Shake-speares Sonnets, Never before Imprinted/Sonnet 53
For other versions of this work, see Sonnet 53 (Shakespeare).
53What is your substance, whereof are you made,That millions of strange shaddowes on you tend? Since euery one, hath euery one, one shade,And you but one, can euery shaddow lend:Describe Adonis and the counterfet,Is poorely immitated after you,On Hellens cheeke all art of beautie set,And you in Grecian tires are painted new:Speake of the spring, and foyzon of the yeare,The one doth shaddow of your beautie show,The other as your bountie doth appeare,And you in euery blessed shape we know.In all externall grace you haue some part,But you like none, none you for constant heart.