The most significant literary volume connected with the war: a revelation and an inspiration: of great individual and historic interest and value.
A representative collection of new poems (not previously published in volume form) by:
E. d'A. B., Major, 55th Division, France.
S. Donald Cox, Rifleman, London Rifle Brigade.
Joseph H. Courtney, Lieut., R.A.M.C.
E. J. L. Garstin, Lieut., 12th Batt. Middlesex Regt.
Julian Grenfell, D.S.O., Capt., Royal Dragoons.
Wilfrid J. Halliday, Private, 13th Batt., West Yorks Regt.
G. Rowntree Harvey, Royal Flying Corps.
W. N. Hodgson, M.C., Lieut., Devon Regt.
Geoffrey Howard, Lieut., Royal Fusiliers.
Malcolm Humphrey, Lance-Corpl., A.O.C., B.E.F., East Africa.
Dyneley Hussey, Lieut., 13th Batt. Lancashire Fusiliers.
John Lodge, Lieut., Beds. Regt.
E. Hardress Lloyd, Lieut., London Irish Rifles.
George C. Michael, Lance-Corpl., Royal Engineers.
Evan Morgan, Lieut., Welsh Guards.
Sydney Oswald, Major, Kings Royal Rifle Corps.
A. Victor Ratcliffe, Lieut., West Yorkshire Regt.
Alexander Robertson, Corpl., 12th York & Lancasters.
H. Smalley-Sarson, Private, Canadian Contingent.
C. H. Sorley, Capt., Suffolk Regiment.
H. Spurrier, Private, Royal Warwickshire Regt.
John W. Streets, Sergt., 12th Service Batt., York & Lancaster Regt.
Gilbert Waterhouse, Lieut., 2nd Essex Regt.
E. F. Wilkinson, M.C., Lt., 1/8 Batt., West Yorks.