Simplified Scientific Astrology/The Rising Sign and the Twelve Houses
TO illustrate how a horoscope is cast, we will first cast four horoscopes for persons born in Chicago, August 2, 1909, at 2:15 A. M., 8:15 A. M., 2:15 P. M., and 8:15 P. M., as far as the placing of the signs upon the cusps of the houses. The cusps are the dividing lines between the houses.
Finding Chicago on the map, we note that it is located near the 42nd degree of North latitude, and close to 88 degrees of longitude West from Greenwich.
Our first concern is to find the True Local Time of Birth. We first turn to the rule on page 22 which says “To the nearest Standard Meridian Time, add four minutes for each degree the birth place is East of the Meridian corresponding to that Time.
If the birth place is West of that Meridian, subtract four minutes for each degree it is West thereof.
The nearest Standard Meridian Time is Central Time gauged by the 90th meridian. Chicago, being 88 degrees West Longitude, is two degrees East of the 90th meridian. We therefore add two times four, or eight minutes, to the time shown by the clock, in order to find true local. In the case of the first birth hour, when the clock showed 2:15 A. M. on August 2nd., the true local time is thus found to be 2:23 A. M. This True Local Time of Birth will be used in all subsequent calculation of the horoscope. Note, however, that this correction of Standard to Loeal Time applies only in the United States, and is required only for dates subsequent to Nov. 18th, 1883, when standard time was adopted.
We will now proceed to find the sidereal time (abbreviated to S. T.) at the birth place at the moment of birth. As a starting point for our calculations we have the S. T. (sidereal time) for Greenwich at noon. From that we may caleulate the sidereal time at the birth-place and hour by the following rule:
To the sidereal time for the noon previous to birth (given in the ephmeris) add—
First, 10 seconds correction for every 15 degrees of longitude the birth-place is west of Greenwich.
Second, the interval between the previous noon and birth.
Third, 10 seconds correction for every hour of this interval.
Following the above rule we turn to the page of ephemeris in the back of this book and find the column marked Sidereal Time. As our first birth hour is August 2nd, 2:23 A. M., true local time, we note that the previous noon is August 1st. Opposite that date we note the sidereal time as being 8 hours 37 minutes, which we put down thus:
| H. | M. | S. |
S. T. at Greenwich for noon previous to birth
8 | 37 | |
Correction for 10 seconds for each 15 deg. W. Long. of birthplace
59 | ||
Interval between the previous noon (Aug. 1st) and the time of birth (Aug. 2nd, 2:28 A. M.)
14 | 23 | |
Correction of 10 seconds per hour of interval between previous noon and birth (14 h. 28 m.) equals 144 seconds or 2 min., 24 sec.
2 | 24 | |
S. T. at the birthplace on the birth-hour
23 | 3 | 23 |
When the birthplace is located in East longitude, correction for longitude is subtracted. Had the child been born August 2nd at 2:15 A. M., in latitude 42 North, but in longitude 88 East, the S. T. would be figured as follows:
| H. | M. | S. |
S. T, Greenwich for noon (Aug. 1st)
8 | 37 | |
Correction of 10 seconds for each 15 degrees East Longitude (subtracted)
59 | ||
8 | 36 | 1 |
| H. | M. | S. |
Interval from previous noon (Aug. 1st) to birth, Aug. 2nd, 2:23 A. M.
14 | 23 | 00 |
Correction of 10 seconds each hour of interval from previous noon to birth
2 | 24 | |
S. T. at birthplace, at birth-hour
23 | 1 | 25 |
As the Houses are governed by latitude, the same table of Houses is used as for the child born in Chicago.
With this S. T. we turn to the table of Houses for the latitude of the birthplace, 42 degrees, There we search the various columns marked Sidereal Time for our S. T. at birth: 23-3-23. The one nearest to that is 23-4-46. In line with that sidereal time will be found the various degrees of the signs to be placed in our horoscope.
In the first column under latitude 42°n. opposite the sidereal time 23-4-46, we observe the figure 15; at the top of the column we find the sign Pisces, and above that the figure 10, which means that the 15th

In the next column, in line with our sidereal time, we see the figure 20, at the top is the sign Aries, above that the figure 11, meaning that 20 degrees of Aries is to be placed on the 11th cusp.
In the third column, in line with our sidereal time, is the figure 1. Taurus and 12 are at the head of the column but beneath that is Gemini signifying that 1 degree of Gemini is to be placed on the 12th cusp.
The wide column marked Ascendant comes next. There we find the figures 8:10 in line with our sidereal time, and the sign Gemini at the top, but we disregard that sign because the sign Cancer is placed between our line and the top and we always take the first sign above our line. Therefore we place Cancer 8:10 on the Ascendant.
Proceeding along the figures in our line we note the figure 27 in the first column to the right of the wide column. At the top is the sign Cancer again and the figure 2. Accordingly we place the 27th degree of Cancer on the cusp of the Second House.
In the extreme right hand column we find the figure 19, the sign Leo and the figure 3 at the top of the column. Therefore we place the 19th degree of Leo on the Third Cusp.
We have thus obtained figures for six of our houses, the six opposite houses are given the opposite signs and degrees.
Having Pisces 15 on the Tenth House, we place the opposite degree Virgo 15 on the Fourth Cusp, which is opposite the Tenth.
Aries 20 on the Eleventh House is the opposite of Libra 20 placed on the Fifth Cusp.
Sagittarius 1 placed on the Sixth Cusp forms an exact opposite to Gemini 1 on the Twelfth House.
The Ascendant is opposite the Seventh Cusp and Capricorn 8:10 placed there is the opposite of Cancer 8:10 on the Ascendant.
Cancer 27 on the Second House will be properly opposed by Capricorn 27 on the Eighth House, and Aquarius 19 placed on the Ninth is in opposition to Leo 19 on the Third.
Now all the cusps are filled, but on account of the inclination of the earth’s axis some of the signs may be intercepted between two cusps, therefore it is necessary to see if all the twelve signs are in our horoscope before proceeding further. Counting from Aries, we note the presence of Gemini. Taurus is missing, and we therefore place it in its proper position between Aries and Gemini.
When a certain sign is intercepted, its opposite also will be missing. We may, therefore, at once place Scorpio in its proper position between Libra and
It will now be found that all the twelve signs are placed in our horoscope, Cancer and Capricorn each occupying two cusps. It is finished as far as placing the signs in their proper positions relative to the houses, and that is as far as we will proceed at the present time, so we will leave this horoscope and calculate one for a person born six hours later in the same place: Chicago, August 2, 8.15 A. M,
We first have to find the True Local Time of Birth, As before, we add eight minutes to the time shown by the clock, namely 8:15 A. M. This gives us 8:23 A. M. which is the True Local Time of Birth,
Our rule for finding the Sidereal Time at the birth hour and place requires that we note the—
| H. | M. | S. |
S. T. at Greenwich for noon previous to birth (Aug. 1st), as given in the Ephemeris
8 | 37 | |
Correction of 10 seconds for each 15 degrees W.
Long. of birthplace (Chicago, 88 W.)
59 | ||
Interval from previous noon (Aug. 1st) to the time of birth (Aug. 2nd, 8:28 A. M.)
20 | 23 | |
Correction of 10 seconds for each hour of interval (20:23) equals 204 seconds
3 | 24 | |
Sidereal Time at birthplace at the birth hour
29 | 4 | 23 |
Subtract the circle of 24 hours
24 | ||
Subtract the circle of 24 hours
5 | 4 | 23 |
As there can be only twenty-four hours in a day, we subtract 24 where necessary, and work with the remainder, in this case 5-4-23 which was the true Sidereal Time in Chicago at the birth. This time, or the nearest thereto, we accordingly seek in the Table of Houses for the latitude of Chicago, 42 degrees N.
The nearest time is 5-3-29, and in line with that we find the degrees for the various cusps of our houses. In the column next to the right of the Sidereal Time is the figure 17. At the top of the column the sign Gemini and the figure 10. We therefore place the 17th degree of Gemini on the Tenth Cusp.
In the next column to the right is the figure 21. At the top of the column, the sign Cancer and the figure 11, so we place the 21st degree of Cancer on the Eleventh Cusp.
The next right hand column has the figure 22. At the top is the sign Leo and the figure 12, so we place the 22nd degree of Leo on the Twelfth House.
The large column marked Ascendant has the sign Virgo and the figures 18:56 are in our line, so we place Virgo 18:56 on the Ascendant, or First House, of our figure.
In the first column to the right of the wide column we note the figure 14. We note also that the sign Libra is above our line before we come to the top of the column, and we therefore disregard the sign found there, but note the figure 2, which indicates that the Second Cusp is occupied by the 14th degree of Libra.
In the extreme right hand column we find the figure 13 and also a sign before we come to the top of the column, the sign Scorpio, so we place the 13th degree of Scorpio on the Third Cusp.
Now we have placed signs on the six houses, and we proceed to put in the six opposite signs on the opposite houses as before: Opposite Gemini 17 on the Tenth House we place Sagittarius 17 on the Fourth House. Opposite Cancer 21 on the Eleventh we place Capricorn 21 on the Fifth. Opposite Leo 22 on the Twelfth we place Aquarius 22 on the Sixth. Opposite Virgo 18:56 on the Ascendant we place Pisces 18:56 on the Seventh. Opposite Libra 14 on the Second place Aries 14 on the Eighth, and opposite Scorpio 13 on the Third, place Taurus 13 on the Ninth House.
Now all the cusps of the horoseope are filled, and we start to count the signs to see if they are all present or if it is necessary to put in any that may be

We next proceed to east the horoscope for a person born at Chicago, August 2, at 2:15 P. M. True Local Time of Birth is 8 minutes later or 2:23 P. M. We find that the previous noon is August 2nd and so we start our calculations as follows:
| H. | M. | S. |
S. T. at Greenwich for noon previous to birth (Aug. 2nd)
8 | 41 | |
Correction of 10 seconds for each 15 degrees W. Long. of birthplace (88 degrees)
59 | ||
Interval from previous noon to the time of birth (noon to: 2:23 P. M.)
2 | 23 | |
Correction of 10 sec’s for each hour of interval
24 | ||
S. T. at birthplace on birth hour
11 | 5 | 23 |
Turning to our Tables of Houges for latitude 42°n., we find the nearest S. T. to be 11-4-46,
In the first column under latitude 42°n, is the figure 15; the sign Virgo and the figure 10 are at the top of the column. Therefore we place 15 degrees of Virgo on the Tenth Cusp.
The second column has the figure 16, Libra and the figure 11 at the top, so 16 degrees of Libra is placed on the Eleventh House.
The figure 10 is in the third column, and the sign Seorpio between our line and the top, therefore we
disregard the sign at the top, but note the figure 12,

and accordingly place 10 degrees of Scorpio on the Twelfth House.
In the wide column we see the figures 29:16, which we place on the Ascendant with the sign Scorpio found at the head of the column.
The column to the right of the wide column contains the figure 1, with the sign Capricorn above and at the top is the figure 2. Therefore we put Capricorn 1 on the Second Cusp.
The extreme right hand column shows the figure 8, the sign Aquarius above and the figure 3 at the head of the column. Accordingly we place the 8th degree of Aquarius on the Third House.
Now our six cusps are filled, and we proceed to place the opposite signs and degrees on the other six cusps as described in detail in connection with the first two horoscopes. When that has been done we count our signs from Aries to see if all are represented. That brings out the fact that Gemini and Sagittarius are missing., so we insert them in their proper places—Gemini between Taurus and Cancer, Sagittarius between Scorpio and Capricorn. Our horoscope has been completed as far as the signs and houses are concerned, therefore we leave it for the present to cast the last of our four experimental maps for a person born in Chicago, August 2, 1909, at 8:15 P. M. True Local Time of Birth is 8 minutes later or 8:23 P. M.
As before, we note the—
| H. | M. | S. |
S. T. at Greenwich for noon previous to birth (Aug. 2nd
8 | 41 | |
Correction of 10 seconds for ev 15 degrees the birthplace is West of Greenwich
59 | ||
Interval between the previous noon and birth
8 | 23 | |
Correction of 10 seconds for every hour of interval between previous noon and birth
1 | 24 | |
Sidereal Time at birthplace at the birth hour
17 | 6 | 23 |
With this sidereal time we turn to the tables of Houses for the latitude of birthplace, 42°n., and find the nearest S. T. to be 17-7-49.
In the first column under latitude 42°n. we find 18. At the top of the column, Sagittarius and the figure 10, therefore we place Sagittarius 18 on the Tenth Cusp.
The second narrow column shows the figure 9. Capricorn is above and the figure 11 is at the top of the column, so we place Capricorn 9 on the Eleventh Cusp.
The third narrow column has the figure 2 with Aquarius above and the figure 12 at the head of the column, so we place Aquarius 2 degrees on the cusp of the Twelfth House.

In the wide column are the figures 7:8, Pisces above and Ascendant at the top, so we place 7:8 of Pisces on the Ascendant.
To the right of the wide column we find the figure 25; Aries and 2 are at the top, so we place Aries 25 on the Second Cusp.
The extreme right hand column has the figure 26 and Taurus is at the top with the figure 3. Accordingly we place Taurus 26 on the Third Cusp.
Having thus filled the six cusps, we proceed to fill the six opposite houses with the opposite signs.
Gemini 18 on the Fourth in opposition to Sagittarius 18 on the Tenth. Cancer 9 on the Fifth in opposition to Capricorn 9 on the Eleventh, and so on. When all the cusps have been filled we count the signs and find that all twelwe are present, hence our horoscope has reached the same stage of completion as the ones previously cast,
These horoscopes of four children born in the same city (Chicago) on the same day and year (Aug. 2, 1909) “but at different hours”, show graphically that people may be, and are, born under all the twelve signs anywhere on any day of the year.
When we compare the four horoscopes we have east we may learn several important lessons. In the first place, we may see the worthlessness of the statements so often heard; “I was born under Taurus,” or “I was born under Scorpio,” which simply means that the person was born in May or November when

the Sun was in the signs mentioned. Such a statement at once exposes the one who so expresses himself as being ignorant of the science of Astrology and reveals the fact that if he has had a horoscope cast, it has been done by an incompetent astrologer. These sometimes advertise to cast a horoscope “telling your fortune from the cradle to the grave” for a very small sum. But a conscientious astrologer cannot give a simple delineation of character without spending at least an hour in calculation and close concentration and to make predictions covering a whole life would require days of arduous work. The scientific astrologer may speak of a person as having Taurus or Scorpio rising, and that statement at once shows that a calculation has been made taking into consideration year, month, day, hour, and place, making the horoscope cast absolutely individual; while the other type of horoscope (?) is determined solely from the month when a person was born, without regard to day, hour or even year.
If a horoscope could be cast by such a method or, rather, lack of method, there would be only twelve kinds of people on earth and all persons born in the same month would have the same fate. Such is manifestly not the case; in fact, there are no two people whose experiences are exactly alike, and an Astrology which does not make such a distinction cannot be a true science.
The scientific astrologer asks first the year of birth because he knows that the planets do not come into the same relative positions more than once in a Great Sidereal Year; thus a child’s horoscope cast for 1909 cannot be duplicated for 25,868 years. Next he asks the month, for upon that will depend the position of the Sun, which is in a different sign every month in the year.
The day determines particularly the position of the Moon, which changes from one sign to another every two and one-half days; and the hour is also needful to fix its position, as it moves about 12 degrees each day.
Yet even with these data the horoscope would lack individuality, for if a child is born every second that would mean that 3,600 people are born within the same hour. If we can bring the data to within ten minutes of the actual time of birth we should have the wherewithal to ealeulate a relative position of the planets such as would fit only 600 of the people on earth. If we add the last datum, place, which enables us to calculate the rising sign and degree, we shall have an absolutely individual horoscope, for it is seldom indeed that two persons are born in the same place, at the same hour and minute, Even twins are born at an interval of from twenty minutes to several hours apart, and we can readily see that a different degree would then be rising for each of the two. When the last of a sign is rising for one of the twins, the other will usually be born under the next sign, As the rising sign is one of the principal significators in moulding the body, the appearance of the second twin might be totally different from the first.
A comparison of the rising signs shows an apparent lack of uniformity in the diurnal motion of the earth, At 2:15 A. M. Cancer 8:10 is rising, while twelve hours later Scorpio 29-16 is on the Asendant, showing that the birth place has travelled only about 141 degrees in the twelve hours involved. To complete the circle, it must travel 219 degrees in the remaining twelve hours. But as the diurnal rotation of the earth on its axis is uniform, the lack of uniformity in the motion noted above is due to its not being true diurnal motion. This condition is caused by the obliquity of the Ecliptic and the consequent unequal division of the latter by the planes separating the houses, these planes being those of the horizon and the meridian and four intermediate ones at 30 degree intervals. For this reason certain signs rise more slowly than others and are therefore called signs of Long Ascension, while their opposites are called signs of Short Ascension. It will be evident from the foregoing that most people are born under the signs of long ascension,—Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius in the Northern Hemisphere, and their opposites in the Southern Hemisphere.