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Simplified Grammar of the Hungarian Language/Ads

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2522873Simplified Grammar of the Hungarian Language — Advertisements1882Ignácz Singer

Now ready, Crown 8vo, limp cloth, pp. vi. and 88, with Illustrations, price 2s.



Selected and Translated by E. D. Butler, F.R.G.S., Assistant in the British Museum, Foreign Member of the Royal Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and Corresponding Member of the Kisfaludy Society.

"The translations are marked by conscientious and faithful rendering of both the spirit and form of the original."—Athenæum.

"Very conscientiously prepared."—Examiner.

"We compliment both author and illustrator on their work."—Poets' Magazine.

"Enough in it to amuse any one who is at all interested in the land of Kossuth."—Pictorial World.

"In the fables and allegories . . . . the native raciness and simplicity have been preserved."—Scotsman.

"His translations have all the simplicity and directness of the originals—two qualities for which Hungarian poetry is especially conspicuous . . . . The fables at the end of the volume are exceedingly good."—Morning Advertiser.

"As regards care and fidelity in translating, these attempts are sufficient to gain for Mr. Butler a place in the first rank amongst those who have translated Hungarian poems into foreign languages. His conception is for the most part faultless. He renders back the sense faithfully, and moreover often line for line . . . . We consider Mr. Butler far more competent to make known Hungarian poetry, than were his predecessors in English verse translation from the Magyar."—Buda-Pesti Szemle, Nov.-Dec. 1877. (Translation).

"We hope that he will perform many such services as successfully as this in the interest of the national reputation of our literature."—Kelct, Kolozsvár. (Translation).

Also ready, Crown 8vo, limp cloth, pp. v. and 70, price 2s. 6d.



By John Arany.

With Miscellaneous Pieces and Folk Songs (with the Original Text). Translated from the Magyar, by E. D. Butler.

"Will be interesting and acceptable to students of Magyar poetry."—Scotsman, Aug. 30, 1881.

"Der Uebersetzer erweist sich als tüchtigen Kenner des Magyarischen und berufenen Interpreten der ungarischen Dichtung bei seinen Landsleuten. . . . . Im Ganzen sind die Uebersetzungen vortrefflich, treu ohne sklavisch, fliessend ohne charakterlos zu sein."—Ungarische Revue, Leipzig, Berlin und Wien, Marz, 1881.

London: Trübner & Co., 57 and 69, Ludgate Hill.






ABELLinguistic Essays. By Carl Abel. Contents: Language as the Expression of National Modes of Thought—The Conception of Love in some Ancient and Modern Languages—The English Verbs of Command—The Discrimination of Synonyms—Philological Methods—-The Connection between Dictionary and Grammar—The Possibility of a Common Literary Language for the Slaw Nations— Coptic Intensification—The Origin of Language—The Order and Position of Words in the Latin Sentence. Post Svo, pp. xii. and 282, cloth. 1582. 95.

ABRAHAMS.A Manual of Scripture History for Use in Jewish Schools AND Families. By L. B. Abrahams, I3.A., Principal Assi ant l\[nster, Jews’ Free School. With Map and Appendices. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 152, cloth. 1882. 1s. 6d.

AGASSIz.—AN EssAr on CLAsswIc.rrIoN. By Louis Agassiz. Svo, pp. vii. and 381. cloth. 1859. 12s.

A.HLWA.R.DT.—Tm: DIvANs or run Six ANcII:Nr ARABIC Poms, ENNKBIGA, ’ANrANA, THAEAFA, ZunAm, ’ALQUAMA, and IMNUI7LQuA1s; chiefly according to the l\Ib'S. of Paris, Gotlm, and Leyden, and the Collection of their Fragments, with it List of the various Readings of the Text. Edited by W. Ahlwardt, Professor

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AHN.—PRACTlCAL GRAMMAR on THE GERMAN LANGUAGE. _ By Dr. F. Alm. A New Edition. By Dr. Dawson Turner, and Prof. F. L. We1n1nann. Crown Svo, pp. cxii. and 430, cloth. 1878. 3s. Gd.

AEN.—Nnw, PRACTICAL, AND EAsY METHOD or LEARNING THE GERMAN LANGUAGE. By Dr. F. Ahn. First and Second Course. Bound in 1 vol. 121no, pp. 86 and 120, cloth. 1S(i6. 3s.

AHN.—Kr:Y to Ditto. 1‘.’mo, pp. 40, sewed. SL1.

AHN.—MANuAI. or GERMAN AND ENGLISH CONVERSATIONS, or Vade Mecum for Eng- lish Travellers. lflmo, pp. x. and 137, cloth. 1875. ls. Gd.

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AHN.—NEw, PRACTICAL, AND EASY Mnrnon or LEARNING TEE Fnnuon LANGUAGE. Third Course, containing a French Reader, with Notes and Vocabulary. By H. W'. Ehrlich. 12mo, pp. viii. and 125, cloth. ISGG. ls. Gd.

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AHN.—F|ucncH Cmunnncni. Lnrrnn \Vn.In:a. By Dr. F. Alm. Second Edition. 1‘3mo, pp. 228, cloth. 1806. 4s. Gd.

A.EN.—Nr.w, PRACTICAL, AND Easy Mm-lion or LEARNXNG -rnn ITALIAN LANGUAGE. By Dr. F. Ahn. First and Second Course. 1‘_’mo, pp. 198, cloth. 1372. 35. Gd.

AHN.—KEY to Ditto. 12n1o, pp. 22, sewed. 1865. ls.


being :1 complete Gmnnnar. with Selections. By Dr. F. Ahn. 121uo, pp. viii. and 1613, Cloth. 1862. 35. Cd.

AHN.-—AHN’s CMJRSE. Iatin Grammar for Beginners. By \\'. Ihne, I’li.D. 121110, pp. vi. and 18-1, cloth. 1834. 3S.

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ALLEN.—TIIE COLOUR SENSE. See English and Foreign Philosophical Library, Vol. X.

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AMATEUR MECHANICAL SOCIETY.~—J(rURN.\L on THE Ai\IA1'£rn 1\[I-‘.cnANIcA.I. SOCIETY. Svo. Vol. i. pp. 344 cloth. 1871.472. 125. Vol. ii. pp. vi. and 290. cloth. 1873-77. 125. "Vol. iii. pp. iv. and 246, cloth. 1878-79. 125. Gd.

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APPLX-:'1‘0N(Dr.)—Liri: AND L1r1:nAm' Ramos. See English and Foreign Philoso- phicul Library, Vol. XIII.

ARAG0.-—LEs ARISTOCRATIES. A Comedy in Verse. By Etienne Arago. Edited, with English Notes and Notice on Etienne Arago, by the Rev. E. P. H. Brette, B. D., Head Master of the French School, Christ's Hospital, Examiner in the University of London. Fcap. Svo., pp. 244, cloth. 1868. 45.

ARNOI.D.—THr: LIGHT or Asm; or, THE GREAT RENUNCIATION (Mah£Lbhinish- kramana). Being the Life and Teaching of Gautama, Prince of India. and Founder of Buddhism (as told in verse by an Indian Buddhist). By Edwin Arnold, 1\I.A., C.S.I., Kc. Ninth Edition. Cr. Svo, pp. xiii. and 238, limp parchment. 1882. 25. 6d.

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ARN0I.D.—INDIAN POETRY. See Triibner’s Oriental Series.

ARTOM.-—SERMONS. By the Rev. B. Artom, Chief Rabbi of the Spanish and Por- tuguese Congregations of England. First Series. Second Edition. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 314, cloth. 1376. (is.

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ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. List of Publications on application.

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6, cloth. 1879. Gs. 6ll. BADER.—TIlE NAruNAI. AND MOREID CI-IAN<;es or rm: HUMAN Em, AND THEIR TREATMENT. By C. Bader. Medium Svo, pp. viii. and 506, cloth. 1868. 16s.

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BALl..——TIII~: DIAMoNDs, Conn, AND Gocn or INDIA; their Mode of Occurrence and Distribution. By V. Ball, l\I.A., F.(‘r.S., of the Geological Survey of India. Fcap. Svo, pp. viii. and 136, cloth. 1861. 55.

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BALLAD SOCIETY-Suliscriptiuns, small paper, one guinea; large paper, two guineas per ennum. List of publications on application.

BALLANTYNI-I.-EI.r:MnNrs or HINDI AND BNAJ BIIAKHA GRAMMAR. Compiled for the use of the East India College at Haileybury. By James R. Ballantyne. Second Edition. Crown Svo, pp. 38, cloth. 1868. 55.

BAI.I.ANTYNE.—FIIzs'r Lnssous IN SANsImIr GRAMMAR; together with an Introduc- tion to the Hitopadesa. New Edition. By James R. Bmllantyne, LL.D., Librarian of the India Oflice. 8vo, pp. viii. and 110, cloth. 1873. 3s. 6d.

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BAR!-INTS’ RELICS.—Recnvered in the summer of 1876 by Charles L. W. Gardiner, Esq., and presented to the Dutch Government. Described and explained by J. K. J. de J onge, Deputy Royal Architect at the Hague. Published by command of His Excellency, VV. F. Van F.R.P. ’.l‘aelman Kip. Minister of Marine. Trans~ lated. with a Preface, by S. R. Van Campen. \Vith a Map, Illustrations, and a fac-simile of the Scroll. Bvo, pp. 70, cloth. 1577. 5s.

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BAR'I'H.—THE RELIGIONS OF INDIA. See Tri'1bner’s Oriental Series. BARTLETT.-—DIc11oNAnv «F A2uEnIcANIsIus. A Glossary of VVords and Phrases colloquially used in the United States. By John Russell Bartlett. Fouith Esdition, considerably enlarged and improved. 8vo, pp. xlvi. and S14, cloth. 1 77. 205.

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vi and 192 cloth. I lnstrated. 1872. 10s.6d.

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BI-1AL.—TnAvnI.s or FAH-HIAN Ann Sure-Ynn, Buddhist Pilgrims, from China to India (400 AD. and 518 AD.) Translated from the Chinese. By Samuel Beal, B.A., TI-in. Coll., Cant, &e. Crown 8vo, pp. lxxiii. and 210, with a coloured Map, clotlI,orna1nent:il. 1869. 10s. 6d.

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BEAL.——TI-In ROMANTIC LEGEND or SAKrA Buonm. From the Cliinese-Sanskrit. By the Rev. Samuel Bcal. Crown Svo., pp. 408, cloth. 1375. 12s.

BI-1AL.—DIIAisII\IAPADA. See Tr‘ubner’s Oriental Series.

BEAI..—BUnI)IIIs1' LITERATURE Ix CHINA : Abstract of Four Lectures, Delivered by Samuel Bea], ]3.A., Professor of Chinese at University College, London. Dcniy 8vo, pp. xx. and 186, cloth. 1882. 10s. 6d.

BEAMES.—()UTLINES or INDIAN PnILoLoor. With a Map showing the Distribution of Indian Languages. By John Beanies, 1\I.R.A.S., Bengal Civil Service, Member of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, the Philologeal Society of London, and the Société Asiatique of Paris. Second enlarged and revised Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 96, cloth. 1868. 5s.

BI-2AMES.—A COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR or run llionnxn AnrAn LANGUAGES or INDIA, to wit, Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi, Gujarati, Marathi, Oriya, and Bengali. By John Beames, Bengal Civil Service, M.R..A.S., &c., &c. Derny Svo. Vol. 1. On Sounds. Pp. xvi. and 360, cloth. 1872. 16s.-Vol. II. The Noun and the Pronoun. If8p.9xii. Eélll 348. cloth. 1875. 16$.-Vol. II I. The Verb. Pp. xii. and 316, cloth.

7 . 1 .

B1-2I.LEW.—Fuoi\I rm-: Innos TO rm: TIGRIS. A Narrative of a J oumey through the

Countries of Balochistan, Afghanistan, Khorassan, and Iran in 1872; together ,

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BELL!-IW.—KAsnIIIi>. AND KAsnonAR: :1 Narrative of the Journey of the Embassy to Kashghar in 1873-74. By H. ‘V. Bellow, C.S.1. Demy Svo, pp. sxxii. and 420, cloth. 1875. 153. Publislaed by Triilmcr‘ J)‘ 00. 7

BELI.EW.~Tnn Races or AFGHANISTAN. Being a Brief Account of the Principal Nations Inhabiting that Country. Iiy Surgeon-Major H. VV. Bellow, C.S.I., late on Special Political Duty at Kabul. Svo, pp. 124, cloth. I880. 75. (id.

BELLOWS.—ENor.rsn OUTLINE Vocsnuunr for the use of Students of the Chinese, Japanese, and other Langlmges. Arranged by John Bellows. \’Vith Notes on the \Vriting of Chinese with Roman Letters, by Professor Summers, King's College, London. Crown Svo, pp. vi. and 368, cloth. 1867. (is.

BI-‘.LI.0WS.——Oo'rLrNr: DICTIONARY mm mm Use or Mrssroruruns, Exnonnns, AND STUDENTS or LANGUAGE. By Max Miiller, 1\I.A,, Taylorian Professor in the Uni- versity of Oxford. VVith an Introduction on the proper use of the ordinary English Alphabet in transcribing Foremn Languages. The Vocabulary compiled by John Bellows. Crown Svo, pp. xxxi. and 368, linip morocco. 1867. 73. 6d.

BELLOWS.—Tons LES Venues. Conjugations of all the Verbs in the French and English Languages. By John Bellows. Revised by Professor Beljame, B.A., LL.B., of the University of Paris, and Oflieial Interpreter to the Imperial Court, and George B. Strickland, late Assistant French Master, Royal Naval School, London. Also a New Table of Equivalent Values of French and English Money, Weights, and Measures. 32Ino, 70 Tables, sewed. 1807. ls.

BBLI.0WS.—Fm«:Ncn AND Eucusn DrorroNam1 FDR rnr: Pocxm. By John Bellows. Containing the French-English and English-French divisions on the same page ; conjugating all the verbs ; distinguishing the genders by different types; giving numerous aids to pronunciation ; indicating the liaison or n0n~IL'(n'son of terminal consonants; and translating units of weight, measure, and value, by a series of tables diflering entirely from any hitherto published. The new edition, which is but six ounces in weight, has been remodelled, and contains many thousands of additional words and renderings. Miniature maps of France, the British Isles, Paris, and London, are added. to the Geographical Section. Second Edition. 32mo, pp. 608, roan tuck, or persian without tuck. 1877. 10s. (id. ; morocco tuck, 12s. 6d.

BEN}-1DIX.—Dr:n Vsrrnn. Comedy in Three Acts. By Roderich Benedix. With Grammatical and Explanatory Notes by F. \Veinniann, German Master at the Royal Institution School, Liverpool, and G. Zimmermnnn, Teacher of Modern Languages. 1‘.’.rno, pp. 128, cloth. 1863. 2s. Gd.

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Sfsblléla revised, and enlarged Edition. Royal Svo, pp. viii. and 296, cloth.

. s. .

Bl-1NTHAM.—TnEonr or Lnorsunou. By Jeremy Bentham. Translated from the French of Etienne Dumont by R. Hildrcth. Fourth Edition. Post Svo, pp. xv. and 472, cloth. 1882. 7s. 6d.


BEVERIDGE.——Tx-in DISTRICT or BAKARUANJ. Its History and Statistics. By I-I. Beveridge, B.C.S., Magistrate and Collector of Bakarganj. Svo, pp. xx. and 460, cloth. 1876. 21s.


BIGANDET.4THE LIFE or GAUDAMA. See Tr1'ibnor's Oriental Series.

BIRGH.—F.as'rr MONASTICI Anvr Saxourcr ; or, An Alphabetical List of the Heads of Religious Houses in England previous to the Norman Conquest, to which is pre- fixed a Chronological Catalogue of Contemporary Foundations. By \VaIter de Gray Birch. Svo, pp. vii. and 114, cloth. 1873. 5s. BIRD. -—Pn\'sioi.oarcAi. EssArs. Drink Craving, Differences in Men, Idiosyncnisy. and the Origin of Disease. By Robert Bird, M.D. demy Svo. pp. 246, cloth. 1870. 7s. 6d.

BLACK.—YOL'Nc JAPAN, YOKOHAIUA AND YEDO. ANarrative of the Settlement and the City, from the Signing of the Treaties in 1858 to the Close of the Year 1879; with a Glance at the Progress of Japan during: a Period of Twenty-one Years. By John R. Black, formerly Editor of the “Japan Herald” and the “Japan Gazette.” Editor of the “Far East.” 2vols. demy Svo, pp. xviii. and 418; xiv. and 522, cloth. 1881. £2, 2s.

BLADI-2S.——SnAi;srniu: AND Trrocrmrnr. Being an Attempt to show Sh:ikspere’s Personal Connection with, and Technical Knowledge of, the Art of 1‘n'nting ; also Remarks upon some common Typographieal Errors, with especial reference to the

Text of Shakspere. By \Villia1n Blades. Svo, pp. viii. and 78, with an Illustra» tion, cloth. 1872. 3s.

BLADES.—TnE BIOGRAPHY AND TYPOGRAPHY or WILLIAM CAXTON, England’: First Printer. By Willizini Blades. Founded to a great extent upon the Author‘s “Life and Typography of ‘William Caxton.” Brought up to the Present Date, and including all Discoveries since made. Elegantly and appropriately printed in

deiny Svo, on hand-made paper, imitation old bevelled binding. 1577. £1, 15. Cheap Edition. Crown Svo, cloth. 1881. 5s.

BI.ADES.—-THE ENEIWIES OF BOOKS. Dy \Villiam Blades, Typograph. Crown 8vo, pp. xvi. and 112, parchment wrapper. 1880. 5s.

BLAKEY.—1\Ii2noms or Dn. Roscnr BIAKEY, Professor of Logic and Metaphysics, Qneen’s College, Belfast, Author of “Historical Sketch of Moral Science,” &c.,

kc. Edited by the Rev. Henry Miller, of St. Andrews (Presbyterian Church of England), Hammersmith. Crown Sm, pp. xii. and 252, cloth. 1879. 55.

BI.EEK.—1u:mAiu2 rm: Fox IN Snurs Ara1cA; or, Hottentot Fables and Tales, chiefly Translated from Original Manuscripts in the Library of His Excellency Sir

George Grey, K.C.B. By ‘V. H. I. Dleek, 1’h.l.). Post Svo, pp. xxvi. and 94, cloth. 1864. 3s. 0d.

BLI-:I»:K.—A Bram-* Accoum or Bvsmrm Fonz Lens, and other Texts. By W. H. I. Bleak. Ph.D. Folio, pp. 21, paper. 2s. 6d.

BOEEMER.—SPA.NISE Rrzromusns or Two CENTURIES, from 1520, their Lives and \Vritings. Described by E. Boelnner. D.D., 1’h.D. Vol. i. royal Svo, pp. 232, cloth. 1874. 125. (id. Roxburghe, 15s.


BOJESEN.—A Gninr-: To 'rm=: DAmsH LANGUAGE. Designed for English Students. By Mrs. Maria Bojesen. 12mo, pp. 250, cloth. 1863. 5s.

BOLIA.—THE GERMAN C.\LIGnA1=H1s'r: Copies for German Handwriting. By C.

Bolia. Oblong 4to, sewed. ls. BOY KNGINEERS.—See under LUKIN.

BOYD.—NAGANA.NDA : or, the Joy of the Snake ‘V01-ld. A Buddhist Drama in Five Acts. T1-mislated into Erlglisli Prose, with Explanatory Notes, from the Sanskrit of S21-Harsh-a-Deva. By Palmer Boyd, B.A., Sanskrit Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. \Vith an Introduction by Professor Cowell. Crown Sro, pp. xvi. and 100, cloth. 1872. 4s. Gd.

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BRAMSEN.— Japanese Weights, with their Equivalents in French and English Weights. Compiled by W. Bramseu. Fcap. folio sheet. 1877. Is.

BRAMSEN.— Japanese Lineal Measures, with their Equivalents in French and English Measures. Compiled by W. Bramsen. Fcap. folio sheet. 1877. Is.

BRENTANO.— On the History and Development of Gilds, and the Origin of Trade-Unions. By Lujo Brentano, of Aschaffenburg, Bavaria, Doctor Juris Utriusque et Philosophise. 1. The Origin of Gilds, 2. Keligious (or Social) Gilds. 3. Town-Gilds or Gild-Merchants. 4. Craft-Gilds. 5. Trade-Unions. 8vo, pp. xvi. and 136, cloth. 1870. 3s. 6d.

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BRETTE.— French Examination Papers set at the University of London from 1839 to 1871. Arranged and edited by the Rev. P. H. Ernest Brette, B.D. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 278, cloth. 3s. 6d. ; interleaved, 4s. 6d.

BRITISH MUSEUM.— List -of Publications of the Trustees of the British Museum, on application.

BROWN.— The Dervishes ; or. Oriental Spiritualism. By John P. Brown, Secretary and Dragoman of the Legation of the United States of America at Con- stantinople. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 416, cloth, with 24 Illustrations. 1868. 14s.

BROWN.— Sanskrit Prosody and Numerical Symbols Explained. By Charles Philip Brown, M.R.A.S., Author of aTelugu Dictionary, Grammar, &c.. Professor of Telugu in the University of London. 8vo, pp. viii. and 56, cloth. 1869. 3s. 6d.

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BROWNE.— A BÁNGÁLI Primer, in Roman Character. By J. F. Browne, B.C.S. Crown 8vo, pp. 32, cloth. 1881. 2s.

BROWNE.— A Hindi Primer in Roman Character. By J. F. Browne, B.C.S. Crown 8vo, pp. 36, cloth. 1882. 2s. 6d.

BRUNNOW.— ^See Scheffel.

BRUNTON.— Map of Japan. See under Japan.

BÜCHNER.— Force and Matter : Empirico-Philosophical Studies intelligibly ren- dered. With an additional Introduction expressly written for the English edition. By Dr. Louis Büchner. Edited by J. Frederick Collingwood, F.R.S.L., F.G.S. Second English, completed from the Tenth German Edition. AVith a Portrait of the Author. Crown 8vo, pp. vi. and 284, cloth. 1881. 5s.

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10 A Catalogue of Important Works, BUDGE.— History of Esarh addon. See Triibner's Oriental Series. BURGESS :- Archaeological Survey of Western India : — Report of the First Season's Operations in the Belgám and Kaladi Districts. January to May 1874. By James Burgess, F. E.G. S. With 56 Photographs and Lithographic Plates. Eoyal 4to, pp. viii. and 45; half bound. 1875. £2, 2s. Report on the Antiquities of Káthiáwad and Kachh, being the result of the Second Season's Operations of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1874-75. By James Burgess, F.R.G.S. Royal 4to, pp. x. and 242, with 74 Plates ; half bound. 1876. £3, 3s. Report on the Antiquities in the Bidar and Aurangabad Districts, in the Territories of His Highness the Nizam of Haiderabad, being the result of the Third Season's Operations of the Archaeological Survey of AYestern India, 1875-76. By James Burgess, F.R.G.S., M.R.A.S., Arch^ological Sur- veyor and Reporter to Government, AVestern India. Royal 4to, pp. viii. and 138, with 63 Photographic Plates ; half bound. 1878. £2, 2s. Report on the Buddhist Cave Temples and their Inscriptions ; contain- ing Views, Plans, Sections, and Elevation of Facades of Cave Temples ; Drawings of Architectural and Mythological Sculptures ; Facsimiles of In- scriptions, &c. ; with Descriptive and Explanatory Text, and Translations of Inscriptions, &c., &c. By James Burgess, LL.D., F.R.G.S., &c. Super-royal 4to, half-morocco, gilt top, with numerous Plates and Woodcuts. £3, 3s. [/?i preparation. BURMA.— The Bhttish Burma Gazetteer. Compiled by Major H. R. Spearman, under the direction of the Government of India. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 764 and 878, with 11 Photographs, cloth. 1880. £2, 10s. BURNELL.— Elements of South Indian Palaeography, from the Fourth to the Seventeenth Century A.D., being an Introduction to the Study of South Indian Inscriptions and MSS. By A. C. Burnell. Second enlarged and improved Edition. 4to, pp. xiv. and 148, Map and 35 Plates, cloth. 1878. £2, 12s. 6d. BURNELL.— A Classified Index to the Sanskrit MSS. in the Palace at Tanjore. Prepared for the Madras Government. By A. C. Burnell, Ph.D., &c., &c. 4to, stiff wrapper. Part I., pp. iv.-80, Vedic and Technical Literature. Part II., pp. iv.-SO, Philosophy and Law. Part III., Drama, Epics, Puranas, and Zantras; Indices. 1879. 10s. each. BURNEY. — The Boys' Manual op Seamanship and Gunnery, compUed for the use of the Training-Ships of the Royal Navy. By Commander C. Burney, R.N., F.R.G.S., Superintendent of Greenwich Hospital School Seventh Edition. Ap- proved by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to be used in the Training- Ships of the Royal Navy. Crown 8vo, ])p. xxii. and 352, with numerous Illus- trations, cloth. 1879. 6s. BURNEY.— The Young Seaman's Manual and Rigger's Guide. By Commander C. Burney, R.N., F.R.G.S. Sixth Edition. Revised and corrected. Approved by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Crown Svo. pp. xxxviii. and 592, cloth. With 200 Illustrations and 16 Sheets of Signals. 1878. 7s. 6d. BURTON. — Captain Richard F. Burton's Handbook for Overland Expeditions ; being an English Edition of the "Prairie Traveller," a Handbook for Overland Expeditions. With Illustrations and Itineraries of the Principal Routes between the Mississippi and the Pacific, and a Map. By Captain Randolph B. Marcy (now General and Chief of the Staff, Army of the Potomac). Edited, Avith Notes, by Captain Richard F. Burton. Crown 8vo, pp. 270, numerous Woodcuts, Itinera- ries, and Map, cloth. 1863. 6s. 6d. BUTLER.— The Spanish Teacher and Colloquial Phrase-Book. _ An easy and agreeable method of acquiring a Spealiing Knowledge of the Spanish Language. By Francis Butler. Fcap. 8vo, pp. xviii. and 240, half -roan. 2s. Cd.

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CALENDARS OF STATE PAPERS. List on application,

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CALLAWAY.— The Religious System of the Amazulu.

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CAMERINI. — L'Eco Italiano ; a Practical Guide to Italian Conversation. By E. Camerini. With a Vocabulary. 12mo, pp. 98, cloth. 1860. 4s. 6d.

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CANDID Examination of Theism. By Physicus. Post 8vo, pp. xviu. and 198, cloth. 1878. 7s. 6d.

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CHAUCER SOCIETY.— Subscription, two guineas per annum. List of Publications on application.

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CHRONICLES and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages, List on application.

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COLENSO.— Natal Sermons. A Series of Discourses Preached in the Cathedral Church of St Peter's, Maritzburg. By the Right Rev. John William Colenso, D.D., Bishop of Natah Svo, pp. viii. and 373, cloth. 1866. 7s. 6d. The Second Series. Crown 8vo, cloth. 1868. 5s.

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Page:Simplified grammar of the Hungarian language.djvu/114 COUSIN. —Elements of Psychology : included in a Critical Examination of Locke's Essay ou the Human Understanding, and in additional pieces. Translated from the French of Victor Cousin, with an Introduction and Notes. By Caleb S. Henry, D.D. Foui'th improved Edition, revised according to the Author's last corrections. Crowii 8vo, pp. 5G8, cloth. 1871. 8s.

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COWELL. — A Short Introduction to the Ordinary Prakrit op the Sanskrit Dramas. With a List of Common Irregular Prakrit Words. By E. B. Cowell, Professor of Sanskrit in the University of Cambridge, and Hon. LL.D. of the University of Edinburgh. Crown 8vo, pp. 40, limp cloth. 1875. 3s. 6d.

COWELL.— The Sarvadarsana Samgraha. See Triibner's Oriental Series.

COWLEY.— Poems. By Percy Tunnicliff Cowley. Demy 8vo, pp. 104, cloth. 1881. 5s.

CRAIG.— The Irish Land Labour Question, Illustrated in the History of Eala- hine and Co-operative Farming. By E. T. Craig. Crown 8vo, pp. xii. and 202, cloth. 1882. 2s. 6d. Wrappers, 2s.

CRANBROOK.— Credibilia ; or, Discourses on Questions of Christian Faith. By the Bev. James Cranbrook, Edinburgh. Reissue. Post 8vo, pp. iv. and 190, cloth. 1868. 3s. 6d.

CRANBROOK.— The Founders of Christianity; or. Discourses upon the Origin of the Christian Religion. By the Rev. James Cranbrook, Edinburgh. Post 8vo, pp. xii. and 324. 1868, 6s.

CRAVEN.— The Popular Dictionary in English and Hindustani, and Hindu- stani AND English. With a Number of Useful Tables. Compiled by the* Rev. T. Craven, M.A. 18mo, pp. 430, cloth. 188L 3s. 6d.

CRAWFORD. —Recollections of Travel in New Zealand and Australia. By James Coutts Crawford, F.G.S., Resident Magistrate, Wellington, &c., kc. With Maps and Illustrations. 8vo, pp. xvi. and 468, cloth. 1880. 18s.

CROSLAND.— Apparitions ; An Essay explanatory of Old Facts and a New Theory. To which are added Sketches and Adventures. By Newton Crosland. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 166, cloth. 1873. 2s. 6d.

CROSLAND.— Pith : Essays and Sketches Grave and Gay, with some Verses and Illustrations. By Newton Crosland. Crown 8vo, pp. 310, cloth. 1881. 5s.

CUBAS.— The Republic of Mexico in 1876. A Political and Ethnographical Division of the Population, Cliaracter, Habits, Costumes, and Vocations of its Inhabitants. Written in Spanish by A. G. Cubas. Translated into English by G. E. Henderson. Illustrated with Plates of the Principal Types of the Ethno- graphic Families, and several Specimens of Popular Music. 8vo, pp. 130, cloth. 1881. 5s.

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Page:Simplified grammar of the Hungarian language.djvu/116 DAVIDS. —Buddhist Birth Stories. See Triibner's Oriental Series.

DA VIES. —Hindu Philosophy. See Triibner's Oriental Series.

DAVIS.— ISTarrative of the North Polar Expedition, U.S. Ship Polaris, Cap- tain Charles Francis Hall Commanding. Edited under tlie direction of the Hon. G. M. Kobeson, Secretary of the Navy, by Rear- Admiral C. H. Davis, U.S.N. Third Edition. "With numerous Steel and Wood Engravings, Photolithographs, and Maps. 4to, pp. 696, cloth. 1881. £1, 8s.

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DE FLANDRE. — MoNOGRABis OF Three or More Letters, Designed and Drawn on Stone. By C. De Flandre, F.S.A. Scot., Edinburgh. With Indices, showing the place and style or period of every Monogram, and of each individual Letter. 4to, 42 Plates, cloth. 1880. Large paper, £7, 7s. ; small paper, £3, 3s.

DELEPIERRE.— Histoire Ijtteraire DES Fous. Par Octave Delepierre. Crown 8vo, pp. 184, cloth. 1860. 5s.

DELEPIERRE.— Macaronean A Andra ; overum Nouveaux Melanges de Litterature Macaronique. Par Octave Delepierre. Small 4to, pp. 180, printed by Whitting- iiam, and handsomely bound in the Roxburghe style. 1862. 10s. 6d.

DELEPIERRE. — Analyse des Travaux de la Societe des Philobiblon de Lon- DRES. Par Octave Delepierre. Small 4to, pp. viii. and 134, bound in the Rox- burghe style. 1862. 10s. 6d.

DELEPIERRE.— Revue Analytique des Ouvrages Écrits en Centons, depuis les Temps Anciens, jusqu'au xixi^me giecle. Par un Bibliophile Beige. Small 4to, pp. 508, stiff covers. 1868. £1, 10s.

DELEPIERRE.— Tableau de la Litterature du Centon, chez les Anciens et chez les Modernes. Par Octave Delepierre. 2 vols, small 4to, pp. 324 and 318. Paper cover. 1875. £1, Is.

DELEPIERRE.— L'Enfer: Essai Philosophique et Historique sur les Légendes de la Vie Future. Par Octave Delepierre. Crown 8vo, pp. 160, paper wrapper. 1876. 6s. Only 250 copies printed.

DENNYS.— A Handbook of the Canton Vernacular op the Chinese Language. Being a Series of Introductory Lessons for Domestic and Business Purposes. By N. B. Dennys, M.R.A.S., &c. Royal 8vo, pp. iv. and 228, cloth. 1874. 30s.

DENNYS,— A Handbook of Malay Colloquial, as spoken in Singapore, being a Series of Introductory Lessons for Domestic and Business Purposes. By N. B. Dennys, Ph. D. , F. R. G. S. , M. R. A. S. Impl. 8vo, pp. vi. and 204, cloth. 1878. 21s .

DENNYS,— The Folk-Lore op China, and its Affinities with that op the Aryan and Semitic Races. By N. B. Dennys, Ph.D., F.R.G.S., M.R.A.S. 8vo, pp. 166, cloth. 1876. 10s. 6d.

DE VALDES.-See Valdes.

DE VERE.— Studies in English ; or. Glimpses of the Inner Life of our Language. By M. Scheie de Vere, LL.D. 8vo, pp. vi. and 365, cloth. 1867. 10s. 6d.

Page:Simplified grammar of the Hungarian language.djvu/118 Page:Simplified grammar of the Hungarian language.djvu/119 Page:Simplified grammar of the Hungarian language.djvu/120 Page:Simplified grammar of the Hungarian language.djvu/121 Page:Simplified grammar of the Hungarian language.djvu/122 Published by Trübner é Co. 23 FENTON.— Early Hebrew Life: a Study in Sociology. By John Fenton. 8vo, pp. xxiv. and 102, cloth. 1880. 5s. FERGUSON AND BURGESS.— The Cave Temples of India. By James Ferguson, D.C.L., F.R.S., and James Burgess, F.R.G.S. Impl. 8vo, pp. xx. and 536, with 98 Plates, half bound. 1880. £2, 2s. FER6USS0N.— Chinese Eesearches. First Part. Chinese Chronology and Cycles. By Thomas Fergusson, Member of the North China Branch of the lioyal Asiatic Society. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 274, sewed. 1881. 10s. 6d. FEUERBACH,— The Essence of Christianity. By Ludwig Feuerbach. Translated from the Second German Edition by Marian Evans, translator of Strauss's " Life of Jesus." Second English Edition. Post 8vo, pp. xx. and 340, cloth. 1881. 7s. 6d. FICHTE.— J. G. Fichte's Popular Works : The Nature of the Scholar— The Voca- tion of Man — The Doctrine of Religion. With a Memoir by William Smith, LL.D. Demy 8vo, pp. viii. and 564, cloth. 1873. 15s. FICHTE.— The Characteristics of the Present Age. By Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Translated from the German by William Smith. Post 8vo, pp. xi. and 271, cloth. 1847. 6s. FICHTE.— Memoir of Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Bv William Smith. Second Edition. Post 8vo, pp. 168, cloth. 1848. 4s. FICHTE.— On the Nature of the Scholar, and its Manifestations. By Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Translated from the German by AVilliam Smith. Second Edi- tion. Post 8vo, pp. vii. and 131, cloth. 1848. 3s. FICHTE.— The Science of Knowledge. By J. G. Fichte. Translated from the German by A. E. Kroeger. Crown 8vo, pp. 378, cloth. 1868. 10s. FICHTE.— The Science of Rights. By J. G. Fichte. Translated from the German by A. E. Kroeger. Crown 8vo, pp. 506, cloth. 1869. 10s. FICHTE.— New Exposition of the Science of Knowledge. By J. G. Fichte. Translated from the German by A. E. Kroeger. 8vo, pp. vi. and 182, cloth. 1869. 68. FIELD.— Outlines of an International Code. By David Dudley Field. Second Edition. Royal 8vo, pp. iii. and 712, sheep. 1876. £2, 2s. FIGANIERE.— Elva : A Story of the Dark Ages. By Viscount de Figaniére, G.C. St. Anne, &c. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 194, cloth. 1878. 5s. FISCHEL.— Specimens OF Modern German Prose and Poetry; with Notes, Grammatical, Historical, and Idiomatical. To which is added a Short Sketch of the History of German Literature. By Dr. M. M. Fischel, formerly of Queen's College, Harley Street, and late German Master to the Stockwell Grammar School. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 280, cloth. 1880. 4s. FISKE.— The Unseen World, and other Essays. By John Fiske, M.A., LL.B. Crown 8vo, pp. 350. 1876. 10s. FISKE.— Myths and Myth-Makers; Old Tales and Superstitions, interpreted by Comparative Mythology. By John Fiske, M.A., LL.B., Assistant Librarian, and late Lecturer on Philosophy at Harvard University. Crown 8vo, pp. 260, cloth. 1873. 10s. 6d. FITZGERALD.— Australian Orchids. By R. D. Fitzgerald, F.L.S. Folio.— Part I. 7 Plates.— Part IL 10 Plates.— Part III. 10 Plates.— Part IV. 10 Plates.—

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Edited by E. H. PALMER, M.A.

The object of this Series is to provide the learner with a concise but practical Introduction to the various Languages, and at the same time to furnish Students of Comparative Philology with a clear and comprehensive view of their structure. The attempt to adapt the somewhat cumbrous grammatical system of the Greek and Latin to every other tongue has intro- duced a great deal of unnecessary difficulty into the study of Languages. Instead of analysing existing locutions and endeavouring to discover the principles which regulate them, writers of grammars have for the most part constructed a framework of rules on the old lines, and tried to make the language of which they were treating fit into it. Where this proves im- possible, the difficulty is met by lists of exceptions and irregular forms, thus burdening the pupil's mind with a mass of details of which he can make no practical use.

In these Grammars the subject is viewed from a different standpoint ; the structure of each language is carefully examined, and the principles which underlie it are carefully explained ; while apparent discrepancies and so-called irregularities are shown to be only natural euphonic and other changes. All technical terms are excluded unless their meaning and application is self-evident ; no arbitrary rules are admitted ; the old classification into declensions, conjugations, &c., and even the usual 'para- digms and tables, are omitted. Thus reduced to the simplest principles, the Accidence and Syntax can be thoroughly comprehended by the student on one perusal, and a few hours' diligent study will enable him to analyse any sentence in the language.

Now ready, crown 8vo, cloth, pp. 112, price 5s.


By E. H. PALMER, M.A.,

Lord Almoner's Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge, and Examiner in Hindustani to H.M. Civil Service Commission.

The following are in preparation:—


Russian, Polish, Bohemian, Bulgarian and Serbian, by Mr. Morfil, of Oxford.

Malagasy, by Dr. Parker.

Modern Greek, by E. M. Geldart, M.A.

Hungarian, by Ign. Singer, of Buda-Pesth.

Assyrian, by Prof. Sayce.

Hebrew, by Dr. Ginsburg.

Pali, by T. W. Rhys-Davids.

Danish, by Miss Otté.

Cymric and Gaelic, by H. Jenner, of the British Museum.

Dravidian, by A. C. Burnell, C.I.E., Ph.D.

Basque, by W. Van Eys.

Roumanian, by M. Torceanu, of Bucharest.

Turkish, by J. W. Redhouse, M.R.A.S.

Malay, by W. E. Maxwell, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law.

Finnic, by Prof. Otto Donner, of Helsingfors.

Swedish, by W. Sturzen-Becker, of Stockholm.

Sinhalese, by B. Gunasekhara, Mudalyár and Chief Translator of the Colonial Secretary's Office at Colombo; and H. C. U. Bell, Secretary of the Royal Asiatic Society, Ceylon Branch.

Mr. Trübner is making arrangements with competent Scholars for the early preparation of Grammars of Albanian, Siamese, Burmese, Japanese, Chinese, and Icelandic.

