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Sex and Character/Index

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Æsthetics and Erotics, Chap. XI., 236-251
Affinity, sexual, compared with chemical, 41
Ahriman, 183
Alcmaeon, of Kroton, 81
Alexander the Great, 229
Amphibia, hermaphroditism, 22
Anaesthesia, sexual, 274
Anatomical distinctions of the sexes, 3
Anatomy, as guide to sexuality, 3, 4
Animals, women and the sexual union of, 257
Angelo, M., 105
Anti-Christ, 183
Antisemitism, 303, 304, 312,
Apprehension, 116
Architecture, 119
Aristotle, 18, 140, 187, 293
Arrhenoplasm, Chap. II., 11-25
Aryans, 302
Asceticism, 329, 336, 347
Attraction, between the sexes, 26, 27
Autobiography, 122
Avenarius, 31, 82, 94, 100, 128, 144, 322

Bach, 103, 323
Bachelors, and women, 258
Bacon, 182
Bashkirtseff, Marie, 69
Bateson, on dimorphic earwigs, 34
Beatrice, 240, 336
Beauty, analysis of, 240, 242
Beethoven, 96, 112, 317
Bentham, 176, 317
Berkeley, 141, 317
Bisexuality, oscillations in, 55
Bischoff, 12, 217
Björnson, 108
Blavatsky, Mdme., 68
Blindness, colour, 110
Blood, transfusion of, 20
Bölsche, 329
Bonheur, Rosa, 68
Bonnet, 143

Boys and girls, education of, 58
Breeding, application of laws of sexual attraction to, 43
Breuer, on hysteria, 265, 269, 270
Bridgman, Laura, 66
Brünnhilde, 223
Bruno, 141, 240, 316
Büchner, 315
Buddha, 325, 328
Burchhardt, 72
Burns, Robert, 317
Byron, Lord, 236

Cæsar, 134, 229, 230, 326
Carlyle, 113, 136, 140, 175, 229, 307, 317
Castration, effect of, 18
Catharsis, 269
Catherine II. of Russia, 66
Catholic view of marriage, 221
Catholicism and women, 207
Cattle, homosexuality in, 49
Causality, invented by man, 279
Cells, sexuality of, 15, 17, 22, 23
Ceres, 224
Chamberlain on Jews, 312, 321, 323, 328
on origin of Christianity, 328
"Character" of Avenarius, 94, 95, 96
Characteriology, Chap. V., 52-63
Characters, classification of, 14
secondary sexual, 43
Chastity, 331, 332, 334, 335.341, 346
Chemistry, Kepler's estimate of, 315
Chemotropism, 39, 41
Child, relation of mother and prostitute to, 219
Chinese, 187, 302
Chivalry, 204
Chopin, 67
Christ, 313, 325, 329
Christianity and Judaism, 325, 327, 328
Clairvoyance, 277
Classification, 97

Clemens, 345
Cleopatra, 230
Coitus, 332, 337, 343
Colour blindness, 110
Commerce, and Jews, 325
Communism, 307
Comparisons, in poetry, 118
Compassion, womanly, 197
Compliments, and women, 203
Comprehension, power of by genius, 105
Comte, A., 141, 204, 244
Confucius, 328
Consciousness, male and female,
Chap. III., 93-102
Conventions, women and, 262, 263
Conversion, Jews and, 323
Copernicus, 140, 315
Coquetry, and sexuality, 232
Correlations, importance of, 61
Cromwell, 229
Crustacea, hermaphroditism in, 19
Cuvier, 61, 62, 315
Cyrano de Bergerac, 211

Danäe, 231
Dante, 249, 299
Darwin, 97, 130, 140, 217
on correlation, 61
on female talent, 71
on heterostylism, 33, 34
on sexual tastes of animals, 27
on union of those akin, 44
Da Vinci, 97
Death, 346
Death, consciousness at, 128, 129
De Bergerac, 211
Decalogue, 313
Demeter, 224
Demosthenes, 340
Descartes, 149
Determinants, in psychology, 81
Determination of sex, 23
De Vries, on cell characters, 16
Dilthey, 82
Dimorphism, sexual, 6
Divorce, 221
Don Juan, 90, 233, 299, 332, 335
Doppelgänger, 210
Drawing, and women, 120
Dualism of the world, 166
Dürer, 322

Eckhard, 313
Education, 57
of the race, 348
of women, 348
Ego, awakening of, 164
Ego, conception of, Chap. VII., 153-162

"Elective Affinities," 69, 218
"Element" of Avenarius, 94
Eliot, George, 67
Emancipation of Women, Chap. VI., 64-75. 338
Embryoes, sexual differentiation of, 5
Emerson, 141, 230
Empedocles, 172
Emperors and genius, 139
Empiricism, and English philosophy, 317
English philosophy, 153
English and Jew compared, 317, 319
Erotics, and aesthetics, Chap. XI., 236-251
Eroticism and humour, 318
Ethics and Logic, Chap. VI., 142-152, Chap. VII., 153-162
Euler, 315
Euripides, 105, 187
Exner, 98

Faithfulness, sexual, 220
Falkenberg, on fertilisation in seaweeds, 40
Fall, meaning of, 283
Familiarity, quality of, 144
Family, origin of, 205
amongst the Jews, 310
Faraday, 315
Fechner, 82, 292, 313, 322
Female, contrasted with male, Chap. I., 79-84
Fer6, on sexual inversion, 45
Ferns, sexual attraction caused by malic acid, 39
Fertility, limited in prostitutes, 216
Feuerbach, 141, 305
Fichte, 140, 150, 307
Fischart, 226
Flowers, heterostylous, 33, 34
Forgetting, analysis of process, 97
Form, matter and form, 293
Formula, of sexual attraction, 29,37,
of sexual constitution, 8
Fouque, 188
Freelove, 221
Freewill, 209
Freud, on hysteria, 265-277
Friendship, 49, 288

Galileo, 140, 315
Gall, on physiognomy, 59
Gauss, 140
Gaule, 12
Genesis, Book of, 295
Genital, glands, effect of transplantation, 21

Genius, compared with talent, Chap. IV., 103-113
and the Ego, Chap. VIII., 163-185
in evolution of race, 137
and language, 137
and maleness, 113
and memory, Chap. V., 114-141
and morality, 183
and time, 136
summary of, 169, 182, 183
Germain, Sophie, 194
Girls and boys, education of, 58
God, Schopenhauer's definition, 313
Goethe, 40, 41, 43, 69, 97, 106, 107, 120,126, 174, 203, 218,228,313,316, 332, 340
Gonochorism, 6, 73
Grafting, of sexual organs, 20
Greeks and religion, 323
Guilt, hysterical consciousness of, 275

Hæckel's "gonochorism," 6
"Hakon," King, 328
Hamilton, 317
Handel, 322
Happiness, impossibility of, 285
Hartley, 143, 317
Hatred, 236
Hauptmann, 276
Havelock Ellis, 11, 12
Hebbel, 279
Hegel, 155
Heine, 316, 323
Hellenbach, 287
Helmholtz, 82, 97
Henids, 99
Herbart, 93, 94, 141, 246
Hering, 143
Hermaphroditism, 6, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 45
"Hero-worship," 113
Hertwig, 16
Heterostylism, 33, 34
Hildebrand, on heterostylism, 33
Hobbes, 316, 317
Homosexuality, Chap IV., 45-52
of famous women, 66
Horwicz, 93, 94
Hume, 81, 141, 153, 164, 175, 193, 208, 218, 317
Humour, analysis of, 318
Hunter, John, 14
Hutcheson, 175
Huxley, 193, 317
Hydrocele, 25
Hypnotism, 50
Hypnotism and hysteria, 277
Hysteria, analysis of, 265

Ibsen, 160, 187, 218, 224, 231, 258, 290, 325, 343
Idealism, 176
Idioplasm, 16, 21, 155
Imagination, of women, 119
Immortality, 127, 135, 314, 346
"Impressions," maternal, 217
Impulse, sexual, 87, 88, 282
Individualism, 176
Individuality, 282
Individuation, 282
Infants, sex of, 23, 24
Innocence, 243
Intermediate sexual forms, 7
Inversion, sexual, 45
Irony, 323
Israels, 316

James, W., 82, 144
Janet, on hysteria, 265, 267, 268
Jealousy, and women, 205, 289
Jewish race, 303
Jews and English compared, 319
and women compared, 320
Joshua, 328
Judaism, Chap. XIII., 301—330
and Christianity, 325
and the Messiah, 329

Kant, 42, 85, 105, 138, 150, 153, 158, 159, 161, 164, 192, 208, 237, 246, 270. 313. 320, 331, 340
Karneades, 141
Karsch, 49
Kaufmann, 119
Kepler, 315
Kleptomania, 205
Kowalevsky, Sonia, 67
Kraepelin, 45
Kundry, 270, 319, 337, 344

"Lady from the Sea," 218
Lamarck, 97, 143, 315
Lange, 129, 208
Language, origin of, 137
Latin, women and, 89
Lavater, 174
Laws against homosexuality, 51
of sexual attraction, 29
Leda, 231, 291
Leibnitz, 140, 171, 172, 316
Lepage, Bastien, 69
Lewes, 317
Liars, and memory, 145
Libraries, and women, 206
Lichtenberg, 153
Linnaeus, 140, 315
Locke, 141, 317
Logic and the Ego, Chap. VII. 153, 162

Logic and ethic, Chap, VII., 153—162
and memory, Chap. VI., 142—152
Lohengrin, 324
Lombroso, 138
Lotze, 125
Love, analysis of, 236, 251
maternal, 225
and sexuality, 239
Luther, 325
Luxemburg, 69

Mach, 143, 154, 201, 208, 210, 322
Madness, and genius, 183
Madonna worship, 249
Maeterlinck, 108
Mahomet, 187, 325
Male and Female, Chap. I., 79-84
minds, 284
plasmas, 11
Malic acid in ferns, 39
Marriage, effect on progeny of loveless, 44
ideas of boys and girls on, 90
religious, 221
Marx, 307
Marxism, 329
Masculine women, 2, 8, 17
Match-making, and women, 252—300
amongst Jews, 311
Materialism, and Jews, 314
Matriarchy, 222
Matter, and form, 293
and woman, 292
Maupas, on rotifers, 24
Maupassant, 276
Mayer, 97
Medicine, Jewish influence on, 315
Medical view of hysteria, 271
"Meistersingers," 305
Memory, 282
and genius, Chap. V., 114—141
in boys and girls, 294
in relation to logic, Chap. VI., 142—152
Messalina, 336
Messiah, 325, 329
Meta-organisms, 287
Metaphysics, Jews and, 322
Microcosm, 171
Mill, J. S., 176, 317
Milne-Edwards, 291
Mirandola, 188
Modesty, 261, 274
womanly, 200
Moliere, 340
Moll, 52, 88
Monads, 198, 287, 294, 297
Monogamy, 43, 220
Morality, 176

Morality of women, 196, 278, 340
More, 73
Morphology, in relation to character,
Chap. V., 52—63
Motherhood, analysis of, Chap. X., 214—235
Mozart, 323
Müller, Joh., 217
Murder, 109
Music, and women, 118
Myxodema, 25

Nægeli, 16
Names, and women, 206
"Nana," 231
Napoleon, 182, 228, 326, 327
Newton, 140, 315
New Testament, 325
New Zealand, 339
Nietzsche, 104, 108, 140, 167, 329, 342, 344
Nirvana, 174
Nobility, Jews and, 308
Nörgler, 174
Novalis, 103, 165, 258
Nudity, 240, 241

Organotherapy, 21
Oriental view of women, 342
Origen, 187
Oscillations, in sexuality, 54
Ostwald, 31, 315
Ovid, 332
Owen, 307

{{sc|Painting, and women, 120
Pairing, woman's chiefinstinct, 252—300
and Jews, 311
"Parsifal," 305, 337, 344
Pascal, 179, 205
Pasiphäe, 291
Pasteur, 315
Paternity, 232, 346
Pathology, 25
Paul, Jean, 103, 164, 3 l8
Pederasty, Chap. IV., 45—52
"Peer Gynt," 224, foot note
Periodicity, of genius, 107
Personality, multiple, 211, 267
Persoon, 33
Petzoldt, 96, 100
Pfeffer, 39
Phallus, relation of, to women, 298, 347
Philosophy, English, 153
Philosophers, and genius, 141
Physiognomy, 59/60
Piety, 322
Pity, 199

Plasmas, male and female, 11
Plato, 149, 150, 240, 246, 293, 313, 343
Platonic love, 239
Pleasure, 282
Politeness, and women, 203
Politician, character of, 230
Politicians and genius, 139
and value, 134
Pollen, in heterostyllous flowers, 35
Polyandry, 222
Polygamy, 220
Pregnancy, 86, 222
Pre-Raphaelites, 73
PreVost, 256
Preyer, 315
Pride, of women, 201
Property, Jewish relation to, 306
Prostitution, analysis of, Chap. X., 214—235
Protestantism, and women, 207
Psychology, 142
male and female, Chap. IX., 186—213
Puberty, effect of, 90
Pythagoras, 343

Rabbis, Jewish, 311
Race, persistence of human, 224, 346
Raphael, 226
Recognition, 282
Red Sea, crossing of, 323
Regeneration, of lost parts, 16
moral, 283
Religion, founders of, 326, 327
importance of, 323
Jews and, 321
women and, 261
Revenge, 289
Reverence, 322
Richepin, 226
Rousseau, 307
Rudiments, of embryonic sexual organs, 3
Ruskin, 307

St. Augustine, 345
Salome, 345
Samson, 328
Sand, George, 66
Sappho, 65, 66
Schelling, 81, 105, 138, 165, 246
Schiller, 230, 246
Schleiermacher, 140
Schoolmasters, and types, 57
Schopenhauer, 95, 167, 174, 199, 218, 223, 236, 237, 238, 281, 295, 305, 313, 318, 340
Schrenk-Notzing, 45

Schurtz, 205
Schwammerdam, 315
Science, and genius, 140
Judaism, in, 314
Secretion, internal, and sexual characters, 15
Sellheim and Foges, experiments on castration, 18
Servant, type of woman, 272
Sex, appearance of, in embryos, 5
assignment of, to infants, 22, 23, 24
Sexual attraction, laws of, Chap. Ill, 26—44
characters, secondary, 14, 43
impulses, 88
Sexuality, of male and female compared, 85, 92
opposed to love, 239
of women, 260, 331, 332, 334, 335
Shaftesbury, 246
Shakespeare, 105, 109, no, 317
Shelley, 168, 317
Shrew, type of woman, 272
"Siegfried," 223, 305
Sigwart, 156
Simmel, George, 148
Slavery, compared with Jewish problem, 338
Smith, Adam, 175, 317
Socialism, 307
Society, origin of, 205
Socrates, 150, 246, 326
Solidarity, of the Jews, 310
Solitude, and women, 205
Solliers, on sexual anaesthesia, 274
Somerville, Mary, 194
Sophocles, 184
Soul, 313
denied by modern science, 315
and great men, 168
and modern psychology, 209
and women, 187
Spencer, Herbert, 128, 130, 263, 317
Spinoza, 316, 317
Sprengel, 315
State, 307
Steenstrup, 12, 13
Sterility, 216
Stern, L. W. f 82
Stern, 317
"Stockman, Dr.," 325
Strauss, 112
Strindberg, 187
Sudermann, 256
Suggestibility, of women, 294
Suicide, of women, 286
Sulpicia, 319
Superstition, of women, 127

Swift, 317, 343
Sympathy, 177, 197
"Tannhäuser," 240, 305
Telegony, 233
Teresa, St., 277
Tertullian, 187, 314, 343
"Tesman," in Hedda Gabler, 258
Thelyplasm, Chap. II, 11—25
Time, relation to value, 133
Tolstoy, 231
Touch, sense of, in women, 191
Tragedy, 319
Transcendentalism, 314
Transfusion, of blood, 20
Travel, desire of, 237, note
Truth, 150
Türck, 138
Tylor, 128
Types, male and female, mental, 53

Undine, 188
Universality, of genius, 112
Untruthfulness, of women, 266
Value, theory of, 133
Vanity, of women, 202
Variation in sexual characters, 18
Virginity, a male idea, 333
woman's attitude to, 334

Virtue of women, 333
Vogt, on hysteria, 265, 274, 277
Von Eschenbach, 264
Von Höffding, 144
Von Humboldt, 140
Von Kleist, 105
Von Möbius, 59

Wagner, 67, 109, 211, 240, 279, 305, 319, 343
Weill, 36
Weismann, 81
Wier, 81
Will, 282
Wit and humour, 318
Woman and animals, 290, 291
character of, 280
emancipated, 64
famous, 69
future of, Chap. XIV., 351-340
compared with Jews, 320
and matter, 292
sexuality of, 260
summary of her nature, Chap XII., 252-300
Wundt, 94, 131, 140

"Zarathustra," 108, 167
Zionism, 307, 312
Zola, 105, 231, 304

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