Sixty-two Theosophic Epistles/59
The Nine and Fiftieth Epijlle
v: H. i. L. i. c i. v.
Vnfer. Hcil. Im. Leben. Jefu. Chrifli. In. Vn-s.
Our. Salvation. Is in. the Life, ofjefus. Gbrift. in. Vs.
1. MY Deare Si* Auguftinus, and Chriftian Brother, I heartily, wifti you the Divine Light, in the working Power of the Huly Ens inChrift! That you fo me what conceive my Gift and love it, and that you reade and write it ut, is NOT of me 5 alfo I am NOT he that giveth you the underftanding and apprehend- on, much lefs, the dcfire to doe fo, but the Spirit of God IN your felfey giveth it, for if that fould be done by me, and if I had the a- bility, I would have it fo, that Ati men fliould underftand it, within them , and that which is vouchfafed to me poore unworthy Man, out of or ftom the Divitte Gift.
2. Alfo, it cbth not become me to arrogate it as my proper owne y much lefs to receive the worlds Honour or Gifts jW rr, unlefs what might be done by the Rich of their Overplufs for the fuftenance of Life, and for the further expectation from thisTalent ; therefore I de- fire nothing of any Body.
3. Your fincere and rightly Zealous andChrirtian Minde, is very well known to me : and I love it mere then Money or Riches, or any worldly Goods: for 1 know that I can have a Chriftian bro ther, for an Eternal! En yment, and jet Joyce my felfin and with him, as one /KTrmb-r with and in another , concerning which I am well fatisfied, and CHRIST will be my Rich abundant Wats if I through my diligence have helped to work and gaine any thing in the vineyard of Chrift: I would in no waydefire any Temporal thing for it. And I commit you to the Love of JESUS CHRIST.
Jacob Behme.