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Siberia and the Exile System/Volume 2/Appendix A

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2538923Siberia and the Exile System Volume 2 — List of Authorities Cited1891George Kennan


A list will be found below of the Russian books, periodicals, original documents, and manuscripts that I have read or consulted in the preparation of these volumes. It comprises only Russian literature, and it makes no pretension, of course, to completeness in any of its departments, but it may be useful to non-Russian students, and it will serve, at any rate, to indicate the limitations of my own knowledge. A complete bibliography of the Russian literature relating to Siberia and the Exile System would probably fill a thousand octavo pages of close print. To the books, manuscripts, and periodicals named in this list I have made a classified subject-index of about 10,000 cards.

Abrámof [Y.]. The Question of Religious Tolerance, by Y. Abrámof. In magazine Annals of the Fatherland, St. Petersburg, Feb., 1882.

Adriánof [A.]. The Northern Foot-hills of the Altái—The Kuznétsk Region, by A. Adriànof. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI, p. 273, St. Petersburg, 1884.

Adriánof [A.]. "Tomsk, in the Past and at Present," by A. Adriánof. Tomsk, 1890.

Ánnenkova [Praskóvia Egórovna]. Autobiography. In historical magazine Russian Antiquity, Jan.-May, 1888. [Madame Ánnenkova was the wife of one of the Decembrist exiles, and her autobiography describes minutely the life of the Decembrists in penal servitude.]

Anon. Last words over the Coffin of Alexander II.: Recollections of a Political Convict. In revolutionary periodical Messenger of the Will of the People, No. 3, Geneva, 1884.

Anon. "The Province of Yeniséisk." St. Petersburg, 1835.

Anon. Review of the "Rules Relating to Police Surveillance." In magazine Annals of the Fatherland, No. 5, May, 1882, and No. l, Jan., 1883.

Anon. The Recent Activity of the Inferior Police. In magazine Annals of the Fatherland, No. 5, 1882.

Anon. Statistics of Crime in Russia. [A review of Anúchin's "Percentages of Siberian Exiles."] In magazine Annals of the Fatherland, Nov., 1868.

Anon. Siberia and Penal Servitude. [A review of K. Maximof's book of that name.] In magazine Affairs, No. 3, March 1871.

Anon. Gavríl Stepánovich Bátenkof. [One of the Decembrist exiles.] A historico-biographical sketch. In historical review Russian Antiquity, Aug., 1889.

Anon. Materials for a History of the Press Censorship in Russia. In historical review Russian Antiquity, May, 1889.

Anon. Count Mikháiel Tariélovich Lóris-Mélikof. In historical magazine Russian Antiquity, Jan., 1889.

Anon. The Siberian Railroad from an Economic and a Strategic Point of View. In magazine Northern Messenger, March and April, 1891.

Anon. "The First Days of the Ministry of Count M. T. Lóris-Mélikof: A Memorandum concerning the Political State of Russia in the Spring of 1880." Berlin, 1889.

Anon. "Remarks concerning the Semiréchinsk Country." Omsk, 1876.

Anon. "A Short Statistical Review of Western Siberia." Omsk, 1879.

Anon. Sketches, Anecdotes and Recollections of E—va, a hard-labor convict in the Okhótsk Salt-works. In historical review Russian Antiquity, Vol. 22, Nos. 6 and 8, St. Petersburg.

Anon. Concerning the Exile of Politically Untrustworthy Persons in 1864: An appendix to the memoirs of M. N. Muravióf-Vílenski. In historical review Russian Antiquity, May, 1883.

Anon. "The Ter-Centenary of Siberia: the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the 26th of October, 1581." St. Petersburg, 1882.

Anon. The Northern Coast of Siberia between the Mouth of the Lena and Bering Strait. In magazine Nature and Man, Nos. 11 and 12, St. Petersburg, 1879.

Anon. Life in an Amúr Station. By an Amúr Farmer. In magazine Russian Messenger, Nov., 1863, p. 417.

Anon. Sketches of Amúr Life. By an Amúr Farmer. In magazine Russian Messenger, May, 1866, p. 125.

Anúchin [E. N.]. An Investigation of the Percentages of Siberian Exiles. By E. N. Anúchin. Memoirs of the Imp. Russ. Geog. Soc. Dept. of Statist., Vol. III, St. Petersburg, 1873.

Ástiref [N.]. Peculiarities of the Economic State of Siberia, by N. Ástiref. In magazine Juridical Messenger, Feb., 1889.

Ástiref [N.]. Organization and Progress of Statistical Investigation in Eastern Siberia, by N. Ástiref. In magazine Juridical Messenger, April, 1890.

Ástiref [N. ]. A Visit to the Dúkhobórtsi [a dissenting sect] of the Province of Irkútsk, by N. Ástiref. In magazine Northern Messenger, April, 1891.

Ástiref [N.]. Subótniki [a dissenting sect] in Russia and in Siberia, by N. Ástiref. In magazine Northern Messenger, June, 1891.

Beláief [A.]. "Recollections of a Decembrist," by A. Beláief. St. Petersburg, 1882.

Belokónski [Iván Petróvich]. Sketches of Prison Life, by Iván Petróvich Belokónski. In magazine Annals of the Fatherland, Oct., 1881, p. 429.

Belokónski [Iván Petróvich]. "Prisons and Étapes," by Iván Petróvich Belokónski. Orël, Russia, 1887.

Beztúzhef [Alexander]. Letters of Alexander Beztúzhef from Yakútsk. In magazine Russian Messenger, May, 1870, p. 211.

Chudnófski [S.]. "Communal Land Tenure [with particular reference to Siberia]," by S. Chudnófski. Tomsk, 1885.

Chudnófski [S.]. Migration Affairs in the Altái, by S. Chudnófski. Memoirs of the Imp. Russ. Oeog. Soc, East-Siberian Section, Vol. I, No. 1. Irkútsk, 1889.

Chudnófski [S.]. "The Province of Yeniséisk," by S. Chudnófski. Tomsk, 1885.

Chudnófski [S.]. The Territorial Commune in the Altái, by S. Chudnófski. In magazine Northern Messenger.

Czekanófski [A. L.]. Preliminary Account of the Léna-Olónek Expedition, by A. L. Czekanófski. Bulletin of the Imp. Russ. Geog. Soc, No. 3, p. 129. St. Petersburg, 1876.

Debagóri-Mokriévich [Vladímir]. Recollections of a Russian Socialist from the end of 1877 to the beginning of 1879, by Vladímir Debagóri-Mokriévich. In revolutionary periodical Messenger of the Will of the People, No. 3, Geneva, Switzerland, 1884.

Debagóri-Mokriévich [Vladímir]. Two Years of Life [an account of the author's arrest, exile, and escape], by Vladímir Debagóri-Mokriévich. In revolutionary periodical Messenger of the Will of the People, Nos. 1 and 2, Geneva, Switzerland, 1883–4.

Dmítri-Mamónof [A. I.]. "Memorandum Book of the Province of Tobólsk for the Year 1884." Compiled by A. I. Dmítri-Mamónof and K. M. Golódnikof, and published by authority of the Tobólsk Provincial Statistical Committee. Tobólsk, 1884.

Dobróf [L.]. "Frank Speech concerning the Most Important Events in our Interior Life in the last Twenty-Five Years, 1855–1880," by L. Dobróf . M. Stasiulévich, St. Petersburg, 1880.

Dostoyéfski [Fedor]. "Notes from a House of the Dead," by Fedor Dostoyéfski. St. Petersburg, 1862.

Dragamánof [M.]. "On the Eve of New Troubles," by M. Dragamánof. Geneva, 1886.

Dragamánof [M.]. "L'Esclavage Interieur et la Guerre de la Liberation," par M. Dragamánof. Geneve, 1877.

Dragamánof [M.]. "Naródnaya Vóla sur la Centralisation de la Lutte Revolutionnaire en Russie," par M. Dragamánof. Geneve. [No date.]

Dragamánof [M.]. "Le Tyrannicide en Russie et l'Action de l'Europe Occidentale," par M. Dragamánof. Geneve, 1881.

Dragamánof [M.]. "Sur l'Affaire Sassoulitche-Trepoff," par M. Dragamánof. Geneve. [No date.]

Dragamánof [M.]. Young Students and Political Agitation, by M. Dragamánof. In revolutionary periodical Free Speech, No. 50, Geneva.

Drill [D. A.]. The Prison World, by D. A. Drill. In magazine Juridical Messenger, Feb., 1891.

E. S. Exiled Dissenters in the Territory of Yakútsk, by E. S. In magazine Northern Messenger, Feb., 1891.

Foinítski [I.]. Acquittals by Juries and Measures for their Restriction, by I. Foinítski. In Journ. of Civ. and Crim. Law, St. Petersburg, Nov., 1879.

Foinítski [I.]. The Question of Siberian Exile, by Prof. I. Foinítski. In Journ. of Civ. and Crim. Law, St. Petersburg, March–April, 1879.

Frántsova. Mikháiel Alexándrovich von Vízin [one of the Decembrist exiles], by — Frántsova. In historical review Russian Antiquity, Nov., 1885.

Gálkine Wrásskoy [M.]. "Order No. 2926 of March 8th, 1888, to the Governor of the Island of Saghalín" [with regard to the treatment of political convicts], by M. Gálkine Wrásskoy. Manuscript.

Geographical Society [Imperial Russian]. Report of the Olékminsk-Vitímsk Scientific Expedition of 1866. Memoirs of the Imp. Russ. Geog. Soc, Vol. V, 1875.

Geographical Society [Imperial Russian]. Memoirs of the West-Siberian Section of the Imp. Russ. Geog. Soc. for 1879. Omsk, 1880.

Golovachóf [P.]. "Siberia in the Commission of Catherine II." A study of the history of Siberia in the 18th century, by P. Golovachóf. Moscow, 1889.

Golovachóf [A. A.]. "Ten Years of Reform," by A. A. Golovachóf. St. Petersburg, 1872.

G. P. From the History of the Provincial Press. An account of the founding of the Irkútsk newspaper Sibír, by G. P. In magazine Annals of the Fatherland, March, 1881.

Hédenstrom [M.]. "Fragments Relating to Siberia," by M. Hédenstrom. Ministry of the Interior, St. Petersburg, 1830.

Káufman [A.]. Economic and Statistical Researches in the Province of Tobó1sk, by A. Káufman. In magazine Juridical Messenger, Oct., 1890.

Káufman [A.]. Influence of Immigration upon the Development of Rural Economy and Communal Life in Western Siberia, by A. Káufman. In magazine Northern Messenger, April, 1891.

Kértselli [N. G.]. Appearance of Lamaism in the Trans-Baikál, and its Influence on the Life of the Wandering Buriáts, by N. G. Kértselli. Bulletin of Imp. Soc. of Friends of Nat. Sci., Vol. XIII, part 1.

Khoróshkin [Staff Colonel]. "The Cossack Forces," by Staff Colonel Khoróshkin. St. Petersburg, 1881.

Kléments [D.]. "Antiquities of the Minusínsk Museum: Remains of the Metal Age," with atlas, by D. Kléments. Tomsk, 1886.

Kléments [D.]. Preliminary Information with regard to an Excursion in the Districts of Áchinsk and Kansk, by D. Kléments. Bulletin of the East-Siberian Section of Imp. Russ. Geog. Soc. Irkútsk, 1889.

Kólchin [M. A.]. Exiles and Prisoners in the Fortress of the Solovétsk Monastery from the 16th to the 19th Centuries, an historical sketch, by M. A. Kólchin. In historical review Russian Antiquity, Oct., Nov., and Dec, 1887, and Jan. and Feb., 1888.

Korolénko [Vladímir]. "Sketches and Tales" [from Siberian life], by Vladímir Korolénko. Moscow, 1887.

Kropótkin [P. A.]. A Journey from the Trans-Baikál to the Amúr by way of Manchuria, by P. A. Kropótkin. In magazine Russian Messenger, June, 1865.

Kúchin [Y. P.]. "Guide to the Volga from Nízhni Nóvgorod to Astrakhán," by Y. P. Kúchin. St. Petersburg, 1870.

Kuznetsóf [Innokénti]. "Ancient Graves in the Minusínsk District." Tomsk, 1890.

Látkin [Nikolái]. The Kara Sea, by Nikolái Látkin. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

Látkin [N. V.]. "The District of Krasnoyársk, Province of Yeniséisk," by N. V. Látkin. St. Petersburg, 1890.

Linóf [D. A.]. "By Étape: A Tale from Prison Life," by D. A. Linóf. Moscow, 1886.

Lóiko [L.]. "Recollections of the Distant North," by L. Lóiko. Kazán, 1884.

Lúdmer [ Y.]. Crime in the North of Russia, by Y. Lúdmer. In magazine Juridical Messenger, May, 1885.

Lúdmer [Y.]. Prisons, Exile, Crime, and Justice in the Extreme North, by L-dm-r. In magazine Juridical Messenger, Oct., 1883.

Lúdmer [Y.]. Concerning the "Rules Relating to Police Surveillance," by Y. L-dm-r. In magazine Juridical Messenger, Dec, 1882.

Lvof [Evgénie]. "Penal Servitude in Siberia," by Eugéne Lvof. Moscow, 1876.

Máchtet [G. A.]. "Stories from Siberian Life," by G. A. Máchtet. Moscow, 1887.

Mámin [D.]. Varnaki [a slang term in Siberia for convicts], by D. Mámin. In historical review Russian Antiquity, Feb., 1890.

Manuscript. Recollections of a Journey by Étape, from the Mines of Kará to the City of Yakútsk, by a political convict.

Manuscript. Recollections of my Life at the Mines of Kará, by a political convict.

Manuscript. Report of a Committee of the Ministry of Public Instruction on an Elementary School-book.

Manuscript. "Secret" circular of the Bishop of Yakútsk to the priests in his diocese, instructing them how to treat political exiles.

Manuscript. Circular letter to the governors of East-Siberian provinces and territories, containing instructions with regard to the treatment of political exiles and convicts.

Manuscript. Circular letter of instructions to the governor-general of Eastern Siberia with regard to the correspondence of political exiles and convicts. Ministry of the Interior, June 14, 1878.

Manuscript. List of names of 985 political offenders, exiled, imprisoned, or hanged in the reigns of Alexander II. and Alexander III., most of them between 1875 and 1884.

Manuscript. List of names of 661 political exiles in Siberia, with their ages, professions, and places of banishment.

Manuscript. Official report of the examination of the political offender Constantine Niustróyef, in his trial by court-martial at Irkútsk, Oct. 31, 1883, for striking Governor-general Anúchin.

Manuscript. Petition of the political exile Vassíli Sidorátski to the Governing Senate.

Manuscript. An account of the condition of affairs in Russia at the beginning of revolutionary activity, by a political convict.

Manuscript. Account of Madame Kutitónskaya's attempt to assassinate General Ilyashévich, governor of the Trans-Baikál. Her own statement.

Manuscript. Memorial of Dr. Martínof, an exiled physician, protesting against his arrest and imprisonment for leaving his place of exile to go to the relief of a wounded peasant.

Manuscript. Program of the party of the Will of the People.

Manuscript. Letter from the revolutionary executive committee to Alexander III. after the assassination of Alexander II.

Manuscript. Bulletin of the Society for the Relief of Political Exiles and Prisoners. [Hektographed.] Russia, 1886.

Manuscript. List of names of 83 Russian authors imprisoned or exiled since the year 1800.

Manuscript. Narrative of a journey under arrest from Eastern Siberia to St. Petersburg, by an exiled lady.

Manuscript. Narrative of the "long hunger-strike" of Mesdames Kavaléfskaya, Kutitónskaya, Róssikova, and Bogomólets, in the Irkútsk prison.

Manuscript. Ticket-of-leave, or traveling pass, given by an isprávnik to a political exile in Eastern Siberia.

Manuscript. Official letter in answer to a petition from Madame Liubóvets asking leave to continue her practice as an accoucheuse notwithstanding her marriage to a political exile. [Permission refused.]

Manuscript. Studies in the history of the development of revolutionary ideas in Russia, by a political convict.

Manuscript. Circular letter from the chief of the prison administration to the governors of the Siberian provinces with regard to the treatment of political exiles.

Manuscript. Order of M. Gálkine Wráskoy to the governor of the island of Saghalín with regard to the treatment of political convicts. [No. 2926, St. Petersburg, March 8, 1888.]

Manuscript. "Secret" report to Alexander II., for the year 1879, by D. T. Anúchin, governor-general of Eastern Siberia.

Manuscript. "Secret" report to Alexander III., for the years 1880 and 1881, by D. T. Anúchin, governor-general of Eastern Siberia.

Manuscript. The life of Alexander Sipóvich [a political suspect slowly done to death in prison], by a Russian lady — not an exile.

Manuscript. The origin and causes of terrorism [with a comparative table showing the dates of particular Governmental acts of injustice or cruelty, and the terroristic attempts provoked by them], by a political convict.

Manuscript. Account of the life of political convicts at the Mines of Kará, by one of them.

Manuscript. Biographical sketch of Ánna Pávlovna Korbá, and report of her speech in her own defense at the time of her trial.

Manuscript. Brief account of the life, trial, and execution of the Irkútsk schoolteacher Constantine Niustróyef, by a lady who knew him.

Manuscripts. Nine manuscripts from various parts of Siberia, describing the attack of the soldiers upon the political exiles in the city of Yakútsk in March, 1889.

Manuscript. Protest of the political exiles in Balagánsk, Eastern Siberia, against the slaughter of their comrades in Yakútsk.

Manuscript. Protest of the political exiles in Surgút against unjust and cruel treatment on the part of the local authorities.

Manuscript. "Secret" document relating to the trial of the political exile Helen Máchtet for absence without leave.

Manuscript. Blank form to be filled up by a police officer who has a suspect under secret surveillance.

Manuscript. A chapter from the recollections of a Russian political exile in Siberia.

Mánikin-Nevstrúief [A.]. "The Conquest of Eastern Siberia by the Yakútsk Cossacks," by A. Mánikin-Nevstrúief. Moscow, 1883.

Martiánof [Nikolái]. Materials for the Flora of the Minusínsk Region, by Nikolái Martiánof. Memoirs of the Nat. Hist. Soc. of the Kazán University. Kazán, 1882.

Marúsin [S.]. Industrial Labor Unions in the Province of Tobólsk, by S. Marúsin. In magazine Juridical Messenger, July–Aug., 1890.

Maxímof [A. Y.]. "In the Far East: Tales and Sketches," by A. Y. Maxímof. St. Petersburg, 1883.

Maxímof [S.]. "Siberia and Penal Servitude," 3 vols., by S. Maxímof. St. Petersburg, 1881.

Miliútin [— ]. "Collection of Historical and Statistical Information Relating to Siberia and Adjacent Countries," by — Miliútin. St. Petersburg, 188-.

Monastírski [S.]. "Illustrated Guide to the Volga," compiled by S. Monastírski. Kazán, 1884.

Mseriants [Z. M.]. "The Press Laws: A Directory of Information, etc.," by Z. M. Mseriants, Inspector of the Press and of the Book Trade in Moscow. Moscow, 1876.

Mushkétof [I. V.]. The Mineral Wealth of the Altái, by I. V. Mushkétof. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

Naümof [P. I.]. "In a Forgotten Land: Tales from the Life of the Siberian Peasants," by P. I. Naümof. St. Petersburg, 1882.

Nebólsin [P. I.]. The Conquest of Siberia, by P. I. Nebólsin. In magazine Annals of the Fatherland, Oct. and Nov., 1848.

Nikítin [V. N.]. "Prison and Exile," by V. N. Nikítin. St. Petersburg, 1880.

Nikítin [V. N.]. "Unfortunates" [suggested by the International Prison Congress], by V. N. Nikítin. St. Petersburg, 1890.

Nikítenko [Alexander Vassílievich]. Memoirs of Prof. Alexander Vassílievich Nikítenko. In historical review Russian Antiquity, Aug., 1888, to July, 1891.

N. M. The Condition of Miners and Factory Operatives in the Ural, by N. M. In revolutionary periodical Messenger of the Will of the People, No. 2, Geneva, 1884.

Obnínski [P. N.]. Libraries and Reading in Prisons, by P. N. Obnínski. In magazine Juridical Messenger, March, 1890.

Official. Economic Condition of the Crown Peasants in the District of Ishím, Province of Tobólsk. Ministry of Crown Property, St. Petersburg, 1890.

Official. Report of Colonel Vinokúrof, Inspector of Exile Transportation for Eastern Siberia. 1884.

Official. Documents Relating to the History of the Revolutionary Movement in the Army. In the revolutionary periodical Messenger of the Will of the People, No. 5, Geneva, 1886.

Official. Documents Relating to Measures to Secure the Safety of the Tsar in Russia. In revolutionary periodical Messenger of the Will of the People, No. 4, Geneva, 1885.

Official. Reports of the Governor of Tobólsk to the Tsar for the years 1873, 1874, and 1875.

Official. Reports of the Governor of Tomsk to the Tsar for the years 1873, 1874, and 1875.

Official. List of Inhabited Places in the Russian Empire: Vol. LX. Province of Tobólsk. Central Statistical Committee, Ministry of the Interior.

Official. Report of the Governor of Irkútsk to the Tsar for the year 1870.

Official. Sketch of the Sanitary Condition of Western Siberia. Compiled by direction of the West-Siberian Army Medical Administration. Omsk, 1880.

Official. Memorandum Book of Western Siberia for the year 1881. Published by official authority. Press of the District Staff, Omsk, 1881.

Official. Economical Condition of Siberian Cities. Ministry of the Interior, St. Petersburg, 1882.

Official. Memorandum Book of Western Siberia for the year 1882. Published by official authority. Press of the District Staff, Omsk. 1882.

Official. Memorandum Book of the Province of Irkútsk for the year 1881. Edition of the Irkútsk Provincial Statistical Committee. Irkútsk, 1881.

Official. An Imperial Command with regard to the publication of rules relating to measures for the Preservation of National Order and Public Tranquillity and the Declaration of a State of Siege in certain parts of the Empire: Signed Sept. 4, 1881. In Journ. of Civ. and Crim. Law, St. Petersburg, Nov.–Dec, 1881.

Official. Rules Concerning Police Surveillance when it is ordered by the Administrative Authorities. Approved by the Tsar, March 12, 1882. Ministry of the Interior, St. Petersburg, 1882.

Official. Rules Relating to Measures for the Preservation of National Order and Public Tranquillity. Approved by the Tsar, Aug. 14, 1881. In Journ. of Civ. and Crim. Law, St. Petersburg, Nov.–Dec.,1881.

Official. Collection of Circular Letters of the Ministry of the Interior for the years 1880–84. Compiled and published by D. V. Chichinádzi. St. Petersburg, 1886.

Official. Circulars, Regulations, and Instructions Relating to the Prison Department issued from the Ministry of the Interior from 1859 to 1883. Published by the Chief Prison Administration. St. Petersburg, 1880.

Official. The Russian Penal Code. Edited by Prof. N. S. Tagantsef. St. Petersburg, 1886.

Official. Statutes Relating to Exile. [From Vol. XIV of the Collection of Laws.]

Official. Changes, Additions, and Amendments in Vol. XIV of the Collection of Laws. [Relating to imprisonment and exile.]

Official. Circular of the Military Governor of the Trans-Baikál to Prison Committees and Municipal and District Police Authorities. [Dated Aug. 26, 1885.] In the Trans-Baikál Territorial Gazette, Sept. 6, 1885.

Official. Collection of Ordinances and Regulations of the Government Relating to Press Affairs. St. Petersburg, 1878.

Official. List of books not allowed to be given to readers in public libraries. [From the Official Gazette.]

Official. Statistics of the Russian Empire. Published by direction of the Ministry of the Interior. St. Petersburg, 1886.

Official. Review of the Leading Principles of Local Government in Siberia. Printed by direction of the Most High [the Tsar]. St. Petersburg, 1841.

Official. Statistics of the Territory of Yakútsk for the year 1879. Compiled by the Yakútsk Territorial Statistical Committee. Yakútsk, 1879.

Official. Memorandum Book of the Province of Tomsk for the year 1884. Published by the Tomsk Statistical Committee. Tomsk, 1884.

Official. Memorandum Book of the Province of Tomsk for the year 1885. Published by the Tomsk Statistical Committee. Tomsk, 1885.

Official. Calendar of the Province of Perm for 1885. Published by the Perm Statistical Committee. Perm, 1885.

Official. The East-Siberian Calendar for 1885. Published by authority. Irkútsk, 1884.

Official. Survey of the Territory of Semipalátinsk for 1883. [Appendix to the report of the military governor of Semipalátinsk.] Semipalátinsk, 1884.

Official. Memorandum Book of the Governor-generalship of the Steppes. From official sources. Published by authority of the governor-general. Omsk, 1885.

Official. Indictment in the case of the political offenders Borisóvich, Shebálin, Vassílief, and others, tried at Kiev in September, 1884.

Official. Indictment in the case of the political offenders Vera Filípova, Lieut.-Col. Áshenbrenner, Lieut. Shtrómberg,and others. St. Petersburg, September, 1884.

Official. Indictment in the case of the political offenders Bogdanóvich, Zlatopó1ski, and others. St. Petersburg, March, 1883.

Official. Sentence of the special court of the Governing Senate in the case of the 193. Certified copy. St. Petersburg, 1878.

Official. The Trial of the Tsaricides. Edition of the Special Council of the Governing Senate for the trial of Crimes of State. St. Petersburg, 1881.

Orfánof [M. I.]. "Afar" [sketches of Siberian experience], by M. I. Orfánof, with a preface by S. V. Maxímof. Moscow, 1883.

Pávlof [A. A.]. The Grain-producing Belt of the Province of Tobólsk, by A. A. Pávlof. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

Pávlof [A.]. "Three Thousand Versts on the Rivers of Western Siberia," by A. Pávlof. Tiumén, 1878.

Periodicals—Newspapers. The Voice [Gólos], daily. St. Petersburg, 1882.

Periodicals—Newspapers. The Leaflet [Listók], daily. St. Petersburg, 1886.

Periodicals—Newspapers. The New Time [Nóvoe Vrémya], daily. St. Petersburg, 1886.

Periodicals—Newspapers. The Russian Gazette [Rússkiya Védomosti], daily. Moscow, 1889, 1890, 1891.

Periodicals—Newspapers. The Volga Messenger [Vólzhski Véstnik], daily. Kazán, 1886.

Periodicals—Newspapers. Gatsuk's Gazette [Gazéta Gátsuka], weekly. Moscow, 1890, 1891.

Periodicals—Newspapers. The Eastern Review [Vostóchnoe Obozrénie], weekly. St. Petersburg and Irkútsk, 1882 to 1890. [Since suppressed.]

Periodicals—Newspapers. The Siberian Gazette [Sibírskaya Gazéta], weekly. Tomsk, 1884, 1885, 1886, and 1888. [Since suppressed.]

Periodicals—Newspapers. The Siberian Messenger [Sibírski Véstnik], weekly. Tomsk, 1885.

Periodicals—Newspapers. Siberia [Sibír], weekly. Irkútsk, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886. [Since suppressed.]

Periodicals—Magazines. Journal of Civil and Criminal Law [Zhurnál Grazhdánskaho i Ugolóvnaho Práva], monthly. St. Petersburg, 1879 and 1881.

Periodicals—Magazines. The Juridical Messenger [Yuridícheski Véstnik], published by the Moscow Bar Association monthly. Moscow, 1883–188G, and 1889–1891.

Periodicals—Magazines. Russian Thought [Rússkaya Misl], monthly. Moscow, 1890–1891.

Periodicals—Magazines. The European Messenger [Véstnik Evrópa], monthly. St. Petersburg, 1884, 1887, and 1889.

Periodicals—Magazines. Annals of the Fatherland [Atéchestvenniya Zapíski], monthly. St. Petersburg, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1883, and 1884. [Since suppressed.]

Periodicals—Magazines. The Northern Messenger [Séiverni Véstnik], monthly. St. Petersburg, 1891.

Periodicals—Magazines. Russian Antiquity [Rússkaya Stariná], monthly. St. Petersburg, 1888–1891.

Periodicals—Revolutionary. Messenger of the Will of the People [Véstnik Naródnoi Vóii], Nos. 1–5, Geneva, 1884–1886.

Periodicals—Revolutionary. Self-government [Sámoiipravlénie], the organ of the socialistic revolutionists. Geneva, 1888.

Periodicals—Revolutionary. Freedom [Svobóda], the political organ of the Russian "intelligence." Geneva, 1888.

Periodicals—Revolutionary. Free Russia [Svobódnaya Rossía]. Geneva, 1889.

Periodicals—Revolutionary. The Common Cause [Óbshche Diélo]. Geneva, 1888.

Poliákof [I. S.]. The Ancient and the Modern Lukomória [the North Siberian Seacoast], by I. S. Poliákof. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

Poltorátskaya [L. K.]. The Southern Slopes of the Altái and the Tárbagatai Region, by L. K. Poltorátskaya. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

Potánin [G. I.]. Semipalátinsk and other Cities in the Semipalátinsk Territory, by G. I. Potánin. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

Potánin [G. I.]. The Siberian Cossacks, by G. I. Potánin. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

Potánin [G. I.]. The Barabá Steppe, by G. I. Potánin. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

Potánin [G. I.]. The Conquest and Colonization of Siberia, by G. I. Potánin. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

Potánin [G. I.]. The Northern Foot-hills of the Altái, by G. I. Potánin. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

Potánin [G. I.]. The Natives of the Altái, by G. I. Potánin. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

Potánin [G. I.]. The Altái, by G. I. Potánin. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

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Prugávin [A. S.]. "Dissent—Above and Below," by A. S. Prugávin. [Whole edition burned by order of the censor—only one copy survives so far as known.]

Ptítsin [Vladímir]. "Prisons in the Region Adjoining the River Léna," by Vladímir Ptítsin. St. Petersburg, 1890.

Ptítsin [Vladímir]. "Traces of Prehistoric Man in the Valley of the Selengá River in the Trans-Baikál." St. Petersburg, 1890.

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Rádlof [V. V.]. Ancient Inhabitants of Siberia, by V. V. Rádlof. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

Reütski [S. N.]. The Prison World, by S. N. Reütski. In magazine Russian Messenger, Nos. 2 and 3, Moscow, Feb. and March, 1870.

Ramezof [A.]. "Sanitary Condition of Western Siberia in 1880," by Dr. A. Ramezof. Omsk, 1881.

Rev [I.]. A Russian Prison and its Life, by I. Rev. In magazine Juridical Messenger, May and June, 1885.

Rodzévich [A. I.]. Táras Gregórievich Shevchénko [the Russian poet] in the Trans-Caspian Region [in exile], by A. I. Rodzévich. In historical review Russian Antiquity, May, 1891.

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Selivánof [N.]. Police Surveillance as a Punishment for Crime, by N. Selivánof. In magazine Juridical Messenger, Oct., 1883.

Semyónof [P. P.]. Picturesque Russia: Vol. XI, Western Siberia, edited by P. P. Semyónof, Vice-president of the Imp. Russ. Geog. Soc, St. Petersburg, 1884.

Semyónof [P. P.]. Western Siberia in its Present Economic Condition, by P. P. Semyónof. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

Semyónof [P. P.]. "Geographical and Statistical Dictionary of the Russian Empire," by P. P. Semyónof. St. Petersburg, 1862.

Sgibnef [A. S.]. Benyófski's Insurrection in Kamchátka in 1771. In magazine Russian Antiquity, March and April, 1876.

Shcheglovítof [I. G.]. The Care of Prisoners' Children, by I. G. Shcheglovítof. In magazine Russian Antiquity, Dec. 1890.

Shchúkin [N.]. Siberian Voevóds [from an ancient Irkútsk Chronicle], by N. Shchúkin. In magazine Affairs, No. 1, St. Petersburg, 1866.

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Shubinski [S. N.]. Historical Exiles, by S. N. Shubinski. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

Slovtsóf [P. A.]. "Historical Survey of Siberia." by P. A. Slovtsóf. St. Petersburg, 1886.

Solovói [P.]. Popular Education in Siberia, by P. Solovói. In magazine Juridical Messenger, Sept. and Oct , 1889.

Spafária [Nikolái]. "A Journey Across Siberia from Tobólsk to Nérchinsk and the Boundary of China in 1675," by Nikolái Spafária. St. Petersburg, 1882.

Stakhéief [D. I.] "The Trans-Baikál and the Amúr," by D. I. Stakhéief. St. Petersburg, 1869.

Stározhíl.[pseudonym]."Siberian Sketches," by Stározhíl. St. Petersburg, 1872.

Studítski [M.]. "History of the Explorations for an Ocean Route to the Siberian Rivers and Bering Strait," by M. Studítski. St. Petersburg, 1883.

Tarásof [I. T.]. "The Police in the Epoch of Reform," by I. T. Tarásof, professor in the Demídof Juridical Lyceum at Yároslavl. Moscow, 1885.

Tarásof [I. T.]. "Personal Restraint as a Police Measure to Insure Public Safety," by Prof. I. T. Tarásof. Yaroslavl, 1886.

Timoféief [N.]. Prison Methods, by N. Timoféief. In magazine Juridical Messenger, June, 1882.

Tolstói [G. M.]. A Visit to the Decembrist Exile Iváshef in Túrinsk, by G. M. Tolstói. In historical review Russian Antiquity, Nov., 1890.

Tsébrikova [M.]. "Penal Servitude and Exile," by Madame M. Tsébrikova. [A brochure sent with her letter to Alexander III.] [No name of publisher or place of publication.]

Tsébrikova [M.]. "Letter to Alexander III.," by Madame M. Tsébrikova. [No name of publisher or place of publication.]

Túrbin [S.]. "The Land of Exile," by S. Túrbin. St. Petersburg, 1872.

Turgénief [Alexander Mikháilovich]. Memoirs of Alexander Mikháilovich Turgénief, 1796–1810. In historical review Russian Antiquity. April, 1889.

Údintsef [V.]. Statistics of Crime in the Province of Perm, by V. Údintsef. In magazine Juridical Messenger, Aug., 1889.

Vinográdski [V.]. Materials for the Climatology of Russia and Siberia, by V. Vinográdski. Works of the Nat. Hist. Soc. of the University of Kazán, Vol. VII, part 6.

Veniúkof [M. I.]. Progressive Movement of Russia into Northern and Eastern Asia, by M. I. Veniúkof. In Magazine Russian Messenger, Jan., 1877.

Veniúkof [M. I.]. "Frontier Countries of Asiatic Russia," by M. I. Veniúkof. St. Petersburg, 1877.

Volkhófski [Felix V.]. "Siberian Echoes," by Felix V. Volkhófski. Tomsk, 1839.

Yádrintsef [N. M.]. Reformatory Influence of Russian Exile, by N. M. Yádrintsef. In magazine Affairs, St. Petersburg, Jan. and Feb., 1871.

Yádrintsef [N. M.]. "The Russian Commune in Prison and in Exile," by N. M. Yádrintsef. St. Petersburg, 1872.

Yádrintsef [N. M.]. The Condition of Exiles in Siberia, by N. M. Yádrintsef. In magazine European Messenger, Nob. 11 and 12, 1875.

Yádrintsef [N. M.]. Cottage Industries of Siberia and their Significance, by N. M. Yádrintsef. In magazine Russian Thought, 1881.

Yádrintsef [N. M.]. "Siberia as a Colony," by N. M. Yádrintsef. St. Petersburg, 1882.

Yádrintsef [N. M.]. "The Cultural and Industrial Condition of Siberia," by N. M. Yádrintsef. St. Petersburg, 1884.

Yádrintsef [N. M.]. Diminution of the Waters of the Aralo-Caspian Lowland within the Limits of Western Siberia, by N. M. Yádrintsef. In Bulletin of Imp. Russ. Geog. Soc, Vol. XXII.

Yádrintsef [N. M.]. The West Siberian Lowland, by N. M. Yádrintsef. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

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Yádrintsef [N. M.]. "Collection of Literary Miscellany Relating to Siberia and Asiatic Russia," edited by N. M. Yádrintsef. Five volumes. St. Petersburg, 1885–1886.

Yúferof [M.]. "Materials for the Prison Statistics of Russia," by M. Yúferof. St. Petersburg, 1873.

Zavalíshin [Hypolyte]. "A Description of Western Siberia," 3 vols., by Hypolyte Zavalíshin. Moscow, 1865–1867.

Zolotílof [K.]. Sketches of a Siberian Mining Camp, by K. Zolotílof. In magazine Russian Messenger, Jan., Feb., and April, 1863.