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Sheriffs Act 1315

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Sheriffs Act 1315
the English Parliament
56472Sheriffs Act 1315the English Parliament

The Statute of Sheriffs, made at Lincoln Anno 9 Edw. II. Stat. 2. and Anno Dom. 1315.

Sheriffs Act 1315

Sheriffs shall be assigned by the Chancellor, &c.A Sheriff must have sufficient in the same County, and not be Bailiff, &c. to any. Bailiffs of Hundreds shall have sufficient in the same Shire.

Cro. Car. 13.

Who shall assign Sheriffs. 28 Ed. 1. stat. 3. c. 8 & 13. By 14 Ed. 3. stat. 1. c. 7. Sheriff shall continue in his Office but one Year.

Who shall be Sheriffs, and of what Estate they shall be. 4 Ed. 3. c. 9. 5 Ed. 3. c. 4. 13 & 14 Car. 2. c. 21.

Who shall have the keeping of Hundreds.

Regist. 178. 2 Ed. 3. c. 4. which confirms this Statute.

By whom Execution of Writs shall be done. 13 Ed. 1 stat. 1. c. 39.

Forasmuch as our Lord King EDWARD, Son to King EDWARD, at his Parliament holden atLincolnin quindena Hilarii, in the Ninth Year of his Reign, by the Information of his Prelates, Earls, Barons, and other great Men of the Realm, being summoned to the same Parliament, and also by the grievous Complaint of the People, did perceive great Damage to be done to him, and great Oppressions and Disheritances to his People, by reason unsufficient Sheriffs and Hundreders have been before this Time, and yet be in the Realm;

(2) our Lord the King, intending to eschew such evil Oppressions and Disheritances by the Assent of the Prelates, Earls, Barons, and other great Estates aforesaid, hath ordained and established in the said Parliament, That the Sheriffs from henceforth shall be assigned by the Chancellor, Treasurer, Barons of the Exchequer, and by the Justices;

(3) and in the Absence of the Chancellor, by the Treasurer, Barons, and Justices.

(4) And that none shall be Sheriff, except he have sufficient Land within the same Shire where he shall be Sheriff, to answer the King and his People.

(5) And that none that is Steward or Bailiff to a great Lord shall be made Sheriff, except he be out of Service, so that he may attend to execute the Office of a Sheriff for the King and his People.

(6) And in like Manner it is agreed and established, that Hundreds, whether they belong to the King, or to other, shall be kept by convenient and able Persons, that have sufficient Land within the same Hundred or Shire where the Hundred is; and that the Chancellor, Treasurer, Barons, and Justices shall do and assign in Manner aforesaid, without having other Regard.

(7) And if any Sheriffs or Hundreders be insufficient at this Time, they shall be removed, and other more convenient put in their Rooms.

(8) And that such Hundreds be leased and bailed to such Persons for a reasonable Rent, so that they need not to use Extortion upon the People by reason of too outragious Ferm;

(9) and that no Sheriff nor Hundreder shall lease his Office to any other in Ferm or otherwise.

(10) And that the Execution of Writs that come to the Sheriffs, shall be done by the Hundreders sworn and known in the full County, and not by other, if it be not the open Default or notorious Disturbance of the Hundreders; and then Execution shall be done by other Persons meet and sworn, so that the People may know to whom to sue such Executions; saving always the Returns of Writs to them that have them, or ought to have them.'

REX vic' Ebor' salutem. Mittimus tibi quoddam statutum in parliamento nostro apud Lincoln' editum de forma constituendi vicecomites & ballivos hundredorum & de aliis articulis in eodem statuto contentis sigillo nostro consignatum precipientes quod statutum illud in pleno comitatu tuo legi publicari & in omnibus articulis suis quantum ad te pertinet firmiter & inviolabiter facias observari. T. Rege apud Lincoln' xx. die Febr' anno &c. nono.

Consimiles litere diriguntur singulis vicecomitibus per Angliam.

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Note : this act is listed in the Chronological Table of Statutes as the Sheriffs Act, 1315

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