Sons of the Tyne's garland/The Sons of the Tyne

The Sons of the Tyne's Garland

The Sons of the Tyne.
ATTEND to my ſummons, ye Britiſh Elector
'Tis Freedom announces your inſtant Support
No longer your confidence place in Protectors,
Who pillage your Rights, and of Laws make a Spot
Britannia demands, your Hearts and your Hands,
Away to aſiſt her, the cauſe is divine,
Come ſee
Freedom and Liberty
Nobly exerting the Sons of the Tyne.
'T was Liberty gave us our Commerce and Tresſure
She taught us to cultivate Science and Mirth,
To patronize Learning and ſocial Pleaſure,
To lighten the Heart, and give Jollity birth:
Come, come Britons all, 'tis Liberty's call,
Away with all ſpeed to her ſacred ſhrine:
Come ſee
Freedom and Liberty
Nobly exerting the Sons of the Tyne.
with Freedom all Nations we hold in defiance,
The Glory of Britain o'er Earth ſhe was hurl'd;
An Monrachs deſpotic, now court our alliance,
The terror of States, and the pride of the World
Long, long on our iſle, may Liberty ſmile,
And bleſs us with Brunſwick's illuſtrious Line.
Come ſee
Freedom and Liberty
Nobly exerting the Sons of the Tyne.
Be happy ye Fair Ones, whom Freedom has given,
The virtue and ſpirit her cauſe maintain,
Whoſe Raiment o'er vies with the Mantle of Heaven
When Phœbus unclouded, juſt ſtarts from the Main
To guard Love and Beauty, we make it our duty,
To aid their Felicity, ever combine:
Come ſee
Daughters of Liberty
Greeting with rapture the Sons of the Tyne.