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Selections from the American Poets/The Autumn Evening

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William Bourne Oliver Peabody4724800Selections from the American Poets — "The Autumn Evening"1840William Cullen Bryant


Behold the western evening light!It melts in deepening gloom:So calmly Christians sink away,Descending to the tomb.
The wind breathes low; the withering leafScarce whispers from the tree;So gently flows the parting breath,When good men cease to be.
How beautiful on all the hillsThe crimson light is shed!'Tis like the peace the Christian givesTo mourners round his bed.
How mildly on the wandering cloudThe sunset beam is cast!'Tis like the memory left behindWhen loved ones breathe their last.
And now, above the dews of night,The yellow star appears;So faith springs in the heart of thoseWhose eyes are bathed in tears.
But soon the morning's happier lightIts glory shall restore,And eyelids that are seal'd in deathShall wake to close no more.