Songs of Love and Rebellion/The drunkard's song
Drink, brothers, drink!
Let us smile on the to-day;
Let us smile and let us say,
There is nothing but to-day!
Let us drink, drink, drink,
While the morning skies are pink:
Let us drink ere we sink,
Like the shooting stars of night
In the vastness of the night—
Drink, brothers, drink!
Drink, brothers, drink!
Let us bind the spirit fast;
With a chain that's sure to last,
Let us bind it close and fast;
Let us drink, drink, drink,
While the chains around us link;
Let us drink, for we sink
Like a bubble on the stream,
On the dark and silent stream—
Drink, brothers, drink!
Drink, brothers, drink!
Let us make his kingdom vain,
Let us kill the god of pain—
Make his might and kingdom vain;
Let us drink, drink, drink,
Till we drive him o'er the brink;
Let us drink while we sink
Down forever into sleep
On the dreamless shore of sleep—
Drink, brothers, drink!
Drink, brothers, drink!
Let us cease to grieve and sigh;
Let us keep oblivion by
For the tear and for the sigh;
Let us drink, drink, drink,
Till we cease to sob and think;
Let us drink till we sink
All remembrance in the grave,
In the lethe of the grave—
Drink, brothers, drink!