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Songs of Two Nations/Catalogue

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Songs of Two Nations
by Algernon Charles Swinburne
A List of Books published by Chatto & Windus
3569565Songs of Two Nations — A List of Books published by Chatto & WindusAlgernon Charles Swinburne

A List of Books




ADVERTISING, A HISTORY OF, from the Earliest Times. Illustrated by Anecdotes, Curious Specimens, and Biographical Notes of Successful Advertisers. By Henry Sampson. Crown 8vo, with Coloured Frontispiece and Illustrations, cloth gilt, 7s. 6d.

"Nowhere is humanity so frank and real as in the advertising columns of the journals. Mr. Sampson has contrived to give us much of the essence of these columns, and therefore of humanity as it really is. The chapters devoted to hoaxing advertisements and their results are exceedingly entertaining has also found a good deal that is pertinent to say of lotteries. On the whole he has proved himself fairly equal to a comprehensive and difficult subject, and has produced a book that will be read with unflagging interest."—Pall Mall Gazette.

"We have here a book to be thankful for. Mr. Sampson carries us pretty well over the world to show us how wit, audacity, craft and cunning have been employed in advertising. Among the many illustrations to this book is a photographed copy of the Times for January 1st, 1788, which may be easily read by means of a magnifying glass. We recommend the present volume, which takes us through antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the present time, illustrating all in a turn by advertisements—serious, comic, roguish, or downright rascally. The chapter on 'swindles and hoaxes' is full of entertainment; but of that the volume itself is full from the first page to the last,"—Athenæum.

'''ÆSOP'S FABLES TRANSLATED INTO HUMAN NATURE'''. By C. H. Bennett. Crown 4to, 24 Plates beautifully printed in Colours, with descriptive Text, cloth extra, gilt, 6s.

"For fun and frolic the new version of Æsop's Fables must bear away the palm. There are twenty-two fables and twenty-two wonderful coloured illustrations; the moral is pointed, the tale adorned. This is not a juvenile book, but there are plenty of grown-up children who like to be amused at Christmas, and indeed at any time of the year; and if new version of old stories does not amuse them they must be very dull indeed, and their situation one much to be commiserated."—Morning Post.

AINSWORTH'S LATIN DICTIONARY. The only Modern Edition which comprises the Complete Work. With numerous Additions, Emendations, and Improvements, by the Rev. B. W. Beatson and W. Ellis. Imperial 8vo, cloth extra, 15s.—Also, A School Edition, Revised and Corrected by Dr. Jamieson. Containing all the Words of the Quarto Dictionary, but with a reduction in the number of Examples. Demy 8vo, roan, 9s.

AMUSING POETRY. A Selection of Ilumorous Verse from the ate ee eee with Preface, by Sittniny Books, Freap, So, cloth, ogiltedges, 3s. Gd.

ANACREON. Translated by Tromas Moore, and Illustrated by the exquisite Designs of Grover, Ovlong Svo, Etruscan gold and blue, ras. fd.

ARMY LISTS OF THE ROUNDHEADS AND CAVALIERS IN THE CIVIL WAR, t€42. Seconp Eprrtwos, Corrected and considerably Enlarged. Edited, with Notes and full Index, by Epwakn Peacoce, F.S.A. ato, halRoxberghe, ss. Gr,

ARTEMUS WARD, COMPLETE.— The Works of Cranes Farerk Brown, better known as ASTEMUS WaAteb, With fine Portrait, facsimile of Handwriting, &c. Crown Svo, cloth extra, 7s, 6d.

ARTEMUS WARD'S LECTURE AT THE EGYPTIAN HALL, with the Panorama. Edited by T. W. Rowerrson and E.P, Hixestox, With numerous Hlastrations, Small yto, green and gold, és,

AS PRETTY AS SEVEN, and other Popular German Stories. Collected by Leowre Bectstein, With Additional Tales by the Brothers Gros, and too [histrasions by Recurex, Small 4to, green and gold, és, Ge, + gilt edges, 73, 6,

Bacon's (Francis, Lord) WORKS, both English and Latin, with an Introductory Essay, Biographical and Crisical, and copious Indexes. Iwo Vols., imperial Evo, with Portrau, cloth extra, £r ge.

BARDSLEYS ENGLISH SURNAMES: Their Sources and Significations. By CaArces Waneine Barospxy, M.A, Sremin Enrrton, revised ilronghows, considerably Enlarged, and partially rewritten, Crown vo, cloth extra, os.

"Mr, Thardsley has faithfully consulted the original mediscval documents aud works from which the origin and developmentof surmames can alone be satisfactorily traced. Tle has furnished 2 valuable contribution to the literature of surnames, and we hope to hear more of him in this field.""—Z vanes,

BARLOW'S (George) UNDER THE DAWN. Crown §Syo, cloth extra, 7s, Gf,

BAUER AND HOOKER'S GENERA OF FERNS; in which the Characters of each Genus are displayed in a Series of magnified dissections and figures, eee in colours, aher the drawings of Fxaxcrs Batre, with letterpress by Sir Wittaiast Hooxes. Imperial évo, with 220 beautifully Coloured Plates, half-morocco, gilt, £5 55.

BAXTER'S (Richard) WORKS. With a Sketch of the Life and an Essay on the Genius of the Author, Four Vols., imperial 8vo, with Portrait, ¢loth extra, £2 Bs,

BEAUTIFUL PICTURES BY BRITISH ARTISTS: A Gathering of Favourites from our Picture Galleries. In Two Series. The Frest Sexans including Examples by Witkin, Constante, Tueves, MoLenapy, Lanpsere, Macuser, E. M. Warn, Frivu, Sir Jons Gitnert, Lestin, Ansprit, Mascus Stove, Sir Nort Parton, Faro, Ever Caawe, Gavin, O"Nem, and Mapnox Lxewx, The Secoxp containing Pictures by Anmrrace, Faep, Goopatt, Hesscey, Honsi.ev, Marks, Nicnoucs, Sir Nort Parox, Prckrrsott, G. Saar, Marcus Stoxe, Soromox, Straicet, E. M. Warp, and Waxren, Allengraved on Steel in the highest style of Art. Edited, with Notices of the Artists, by Syuxey Akuyrace, M.A. Price of each Series, imperial ato, cloth extra, gilt and gilt cdges, 214, Back Volume fs Complete in ttself.

BELL'S (Sir Charles) ANATOMY OF EXPRESSION, as connected with the Fine Arts. Fifth Edition, with an Appendix on the Nervous System by ALaxanpeR Staw. Lllustrated with 45 beautiful Engravings, Imp. fvo, cloth extra, gilt, 16s.

"The artist, the writer of fiction, the dramatist, the man of taste, will receive the present work (which is got op with an elegance worthy of its subject) with gratitude, ae peruse it with a lively and increasing interest and delight."—CArittian Rewent raencer,

BINGHAM'S ANTIQUITIES of the CHRISTIAN CHURCH. A New Edition, revised, with copious Index. Two Vols., imperial 8vo, cloth extra, £1 43.

" Awriter who does equal honour to the English clerey and to the English mation, and whose learning is to be equalled only by his moderation and impartialuy."— Quarterly Review,

BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL DICTIONARY OF RECENT AND LIVING PAINTERS AND ENGRAVERS, both English and Foreign, by Hexer Ortierv., Being a Supplementary Volume to ** Dryan's Dictionary." Imperial Svo, cloth extra, 123.

  • ,° This is the only work giving an account of the principal living painters of ail countries,

BLAKE'S, WORKS.—A Series of Reproductions in Facsimile of the Works of Wrerraat Beaxr, including the " Songs of Innocence and Expericnee,"* "The Book of Theil," "America," "The Vision of the Daughters of Albion," "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell,"** Europe, a Prophecy," " Jerusalem," " AGlton," ** Urizea," "* The Song of Los," &c. These Works will be issued heth coloured anc plain. [fn preparation. "Blake is a real name, T assure you, and a most extraordinary man he is, if he

still be Inang. He is the Blake whoze wild designs accompany a splendid edition

ef Tiir's *Grave.' Me paints in water-colours marvellous strange pictures—

visions of his brain—which he asserts he has seen. They have great merit. 1

ae look upon him as one of the most extraurdisary persous of the age.'— CHARLES


BLANCHARD'S (Laman) POEMS. Now first Collected. Edited, with a Life of the Author, and much juteresting Correspondence, by BLANCHARD Jrrzo.ip, Crown fvo, cloth extra. {7a preperation,

BOCCACCIO'S DECAMERON; or, Ten Days' Entertainment. Traostated into English, with Introduction by Trosras Wrrowr, Esq., M.A, F.S.A. With Portrait after Rarwari, and StutHake's beautifll Copperplates, Crown Sra, cloth extra, gilt, 7s. Ge.

BOLTON'S SONG BIRDS OF GREAT BRITAIN. Illustrated with Figures, the size of Life, of both Male and Female: of theiy Nests and Egrs,

Favournte Plants, Shrubs, Trees, &c. &c. "Two Vols. in One, royal gto, containing &o beautifally Coloured Plates, half-Roxhorghe, £3 13s, 6d.

BOOK OF HALL MARKS; or, Manual of Reference for the Goldsmith and Silversnith Ly Atriep Lurscrarsis, Crown Svo, with 46 Plates of the Hall-marks of the differcut Assay Towns of the United Kingdom,

75. Gut,

BOOKSELLERS. A HISTORY OF. Including the Story of the Rise and Progress of the Great Publishing Houses, in london and the Provinces, and of their greatest Works, Jy Hakey Curwen. Crown Svo, with Frontispiece and nutmerous Portraits and Mlustrations, cloth extra, 74. Gv.

"In these days, ten ordinary Ilistories of Kings and Coorticrs were well exchanged against the tenth part of onc good History of Booksellers."—Tuostas CARLYLE.

"This stout fittle book is wnquestionably amusing. Ill-starred, indeed, must be the reader who, opening it anywhere, lights upon six consecouve pages within the entire compass of which some good ancedote of smart repartee is not to be found." —Setwrday Review,

BOUDOIR BALLADS: Vers de Socicté. By J. Ashby Sterry. Crown 8vo, cloth extra. [In preparation.

BRET HARTE'S CHOICE WORKS in Prose and Poetry, With Introductory Essay by J. M. Bellew, Portrait of the Author, and 50 Ilustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 7s. 6d.

BREWSTERS (Sir David} MARTYRS OF SCIENCE. A New Edition, in small crown vo, cloth extra, gilt, with full-page Portraits, 4s. 6d.

BREWSTER'S (Sir David) MORE WORLDS THAN ONE, the Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian. A New Edition, in small crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with full-page Assyonomical Mates, 4s, 6d,

BRIC-A-BRAC HUNTER fThe) 5 or, Chapters on Chinamania. By Major H. Pyne Haus. With Photographic Frontispiece, and memerous Ulustrations, Crown 8vo, cloth extra, sos. 6. (in the Press.

BRIGHT'S (Jobn, M.P.}) SPEECHES on Public Affairs of the last Twenty Years. Collated with the best Public Reports. Royal 16mo, 370 pages, cloth extra, 1,

BRITISH ESSAYISTS (The}: viz., "Spectator," "Tatler," " Guardian," " Rambler," "Adventurer," " Idler," and "Connoisseur." Complete in Three thick Vols, 8vo, with Portrait, cloth extra, £1 7s.

BROADSTONE HALL, and other Poems. Ly W. E. Winous. With go Miuetrations by Acneren Concanen, Crown 8vo, cloth eatea, gilt, 54. "This litth volume of poems is Ulustrated with such vigour, and shows such a

thoroughly practical hwowledge of amd love for sea-lfe, that it is quite tonic and

refreshing. Maudlin seotimentality is carefully eschewed, and a robust, uauly tone cs thought gives muscle to the verse and clasticaty of mind to the reader."—Alorning ont,

BROCKEDON'S PASSES OF THE ALPS. Containing to9 fine Engravings by Finorx, Wirtmoxe, and others; with Maps of each Pass, and a General Map of the Alps by Agrowsmitx. Two Vols., 4to, half-bound morocco, gilt edges, £35 133. fed.

BULWER'S (Lytton} PILGRIMS OF THE RHINE. With Portrait avd 27 exquisite Line Engravings on Steel, by Goonars., Wittsorn, and others; after Drawings by Davin RosertTs and Macuse. Crown Sva, cloth extra, top edges gilt, re, Get,

BUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, With 17 beautiful Stecl Engravings by SToTHARD, engraved by Goomact; and numerous Woodcuts Square vo, cloth gilt, tos. éf,

BURNET'S HISTORY OF HIS OWN TIME, from the Restoration of Charles 11. v0 the Treaty of Peace at Utrecht, With Historical and Dingraphical Notes and copious Index. Imp. Svo, with Portrait, cloth extra, 13s. 6.

BURNET'S HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND, A New Edition, with sumerois ilhetrative Notes and copious Index. 'T'wo Vols., imperial $yo, cloth extra, £1 a4.

BYRON'S (Lord) LETTERS AND JOURNALS. With Notices of his Life. My Tomas Moone. A Reprint of the Original Edition, newly revised, complete in a thick volume of 1960 pp., with Twelve fulkpage Tlates. Crown Svo, clath extra, gilt, 72. Ge.

"We bave read this Look with the greatest pleasure. Considered merely as a camposition, it deserves to be clawed among the best specimens of English prose which our age has produced... . The style is agreeable, clear, and masly, and, when it rises into eloquence, rises without effort or ostentation, Nor is the matter infertor1o0 the manner, Tt would be difficult to name a book which exbilits more kindness, fairness, and modesty."—Macactay, in the ¢indurgh Review,

ALMET'S BIBLE DICTIONARY, Edited by Charleses Taylor. With the Fragments incorporated and arranged in Alphabetical Order. New Edition. Imperial 8vo, with Maps and Wood Engravings, cloth extra, tas. .

CANOVA'S WORKS IN SCULPTURE AND MODELLING. 150 Plates exquisitely engraved in Ontline by Moses. With Descriptions by the Countess Aunmizzs, and a Hiographical Memoir by CrcoGnara, hree Vols, imperial 2vo, with Portrait by WoxratnGron, half-Roxburghe, £2 5s.

CARLYLE (Thomas) ON THE CHOICE OF BOOKS. With New Life and Anecdotes. Small post 8vo, brown cloth, 14, 62

CAROLS OF COCKAYNE; Vers de Socicté descriptive of London Lifes By Henev S. Levon. Third Edition, With numerous Mustrations by Avrarp Concannn. Crown &yo, cloth extra, gilt, 5s.

CARTER'S ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE OF ENGLAND. Including the Orders during the British, Roman, Saxon, and Norman Eras; and also ee Pop! of Henry 110. and eee iL ete y 103 large Copper-plate Engravings, comprising upwards Two gusand Specumerus. Edited by Jous Rerrtox. Royal falio, halfmoroceo extra, £a bs °° Thiz national work on amcient architecture ocenpied tts author, in dracing,

ttching, arrauging, and publishing, rove than twenty gears, and Ae Admse

declared it to Se the reanlé of Ais studies through life.

CARTER'S ANCIENT SCULPTURE NOW REMAINING IN ENGLAND, from the Earliest Veriod to the Reign of Henry VIT,: consisting of Statues, Phasso-relicwos, Sculprures, &c., Rrasses, Monumental Ffitgies, Paintings on Glass and om Walls; Missal Ornaments; Carvings on Cups, Croziers, Chests, Seals; Ancient Furniture, &c. &c With Historical and Critical Illastrations by Douce. Mevarck, Dawsox Turner, and Jous Errrton. Royal folio, with rao large Engravings, many illuosinated, half-bound merocco extra, £8 8,

CATLIN'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE MANNERS, CUSTOMS, AND CONDITION OF THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS, written during Eight Years of Travel and Adventure among the Wildest and most Remarkable Tribes now existing. eg an Tag Engravings from the Author's orginal Paintings. 'Tenth Edition, Two Vols., imperial fva, cloth extra, gilt, £1 tos.; ar with the Plates beautifully Coloured, hal¢-moroce o, gilt edges, £8 8s. "One of the most admirable observers of manners who ever lived among the

aborigines of America." —HHamboviél's Commer,

CATLIN'S NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN PORTFOLIO. Containing Hunting Scenes, Amusements, Scenery, and Costume of the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and Prairies of America, from Drawings and Notes mace by the Author during Eight Vears' Travel, A series of a§ magnificent Plates, heantifully coloured in facsimile of the Original Drawings exhilated at the Egyptian Hall, With letterpress descriptions, imp. folio, in handsome portiolw, £7 105.

CELEBRATED CLAIMANTS, Ancient ani Modern. The History of all the most celebrated Pretenders and Claimants, from Peano Waraeck to Aktive Orrox. Feap, 8vo, Hlustrated boards, 24.

CHAMBERLAINE'S IMITATIONS OF DRAWINGS FROM THE GREAT MASTERS in the Royal Collection. Enagrared by Barrororet and others, 74 fine Plates, mostly tinted; including, ie aduition, Ecce Heme," after Geipo, and the scarce Serles of 7 Anatomical Drawings. lmperial folio, half-moraceo, gilt edges, £5 5s.

CHATTO'S (W. Andrew) HISTORY OF WOOD ENGRAVING, Historica) and Practical, A New Edition, with an Additional Chapter. Ilustrated by 445 fina Wood Engravings. Imperial 8vo, half-Roxburghe, £2 ss.

ee This volume is one of the most interesting and valuable of modern times.""—sirt nie,

CHRISTMAS CAROLS AND BALLADS. Selected anil Fdited by Josuwa SyivestTrx. Cloth extra, gilt, gilt edges, ys, Gof.

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  • Cicero is the type of a perfect letter-writer, never boring you with moral essays out of season, always evincing lis mastery over his art Ly the mont careful consideration for your patience and amusement. We should rifle the volumes of antiquity in vaio to find a letterwriter who comwerses on paper so nasarally, so engagingly, so uuch from the heart, as Cicero."-—-Quarterty Aeview.

CLAUDE'S LIBER VERITATIS. <A Collection of 303 Prints after the Oviginal Designs of Cuavon, Engraved by Ricuarp Eauscom - With 8 descriptive Catalogue of each Print, Lists of the Persons for whom, and the Places for which, the original Pictures were first paimtet!, and of the present Possessors of moss of them. Three Vols, folio, balfmorecco extra, gilt edges, £1e 108.

CLAUDE, BEAUTIES OF, containing 24 of his choicest Landscapes, beantifully Engraved on Stecl, by Breoucey, Lurrex, and others, With Biographical Sketch and Povtrait. Royal folio, in a portfolio, Lt gs.

COLLINS' {Wilkic) NOVELS. New Illustrated Library Editions, price 6r, each, with Stecl-plate Frontispiece, and several full-page Illustrations in each Volume:

Tke Woman in White. Hide and Seek: or, The MysAntonina; or, The Fall of tery of Mary Grice. Rome, Man and Wife. Basil. Poor Miss Finch. The Dead Sceret. Miss or Mrs,? The Queen of Hearts. | The New Magdelen. The Moonstone. | The Frozen Deep.

MR, COLLINS NEW NOVEL, THE LAW AND THE LADY, in Three Vols., crown Svo, a3, (a, is now ready atall Libraries and at the Dovksellers. _ "An exceedingly clever novel, full of admirable writing, abounding in a subtle ingenuity which es # distinct order of genius, . 2. - 'The Law and the Lady' will be read with avidity by all who delight in the romances of the greatest master the sensational novel has every known." —=I!er/d,

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Hocawtnt, Crown vo, cloth extra, gilt, 72.

CONDE (THE GREAT), and the Period of the Fromle: An Historical Sketch. My Water FirzPateick. Second Edition. Two Vols., Sve, cloth extra, 15s.

CONQUEST OF THE SEA areee A. History of Diving from the Earliest Times, By Henny Siepx. Profusely Mlusteated, Crown 8yo, cloth extra, gilt, ¢£. Gof.

"We have perused this volume, full of quaint information, with delight. Mr, Siebe has hestowed much pains om his work; he writes with enthusiasm and fulness of knowledge, "—Licto,

Really interesting alike to youths and to grown-up people." Scotsman.

CONEY'S ENGRAVINGS OF ANCIENT CATHEDRALS, Hotels de Ville, Town Halls, &e., including some of the finest Examples of Gothic Architecture in France, Holland, Germany, and Italy. 32 large Plates, imperial folio, half-enoroceo extra, £3 43s. Gf,

CONSTABLE'S GRAPHIC WORKS. Comprising 40 highly finished Mezzotinto Engravings on Steel, by Davi Lueas; with descriptive Lenterpress by C. R, Leste, R.A. Folio, half-moroceo, giltedges, £2 24.

CORNWALL (PAROCHIAL HISTORY of the COUNTY of). Compiled from the Best Anthorities, and corrected and improved from Actual te Four Vols. 4to, cloth extra, 43 34. the Set; or, separately, the first Thrce Vols, 164. each; the Fourth Vol., as. °° With the Parochial History are curhodied the writings of als and Tonkin,

The work alice couprises the Itineraries of Leland and Williant of Worcester—

the Valor af Bishop en Histovical Account of the personal Campaign of

Charles I, in Cornwall during the "Great Rebellion," iinstrated with letters, diaries, amd other interesting docnuents never before collected together-—a coteplete Heraidry of the county~a larger fist of Sheriff than has hitherto been published—7 ales of the population, Dowenay Manors, Se.

COTMAN'S ENGRAVINGS OF THE SEPULCHRAL BRASSES JN NORFOLK AND SUFFOLK. With Letterpress Descriptions, an Estay on Sepolchral Memorials by Dawson Turner, Notes by Sir Sancet Mevetck, ALBERT Way, and Sir Harris NicoLas, and copious Index. New Edition, containing 173 Plates, two of them oe Hluminated. Two Volumes, small folio, half-morocco extra, £6 64.; Large Paper copies, unperial folio, half-morveco extra, £8 Gs.

COTMAN'S ETCHINGS OF ARCHITECTURAL REMAINS, chiefly Noyman and Gothic, in various Counties in England, bot principally in Norfolk. with Descriptive Notices by Dawson TurNER, and Architectural Olmervations by Tuassas Kackman. [wo Vols.. imperial folio, containing 240 spirited Evchings, balf-morocco, top edges gilt, £8 Ss,

COTMAN'S LIBER STUDIORUM. A Series of TLandseape Studies and Original Compositions for the Use of Art Students, consisting of 40 Etchings, the greater executed in "soft ground." Imperial folio, hale morocco, 42 12%, Gef.; small paper copies, imperial 4to, half-morocea, 28s.

COWPER'S POETICAL WORKS. Including his Translation of Homex. Edited by the Rev. H. I. Cary. With Portrart and 18 Stee! Engravings after Harvey. Royal 8vo, cloth extra, gilt edges, tas, f:2.

"I long to know your opiaion of Cowper's 'Translation, The Osfysrey expecially

i sorely very Homeric. What nobler than the appearance of Phacbus at the beinning of the //ied—lines ending with * Dread sounding-bounding in ute silver pw? CHARLES Lasp, deta Letter to Coleridge.

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CRUIKSHANH'S COMIC ALMANACK. Complete in Two Senms: The Frest from 1835 to 1843: the Srconp from 1844 to 83. A Gather. ing of the Best Homeek of Trackrnay, Hoop, Mavaew, Atneet Sarre, A Beckett, Rourrt lrovait, &c, With 2000 Woodcuts and Steel Eogravings by Cavinsetank, Hive, Lanpencs, &c. Crown 8yo, cloth gilt, two very thic volumes, 15s.; or, scparatcly, 7s. fd. per volume.

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An entirely mew History of this important County, great attention being given to all matters pertaining te Family History,

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CYCLOPEDIA OF COSTUME; or, A Dictionary of Dress—Regal, Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Military—from the Earliest Period in England to the reign of George the Third, Including Notices of Contemporancous Fashions on the Continent, and preceded by a General History of the Costumes of the Principal Countries of Korope, By J. R. Poawcué, Somerset Herald, To be Com sted in Twemy-four Parts, quarto, at Five Shillings each, profusely iMustrated yw Coloured and Pia Ilates and Wood Engravings.—A full Prospectus will be sent upon application.

"This, the first number of a Cychopsdia of Ancient and Modern Costume, gives promise that the work, when complete, will ke ont of the most perfect works cver Published upon the subject. 'The ilusirations are Mumerows and excellent, and waukl, even wishout the letterpress, render the work an invaluable book of reference for information as to costumes for fancy balls and character quadrilles."—Sfandard.

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    • Promises to be a very complete work on a subject of the gi importance to the historian and the archwologist."—7aVer.
  • Beautifully printed and superbly illustrated." Stexdard, second notice.

DICKENS' LIFE AND SPEECHES. Royal 16mo, cloth extra, ze. Od,

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DISCOUNT TABLES, on a new and simple plan; to facilitate the Discounting of Bills, and the Calculation of Interest on ae ant Current Accounts, &c,; showing, without calculation, the number of days from every day in the yearto any other day, Dy Titosas Reaptr, Post §vo, cloth extra, 7s.

DODDRIDGE'S FAMILY EXPOSITOR; or, A Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament, with Critical Notes. A New Edition. with Memoir of the Awhor by Jon Orvon and Dr. Kervts, Imperial 8vo, with Portrait, cloth extra, tay.

DON QUIXOTE: A Revised Translation, based upon those of Mortevx, Jarvis, and Sstocterr. With so Dbustrations by Azsmsreonc and Toxv Jouannot. Royal 8vo, doth extra, gilt, 109, fi,


Por Micvel pe Cervaxtes Saavenza. Complete in Onc Volume, post Sve, nearly zoo pages, cloth extra, price 4s. 6d.

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