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Selections from Muḥammadan Traditions/Chapter 13

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3861808Selections from Muḥammadan Traditions — Chapter XIII: The Book of MarriageWilliam GoldsackWaliuddin Abu Abdullah Mahmud Tabrizi



It is related from Abú Hurairah that, 'The Apostle of God said, "A woman may be married for four reasons: for her wealth, for her noble lineage, for her beauty, and for her religion; therefore obtain one with religion, otherwise may your hands be covered with dirt."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from ʿAbduʾlláh bin ʿOmar that, 'The Apostle of God said, "The whole world is valuable; but the most valuable thing in the world is a good woman."'—Muslim.

It is related from Umámah bin Zaid that, 'The Apostle of God said, "I have not left after me any calamity more distressing to man than woman."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Abú Saʿíduʾl-Khudri that, 'The Apostle of God said, "The world is sweet and green, and verily God has made you inheritors therein; therefore take heed how ye behave, and abstain from the world and from women; for verily the first rebellion of the children of Israel was on account of women."'—Muslim.

It is related from Abú Hurairah that, 'The Apostle of God said, "There are three persons whose assistance is incumbent upon God: the freed slave who wishes to discharge his bond of freedom, the one who marries desiring abstinence from what is unlawful, and the one who fights in the way of God."'—At Tirmidhí, An Nasái, Ibn Májah.

It is related from Abú Umámah that, 'The Prophet said, "A believer has not benefitted more, after the fear of God, than by a virtuous wife who, if he commands her, obeys him; and if he looks at her, pleases him ; and if he swears by her, justifies him; and if he goes away from her, acts sincerely in respect to herself and his property."'—Ibn Májah.

It is related from Anas that, 'The Apostle of God said, "When a servant (of God) marries, he has perfected half of religion; then let him fear God for the remaining half."'

On Looking at One Bethrothed

It is related from Al Mughíra bin Shuʿbah that he said, 'I asked a woman in marriage; and the Apostle of God said to me, "Hast thou looked at her?" I said, "No." He said, "Then look at her, for that is the best thing for arousing love between you."'—Aḥmad, At Tirmidhí, An Nasái, Ibn Májah.

It is related from Buraidah that, 'The Apostle of God said, "O ʿAlí, O ʿAlí, do not follow up one look with another. For verily the first will be forgiven thee, but the last will not."'—Aḥmad, At Tirmidhí, Abú Dáud.

It is related from Umm Salamah that, 'She was with the Apostle of God and Yamunah when Ibn Umm Maktum drew near and entered in to him. Then the Apostle of God said, "Conceal yourselves from him." I said, "O Apostle of God, is he not blind and unable to see us?" The Apostle of God replied, "Are you two blind? Do you not see him?"'—Aḥmad, At Tirmidhí, Abú Dáud.

It is related from Jábir that, 'The Prophet said, "Do not visit those women whose husbands are absent; for verily Satan circulates in every one of you like the circulation of blood." We replied, "And in thee also, O Apostle of God?" He said, "And in me also, but God has aided me against him so that I am secure."'—At Tirmidhí.

It is related from Al Ḥasan that he said, 'I was informed that the Apostle of God said, " God cursed the one who looks (on a woman), and He cursed the one looked on."'—Al Baihaqi.

Concerning the Guardian, and Asking the Consent
of the Woman

It is related from Abú Hurairah that, 'The Apostle of God said, "A widow shall not be married until she be consulted; and a virgin shall not be married until her consent be asked." They said, "O Apostle of God, how shall her permission (be understood)?" He replied, "That she keep silence."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Khansái bint Khidhám that, 'Her father gave her in marriage when a widow. And it was distasteful to her; so she came to the Apostle of God. And he set aside the marriage.'—Al Bukhárí.

It is related from ʿÁyesha that, 'The Prophet married her when she was a girl of seven years. And she was taken to her husband's house when a girl of nine years; and her playthings accompanied her. And the Prophet died and left her when she was a girl of eighteen.'—Muslim.

It is related from Abú Músá that, 'The Prophet said, "There is no marriage without a guardian."'—Aḥmad, At Tirmidhí, Abú Dáud, Ibn Májah.

It is related from Abú Hurairah that, 'The Apostle of God said, " A female orphan shall be consulted (with regard to her marriage), and if she remain silent, that is her consent. But if she refuse, then no compulsion shall be put on her."'—At Tirmidhí, Abú Dáud, An Nasái.

It is related from Jábir that, 'The Prophet said, "Whatever slave marries without the consent of his master is an adulterer."'—At Tirmidhí, Abú Dáud.

It is related from Ibn ʿAbbás that he said, 'Verily a virgin came to the Apostle of God and informed him that her father had given her in marriage against her wish. Then the Prophet gave her her choice.'—Abú Dáud.

It is related from Abú Saʿíd and Ibn ʿAbbás that, 'The Apostle of God said, "Whoever has a son born to him, let him give him a good name and teach him good manners; and when he reaches puberty let him get him married. And if he reaches puberty, and he does not get him married, and he falls into sin, then the father only is responsible."

It is related from ʿOmar binuʾl-Khaṭṭáb and Anas bin Málik that, 'The Apostle of God said, "It is written in the Taurát, that' he whose daughter reaches twelve years of age, and he has not given her in marriage, and she falls into sin, he is responsible for that sin."'—Al Baihaqi..

On Publishing Marriages, and the Conditions
Governing Them

It is related from Rubayyiʿbint Muʿawwidh bin Afrái that she said, 'The Prophet came and entered when I was being taken to his house for the first time; and he sat down on my bed as thou art sitting on it near me. And the slave girls began to beat the drums and to eulogize those of my ancestors who were killed on the day of (the battle of) Badr; when one of them said, "There is a Prophet amongst us who knows what will be on the morrow." Then he said, "Leave this, and say what you were saying before."'—Al Bukhárí.

It is related from ʿÁyesha that she said, 'The Apostle of God married me in (the month) Shawwál, and I was taken to his house as a bride in Shawwál. Then what wife of the Prophet has enjoyed greater favour from him than I?'—Muslim.

It is related from ʿAlí that, 'The Apostle of God prohibited the temporary marriage of women on the day of (the conquest of) Khaibár; and he prohibited the eating of the flesh of the domestic ass.'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from ʿÁyesha that, 'The Apostle of God said, "Publish this marriage and perform it in mosques and beat drums for it."'—At Tirmidhí.

It is related from ʿÁyesha that she said, 'I had a girl of the helpers, and I gave her in marriage. Then the Apostle of God said, "O Áyesha, will you not sing, for verily this tribe of the helpers loves singing."

It is related from Ibn ʿAbbás that he said, 'Temporary marriage was only at the beginning of Islám. A man would come to a town in which he had no acquaintances. Then he would marry a woman for the time it was seen he would stay there, and she would look after his effects for him and cook his food well for him, until the verse came down, " (Who keep themselves from carnal knowledge of any women) except their wives or the captives which their right hands possess."'[1] Ibn ʿAbbás said, "Every womb except these is unlawful."'—At Tirmidhí.

It is related from Ámir bin Saʿd that he said, 'I entered in to Qarzah bin Kaʿb and Abú Maʿsúd, the helper, at a wedding feast, and behold! some girls were singing. So I said, "O ye two companions of the Apostle of God and men of Badr, is this done in your presence!" They replied, "Sit if thou wilt, and listen with us, and if thou wilt, depart; for verily enjoyment is permitted us at a wedding feast."'—An Nasái.

Concerning Those Whom It is Unlawful to Marry

It is related from ʿÁyesha that she said, 'My uncle from my wet-nurse[2] came to me and asked permission to enter where I was. But I refused to give him permission until I had asked the Apostle of God. Then the Apostle of God came, and I asked him. He replied, "Verily, he is thy uncle, therefore give him permission."' She said, 'Then I said, "O Apostle of God, only the woman nursed me, and not the man!" The Apostle of God replied, "He is thy uncle, therefore allow him to enter where thou art." And that took place after the verse of veiling was promulgated.'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from ʿUqbah binuʾl-Ḥaríth that, 'He married a daughter of Abú Iháb bin ʿAzíz. Then a woman came and said, "I nursed ʿUqbah and the woman whom he has married." ʿUqbah said to her, "I did not know that thou hadst suckled me, and thou didst not inform me." Then he sent to the family of Abú Iháb and asked them. They said, "We did not know that she had suckled our girl." Then he rode to the Prophet at Madína and asked him. The Apostle of God replied, "How (canst thou keep her) when it has been remarked (that you were both suckled by the same woman!)" Then ʿUqbah separated her; and she married another husband.'—Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Abú Saʿíduʾl-Khudri that, 'On the day of (the battle of) Hunain, the Apostle of God sent an army to Awtás; and they met the enemy, and fought with them, and won a victory over them, and they took them prisoners. And certain men of the companions of the Prophet withheld them-selves from co-habitation with the women (captives) on account of their husbands among the polytheists. Then God sent down respecting the matter (the revelation, "Ye are forbidden to take to wife) free women who are married, except those women whom your right hands shall possess as slaves."[3] That is they are lawful for them when their stated time shall be fulfilled.'—Muslim.

It is related from Al Barái bin ʿAzib that he said, 'My uncle Abú Burdah bin Niyári passed by me; and he had with him a standard. And I said, "Where art thou going?" He replied, "The Prophet has sent me to a man who has married the wife of his father, in order to bring his head to him."'—At Tirmidhú, Abú Dáud. And in another tradition from An Nasái and Ibn Májah it runs, 'He has commanded me to cut off his head and take his property.'

It is related from Ibn ʿOmar that Ghailán bin Salamahuʾl-Shaqafi became a Muslim. And he had ten wives in the times of ignorance, and they became Muslims with him. Then the Prophet said, "Keep four and send away the rest of them."'—Aḥmad, At Tirmidhí, Ibn Májah.

Concerning Cohabitation

(The traditions in this section are too obscene for translation.)

It is related from ʿUrwah from ʿÁyesha that, 'The Apostle of God said to her with reference to Barírah, "Take her and set her free." And her husband was (also) a slave. Then the Apostle of God gave her her choice, and she chose herself (i.e. freedom from her husband.) But if he had been a free man, the Prophet would not have given her her choice.'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Ibn ʿAbbás that he said, 'The husband of Barírah was a black slave called Mughíth. And it is as if I could see him wandering round after her in the streets of Madína weeping and with his tears flowing over his beard. Then the Prophet said to ʿAbbás, " O ʿAbbás, art thou not surprised at the love of Mughíth for Barírah, and at the aversion of Barírah for Mughíth!" After that the Prophet said, "If thou return to him (it will be better)." She said, "O Apostle of God, dost thou order me?" He said, "I only plead for him." She replied, "I have no need of him."'—Al Bukhárí.

Concerning Marriage Dowries

It is related from Sahl bin Saʿd that, 'A woman came to the Apostle of God and said, "O Apostle of God, verily I have given myself to thee." And she stood up for a long time. Then a man rose up and said, "O Apostle of God, marry her to me if thou hast no need of her." He said, "Hast thou anything with which to provide her a dowry?" He replied,"I have nothing except these trowsers of mine." He said, "Then search for something, although it be but an iron ring." Then the man sought, but found nothing. Then the Apostle of God said, "Hast thou any thing of the Qurʾán?" He replied, "Yes, I have such-and-such a chapter." He said, "I wed her to thee by what thou hast of the Qurʾán." And in another tradition it runs, 'He said, "Depart, for I have wedded her to thee; and do thou teach her the Qurʾán."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Abú Salamah that he said, 'I asked ʿÁyesha, "How much was the dowry of the Prophet?" She replied, "His dowry for his wives was twelve uqíyas and one nash." She said, "Dost thou know what a nash is?" I said, "No." She replied, "It is half an uqíya, and that is five hundred dirhams."'—Muslim.

It is related from Jábir that, 'The Prophet said, "Whoever gives as a dowry for his wife two handsful of flour or dates has made her lawful for him."'—Abú Dáud.

It is related from Anas that he said, ʿAbú Talḥah married Umm Sulaim, and the dowry between them was Islám. Umm Sulaim embraced Islám before Abú Talḥah, and he sued her in marriage. And she said, "I have embraced Islám. If thou embrace Islám, I will wed thee." Then he embraced Islám, and that was the dower between them.'—An Násaí.

Concerning the Marriage Feast

It is related from Anas that he said, 'The Apostle of God did not make a marriage feast for any of his wives such as he made for Zainab, when he feasted them with a goat.'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Anas that he said, 'Verily the Apostle of God emancipated Safiyah and married her. And he made her emancipation her dowry; and he made a marriage feast with (the sweetmeat) hais.'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Abú Hurairah that, 'The Apostle of God said, "The worst of food is the food of a marriage feast to which the rich are invited and the poor left out, and whoever rejects an invitation has disobeyed God and His Apostle."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Safínah that, 'A man was the guest of ʿAlí binuʾl-Muṭṭálib, and the latter prepared food for him. Then Fáṭimah said, "If we invite the Apostle of God, and he eat with us (it will be better)." They then invited him. And he came and placed his hands on the sideposts of the door. And he saw a painted cloth which had been placed on the wall of the house; so he returned home. Fáṭimah said, "Then I followed him and said, 'O Apostle of God, what turned thee back?' He replied, It is not for me, or for any Prophet, to enter a house which has been ornamented"'—Aḥmad, Ibn Májah.

Concerning the Division of Time Between
Different Wives

It is related from Ibn ʿAbbás that, 'The Apostle of God died leaving nine wives; and he used to divide (his time) amongst them as for eight persons.'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from ʿÁyesha that, 'When Saudah became old, she said, "O Apostle of God, I have given my day with thee to ʿÁyesha." So the Apostle of God used to set aside two days for ʿÁyesha: her own and that of Saudah.'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from ʿÁyesha that, 'When the Apostle of God wished to go on a journey, he used to cast lots amongst his wives, and would depart taking her with him whose name came out.'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Abú Hurairah that, 'The Prophet said, "When a man has two wives, and does not treat them impartially; he will come on the day of resurrection with half his body fallen off."—At Tirmidhí, Abú Dáud, An Nasái, Ibn Májah.

On Intercourse with Women, and the Rights of Each

It is related from ʿAbú Hurairah that, 'The Apostle of God said. "If the Children of Israel had not lived, flesh would not have become putrid: and if Eve had not lived, no woman would ever have deceived her husband."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from ʿÁyesha that she said, 'The Apostle of God said to me, "I well know when thou art pleased with me, and when thou art angry with me." I said, "Whence dost thou know that?" He replied, "When thou art pleased with me, thou sayest, 'No, by the Lord of Muḥammad,' and when thou art angry with me, thou sayest, 'No, by the Lord of Abraham.'" She said, "Yes, by God! O Apostle of God, I abandon nothing but thy name."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Anas that, 'The Apostle of God swore to abstain from his wives for a month; and he had sprained his foot. And he remained in an upper room for twenty-nine nights. Then he came down. And they said, "O Apostle of God, you swore to abstain for a month." He replied, "Verily this month is one of twenty-nine days."'—Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Jábir that he said, 'Abú Bakr came and asked permission of the Apostle of God to enter; and he found other people sitting by his door, not one of whom was given permission.' Jábir said, 'Then Abú Bakr was given permission, and he entered. After that ʿOmar drew near and asked permission, and it was given him. And he found the Prophet sitting, sad and silent, with his wives around him. He said, "I shall certainly say something to make the Prophet laugh." So he said, " O Apostle of God, if thou couldst have seen Bint Khárijah asking me for money to spend, and I stood up to her and squeezed her neck!" Then the Apostle of God laughed and said, "These women are around me, as thou seest, asking me for money to spend." Then Abú Bakr rose up to ʿÁyesha (his daughter) and squeezed her neck; and ʿOmar rose up to Hafṣa (his daughter) and squeezed her neck. They both said, "Dost thou ask of the Apostle of God what he has not got!" They replied, "By God! we never ask the Apostle of God for anything which he has not got." After that the Prophet separated himself from them for a month or twenty-nine days. After that the verse came down, "O Prophet, say unto thy wives, 'If ye seek this present life and the pomp thereof, come, and I will make a handsome provision for you, and I will dismiss you with an honourable dismissal; but if ye seek God and His Apostle and the life to come, verily God hath prepared for such of you as work righteousness a great reward.'"[4] Jábir said, "He said this first to ʿÁyesha, and said, 'O ʿÁyesha, I wish to bring a matter to thy notice, and I wish thee not to hurry in answering it until thou consult thy parents.' She replied, 'And what is that, O Apostle of God?' Then he recited to her the revelation. She said, 'In regard to thee, O Apostle of God, must I consult my parents? Rather I choose God and His Apostle and the last home (in paradise). I ask thee not to inform any of thy wives of what thou hast said.' He replied, 'None of my wives will ask me, but I will tell her of it. Verily God did not send me to cause people distress, but he sent me as a teacher and preacher of good tidings.'"'—Muslim.

It is related from ʿÁyesha that she said, 'I was reflecting on the women who had given themselves to the Apostle of God, and I said, "Does a woman give herself away!" Then when God Most High sent down (the revelation), "Thou mayest postpone the turn of such (of thy wives) as thou shalt please; and thou mayest take unto thee her whom thou shalt please, and her whom thou shalt desire of those whom thou shalt have rejected; and it shall be no crime in thee,"[5] I said, "I do not see thy Lord except He hastens in (the fulfilment of) thy passionate desires."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Abú Hurairah that, 'The Apostle of God said, "If I had ordered anyone to prostrate to another, I would certainly have ordered a woman to prostrate before her husband."'—At Tirmidhí.

It is related from Ḥakím bin Muʿáwíyahuʾl-Quthhairi, from his father, that he said, 'I said, "O Apostle of God, what is the right of the wife of any one of us from her husband?" He replied, "That thou let her eat when thou eatest, and clothe her when thou clothest thyself; and that thou do not strike her face, or treat her with ignominy, or leave her, except in the house."'—Aḥmad, Abú Dáud.

It is related from Iyás bin ʿAbduʾlláh that, 'The Apostle of God said, "Do not beat the female servants of God." Then ʿOmar came to the Apostle of God and said, "The women are presuming over their husbands (in consequence of thy words.)" Then he gave permission to beat them. Then a large number of women assembled around the Apostle's family complaining of their husbands. Then the Apostle of God said, "Many women have collected around the family of Muḥammad, complaining of their husbands. Those of you (who beat their wives) are not good."'—Abú Dáud, Ibn Májah, Al Dárimi.

It is related from Jábir that, 'The Apostle of God said, "There are three persons from whom prayer will not be accepted and for whom their good works will not be taken up (to God): a runaway slave until he returns to his masters and places his hand in theirs, a woman whose husband is angry with her, and a drunkard until he reforms."'—Al Baihaqi.

Concerning Divorce

It is related from Ibn ʿAbbás that the wife of Thábit bin Qais came to the Prophet and said, "O Apostle of God, I do not blame Thábit bin Qais with regard to his manners or his religion; but I am displeased with infidelity in Islam." Then the Apostle of God said, "Wilt thou return his garden to Thábit?" She replied, "Yes." The Apostle of God said (to Thábit) " Take the garden, and divorce her with one divorce."'—Al Bukhárí.

It is related from ʿÁyesha that, 'The Prophet used to stay with Zainab bint Jaḥsh and drink honey with her. Then Hafṣa and I determined together that to whomsoever of us the Prophet entered, she should say, "Verily I detect upon thee the smell of (the bad-smelling gum) magháfir. Thou hast eaten magháfir." After that he entered in to one of them, and she repeated that to him. He replied, "There is no harm ; I drank honey with Zainab bint Jaḥsh. I will never repeat it again. I have sworn. Tell no one of the matter." (This he said) seeking to please his wives. Then came down (the revelation), "O Prophet, why boldest thou that to be prohibited, which God hath allowed thee, seeking to please thy wives?"'[6]Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Ibn ʿOmar that, 'The Prophet said, "The most hateful thing in the sight of God, of those things that are lawful, is divorce."'—Abú Dáud.

It is related from Maḥmúd bin Labíd that he said, 'The Apostle of God was informed of a man who divorced his wife with three divorces all together. Then he arose in anger and after that said, "Do ye play with the Book of God, the Exalted and Magnified, whilst I am still amongst you!" till a man stood up and said, "O Apostle of God, shall I kill him?"'—An Nasái.

On Mutual Cursing

It is related from Ibn ʿOmar that, 'The Prophet said to a man and his wife who had been called upon to swear (in a dispute) "Your account is with God. One of you is a liar." (To the man he said) "Thou hast no claim over her." He replied, "O Apostle of God (may I claim) my property?" He said, "There is no property for thee. If thou hast spoken the truth regarding her, then it is for the use thou hast had of her; and if thou hast lied, then it is still more remote from thee."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from ʿÁyesha that, 'The Apostle of God went out from her on a certain night. She said, "And I was jealous of him; and he came and saw what I was doing arid said, 'What is the matter with thee, O ʿÁyesha; art thou jealous?'" I replied, "What is the matter with me if such an one as I were not jealous of such an one as thee?" The Apostle of God said, "Thy Satan has certainly come to thee." She said, "O Apostle of God, is there a Satan with me?" He said, "Yes." I said, "And with thee, O Apostle of God?" He said, "Yes, but God has aided me against him, so that I am safe."'—Muslim.

Concerning the Period of Waiting for
a Divorced Woman

It is related from Abú Salamah from Fáṭimah bint Qais that, ʿAbú ʿAmru bin Ḥafs divorced her absolutely whilst he was absent. And his agent sent some barley to her; and she was angry with him. Then he said, "By God! thou hast no claim upon us whatever." And she came to the Apostle of God and mentioned the matter to him. He replied, "There is no subsistence allowance for thee." And he commanded her to spend her period of waiting in the house of Umm Sharík. After that he said, "That person is a woman whom my companions visit. Spend thy time of waiting with the son of Umm Maktúm, for he is a blind man, and thou couldest take off thy clothes. Then when thy time has expired, inform me." She said, "Then when the time had expired I mentioned to him that Muʿáwiya bin abu Sufyán and Abuʾl-Jahm were seeking my hand in marriage." He said, "As for Abuʾl-Jahm, he never lays down his stick from his shoulder (that is, he is a wife-beater), and as for Muʿáwiyah, he is a wretched beggar and has nothing. Marry Usámah bin Zaid." But I disliked him. Again the Prophet said, "Marry Usámah." Then I married him. And God has brought forth blessing out of it, and I have attained to a state of felicity.' And in another tradition it runs, 'But as for Abú Jahm, he is a man who beats his wives.'—Muslim. And in another tradition it runs, 'Verily her husband divorced her with a threefold divorce; and she came to the Prophet. And he said, "There is no subsistence allowance for thee, unless thou art pregnant."

It is related from Umm Salamah that she said, 'A woman came to the Prophet and said, "O Apostle of God, verily my daughter's husband has died, and her eyes ache; may she apply salve to them?" The Apostle of God said, "No." Twice or thrice (was he asked), and each time he said, "No." Afterwards he said, "It is only four months and ten days, whereas in the times of ignorance one of you used to throw dung of animals (as a sign of the completion of the time of waiting) at the end of a year."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Umm Ḥabíbah and Zainab bint Jaḥsh that, 'The Apostle of God said, "It is not lawful for a woman who believes in God and the last day to observe mourning for the dead more than three nights, except for her husband, which is four months and ten days."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

On Searching for the Signs of Pregnancy
On Subsistence Allowances, and the Duty of Slaves

It is related from ʿÁyesha that, 'Hind bint ʿUtbah said, "O Apostle of God, Abú Sufyán is a miserly fellow, and does not give me enough to suffice for me and my child, except what I take from him without his knowledge." The Prophet said, "Take what will suffice for thee and thy child in a proper manner."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Abú Hurairah that, 'The Apostle of God said, "A slave has a right to his food and clothes; and he must not be distressed with work other than what he is able to perform."'—Muslim.

It is related from Abú Dharr that, 'The Apostle of God said, "God has placed your brethren under your hands (as slaves); then let him, under whose hands God has placed his brother, feed him with what he eats himself, and clothe him with what he wears himself. And let him not give him distress by work which is too much for him. But if he does distress him with work which is too much for him, then let him help him."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Abú Hurairah that he said, 'I heard the father of Qásim (i.e. Muḥammad) say, "Whoever abuses his slave, when he is innocent of what he charges him with, will be scourged on the day of resurrection, unless it be as he has said."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from ʿAmru bin Shuaib, from his father, from his grandfather, that, 'A man came to the Prophet and said, "Verily I have money, but my father is in need of my money." He replied, "Thou and thy money belong to thy father. Verily your children are the best of your earnings. Eat of your children's earnings."'—Abú Dáud, Ibn Májah.

It is related from Abú Bakr Aṣ Ṣiddíq that, 'The Prophet said, "The one who treats his slave badly will not enter paradise."'—At Tirmidhí, Ibn Májah.

It is related from Abú Ayyúb that he said, 'I heard the Apostle of God say, "Whoever separates a mother and her child; God will separate him from his friends on the day of resurrection."'—At Tirmidhí, Al Dárimi.

It is related from ʿAbduʾlláh bin ʿOmar that he said, 'A man came to the Prophet and said, "O Apostle of God, how often shall we forgive our servants?" But he remained silent. Afterwards he repeated the question, but he remained silent. Then when he asked the third time, he replied, "Forgive him seventy times every day."'—Abú Dáud.

It is related from Ibn ʿAbbas that, 'When the word of God Most High came down, "Meddle not with the substance of the orphan, otherwise than for the improving thereof,"[7] and the word of God, "Surely they who devour the possessions of orphans unjustly shall swallow down nothing but fire into their bellies";[8] then the one who had an orphan living with him departed and separated his food from his own and his drink from his own. And when anything was left out from the food of the orphan, he kept it until the latter ate it or drank it, or it went bad. But that became distressing (to the orphans), and they mentioned it to the Apostle of God. Then God Most High sent down (the revelation), "They will ask thee concerning orphans. Say, to deal righteously with them is best; and if ye mix your things with theirs, verily they are your brethren."[9] Then they mixed their food with their own, and their drink with their own.'—Abú Dáud, An Nasái.

Concerning the Young Arriving at Puberty, and
on their Up-bringing

It is related from Ibn ʿOmar that he said, 'I was brought before the Apostle of God in the year of (the battle of) Uhud, when I was fourteen years of age; but he sent me back. After that I was presented to him in the year (of the battle) of the ditch, when I was fifteen years of age. Then he permitted me (to fight).' And ʿOmar bin ʿAbduʾl-Azíz said, 'This (age) is the boundary between those who fight and children.'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Al Barái bin ʿAzíb that he said, 'The Prophet made peace on the day of Ḥudaibah on three conditions: that whoever came to him from the polytheists, he would send him back to them; that whoever came to them from the Muslims, they would not send him back; and that he should enter Mecca the next year, and stay in it three days. Then when he entered it, and the time expired, he went out. And there followed him the daughter of Ḥamza, calling out, "O uncle, O uncle." And ʿAlí stretched out his hand, and took her by the hand. And ʿAlí and Zaid and Jaʿfar disputed about her (as to who should become her guardian). ʿAlí said, " I took her because she is the daughter of my uncle." Jaʿfar said, "She is the daughter of my uncle, and her aunt is my wife." And Zaid said, "She is the daughter of my brother." Then the Prophet passed judgement in favour of her mother's sister, and said, "A mother's sister is in the place of a mother." And he said to ʿAlí, " Thou belongest to me and I to thee." And he said to Jaʿfar, "Thou dost resemble me in thy build and disposition." And he said to Zaid, "Thou art our brother and our friend."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

  1. Qurʾán, Súratuʾl-Múʾminún (xxiii) 6.
  2. That is, the brother of her wet-nurse's husband.
  3. Quʾrán, Súratuʾn-Nisáʾ (iv) 42.
  4. Quʾrán, Súratuʾl-Aḥzáb (xxxiii) 28.
  5. Qurʾán, Súratuʾl-Aḥzáb (xxxiii) 51.
  6. Quʾrán, Súratuʾt-Taḥrím (lxvi) 1.
  7. Quʾrán, Súratuʾl-Anʿám (vi) 152.
  8. Súratuʾn-Nisáʾ (iv) 10.
  9. Súratuʾl-Baqara (ii) 219.