Sons of the Tyne's garland/Flower of the Forest the New Way
For works with similar titles, see The Flowers of the Forest.

The FLOWER of the FOREST THE New Way.
ADIEU ye Streams that ſmoothly glide,
In mazy Windings through the Plain:
I'll in ſome lonely Cave reſide,
And ever mourn my faithful Swain.
Flower of the Foreſt was my Love,
Soft as the ſighing Summer's Gale,
Gentle and conſtant as the Dove,
Blooming as Roſes in the Vale.
Alas! my Love on Tweed did ſtray,
For me he ſearch'd the Banks around;
But ah, the ſad, the fatal Dayǃ
My Love the Pride of Swains, was drown'd.
Now drops the Willow o'er the Stream;
Pale walks the Ghoſt through yonder Grove;
Dire Fancy paints him in my Dream:
Awake, I pine with hopeleſs Love.