Shake-speares Sonnets, Never before Imprinted/Sonnet 95
For other versions of this work, see Sonnet 95 (Shakespeare).
95How sweet and louely dost thou make the shame,Which like a canker in the fragrant Rose,Doth spot the beautie of thy budding name?Oh in what sweets doest thou thy sinnes inclose!That tongue that tells the story of thy daies,(Making lasciuious comments on thy sport)Cannot dispraise, but in a kinde of praise,Naming thy name, blesses an ill report,Oh what a mansion haue those vices got,Which for their habitation chose out thee,Where beauties vaile doth couer euery blot,And all things turnes to faire, that eies can feelTake heed (deare heart) of this large priuiledge,The hardest knife ill vs 'd doth loose his edge.