Power to make provision consequential on this Act.
106. Power to adapt functions.
107. Legislative power to remedy ultra vires acts.
108. Agreed redistribution of functions exercisable by the Scottish Ministers etc.
109. Agreed redistribution of property and liabilities.
110. Scottish taxpayers for social security purposes.
111. Regulation of Tweed and Esk fisheries.
Part VI
Subordinate legislation
112. Subordinate legislation: general.
113. Subordinate legislation: scope of powers.
114. Subordinate legislation: particular provisions.
115. Subordinate legislation: procedure.
116. Transfer of property: supplementary.
General modification of enactments
117. Ministers of the Crown.
118. Subordinate instruments.
119. Consolidated Fund etc.
120. Accounts and audit.
121. Requirements to lay reports etc. before Parliament.
122. Crown land.
123. Stamp duty.
124. Modification of sections 94 and 117 to 122.
Amendments and repeals
125. Amendments and repeals.
Final provisions
126. Interpretation.
127. Index of defined expressions.
128. Expenses.
129. Transitional provisions etc.
130. Commencement.
131. Extent.
132. Short title.
 Schedule 1—Constituencies, regions and regional members.
 Schedule 2—Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.
 Schedule 3—Standing orders–further provision.
 Schedule 4—Enactments etc. protected from modification.
  Part I—The protected provisions.
  Part II—General exceptions.
  Part III—Consequential modification of sections 53 and 54.
 Schedule 5—Reserved matters.
  Part I—General reservations.
  Part II—Specific reservations.
  Part III—General provisions.
 Schedule 6—Devolution issues.
  Part I—Preliminary.
  Part II—Proceedings in Scotland.
  Part III—Proceedings in England and Wales.
  Part IV—Proceedings in Northern Ireland.
  Part V—General.
 Schedule 7—Procedure for subordinate legislation.
 Schedule 8—Modifications of enactments.
 Schedule 9—Repeals.

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