Songs of a Cowherd/My Life

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For works with similar titles, see My Life.
Songs of a Cowherd
by Itō Sachio, translated by Shio Sakanishi
4621338Songs of a CowherdShio SakanishiItō Sachio


My Life

If, to this present I,
To lie were not permitted,
My life span, alas, would be
Cut off this instant.

Tormented, I cling to life,
And there is no way to repent
Of the sin that men do not forgive.

Having been utterly lost
In the path of life,
I am not even permitted to lie.

when I repent of my own sin,
What will become of my life?
Alas, my love!

Though I huddle in fear and misery,
Since I am still alive,
Heaven and earth let me live.