Short catechism with some passages of Scripture
A Short
With ſome Paſſages of Scripture, containing the Principal HEADS of the CHRISTIAN RELIGION.
To which is added
Matth 14. 16. What is a man profited, if he ſhall gain ⟨the⟩ whole world and loſe his own ſoul?
Luke 9 25. What is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and loſe himſelf, or he caſt away?
Timothy 3.15. And that from a child thou haſt known ⟨the⟩ holy Scriptures, which are able to make them wiſe unto ſalvation, through faith, which is Chriſt Jeſus.
Printed by the Heirs and Succeſſors of Andrew Anderſon,
Printer to the Queens moſt Excellent Majeſty,
Anno DOM. 1705.
Job 18. Behold the Fear of the LORD that is Wiſdom, and to depart from evil is underſtanding.
Eccleſ. 12. 13. Fear GOD and keep his Commandments: for this is the whole Duty of Man.
Pſal. 112. 1. Bleſſed is the Man that feareth the LORD that delighteth greatly in his Commandments.
Prov. 28. 14. Happy is the Man that feareth alway.
22. 4. By humility and the fear of the LORD as Riches and Honour, and Life.
Philip. 2. 12. ——— Work out your Salvation with Fear and Trembling 13. For it is GOD that works in you, both to will and to do of his good pleaſure.
Heb. 12. 28. - Let us have Grace whereby we may Serve GOD acceptably, with Reverence and Godly Fear. 191 For our GOD is a conſuming Fire.
1 Pet. 1. 17. - We are Commanded to paſs the time of our Sojourning here in Fear.
1 Cor. 3. 18. Let no Man deceive himſelf: if any Man among you ſeemeth to be wiſe in this World let him become a Fool, that he may be Wiſe.
Jan. 3. 13. Who is a wiſe Man and endued with Knowledge amongſt you; let him ſhew out of a good Converſation his Works with meekneſs of wiſdom.
GOD makes Men wiſe by Reading and Hearing His Word, and Meditating on it, and Praying to him for the Aſſiſtance of his Spirit, that we may duely endeavour to frame the temper of our Minds, and the Courſe of our Life by it.
A Short
WHo made Man?
Anſw. GOD.
Q: 2. What is GOD?
A. He is a Spirit, infinite in wiſdom, power and goodneſs; the Maker, and Ruler of all things.
Q. 3. Is there but one God?
A. There is only one, the living and true God.
Q. 4. How many perſons are there in the God-head?
A. There are three Perſons in the God-head; the Father, the Son, and the holy Ghoſt; and theſe three are one.
Q. 5. How did God treate man?
A. He created him after his own Image, in righteouſneſs and true holiness.
Q. 6. Did man continue in that eſtaſte?
A. No, for our firſt Parents brake the Commandment of God, in eating the forbidden fruit and ſo brought themſelves and their poſterity into the eſtate of ſin and miſery.
Q. 7. What is ſin?
A. Sin is the breaking any of the Commandments of God.
Q. 8. What doth ſin deſerve?
A. Every ſin deſerves the wrath and curſe of God, both in this life, and that which is to come.
Q. 9. Do you then deſerve the wrath of God?
A. Yes, I deſerve it, and have great reaſon to fear it?
Q. 10. Is there any way to be ſaved from that wrath curſe which is due to us?
A. Yes, for Jeſus Chriſt the eternal Sen of God, having taken on him our nature, he humbled himſelf, and became obedient even to the death of the Croſs that he might redeem us from it.
Q. 11. Who ſhall be ſaved by Jeſus Chriſt from the wrath and curſe of God?
A. Theſe who have true faith in him, who unfeignedly repent of their ſins, and do ſincerely obey his Commandments.
Q. 12. What is faith in Jeſus Chriſt?
A. It is a ſaving grace by which we both believe his whole doctrine, and truſt in him as our only Saviour and Redeemer; and intirely give up our ſelves to him to be taught, ſaved, and ruled by him as our Prophet, Prieſt, and King.
Q. 13. Rehearſe the Articles of our Faith?
A. I believe in God the Father Almighty, &c.
Q 14. What is Repentance?
A. It is godly ſorrow for ſin; and an hearty and real turning from it unto God.
Q. 15. What is the rule of our obedience?
A. The will of God, as it is contained in the Scriptures, in particularly in the Ten Commandments.
Q. 16. Rehearse the Ten Commandments?
A. I am the Lord thy God, &c.
Q. 17. What is the ſum which our Saviour hath given of the Commandments?
A. Thou ſhalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, with all thy ſoul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy ſtrength and thy neighbour as thy ſelf.
Q 18. Whoſe example ſhould we follow in obeying the laws of God?
A. The example of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt who hath commanded us to deny ourſelves, and to take up our croſs daily and follow him
Q. 19. Wherein are we to follow him?
A. We muſt, as he did often pray to God, and praiſe him; and muſt give up ourſelves wholly to the will of God is, all things even in the ſharpeſt aſſiſt one and ſufferings and we muſt not do our own will, nor deſign ſign our own praiſe or advantage, but ſhall things muſt do his will, and ſeek his glory.
Q. 20. Art we likewiſe to follow kind in charity towards our Neighbour?
A. Yes, we muſt according to his example unfeignedly love our Chriſtian Brethren, and be kind and charitable to all men, even to our enemies, forgiving them, praying for them, and doing them good for evil. We muſt comfort the afflicted, and relieve the poor and muſt carefully abſtain from ſlandering, mocking and deſpiſing our neighbour and from doing or willing him any kind of wrong.
Q 21. In what elſe muſt we follow him?
A. We muſt follow him in meekneſs, and humility, holineſs and purity, in contempt of the world, and patience under reproaches and all manner of injuries and in all the other excellent vertues which ſhined forth in him.
Q 22. May we not then live as others commonly do?
A. No, For the Goſpel teacheth us, that denying ungodlineſs and worldly luſts, we ſhould live ſoberly, righteouſly, and godly in this preſent world,
Q 23. But may we not hope to be ſaved through the mercy of God for Chriſt's ſake, though we neglect the performance of theſe things?
A. Certainly the mercy of God is ſo great that he will, on the account of Chriſt's merits, pardon all penitent ſinners but it is as certain that he will not ſpare, nor pity; but will puniſh with everlaſting deſtruction all who do not repent and obey the Goſpel.
Q 24. But may we not ſhift off and delay our repentance till another time, or even to the approach of death?
A. No, by no means, for we have already miſpent too much of our ſhort time; and we do not know how ſoon death ſhall come nor if God will then give us grace to repent.
Q.25. It is not enough that we have reſpect only to ſome of the Commandments of God, though in other things we do our our own wills, and fulfil our own deſires?
A. No, for we muſt endeavour to keep all Gods Commandments, and to be holy in all manner of converſation; otherwiſe we are not true Chriſtians, but hypocrites
Q. 26. But having obtained ſome meaſure of holineſs, may we not ſit down, and conſent ourſelves with it?
A. No, but we must continue in well-doing to the end and muſt ſtill grow in grace, and go on unto perfection
Q. 27. Are we of ourſelves able to perform all theſe things?
A. No but we must be enabled by the Spirit of God.
Q. 28. Are we then to be idle, and do nothing?
A. No, but we muſt be diligent in the uſe of their means, reading, hearing the Word of God & meditating on it, conſideration of our ways, Prayers, and receiving the Sacraments.
Q. 29. Releaſe the form of Prayer with our Saviour hath taught us?
A. Our Father which art in Heaven, &c.
Q 30. How many Sacraments are there?
A. Two, Baptiſm and the Lords Supper.
Q. 31. What doth Baptism ſignifie and ſeal?
A. Our waſhing from ſin, and our new birth in Chriſt Jeſus.
Q. 32. What are we obliged to by being baptised in Chriſt?
A. To renounce the devil, the world, and the fleſh; and to obey the Laws of Jeſus Chriſt.
Q. 33. What doth the Lords Supper ſignifie and ſeal?
A. Our Spiritual nouriſhment and growth in him, and the transforming us more and more into his likeneſs; by remembring his death, and feeding on his body and blood, under the figures of Bread and Wine.
Q. 34. Art all fit for receiving the Lords Supper?
A. Only theſe who do truely believe in Chriſt, unfeignedly repent of their ſins, have charity towards all men, and ſincerely reſolve to obey the Laws of God
Q. 35. What is the hazard of theſe who eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily?
A. They are guilty of the body and blood of the Lord and eat and drink damnation to themſelves.
Q. 36. What ſhall be the final portion of thoſe who truly believe, repent, and obey the Goſpel?
A. Everlaſting life, with God and his holy Angels.
Q 37. What ſhall be the final portion of unbelieving and ⟨unrepenitent⟩ ſinners?
A. Everlasting torments, with the Devil and his Angels.
GOD ſpake all theſe Words, ſaying, I am the LORD thy GOD, which have brought thee out of the Land of Egypt, out of the Houſe of bondage.
I. Thou ſhalt have no other God's before Me.
II. Thou ſhalt not make unto thee any graven Image, or any likeneſs of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; thou ſhalt not bow down thy ſelf to them, not ſerve them: For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, viſiting the iniquity of the Fathers upon the Children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me: and ſhewing mercy unto thouſands of them that love me and keep my Commandments.
III. Thou ſhalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain. For the Lord will not hold him guiltleſs that taketh his Name in vain.
IV. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy; ſix days ſhalt thou labour and do all thy work: but the ſeventh day in the Sabbath of the Lord thy God, in it thou ſhalt not do any work, thou, nor thy ſon, nor thy daughter, thy man-ſervant nor thy maid-ſervant, nor thy cattel, nor thy ſtranger that is within thy gates: For in ſix days the Lord made heaven and earth, the (illegible text)es, and all that in them is, and reſted the ſeventh day; wherefore the Lord bleſſed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.
V. Honour by father and thy mother that ⟨the⟩ days may be long upon the land which the Lord ⟨thy⟩ God giveth thee.
VI. Thou ſhalt kill.
VII. Thou ſhalt not commit adultery.
VIII. Thou ſhalt not ſteal.
IX. Thou ſhalt not bear falſe witneſs againſt ⟨thy⟩ neighbour.
X. Thou ſhalt not cover thy neighbours houſe, thou ſhalt not covet thy neighbours wife, nor his man ſervant, nor his maid-ſervant, nor his ox, nor his aſſ, nor any thing that is thy neighbours.
The LORDS Prayer Mat 6.
OUr Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors: And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for ever. Amen.
I Believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth: and in Jeſus Chriſt, his only Son our Lord, which was conceived by the holy Ghoſt, born of the Virgin Mary, ſuffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; He deſcended into hell, (a)[1] the third day he roſe again from the dead, he aſscended into heaven, and ſitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from thence he ſhall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the holy Ghoſt: the Holy Catholick Church, the Communion of Saints, the forgivenneſs of ſins, the reſurrection of the body, and the life everlaſting. Amen
Some Paſſages of Scripture, containing the Principal Heads of Chriſtian Religion.
1. OF GOD.
JOb 4. 24. God is a Spirit.———
Rev. 4. 8. Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.
Pſalm 147. 5. Great is our Lord, and of great power; ⟨his⟩ underſtanding is infinite.
Exod. 14 6.———The Lord, the Lord God, merciful ⟨and⟩ gracious, long-ſuffering, and abundant in goodneſs and truth:
Verſ. 7. Keeping mercy for thouſands, forgiving iniquity, and tranſgreſſion, and ſin; and that will by no means clear the guilty ———
Deut, 6. 4. ——— The Lord our God is one Lord.
John 5. 7. There are three that bear record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghoſt, ⟨and⟩ theſe three are one.
II. Of the Creation, the Fall, the Sin, and Miſery of Man.
Geneſ. 1. 26. And God ſaid. Let us make man in our ⟨image⟩, after our likeneſs ———
Verſe 17. So God made man in his own image, in the ⟨image⟩ of God created he him ———
(illegible text) 7. 19. -- God made man upright --
(illegible text) 3.12. By one man ſin entred into the world, ⟨and⟩ death by ſin, and ſo death paſſed upon all men that all have ſinned.
Adam 4. 23. All have ſinned, and come ſhort of the cry of God,
Pſalm 51. 5. Behold I was ſhapen in iniquity, and in did my mother conceive me.
III Of Redemption of Mankind by Jeſus Chriſt.
John. 3. 16. God ſo loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoſoever believeth in ⟨him⟩ ſhould not periſh, but have everlaſting life.
1. John 4. 9. In this was manifeſted the love of ⟨God⟩ towards us, becauſe the God ſent his only begotten Son to the world, that we might live through him.
Verſe 10. Herein is love, not that we loved God, ⟨but⟩ that he loved us, and ſent his Son to be the propition for our ſins.
1 Pet. 3. 18. Chriſt alſo hath once ſuffered for ſins ⟨of⟩ the just for the unjuſt, that he might bring us to God
1 Pet. 2. 24. Who his own ſelf bare our ſins in ⟨his⟩ own body on the tree, that we being dead to ſin might live into righteouſneſs: by whoſe ſtripes ye are healed.
Tit, 2. 14. Who gave himſelf for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purifie unto him a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
IV. Of the Terms which may the obtain Salvation by Chriſt.
Acts 6.30.--He ſaid what muſt I do to be ſaved
Verſe 31. And they ſaid, Believe on the Lord Jeſus and thou ſhalt be ſaved
Acts 3 19. Repent, and be converted that your ſins may be blotted out, when the times of refreſhing ſhall come from the preſence of the Lord
Iſa. 55. 6. Seek the Lord, while he may be found call on him, while he is near.
Verſe 7. Let the wicked forſake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord, and it will have mercy upon him, and our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Luke 9. 23 If any man will come after me, let him deny himſelf and take up his croſs daily and follow me.
Mat. 11 28. Come to me all ye that labour, and heavy laden, and I will give you reſt.
Verſe 29. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye ſhall find me unto your ſouls. Verſe 30. For my yoke is eaſie, and my burden is not.
Jeb. 5. 9. Being made perfect, he became the author eternal ſalvation, to all them that obey him.
John 14. 15. If ye love me, keep my Commandments.
John 15. 14. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatſoever command you.
Titus 2. II. The grace of God which bringeth ſalvation hath appeared to all men;
Verſe 12. Teaching us that denying ungodlineſs, and ⟨worldly⟩ luſts, we ſhould live ſoberly, righteouſly, and ⟨godly⟩ in this preſent world.
Noah 6. 8. He both ſhewed thee, O man, what is good; ⟨and⟩ what doth the Lord thy God require of thee; but to ⟨do⟩ juſtly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with ⟨thy⟩ God?
Cal. 3.5. Mortifie therefore your members which are ⟨upon⟩ the earth, fornication, uncleaneſs, inordinate ⟨sanction⟩, evil concupiſcence, and covetouſueſs which ⟨is⟩ idolatry,
Verſe 6. For which things ſake, the Wrath of God ⟨cometh⟩ on the children of diſobedience.
Verſe 3.--Put off all theſe, anger, wrath, malice, ⟨blaſphemy⟩, filthy communication out of your mouth.
Verſe 9. Lie not one to another ———
Verſe 12. Put on as the elect of God, holy and be(illegible text)ed bowels of mercies, kindeſs, humbleneſs of mind, ⟨meekneſs⟩, longſuffering.
Verſe 13. Forbearing one another, and forgiving one ⟨another⟩, if any man have a quarrel against any, even as ⟨Chriſt⟩ forgave you, ſo alſo do ye.
Verſe 14. And above all theſe things put on clarity which is the bond of perfectneſs.
1 Theſſ. 41 11. And that ye ſtudie to be quiet, and ⟨to⟩ do your own buſineſs, and to work with your own ⟨minds⟩, as we commanded you.
I Pet. 2. 17. ——— Fear GOD. Honour the King.
Ram. 13. 1. Let every ſoul be ſubject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God; powers that be, are ordained of God.
Verſe 2. Whoſoever therefore reſiſteth the power reſiſteth the ordinance of God: and they that ⟨reſiſt⟩ ſhall receive to themſelves damnation.
I Theſſ. 5. 12 And we beſeech you, brethren, ⟨to⟩ know them which labour among you, and are (illegible text) you in the Lord, and admoniſh you;
Verſe 13. And to eſteem them very highly in I(illegible text) for their works ſake.
Heb. 13. 17. Obey them that have the rule over ⟨you⟩ and ſubmit your ſelves, for they watch for your ⟨ſouls⟩ as they that muſt give account; that they may d(illegible text) with joy and not with grief, for that is unprofitable for you.
Col. 3. 13. Wives ſubmit your ſelves to your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.
Verſe 19. Husbands, love your wives, and be ⟨not⟩ bitter againſt them.
Epheſ. 6. 1. Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.
Verſe 4. And ye Fathers, provoke not you Children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Col. 3. 12. Servants obey in all things your Maſter according to the fleſh, not with eye-ſervice as man pleaſers, but in ſingleneſs of heart. fearing God.
Verſe 23. And whatſoever ye do, do it heartily, ⟨unto⟩ the Lord, and not unto men.
Col. 4. 1. Maſters give unto your ſervants that which is juſt and equal, knowing that ye alſo have a Maſter in heaven.
Matth. 7. 12. Therefore all things, whatſoever ⟨you⟩ would that men ſhould do to you, do ye even ſo to them.
Matth. 14. 13. He that ſhall endure to the end ſhall be ſaved.
(illegible text) 6. 9. Let us not be weary of well doing, for ⟨the⟩ ſeaſon we ſhall reap, it we faint not.
(illegible text) v. 2. 10. Be thou faithful unto death, and I will (illegible text) give thee a crown of life.
V. Of the neceſſity performing theſe things.
(illegible text) 3. 36. He that believeth on the Son hath ⟨ever-lasting⟩ life: and he that believeth not the Son, ſhall (illegible text)e life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
(illegible text) 13. 3. 5. Except ye repent ye ſhall all periſh.
(illegible text) 33. 11. As I live faith the Lord God, I have no (illegible text)ure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked (illegible text) from his way and live. Turn ye, turn ye, from ⟨your⟩ evil ways, for why will ye die?
(illegible text) 18. 30. -- Repent and turn your ſelves from ⟨your⟩ tranſgreſſions, ſo iniquity ſhall not be your (illegible text).
⟨Verſe⟩ 31. Caſt away from you all your tranſgreſſions ⟨whereby⟩ ye have tranſgreſſed, and make you a new, (illegible text) and a new ſpirit, for why will ye die?
⟨Verſe⟩ 32. For I have no pleaſure in the death of him (illegible text) dieth, ſaith the Lord God; wherefore turn your (illegible text)s, and live ye.
(illegible text)on 3. 3. ——— Except a man be born again, he ⟨cannot⟩ ſee the kingdom of God.
⟨Matth⟩. 28. 8. Except ye be converted, and become ⟨little⟩ children, ye ſhall not enter into the kingdom ⟨of heaven.⟩
⟨Luke⟩ 6. 46. Why call ye me Lord, and do not the ⟨things⟩ which I ſay?
(illegible text). 12. 14 Follow peace with all men and ⟨holineſs⟩ without which no man ſhall ſee the Lord.
Cor. 6 9. Know ye not that the unrighteous ſhall inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived, ⟨nor⟩ fornicators nor idolaters, nor adulteress, nor ⟨obstinate⟩, nor abuſers of themeſelves with mankind:
⟨Verſe⟩ 10, Nor thieves, or covetous, nor drunkards nor revilers, nor extortioners, ſhall inherit the kingdom of God.
Heb. 10. 35. If any man draw back, my ſoul ſhall ⟨have⟩ no pleaſure in him.
VI. Of the means of obtaining grace from God, and for abling us to do theſe things.
Luke II. 9. Ask and it ſhall be given you, ſeek ⟨and⟩ ye ſhall find, knock and it ſhall be opened into you.
Verſe 10. For every one that asketh, receiveth; ⟨and⟩ he that ſeeketh, findeth and to him that knocketh ſhall be opened.
Verſe 13. If ye being evil, know how to give ⟨good⟩ things unto your children; how much more ſhall ⟨your⟩ heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that (illegible text) him?
I Pet. 3 21. The like figure whereunto, even Baptism doth alſo now ſave us, not the putting away the ⟨ſins⟩ of the fleſh, but the anſwer of a good concſcience ⟨towards⟩ God, by the reſurrection of Jeſus Chriſt.
I Cor. 11. 23. ——— The Lord Jeſus the ſame ⟨night⟩ in which he was betrayed, took bread:
Verſe 24. And when he had given thanks, he ⟨broke⟩ it, and ſaid, Take, eat; this is my body which is ⟨broken⟩ for you: this do in remembrance of me.
Verſe 25. After the ſame manner alſo he took ⟨the⟩ cup when he had ſupped, ſaying, This cup is the ⟨New⟩ Teſtament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye ⟨drink⟩ it, in remembrance of ⟨me⟩.
Verſe 26. For as often as ye eat this bread, and ⟨drink⟩ this cup, ye do ſhew the Lords death till he come.
I Cor. 10. 6. The cup of bleſſing which we bleſs, ⟨is⟩ it not the communion of the blood of Chriſt? ⟨The⟩ bread which we break, is it not the communion of ⟨the⟩ body of Chriſt?
Pſal. 119. 9. Wherewith ſhall a young man clear his way? by taking heed thereto according to ⟨the⟩ Word.
⟨Verſe⟩ 11. Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I mmight not ſin againſt thee.
⟨Verſe⟩ 59. I thought on my ways, and turned my feet to thy teſtimonies
⟨Verſe⟩ 60. I made haſte, and delayed not to keep thy commandments.
(illegible text) 3. 5. Truſt in the Lord with all thy heart, and (illegible text) not unto thine own underſtanding.
Verſe 6. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he ſhall ⟨set⟩ thy paths.
I Of the four last things, in wit, Death, and Judgement, Heaven, and Hell.
Jeb. 9. 17. It is appointed unto men once to die, but this the Judgement.
John 5. The hour is coming, in the which all that in the graves, ſhall hear his voice,
Verſe 19. And ſhall come forth, theſe that have done ⟨bad⟩, unto the reſurrection of life, and they that have ⟨the⟩ evil, unto the reſurrection of damnation.
Cor. 5. 10. We muſt all appear before the Judgement-ſeat of Chriſt, that every one may receive the things (illegible text)ne in his body, according to that he hath done ⟨whether⟩ it be good or bad.
Matth. 25. 34. Then ſhall the king ſay unto them on ⟨the⟩ right hand, Come ye bleſſed of my Father, inherit ⟨the⟩ Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of ⟨the⟩ World.
Verſe 41. Then ſhall he ſay alſo to them on the left ⟨hand⟩. Depart from me, ye curſed, into everlaſting (illegible text), prepared for the Devil and his Angels.
Verſe 46. And theſe ſhall go away into everlaſting ⟨puniſhment⟩, but the righteous into life eternal.
Theſſ. 1. 7. ——— The Lord Jeſus ſhall be ⟨revealed⟩ from Heaven with his mighty Angels
Verſe 8. In flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey nor the Goſpel our Lord Jeſus Chriſt.
Verſe 9. Who ſhall be puniſhed with everlaſting deſtruction from the preſence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; when he ſhall be glorified in ⟨His⟩ Saints, and to be admired in all them that believe.
WE muſt often for ſome ſpace of Time, with draw our ſelves from all ſecular Affairs, and from the Company of this, that recollecting our Minds from all other Thoughts and Care and retiring our ſelves from the noiſe of Buſineſſ and Company. we may with greater freedom attend unto, and Meditate upon theſe things, which GOD hath revealed to us in his Word, we are to Confide and Meditate upon them for making us truly Wiſe that we may throughly underſtand them, and may lay them up in our Hearts, and feel the Power and Efficiency thereof, and may reliſh them, and feed and nouriſh our ſelves thereby:
Some Pious MEDITATIONS On ſeveral Sentences of SCRIPTURE.
Acquaint thy Self with GOD.
THat is to Acquaint our Selves with GOD, diligently to conſider Him, as he Repreſents Himſelf to us in his Word and Works; and to ⟨ſtay⟩ and fix our Minds upon theſe Glorious and ⟨Infinite⟩ perfections, which ſhine forth therein; and eſpecially thoſe which have a tendencie to move, perſwade and attract our Souls to him, ſuch as his infinite Power and Juſtice, by which we may be awakened to fear his Wrath due to us for our ſins; his Patience, Goodneſs, Mercy, and Love, by which we may be encouraged to ſeek his Favour, and moved to quite all things for him, and to chooſe him for our only Portion. And to conſsider all that he propoſes in his Word for moving to walk in his ways and all the Effects of his Providence in the conduct of humane Affairs, wherein he to be ſeen his Care and Concernedneſs for good Men and his Severity towards Impenitent and ⟨obſtinate⟩ Sinners; and often to reflect upon what we ⟨come⟩ to know of GOD and to mind in as often, in ſo ⟨far⟩ as he is known to us.
To Seek GOD.
GOD, who is the only true God of Man, offers ⟨himſelf⟩ to us in His Son JESUS CHRIST, and is to be found by us. To ſeek him then, is fixedly to deſign the attainment of that infinite Good, and to direct our whole Courſe thitherward, and diligently to apply our ſelves to walk in thoſe ways, which are preſcribed ⟨for⟩ leading Men to the Poſſeſſion of it.
To Truſt in GOD.
To Truſt in GOD is, acknowledging our ⟨own⟩ weakneſs, and being apprehenſive of the innumerable Caſualities, Hazards and Snares to which ⟨we⟩ are expoſed in this Life and being ſenſible of ⟨the⟩ inſufficiency of all things to help and uphold us, ⟨and⟩ quiet our Minds in the expectation of Help from GOD who is of infinite Power and Goodneſs, and ⟨where⟩ Faithfulneſs never fails:
Wait on the LORD.
We are apt to be haſtie and impatient when (illegible text) Good we ſtand in need of, and Deſire is delayed: ⟨but⟩ we ſhould (truſting unto the Goodneſs, Power ⟨and⟩ Wiſdom, and Faithfulneſs of GOD, which never ⟨fails⟩), ⟨we⟩ reſign our ſelves to him, and hope ſtill in him, returning the Grant of what we need and deſire to (illegible text) Good Will and Pleaſure, and to impart it to us, ⟨what⟩ and in what manner it ſeems beſt to him.
To hear the Voice of GOD.
GOD ſpeaks to Man, and repreſents to him true Good, and the way to it, he calls on him and exhorts him; he commands him to take the ⟨Courſe⟩ preſcribed to him, This Voice we then hear, ⟨when⟩ we advert to it, and retireing our minds from Thoughts of other things, we duely conſider what ⟨our⟩ LORD ſaith, and judging his Counſel and Common good, and Obedience to it abſolutely neceſſary for ⟨it,⟩ we comply with it and obey it.
To Magnifie GOD.
To Magnifie GOD, is to acknowledge his Supreme glory and Excellency, and to aſcribe to him theſe ⟨infinite⟩ Perfections, which ſhine forth to us in his Word and Works; and to have a high Eſteem of ⟨him⟩, and to conſider him as infinitely Exalted above ⟨all⟩ the moſt perfect Beeings, and by Word and Deed ⟨to⟩ expreſs this our Senſe of him, that others may have due Eſteem and Regard for him,
To ſet GOD before us.
Moſt of Men never think on GOD.; GOD is not in all their Thoughts, He is not at any time before their Eyes: But ſuch as are Pious have ſuch a Senſe of GOD ſunk in their Minds, and find the remembrance of GOD ſo needful for the Comfort, Support, and conduct of their Lives, that they endeavour at all times, in all places, in all the different Conditions of their Lives, and in all their Affairs, and conſider him as preſent.
To Draw near to GOD.
A conſtant Courſe of humble Obedience to the Laws of GOD, diſpoſes us for approaching to him, which we then do; when turning off our Souls from all Inferior things, we apply the Powers thereof unto GOD.
I am continually with Thee.
Moſt Men are ſo intangled with Thoughts and Care of this Life, that they never think on GOD. ⟨Some⟩ as are pious tho they muſt be ſometimes with ⟨the⟩ World thinking on it and applying themſelves to (illegible text) yet GOD in their Dwelling place. They retire themſelves from it, ſo much as their Condition and ⟨Station⟩ in the World will well allow, and withdrawing themſelves from it come unto GOD. Such as are more perfect do converſe with the World, and with preſent Things with a great deal of Reſerve: Their Souls ſtill bending towards GOD: To that while they ⟨are⟩ minding their worldy Affairs, GOD is not ⟨altogether⟩ ſhut out of their minds, but they are in a ſort continually with him.
To Fear GOD.
Thou, even Thou are to be feared, and who may ſtand in Thy ſight, if once Thou be angry? Beſides that Reverence and awful Regard, which the ⟨moſt⟩ perfect Creatures. even the Angels and Spirits of ⟨Juſt⟩ Man made perfect, being apprehenſive of the glorious and infinite Perſections of GOD, have for the Divine Majeſtie, we poor Mortals being ſo frail, weak and corrupt, and ſo bring in Hazard to be induced to ⟨ſit⟩ againſt him, and provoke him to anger and diſpleaſure againſt us, have reaſon to fear on the account of his infinite Purity and Holineſs, his Power and Juſtice, and to be apprehenſive of loſing his Favour and loving kindneſs, which is valuable above all things.
Teach me Thy Way.
Among the innumerable Ways, which men take ⟨through⟩ this World, there is but one Way wherein GOD is to be found: we cannot light upon it, ſo ⟨corrupt⟩ are our minds. GOD himſelf muſt Teach us. Such as are Wiſe, have this Senſe fixed in their minds that they will loſe his Way, unless he Teach ⟨them.⟩
My Heart is Fixed.
The Soul is continually diſquieted, toſſed and agitated through the variety of Diſturbing Thoughts and ⟨paſſions⟩ till it come to ſettle on its true Centre where ⟨it⟩ becomes fixed and immoveable; nothing being able ⟨to⟩ make ſuch impreſſions on it, as to ſhake and unſsettle it.
Return unto thy Reſt, O my Soul,
When the pious Soul is by any means taken off from GOD its true Reſt, it is in Trouble and Diſquiet, and ⟨finds⟩ no eaſe, nor quiet, but in going thither again; ⟨and⟩ finding itſelf clogged, and being ſenſible of its (illegible text)neſs and inactivity, rouſes and ſtires up it ſelf to ⟨return⟩.
GOD is our Dwelling Place.
The pious Soul finds no Reſt any where but in GOD: (illegible text)aim he hath acceſs, and conſiders himſelf as never ⟨from⟩ Home, but when there, whenſoever his mind is ⟨bowed⟩ down to the things of this Life, and he is intangled with other Cares, he looks on himſelf as abroad from the place of its Abode, where it is ⟨beſt⟩ for him to be: There he conſiders himſelf as well and moſt at eaſe, he haſtens to return hither and wearie Abroad.
The Secret Place of the Moſt High.
There is a place, whither pious Souls may as often as they will retire themſelves, where they may find Peace, Eaſe and Reſt, and unſpeakable Solace amidst all their Troubles in the World: This Place is the Secret of his preſence; a Secret Place, where they may be hid, where, when they are, no Hand can reach them, which Lurking place, no other beſides them ſelves can find.
Come to Me.
They come to JESUS, who (being ſenſible of the Sin and Miſery, and finding that they cannot by any Means ſave alive their own Souls, and knowing by the Report of the Goſpel that He is able to ſave to the (illegible text) moſt all, who come unto GOD by Him) do (⟨relinquiſhing⟩ the Party to which formerly they adhere to and forſaking the corrupt courſes of the World) ⟨Let⟩ themſelves under the Banner of JESUS, and to his Yoke upon them, and follow him.
To keep His Commandments.
To keep GOD's Commandments is to lay them up ⟨in⟩ our Minds, & to hide him in our Hearts, and to preſerve them ſtill in our ſight & View. It is not only ⟨know⟩ them; but to love them, and to have them ſtill ⟨preſent⟩ with us: The Cares and Thoughts of this (illegible text)e and other Studies and Labours ſteal them out of ⟨our⟩ Sight and View, and our corrupt Inclinations and ⟨Paſſions⟩, prevail ſo much with us, that we often ſtray ⟨from⟩ them; To keep them then is to know, remember, (illegible text)e and obey them.
Open thy Mouth wide.
Most of the Deſires of Men have for their Objects (illegible text)le things: They ſeek for no more but Wealth, ⟨Honour⟩ and Pleaſure, which as they are ſmall things in ⟨themſelves⟩ can be of little uſe to them. GOD would (illegible text)e us to affect, love and deſire greater and better ⟨things⟩ and to dilate our Souls that they may be capable ⟨of receiving⟩ the greateſt Good.
To Walk Uprightly.
⟨Once⟩ the great End & Deſign of a Chriſtian ſhould be ⟨to preach⟩ eternal Life and Bleſſedneſs in GOD, and to ⟨Praiſe⟩ and Honour him; that man (that in the whole ⟨courſe⟩ of his Life looks ſtraight thitherward, and is not ⟨preſſed⟩ by any means to turn off from the purſuit of (illegible text)ſe, and to graſp at other things, and to turn aſide to ⟨choked⟩ Paths, and doth conſtantly and cloſely purſue ⟨loose⟩ Ends ) is ſincere and walks uprightly. He that ⟨conſiders⟩ GOD as his only Good, and loves him above ⟨all⟩ and purſues that one Thing to pleaſe, ſerve, and ⟨honour⟩ him, and enjoy him, walks uprightly.
ISai. 48.17. Thus ſaith the LORD thy ⟨Redeemer⟩ the Holy One of Iſrael, I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth ⟨you⟩ by the way that thou ſhouldeſt go.
Deus. 6. 5. Thou ſhall love the LORD thy ⟨GOD⟩ with all thy Heart, with all thy Soul, and with all ⟨thy⟩ Might. 6. Theſe Words, which I command thee ⟨this⟩ day, ſhall be in thy Heart. 7. And thou ſhall ⟨tell⟩ them diligently unto thy Children, and ſhall talk ⟨to⟩ them, when thou ſitteſt in thy houſe, when ⟨thy⟩ walkeſt by the way, and when thou lieſt down, (illegible text) when thou riſeſt up.
To Meditate on the Law of GOD, is to ⟨our⟩ beſtow care and thoughts in ſearching out its true ſenſe ⟨and⟩ meaning: and when we have found it, to lay our ⟨minds⟩ upon it, till we have ſunk it deep here, and to ⟨have⟩ written it, as it were in our hearts, and not only but to think ſtill upon it, till it have its due effect ⟨and⟩ operation, and according to the nature of things ⟨revealed⟩, till each part have contributed to the correcting of the temper of our minds, and to the ⟨reforming⟩ of our Lives, to the repairing of the Image of ⟨God⟩ in us.
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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- ↑ i.e. Continued in the ſtate of the dead, and under the power of Death till the third day.