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Songs of the Springtides/Catalogue

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February, 1880.

Chatto & Windus's
List of Books.
Imperial 8vo, with 147 fine Engravings, half-morocco, 36s.


Translated and Edited from the Dohme Series by A. H. Keane, M.A.I. With numerous Illustrations.

 "Cannot fail to be of the utmost use to students of art history."—Times.

Crown 8vo, 1,200 pages, cloth extra, 12s. 6d.



By the Rev. E. Cobham Brewer, LL.D.

 The object of this Handbook is to supply readers and speakers with a lucid but very brief account of such names as are used in allusions and references, whether by poets or prose writers to furnish those who consult it with the plot of popular tales. Thus, it dramas, the story of epic poems, and the outline of well-known tales. Thus it gives in a few lines the story of Homer's "Iliad" and Odyssey," of Virgil's "Æneid," Lucan's "Pharsalia," and the "Thebaid" of Statins; of Dante's "Divine Comedy," Ariosto's "Orlando Furioso," and Tasso's "Jerusalem Delivered;" of Milton's " Paradise Lost" and "Paradise Regained;" of Thomson's Seasons; of Ossian's tales, the Nibelungen Lied" of the German Minnesingers, the " Romance of the Rose," the Lusiad" of Camoens, the "Loves of Theagenes and Charicleia by Heliodorus; with the several story poems of Chaucer, Gower, Piers Plowman, Halves, Spenser, Drayton, Phiueas Fletcher, Prior, Goldsmith, Campbell, Southey, Byron, Scott, Moore, Tennyson, Longfellow and so on. Far from limiting its scope to poe's, the Handbook tells, with similar brevity, the stories of our national fairy tales and romances, such novels as those by Charles Dickens, "Vanity Fair" by Thackeray, the "Rasselas" of Johnson, "Gulliver's Travels" by Swift, the "Sentimental Journey" bySterne, Don Quixote" and "Gil Bias," "Telemachus " by Fenelon, and "Undine" by De la Motte Fouque. Great pains have been taken with the Arthurian stories, whether from Sir T. Mallory's collection or from the "Mabinogion," because Tennyson has brought them to the front in his "Idylls of the King;" and the number of dramatic plots sketched out is many hundreds. Another striking and interesting feature of the book is the revelation of the source from which dramatists and romancers have derived their stories, and the strange repetitions of historic incidents. In the Appendix are added two lists: the first contains the historic incidents, date and author of the several dramatic works set down; and the second, the date of the divers poems or novels given under their author's name.

Crown 8vo, Coloured Frontispiece and Hlustrations, cloth gilt, 7s. 64.

Advertising, A History of. From the Earliest Times, [ustrated by Aneedotes, Curious Specimens, and Notes of Successful Advertisers. By HENRY SAMMSON,

"i hate here a hook to be thankful for. We recommend the present wolnme awhick tiles us thronyh antiquity, the middle ages, and the present time, illustrate tug all tu turn by advertivements—scrious, comic, roguish, or dowarigh! raacally, The selsme is fallaf entertamment from the Arst page ta thelast."—ATUnK ADM,

~ Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with 639 Uiustrations, 75. 6,

Architectural Styles, A Handbook of. Transhated from the German of A. Rosexncakten by W, Cot.ert SANDARS. With 639 Mlustrations.

Crown 8vo, with Portrait and Facsimile, cloth extra, 71. 6.

Artemus Ward's Works:

The Works of CHARLES FARRER BROWNE, better known as ARTEMUS Warp. With Portrait, Facsimile of Handwriting, &e, AFGHANISTAN AND THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE ON MERV. Second Edition, demy 8vo, cloth extra, with Map and Illustrations, 185.

Baker's Clouds in the East:

'Travels and Adventures on the Perso-Turcoman Frontier,—lly VALENTINE BAKER. Second Edition, revised and corrected,

Crown &yo, cloth extta, 6s,

Balzac.—_The Comédie Humaine and its Anthor, With Translations from Balzac. By H. H, WaLKer.

" Deserves the Aivhest praise, The best compliment twe can titsar i's to Keo, that ce may soon see Ais trawsiation of the' Conwdie Humaine followed by another monk, Good taste, good style, and consctentions wor't."— EXAMINER.

Crown &vo, cloth extra, 71. Gf,

Bankers, A Handbook of London;

With some Account of their Predeecssors, the Early Goldsmiths: together with Lists of Bankers from 1677 to 1876, By FG, Hinton Prick,

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 75. 4¢, ae

Bardsley's Our English Surnames: Their Sources and Significations, By CHARLES WAREING BARDSLEY, M.A, Second Edition, revised throughout, and considerably enlarged.

" Mr. Bavdsiey hat faithfully consulted the original mediaeval documents and works from which the origin and development of surnames can alone be satisfactorily traced. He has furnished a valuable contribution to the literature 0f surnames, and we hope to hear more of him in this field" —Ttrans,

Small 410, green and gold, 6s. 6d.; gilt edges, 7 Od.

Bechstein's As Pretty as Seven,

And other German Stories. Collected by Lupwic Becustein, Additional Tales by Brothers Groim, and 100 Illustrations by RicutTer,

Demy Bvo, cloth extra, with Map and Illustrations, raz.

Beerbohm's Wanderings in Patagonia;

Or, Life among the Ostrich-Hunters, By Junius BEeksons,

" Full of well-told amd exciting incident... .. A vide, which at ad] tines would have haw a wid and savage attraction, was deatixed by the merest chance te prove unexpectedly pertious and adventurous... . . These stivring scenes, throughout which Mr. feerbolm shows wo slight degree of bravery and coolness, are described in a manner whick is both spirited and modest... . A thoroughly readable story, which well Alis up a wot unua mageatle volwme.'—Grarnic.

Imperial gto, cloth extra, gilt and gilt edges, ats, per volume. Beautiful Pictures by British Artists:

A Gathering of Favourites from or Picture Galleries. In Two Series,

The Firs? Series including Examples by WiLkie, Constan.e, 'TuRNeR, MULRRADY, Lanndster, MActise, LE, M, WAKD, Frern, Sir Jonn Ginpert, Lesuir, ANSDELL, Marcus Stone, Sir Nou. Paton, Fano, Eyket Crowe, GAvin O'NEIL, and Mapox Brows,


All engraved on Steel in the highest style of Art, Edited, with Notices of the Artists, by SYDNEY ARMYTAGE, M.A,

" This book is well got wd, and good engravings by Jeens, Lumb Stocks, and others, bring back to us Royal Academy Exhibitions of past years." —Times,

One Shilling Monthly, Mlustrated by Arthur Hopkins. Belgravia For January contains the First Chapters of Two New Novels (each to be continued throughout the year):—I. The CONFIDENTIAL AGENT. By James PAYN, Author of "By Proxy," &c.—IL Tae Leann Casket. By Mrs. A W. Hunt, Author of "Thornicroft's Model," &c. This number contains also the First of a Series of Twelve Articles on "Our Old Country Towns," with Five Illustrations by ALFRED RimmeER. 'The February Number contains a New Story entitled Binns IN Tim Sxow, by Ovipa,

The FORTIETH Volume of BELGRAVIA, elegantly bound ix crimson cloth, full gilt side and back, will edges, price 7s, 6d., 2s now rordy, —Handsome Cases for binding volumes can be had at as. each.

Demy 8vo, Hlustrated, uniform in size for binding.

Blackburn's Art Handbooks:

Academy Notes,1875. With 4o Illustrations, tv, Academy Notes,1876. With 107 Iflustrations. Ir. Academy Notes, 1977. With 143 lilustrations. 15. Academy Notes, 1878. With 150 Illustrations, 1s. Academy Notes, 1879. With 146 Illustrations, 1+. Grosvenor Notes, 1878. With 68 Illustrations. ts. Grosvenor Notes, 1879. With 6 Illustrations. ts. Pictures at the Paris Exhibition, 1878. So Illustrations. ty.

Pictures at South Kensington. (The Kaphacl Cartoons, Sheepshanks Collection, &c.) With 7o Ellustrations. 25.

The English Pictures at the National Gallery. With 114 Hbistrations. 1a

The Old Masters at the National Gallery. 128 Ilusts. ts, Gu. Academy Notes, 1875-79. Complete in One Volume, with

nearly foo Illustrations in Facsimile, my Evo, cloth limp, Es,

A Complete Illustrated Catalogue to the National Gallery. aoe nutes by Hexxv Beacksunn, and 242 Ilustrations. Demy Sv, cloth limp, 34.

UNIFORM WITH " ACADEMY NOTES." Royal Scottish Academy Notes, 1878, 117 Illustrations., 1. Royal Scottish Academy Notes, 1879. 125 Illustrations, 15. Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts Notes,1878. 95 Illustrations. 1s. Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts Notes, 1879. 100 Ilusts. 15. Walker Art Gallery Notes, Liverpool, 1878. 112 Ilusts, 1s. Walker Art Gallery Notes, Liverpool, 1879. too IIlusts. 17, Royal Manchester Institution Notes, 1878. 88 Illustrations. rs. Royal Society of Artists Notes, Birmingham, 1878. 95 Illustrations, 14, Children of the Great City. By F, W. Lawson, With Facsimile Skerches by the Artist, Demy Svo, 15, Folio, halfbound boards, India Proofs, a1s,

Blake (William). Etchings from his Works, By W.B, Scorr. With descriptive Text. " The best side of Biake's work is given here, and makes a really attractive volvene, sehich alice enjoy. « . « The etching 1s of the dest hind, more refined aud delicate thin the original work."—Sattnpay Review,

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Illustrations, 73, 6d, eae Boccaccio's Decameron; or, Ten Days' Entertainment, Translated into English, with an Tntro duction by THomaAs Wrtattt, Esq., M.A,, F.S.A, With Portrait, and StotHary's beautiful Copperplates.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 98. 6d.

Brand's Observations on Popular Antiquities, chiefly Nlustrating the Origin of our Vulgar Customs, Ceremonies, and Superstitions. With the Additions of Sir Henry Entis, An entirely New and Revised Edition, with fine full-page ilustrations.

Bowers' (Georgina) Hunting Sketches: Canters in Crampshire. By G, Bowrrs, I, Gallops from Caaecosen 1h. Serambles with Scratch Packs. II]. Studies with Stag Hounds, Oblong gto, half-bound boards, ors. Leaves from a Hunting Journal. by G. Bowers. Coloured in Jacsimile of the originals. Oblong 4so, half-bound, 2:2, (fn preparation,

Bret Harte, Works by: The Select Works of Bret Harte, in Prose and Poetry. With Introductory Essay J. M. Bettew, Porta of the Author, and 50 IHastrations. Crown Bvo, cloth extra, 72. Get. An Heiress of Red Dog, and other Stories. By bret HARrte, Post va, illustrated boards, 2s.; cloth limp, os. 6a,

" Few modern English-writing humourists have achieved the popularity of Mfr, Bret Harte, He has pasted, so te speak, devon book famte inte tatk-fame. Peaple wha may never perkags have held ome of his dittle volumes in there Aands ave perfectly familiar with someat least of their contents ~. . . Phetures of Californian camp-life, ana proche in their quaint picturesguencst and deep Auman interest,"—Daity News,

The Twins of Table Mountain. By Beer Harre. Feap, 8vo, picture cover, 13,; crown Svo, cloth extra, a5, Gy,

The Luck of Roaring Camp, and other Sketches, By Baer Harte, Post 8vo, illustrated boards, 22,

Jeff Briggs's Love Story. By Bret Hanre. Feap, Syo, picture

cover, 13,; cloth extra, 28. Gd.

Small crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with full-page Portraits, 45. Gf, Brewster's (Sir David) Martyrs of Science. Smail crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Astronomical Plates, 45. 6d.

Brewster's (Sir D.) More Worlds than One,

the Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian.

Demy 8vo, profusely Illustrated in Colours, 305,

British Flora Medica:

A History of the Medicinal Plants of Great Britain. Mustrated b: a Figure of each Plant, COLOURED BY HAND, By BENJAMIN i. BARTON, F.L.S.,and THOMAS CASTLE, M.D., F.R.S, A New Edition, revised and partly re-written by Joun R, Jackson, A.L.S,, Curator of the Museums of Economic Botany, Royal Gardens, Kew.

THE STOTHARD BUNYAN.—Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 75. 6d. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress.

Edned by Rev. T, Scorr, With 17 beautiful Steel Plates by STOTHARD, engraved by GOONALL.; numerous Woodcuts.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with [llustrations, 7s, Gd,

Byron's Letters and Journals.

With Notices of his Life. By Thomas Moore. A Reprint of the Original Edition newly revised, with Twelve full-page Plates.

Demy 8vo, cloth extra, 14s.

Campbell's (Sir G.) White and Black:

The Outcome of a Visit to the United States. By Sir Georce CAMPBELL, M.P.

Kew persons are likely to take it up without Anishing it,"—Noxconrormist.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 1. 6d.

Carlyle (Thomas) On the Choice of Books.

With Portrait and Memoir. Small gto, cloth gilt, with Coloured Illustrations, ror. 6.

Chaucer for Children: A Golden Key. By Mrs. H. R. MWawnrs, With Eight Coloured Pictures and numerous Woodcuts by the Author,

"Ti must not oniy take a high place among the Christmas and New Year books of this season, but is also af permanent valve as an introduction to the sindy of Chaucer, whose works, in selections of some kind or other, are now textbooks ix every school that aspires to give sound Insfraction in English." —Academy.

Crown 8vo, cloth limp, with Map and Illustrations, 25. 6c, Cleopatra's Needle: Its Acquisition and Removal to England Described. By Sir J. Es ALEXANDER,

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 75, 6d.

Colman's Humorous Works: '* Broad Grins," '* My Nightgown and SI ¢," and other Humorous Works, Prose and Poetical, of Grorncr Cotman, With Life by G. BL. Bucks tone, and Frontispiece by HOGARTH.

Two Vols. royal vo, with Sixty-five ilustrations, 2és,

Conway's Demonology and Devil-Lore. By Moncurr Dantet. Conway, M.A., B.D. of Divinity College, Harvard University; Member of the Anthropological Inst,, London,

    • A valuable contribution to wrythoingical literature. . . . There is much good writing among these disquisitions, a vast fund of Anmantty, unudeniadie cnrnestaes, ead a delicate sense of humour, all set forth in pure Engiith- ~ConTrarcRaRV Review.

Square 8vo, cloth extra, profusely [iustrated, 65.

Conway's A Necklace of Stories.

By Moncure D. Conway, Illustrated by W.J. HENNESSY. Demy 8vo, cloth extra, with Coloured Illustrations and Maps, 24s.

Cope's History of the Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own), formerly the o5th, By Sir WiLL1Ast H. Core, formerly Lieutenant, Rifle Brigade. Crown Byo, cloth extra, gilt, with 13 Portraits, 7s. 62, Creasy's Memoirs of Eminent Etonians; with Notices of the Early History of Eton College. by Sir Edward Creasy, Author of " The Fifteen Decisive Battles the World."

"A new edition of 'Creasy's Etonians' will be welcome. The book was a favourite a quarter of a coat age, amd tt kas maintained its reputation. The varie of this sew edition is enhanced by the fact that Sir Edward Creasy kes

added $0 it several memoirs of Etonians who Aave afed since the first edition aptearcd. The work is enrnentily interesting." —ScoTsuan.

Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, Two very thick Volumes, 75, 6¢, each,

Cruikshank's Comic Almanack.

Complete in Two Series: The First from 1835 to 1843; the Second from 1844 to 1853. A Gathering of the Best Humour of Thackeray. Hoop, Maruew, AtnertT SautH, A'BECKETT, Roserr Broven, ec. With 2,000 Woodeuts and Steel Engravings by Crcixsuann, Hine, LANDELLS, &c.

"arts 1, to XUV, now ready, 21s. each,

Cussans' History of Hertfordshire.

By Joun E. Cussans, Jilusteated with full-page Plates on Copper and Stone, and a profusion of small Woodcuts.

" Dr, Cussans Aas, from sources nat accessible fo Clutterbuck, made most valwable additions to the manorial Aistary of the county from the earliest period dmwutoardt, cleared mp many doubtful points, and pion original details concerning various subjects untouched or imperfectly treated by that writer, The pedigrees seem to have been constructed mith great care, ond area valuable addition to the genealogical Aistory of the county. Mr, Cussans ov to haw done Als work conscientiously, and to have shared nefther time, + kor expense to veader his volumes worthy ef ranking in thepiwhest clas af County Histertes." —ACApEMY.

Two Volumes, demy to, handsomely bound in half-morocco, gilt, profusely Nlustrated with Coloured and Plain Plates and Woodcuts, price £7 74

Cyclopedia of Costume; or, A Dictionary of Dress —Regal, EKeclestastical, Civil, and Military— from the Earliest Period in England to the reign of George the "Third. Incinding Notices of Contemporaneous Fashions on the Continent, amd a General History of the Costumes of the Principal Countrics of Europe. By J. R. PLANCHE, Somerset Herald. The Volumes may also be had seAarafely (each Complete in itself at £3 15.60. each: Vol. I. THE DICTIONARY, Vol. Il, A GENERAL HISTORY OP COSTUME IN EUROPE. Also in 25 Parts, at gz, each, Cases for binding, 5s, cach,

    • A comprehensive and roe rarlwadie book af nforence. . . . We have rarely failed to find in this an account of an article of dress, while in most of the entries curiont and instructive details ave given. ., . Mr, Planchéd's enormous labour of love, the production af a text whick, whether in ite dictiona form or in that of the 'General History," is within its intended seofpeimareasurah the best and richest work on Costume in English, . . . his book is net ondy one of the eve readable works of the hitul, but intrinsically attractive and


" 4 most readable and interesting twork—and if can scarcely be consaited tx win, wvtetiher the reader #7 in search for information as to military, court, scriesiastical, legal, or professional costume,,, . All the chromo-dithagraphs, and moet of the wonteut tlinstrations-~ the fatter amounting fe several thousands —are very renter adi: easiee j and the work fornrs a livre de luxe which rendert ft eguedly suited to the tibrary and the jadies' drawing-room:,""—Times,

"One of the most perfect works ever published upon the subject, The illustrations are numerous and excellent, and would, even without the letterpress, render the work an invaluable book of reference for information as to costumes for fancy balls and character guad + « « Beautifully printed and superbly itinstrated."—Standard,

Second Edition, revised and enlarged, demy 8vo, cloth extra, with Nlustrations, 245.

Dodge's (Colonel) The Hunting Grounds of the Great West: A Description of the Plains, Game, and Indians of the Great North American Desert. By RICHARD Ik¥VING DonGR, Lieutenant-Colonel of the United States Army, With an Introduction hy Wi.ttam BLACKMORE; Map, and numerous Illustrations drawn by Exnest Grisly,

"Thit magnificent volume is one af the west able and most interesting works witich Aas ever proceaded fron aw American fers, while ite freshness fs egual to that of any simtiar book, Col. Dodge has chosen a subject ef which Ae tt matter, nnd treated tt with a fulness that leavers athing tobe desired, and ina stylewhich is charming equally sor its picturesqneness and purity."—NoXCONY ORMIST.

Demy Svo, cloth extra, 225, 6d,

Doran's Memories of our Great Towns.

With Ancedotic Gleanings concerning their Worthies and their

Oddities, By Dr, Jonn Doran, FLS.A.

A greater genius for writing of the aneedotic hind few men have had. As te giving axy idea of the contents of the book, it is quite impossible, Those who fnew how Dr, Doran used to tort te—rt it sad to have to sre the past tense of one of the mort cheer fel of uen-—will understand what te mean; and thote who do net ad take it on trust from us that this #3 a remarkably entertaining volume," —


Dunraven's The Great Divide: A Narrative of Travels in the Upper Yellowstone in the Summer of 1874. By the Ean of Dunraven, With Maps and numerous striking full-page Ulnstrations by VALENTINE W, BROMLEY. " There har not for a lone time appeared a better hook of travel than Lord Drnvaven's ' The Great Divide! . . . The book is full ef clever obiervation, and doth narrative and tinstrations are thorenghly good."'"—ATHEN ZUM.

Crown 8vo, cloth boards, 6s. per Volume,

Early English Poets. Edited, with Introductions and Annotations, by Rev, A. B. Grosart, "Mr, Grosart has spent (he mest laborious and the most enthusiastic care om the fect restoration and preservation of the text; and (tis very unlikely that any other edition of the poet can ever be atm . 2 Frown ifr. Grosart we aiear expect and always receroe the final results of mast patient and competent? schalarshep," EXAMINER, 1. Fletcher's(Giles,B,D.}Com- 3. Herrick's (Robert) Hesperi lete Poems: Christ's Victarie in des, Noble Numbers, and Complete Heaven, Christ's Victorie on Earth Collected Poems, With MemorialChrist's 'Triumph over Death, and Introduction and Notes, Steel PorMinor Poems, With Memorial:}n- trait, Tedex of First Lines, and troduction and Notes, One Vol. Glossarial Todex, &c. Three Vols. 2. Davies' (Sir John) Complete 4. Sidney's (Sir ae ComPoetical Works, inchuding Psalms 1. plete Poetical Works, including all to L.in Verse, and other hitherto | those in" Arendia." 'With Portrait, Unpublished MSS., for the first time | Memorial-Introduetion, Essay on Collected and Edited. Memorial- the Poctry of Sidney, and Notes, Introduction and Notes, Two Volx. Three Vi

Crown 8¥+, cloth extra, gilt, with Mlustrations, 6s,

Emanuel On Diamonds and Precious Stones; their History, Value, and Properties; with Simple Tests for ascertaining their Reality, By Harry EMANUEL, F-R.G,S, With fumeérous Iilustrations, Tinted and Plain.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 75. 6d.

Englishman's House, The: A Practical Guide to all interested in Selecting or Building a House, with full Estimates of Cost, Quantities, ke. By C. J, RicHARDSON, Third Edition. With nearly 600 Iustrations.

Folio, cloth extra, ft 115. 6d.

Examples of Contemporary Art. Etchings from Representative Works by living English and Foreign Artists. Edited, with Critical Notes, by J. Comyns Carr,

"12 would not he eaty to moet tolth a more sumptuous, and at the same time a more tasteful and instructive draming-reem doak."'—NONCONFORMISY.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with I! histrations, 65.

Fairholt's Tobacco: lts History and Associations; with an Account of the Plant and its Manufacture, and its Modes of Use in all Ages and Countries. By F. W. FarkHoct, F.S.A. With Coloured Frontispiece and upwards of roo illustrations by the Author.

A very pleasant and Insteuctine history of tobacco amd ite axsociations, whick we cordially recommend alike to the votarses and to the ememtes af the mouch~ maligned Sut certainly mot meglected weed. . . . Pill of tnterest and information.'—LAILy News,

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, gs. 6.

Faraday's Chemical History of a Candle. Lectures delivered to a Juvenile Audience, A New Edition, Edited by W. Crookes, F.C.5, With numerous Einstrations.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Lliusirations, gs. Gd.

Faraday's Various Forces of Nature. A New Edition. Edited by W. Cxooxes, F.C.S. With aumerous Illustrations.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 7s. Od. Finger-Ring Lore:

Historical, Legendary, and Aneodotal. Py Winttam Jones, F.S.A, With Hundreds of [llustrations of Curious Kings of all Ages and Countries,

"One of those gossiping bookt which are as fall of ansesement az of instruce tion, —ATHENAUM.

One Shilling Monthly, mostly Mlustrated,

Gentleman's Magazine, The, For January contains the First Chapters of a New Novel entitled

QUEEN CorueETulla, by R. E, FRANCtH-LON: to be continucd throughout the year.

  • ." Now ready, the Volume for JULY fo Decrsnenr, 1879, cloth extra, price Sr, 6d, and Cases for binding, price 28. each. THE RUSKIN GR/AlAF—Square 8vo, cloth extra, 6s, Gel, 5 gilt edges, 71. 6,

German Popular Stories.

Collected by the Brothers Grim, and Translated by EnGar TAYLor, Edited with an Introduction by Jomy Ruskin, With 22!lustrations after the inimitable designs of GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, Jtoth Series Complete.

" The iHwstrations of this volume . . . ave of guite sterling and adnifenble art, of a clast pear paraliel im elenation to the cheracter of the tawes tohfch they fifustrate; and Lhe priginad eichings, as 1 have before saud tn the Append:x to my ' Elements of Drawing, were wnricatied in masterfulness of touch unce Rembrand? (in soute guaiities of delineation, unvivaited even by han). . . » Tomake somewhat eniarged copies af them, looking at them through a magnifying gisss, and never putting tie lines where Cruikshank has put oncy one, quae Ay peat eter~ cise tu decision and severe drawing which wonld leave afterwards little te be fearnt an schools."—Extract from introduction by Joun Ruskin.

Post 8vo, cloth limp, 2s. 6,

Glenny's A Year's Work in Garden and

Greenhouse: Practical Advice to Amateur Gardeners, Py Georce GLENNY,? [fn Me press.

A New Edition, demy 8vo, cloth extra, with Mlustrations, 155,

Greeks and Romans, The Life of the, Described from Antique Monuments, By Exnst Gun and W. Konek. Translated trom the 'Third German Edition, and Edited by Dy, . Husrren. With 545 tllustrations.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Mustrations, 71. 6,

Greenwood's Low-Life Deeps:

An Account of the Strange Fish to be found there. By Janes Greexwoop, With [lusirateons in tint by ALFRED CONCANEN.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Mlustrations, 7s. Ge.

Greenwood's Wilds of London: Descriptive Sketches, ffom Personal Observations and Experience, of Remarkable Scenes, rece and Placesin London. By JAmes GkEENwoop, With 12 Tinted [lustrations by ALFRED CONCANLN.

Square 16mo (Tauchnitz size), cloth extra, 23, per volume.

Golden Library, The:

Ballad History of England, By | Mallory's (Sir Thomas) Mort W. C, Benner. Stories of rae <yeor

" ic a tg ny Peace 3 Diversions of Taule. Edited na B, Monroom aig

RanKinc. Byron's Don Juan, | Pascal's Provincial Letters, A Emerson's Letters and Social New Vranskation, with Historical InAims, troduction and Notes, by 'I. M'Crie,

, DD,

ae ore [NySINa? Lives of Pope's Poetical Works, Com < plete.

Holmes's Autocrat of the |;: Breakfast 'Cable, With an Introdue- esate weatoe—tion by G. A. SALA. os thons. ath Notes, an

Hoinies's 'Eéoteasc? a. the | feaneeeter Ewer by Sane Breakfast Table, St. Pierre's Paul and Virginia,

Hood's Whima and Oddities, | "ind The Indian Cottage. Edited, Complete, With all the original Il- with Life, by the Rev. bE. CLARKE. Fi

eee Shelley's Early Poems, and Irving's (Washington) Tales of Queen Mab, with Essay by Leica a Traveller. Hunt. Irving's (Washington) Tales of | Shelley's Later Poems: Laon the Alhambva, ami Cythna, &e.

Tesse's (Edward) Scenes and | Shelley's Posthumous Pocma, Occupations of Country Life, the Shelley Papers, &c.

Lamb's Essays of Blia. Both | Shelley's Prose Works, includScrics Complete in One Vol, ing A Refutation of Deism, Zastrozzi,

Leigh Hunt's Essays: A Tale _ St Ievyne, &c. for a Chimney Corner, and other | White's Natural History of Sel Pieces. With Portrait, and Introduc- borne. Edited, with additions, by tion by Edmund Ollier, Thomas Brown, F.L.S,

Crown vo, cloth gilt and gilt edges, 75, 6d. Golden Treasury of Thought, The:

An ENCYCLOPEDIA OF QUOTATIONS from Writers of all Times and Countries. Selected and Edited by Theodore Taylor.

Large 4to, with 14 facsimile Plates, price ONE GUINEA,

Grosvenor Gallery Illustrated Catalogue. Winter Exhibition (:877-78) of Drawings by the Old Masters and Water-Colour Drawings by Deceased Artists of the British School, With a Critical Introduction by J. Comyns Carr.

Crown &vo, cloth extra, gilt, with [lustrations, 47. 6,

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