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Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats/Appendix

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Miscellaneous Receipts

A-la-mode Beef
A round of fresh beef weighing from eighteen to twenty pounds.
A pound of the fat of bacon or corned pork.
The marrow from the bone of the beef, chopped together.
A quarter of a pound of beef-suet
Two bundles of pot-herbs, parsley, thyme, small onions, &c. chopped fine.
Two large bunches of sweet majoram, sufficient when powdered to make four table-spoonfuls of each.
Two bunches of sweet basil,
Two large nutmegs, beaten to a powder.
Half an ounce of cloves,
Half an ounce of mace,
One table spoonful of salt.
One table spoonful of pepper.
Two glasses of madeira wine.

If your a-la-mode beef is to be eaten cold, prepare it three days before it is wanted.

Take out the bone. Fasten up the opening with skewers, and tie the meat all round with tape. Rub it all over on both sides with salt. A large round of beef will be more tender than a small one.

Chop the marrow and suet together. Pound the spice. Chop the pot-herbs very fine. Pick the sweet-majoram and sweet-basil clean from the stalks, and rub the leaves to a powder. You must have at least four table-spoonfuls of each. Add the pepper and salt, and mix well together all the ingredients that compose the seasoning.

Cut the fat of the bacon or pork into pieces about a quarter of an inch thick and two inches long. With a sharp knife make deep incisions all over the round of beef and very near each other. Put first a little of the seasoning into each hole, then a slip of the bacon, pressed down hard and covered with more seasoning. Pour a little wine into each hole. When you have thus stuffed the upper side of the beef, turn it over and stuff in the same manner the under side. If the round is very large, you will require a larger quantity of seasoning.

Put it in a deep baking dish, pour over it some wine, cover it, and let it set till next morning. It will be much the better for lying all night in the seasoning.

Next day put a little water in the dish, set it in a covered oven, and bake or stew it gently for twelve hours at least, or more if it is a large round. It will be much improved by stewing it in lard. Let it remain all night in the oven.

If it is to be eaten hot at dinner, put it in to stew the evening before, and let it cook. till dinner-time next day. Stir some wine and a beaten egg into the gravy.

If brought to table cold, cover it all over with green parsley, and stick a large bunch of something green in the centre.

What is left will make an excellent hash the next day.

Chicken Pudding

Cut up a pair of young chickens, and season them with pepper and salt and a little mace and nutmeg. Put them into a pot with two large spoon-fuls of butter, and water enough to cover them. Stew them gently; and when about half cooked, take them out and set them away to cool. Pour off the gravy, and reserve it to be served up separately.

In the mean time, make a batter as if for a pudding, of eight table-spoonfuls of sifted flour stirred gradually into a quart of milk, six eggs well beaten and added by degrees to the mixture, and a very little salt.—Put a layer of chicken in the bottom of a deep dish, and pour over it some of the batter; then another layer of chicken, and then some more batter; and so on till the dish is full, having a cover of batter at the top. Bake it till it is brown. Then break an egg into the gravy which you have set away, give it a boil, and send it to table in a sauce-boat to eat with the pudding.

A boned Turkey
  • A large turkey.
  • Three sixpenny leaves of stale bread.
  • One pound of fresh butter.
  • Four eggs.
  • One bunch of pot-herbs, parsley, thyme, and little onions.
  • Two bunches of sweet marjoram.
  • Two bunches of sweet basil.
  • Two nutmegs,
  • Half an ounce of cloves,
  • A quarter of an ounce of mace. pounded fine.
  • A quarter of an ounce of mace.
  • A table-spoonful of salt.
  • A table-spoonful of pepper
  • Skewers, tape, neeble, and coarse thread will be wanted.

Grate the bread, and put the crusts in water to soften. Then break them up small into the pan of crumbled bread. Cut up a pound of butter in the pan of bread. Rub the herbs to powder and have two table-spoonfuls of sweet-majoram and two of sweet basil, or more of each, if the turkey is very large. Chop the pot-herbs, and pound the spice. Then add the salt and pepper, and mix all the ingredients well together. Beat slightly four eggs, and mix them with the seasoning and bread crumbs.

After the turkey is drawn, take a sharp knife and beginning at the wings, carefully separate the flesh from the bone, scraping it down as you go; and avoid tearing or breaking the skin. Next, loosen the flesh from the breast and back, and then from the thighs. It requires great care and patience to do it nicely. When all the flesh is thus loosened, take the turkey by the neck, give it a pull, and the skeleton will come out entire from the flesh, as easily as you draw your hand out of a glove. The flesh will then be a shapeless mass. Within needle and thread, mend or sew up any holes that may be found in the skin.

Take up a handful of the seasoning, squeeze it hard and proceed to stuff the turkey with it, beginning at the wings, next to the body, and their the thighs.

If you stuff it properly, it will again assume its natural shape. Stuff it very hard. When all the stuffing is in, sew up the breast, and skewer the turkey into its proper form, so that it will look as if it had not been boned.

Tie it round with tape and bake it three hours or more. Make a gravy. of the giblets chopped, and enrich it with some wine and an egg.

If the turkey is to be eaten cold, drop spoonfuls of red currant jelly all over it, and in the dish round it.

A large fowl may be boned and stuffed in the same manner.

Collared Pork
A leg of fresh pork, not large.
Two table-spoonfuls of powdered sage.
Two table-spoonfuls of sweet majoram, powdered
One table-spoonful of sweet basil,
A quarter of an ounce of mace,
Half an ounce of cloves, powdered
Two nutmegs,
A bunch of pot-herbs, chopped small.
A sixpenny loaf of state bread, grated.
Half a pound of butter, cut into the bread.
Two eggs.
A table-spoonful of salt.
A table-spoonful of black pepper.

Grate the bread, and having softened the crust in water, mix it with the crumbs. Prepare all the other ingredients, and mix them well with the grated bread and egg.

Take the bone out of a leg of pork, and rub the meat well on both sides with salt. Spread the seasoning thick all over the meat. Then roll it up very tightly, and tie it round with tape.

Put it into a deep dish with a little water, and bake it two hours. If eaten hot, put an egg and some wine into the gravy. When cold, cut it down in round slices.

Spiced Oysters
  • Two hundred large fresh oysters.
  • Four table-spoonfuls of strong vinegar.
  • A nutmeg, grated.
  • Three dozen of cloves, whole.
  • Eight blades of mace, whole.
  • Two tea-spoonfuls of salt, if the oysters are fresh
  • Two tea-spoonfuls of whole allspice.
  • As much cayenne pepper as will lie on the point of a knife.

Put the oysters, with their liquor, into a large earthen pitcher. Add to them the vinegar and all the other ingredients. Stir all well together. Set them in the stove, or over a slow fire, keeping them covered. Take them off the fire several times, and stir them to the bottom. As soon as they boil completely, they are sufficiently done; if they boil too long, they will be hard.

Pour them directly out of the pitcher into a pan, and set them away to cool. They must not be eaten till quite cold, or indeed till next day.

If you wish to keep them a week, put a smaller quantity of spice, or they will taste too much of it by setting so long. Let them be well covered.

Oysters in the shell may be kept all winter by laying them in a heap in the cellar, with the concave side upwards to hold in the liquor. Sprinkle them every day with strong salt and water, and then with indian meal. Cover them with matting or an old carpet.

Stewed Oysters

Open the oysters and strain the liquor. Put to them some grated stale bread, and a little pepper and nutmeg. Throw them into the liquor, and add a glass of white wine. Let them stew but a very short time, or they will be hard.d

Have ready some slices of buttered toast with the crust cut off. When the oysters are done, dip the toast in the liquor, and lay the pieces round the sides and in the bottom of a deep dish. Pour the oysters and liquor upon the toast, and send them to table hot.

Oyster Soup
  • Three pints of large fresh oysters.
  • Two table-spoonfuls of butter, rolled in flour.
  • A bunch of sweet herbs.
  • A quart of rich milk.
  • Pepper to your taste.

Take the liquor of three pints of oysters. Strain it, and set it on the fire. Put into it, pepper to your taste, two table-spoonfuls of butter rolled in flour, and a bunch of sweet majoram and other pot-herbs. When it boils add a quart of rich milk—and as soon as it boils again take out the herbs, and put in the oysters just before you send it to table.

Fried Oysters

For frying, choose the largest and finest oysters. Beast some yolks of eggs, and mix with them grated bread, and a small quantity of beaten nutmeg and mace, and a little salt. Having stirred this batter well, dip your oysters into it, and fry them in lard, till they are of a light brown colour. Take care not to do them too much. Serve them up hot.

For grated bread, some substitute crackers pounded to a powder, and mixed with yolk of egg and spice.

Baked Oysters

Grate a small loaf of stale bread. Butter a deep dish well, and cover the sides and bottom with bread crumbs. Put in half the oysters with a little mace and pepper. Cover them with crumbs and small bits of butter strewed over them. Then put in the remainder of the oysters. Season them. Cover them as before with crumbs and butter. If the oysters are fresh pour in the liquor. If they are salt, substitute a little water. Bake it a very short time.

Oyster Patties

Make some rich puff-paste, and bake it in very small tin patty-pans. When cool, turn them out upon a large dish.

Stew some large fresh oysters with a few cloves, a little mace and nutmeg some yolk of egg boiled hard and grated, a little butter, and as much of the oyster liquor as will cover them. When they have stewed a little while, take them out of the pan, and set them away to cool. When quite cold, lay two or three oysters in each shell of puff-paste.

Oyster Sauce

When your oysters are opened, take care of all the liquor and give them one boil in it. Then take the oysters out, and put to the liquor three or four blades of mace. Add to it some melted butter, and some thick cream or rich milk. Put in your oysters and give them a boil.

Pickled Oysters
  • Four hundred large fresh oysters.
  • A pint of vinegar.
  • Eight spoonfuls of salt.
  • A pint of white wine.
  • Six table-spoonfuls of whole black pepper.
  • Eight blades of mace.

Strain the liquor of the oysters and boil it. Then pour it hot over the oysters, and let them lie in it about ten minutes. Then take them out, and cover them. Boil the liquor with the salt, pepper, mace, vinegar, and wine. When cold, put the oysters in a cold jar very tight, and the oysters will keep a long time.

If the oysters are salt, put no salt to the liquor.

Chicken Salad
  • Two large cold fowls, either boiled or roasted.
  • The yolks of nine hard-boiled eggs.
  • Half a pint of sweet-oil.
  • Half a pint of vinegar.
  • A gill of mixed mustard.
  • A small tea-spoonful of cayenne pepper.
  • A small tea-spoonful of salt.
  • Two large heads, or four small ones, of fine celery.

Cut the meat of the fowls from the bones, in pieces not exceeding an inch in size.

Cut the white part of the celery into pieces about an inch long. Mix the chicken and celery well together. Cover them and set them away.

With the back of a wooden spoon, mash the yolks of eggs till they are a perfectly smooth paste. Mix them with the oil, vinegar, mustard, cayenne, and salt. Stir them for a long time, till they are thoroughly mixed and quite smooth. The longer they are stirred the better. When this dressing is sufficiently mixed, cover it, and set it away.

Five minutes before the salad is to be eaten pour the dressing over the chicken and celery, and mix all well together. If the dressing is put on long before it is wanted, the salad will be tough and hard.

This salad is very excellent made of cold turkey instead of chicken.

Lobster Salad

Take two large boiled lobsters. Extract all the meat from the shell, and cut it up int very small pieces.

For lobster salad, you must have lettuce instead of celery. Cut up the lettuce as small as possible.

Make a dressing as for chicken-salad, with the yolks of nine hard-boiled eggs, half a pint of sweet oil, half a pint of vinegar, a gill of mustard, a teaspoonful of cayenne, and a tea-spoonful of salt. Mix all well together with a wooden spoon.

A few minutes before it is to be eaten, pour the dressing over the lobster and lettuce, and mix it very well.

Stewed Mushrooms

Take a quart of fresh mushrooms. Peel them and cut off the stems. Season them with pepper and salt. Put them in a sauce-pan or skillet, with a lump of fresh butter the size of an egg, and sufficient cream or rich milk to cover them. Put on the lid of the pan, and stew the mushrooms about a quarter of an hour, keeping them well covered or the flavour will evaporate.

When you take them off the fire, have ready one or two beaten eggs. Stir the eggs gradually into the stew, and sent it to table in a covered dish.

Peach Cordial

Take a peck of cling-stone peaches; such as come late in the season, and are very juicy. Pare them, and cut them from the stones. Crack about half the stones and save the kernels. Leave the remainder of the stones whole, and mix them with the cut peaches; and also the kernels. Put the whole into a wide-mouthed demi-john, and pour on them two gallons of double-rectified whiskey. Add three pounds of rock-sugar candy. Cork it tightly, and set it away for three months: then bottle it, and it will be fit for use. This cordial is as clear as water, and nearly equal to noyau.

Cherry Bounce

Take a peck of morella cherries, and a peck of black hearts. Stone the morellas and crack the stones. Put all the cherries and the cracked stones in a demi-john, with three pounds of loaf-sugar slightly pounded or beaten. Pour in two gallons of double-rectified whiskey. Cork the demi-john, and in six months the cherry-bounce will be fit to pour off and bottle for use; but the older it is, the better.

Raspberry Cordial

To each quart of raspberries allow a pound of loaf-sugar. Mash the raspberries and strew the sugar over them, having first pounded it slightly, or cracked it with the rolling-pin. Let the raspberries and sugar set till next day, keeping them well covered, then put them in a thin linen bag and squeeze out the juice with your hands. To every pint of juice allow a quart of double-rectified whiskey. Cork it well, and set it away for use. It will be ready in a few days.

Raspberry Vinegar (which, mixed with water, is a pleasant and cooling beverage in warm weather) is made exactly in the same manner as the cordial, only substituting the best white vinegar for the whiskey.

Blackberry Cordial

Take the ripest blackberries. Mas them, put them in a linen bag and squeeze out the juice. To every quart of juice allow a pound of beaten loaf-sugar. Put the sugar into a large preserving kettle, and pour the juice on it. When it is all melted, set it on the fire, and boil it to a thin jelly. When cold, to every quarter of juice allow a quart of brandy. Stir them well together, and bottle it for use. It will be ready to use at once.

Ginger Beer

Put into a kettle, two ounces of powdered ginger, (or more if it is not very strong,) half an ounce of cream of tartar, two large lemons cut in slices, two pounds of broken loaf-sugar, and one gallon of soft water. Simmer them over a slow fire for half an hour. When the liquor is nearly cold, stir into it a large table-spoonful of the best yeast. After it has fermented, bottle it for use.

Jelly Cake

Stir together till very light, half a pound of fresh butter and half a pound of powdered white sugar. Beat twelve eggs very light, and stir them into the butter and sugar, alternately with a pound of sifted flour. Add a beaten nutmeg, and half a wine-glass of rose-water. Have ready a flat circular plate of tin, which must be laid on your griddle, or in the oven of your stove, and well greased with butter. pour on it a large ladle-full of the batter, and bake it as you would a buck-wheat cake, taking care to have it of a good shape. It will not require turning. Bake as many of these cakes as you want, laying each on a separate plate. Then spread jelly or marmalade all over the top of each cake, and lay another upon it. Spread that also with jelly, and so on till you have a pile of five or six, looking like one large thick cake. Trim the edge nicely with a penknife, and cover the top with powdered sugar. Or you may ice it; putting on the nonpareils or sugar-sand in such a manner as to mark out the cake in triangular divisions. When it is to be eaten, cut it in three-cornered slices as you would a pie.

To make a red colouring for icing. Take twenty grains of cochineal powder, twenty grains of cream of tartar, and twenty grains of powdered alum. Put them into a gill of cold soft water, and boil it very slowly till reduced to one half. Strain it through thin muslin, and cork it up for use. A very small quantity of this mixture will colour icing on a beautiful pink. With pink icing, white nonpareils should be used.

Rice Cakes for Breakfast

Put a pound of rice in soak over night. Early in the morning boil it very soft, drain it from the water, mix with it a quarter of a pound of butter, and set it away to cool. When it is cold, stir it into a quart of milk, and add a very little salt. Beat six eggs, and sift half a pint of flour. Stir the egg and flour alternately into the rice and milk. Having beaten the whole very well, bake it on the griddle in cakes about the size of a small dessert-plate. Butter them, and send them to table hot.

Ground Rice-Pudding

Take a pound of ground rice and boil it in a quart of milk, with a grated nutmeg or a tea-spoonful of powdered cinnamon. When it has boiled, put it into a pan and stir in a quarter of a pound of butter, and a quarter of a pound of powdered sugar. Set it away to get cold. Then beat eight eggs, omitting the whites of four. Have ready a pound of dried currants well cleaned, and sprinkled with flour; stir them into the mixture alternately with the beaten egg. Add half a glass of rose-water, or half a glass of mixed wine and brandy. Butter a deep dish, put in the mixture, and bake it of a pale brown.

Tomata Ketchup

Slice the tomatas. Put them in layers into a deep earthen pan, and sprinkle every layer with salt. Let them stand in this state for twelve hours. Then put them over the fire in a preserving kettle, and simmer them till they are quite soft. Pour them into a thin linen bag, and squeeze the juice from them. Season the liquor to your taste, with grated horse-radish, a little garlic, some mace, and a few cloves. Boil it well with these ingredients—and, when cold, bottle it for use.


Have ready two quarts of boiling water; put into it a large handful of hops, and let them boil twenty minutes. Sift into a pan a pound and a half of flour. Strain the liquid from the hops, and pour half of it over the flour. Let the other half of the liquid stand till it is cool, and then pour it gradually into the pan of flour, mixing it well. Stir into it a large tea-cup full of good yeast, (brewer's yeast if you can get it.) Put it immediately into bottles, and cork it tightly. It will be fit for use in an hour. It will be much improved and keep longer, by putting into each bottle a tea-spoonful of pearl-ash.