Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910)/The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet/Act 4 Scene 4

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3911807Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910) — The Tragedie of Romeo and Iuliet, Act IV: Scene IV.William Shakespeare
Enter Lady of the house, and Nurse.

Take these keies, and fetch more spices Nurse.

They call for Dates and Quinces in the Pastrie.

Enter old Capulet.

Come, stir stir stir,
The second Cocke hath Crow'd,
The Curphew Bell hath rung, 'tis three a clocke:
Looke to the bakte meates, good Angelica,
Spare not for cost.

Go you Cot-queane, go,
Get you to bed, faith youle be sicke to morrow
For this nights watching.

No not a whit: what? I haue watcht ere now
All night for lesse cause, and nere beene sicke.

I you haue bin a Mouse-hunt in your time,
But I will watch you from such watching now.
Exit Lady and Nurse.

A iealous hood, a iealous hood,
Now fellow, what there?

Enter three or foure with spits, and logs, and baskets.

Things for the Cooke sir, but I know not what.

Make hast, make hast, sirrah, fetch drier Logs.
Call Peter, he will shew thee where they are.

I haue a head sir, that will find out logs,
And neuer trouble Peter for the matter.

Masse and well said, a merrie horson, ha,
Thou shalt be loggerhead; good Father, 'tis day.
Play Musicke
The Countie will be here with Musicke straight,
For so he said he would, I heare him neere,
Nurse, wife, what ho? what Nurse I say?
Enter Nurse.
Go waken Iuliet, go and trim her vp,
Ile go and chat with Paris: hie, make hast,
Make hast, the Bridegroome, he is come already:
Make hast I say.