Songs and Lyrics (Lehrer)/Juca
music and Portuguese lyrics by Chico Buarque
English lyrics by Tom Lehrer
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Juca was arrested for dancing,
It was part of his romancing,
Serenading his Maria,
Who was finding it entrancing.
Two policemen, reconnoitering,
Decided he was loitering.
Outside the shops
Along that street in Rio,
He tried to get the cops
To make the act a trio.
Juca was a little disgusted
When they took him into custod-
Y — He said, "Now just for dancing
Can a guy get busted?"
His defense was very short:
He did a samba in the court,
And yet the judge said "Guilty! Why, the very idea!"
But he hadn't danced in years and never met Maria.
Juca said, "It sure would be a great idea
If judges learned to dance,
And if they met my Maria."