Southern Historical Society Papers/Volume 02/August/Editorial Paragraphs

Some of the friends of General Frank Gardner, having expressed the fear that General D. H. Hill's allusion to him in his address, which was published in our May number, might be construed as a censure of his gallant defence of Port Hudson, General Hill calls our attention to the fact that the language he used conveys no censure of either of the gallant officers named but simply states a historic fact.
In reference to General Gardner, General Hill says: "There is no one in the South who has a sincerer regard for General Gardner than myself, from what I knew of him in Mexico, where he made at Telegraph Hill the most glorious fight of the war."
We have deemed it but just to make this explanation, that a gallant, though, unfortunate soldier, may not rest under the shadow of even unintentional censure.
We take pleasure in inserting the following, as we esteem it a privilege to do anything in our power to promote the noble object contemplated:
Lee Monument Association,
Richmond, Va., July, 1876.
To stimulate collections for the Lee Monument Fund, the Board of Managers will send by mail, to any college, school, lodge, club, military or civic association, which shall contribute $10, a lithograph of General Lee on Traveler, 18x14 inches. A small weekly contribution will secure a handsome ornament for the school, lodge, club room or armory. These lithographs might be acceptably used as rewards of merit in lieu of medals, books, &c., to which end they will be supplied to teachers on satisfactory terms. A large sum is now in hand for the monument, and a generous response to this appeal will enable the managers to proceed at an early day to arrange for its construction. By order of the Board.
S. Bassett French, Secretary.
Board of Managers—The Governor of Virginia, the Treasurer of the Commonwealth, the Auditor of Public Accounts.
We may add that the original photograph from which this lithograph is made, was taken in Lexington by Miley, and is one of rare excellence. The shading of his hat somewhat obscures General Lee's features, but his form and manner of sitting his horse are perfect. The likeness of "Traveler" could scarcely be improved, and many veterans of the Army of Northern Virginia will give it a delighted recognition. We remember hearing General Lee say the day after the photograph was taken, "I do not care for a likeness of myself, but I am very much gratified to have so good a one of Traveler."
The lithograph makes a really beautiful picture, which we hope will adorn every large number of our Southern schools and homes.
Photographs of Distinguished Confederates are somewhat common; but accurate, standard pictures are comparatively rare. We are indebted to Mr. D. H. Anderson, photographer of Richmond, for a lot of the latter class. He has presented us with superb photographs, and (most of them) excellent likenesses of Generals R. E. Lee, J. E. Johnston, Stonewall Jackson. Early, J. E. B. Stuart, Heth, Mahone, G. W. C. Lee, Lilly, Jno. S. Preston Geo. W. Randolph, John Echols, Beauregard, B. T. Johnson and D. H. Maury, Colonels John B. Baldwin, Jno. S. Mosby and Robt. Ould, Captain M. F. Maury, Hon. Robt. Toombs, Hon. R. M. T. Hunter, Hon. H. B. Grigsby, Ex-Governor Win. Smith, Ex-President John Tyler, Hon. J. L. M. Curry, and Rev. M. D. Hoge, D. D.
This donation of Mr. Anderson is a highly prized addition to our collection of photographs, and we trust that other artists will be induced to add the products of their skill, and that the friends of all of our leaders will see to it that our collection of accurate likenesses of Confederate leaders is made as complete as possible.
We frequently receive from our friends assurances of their readiness to help us in any way in their power, and we suggest two very practical methods (besides subscribing themselves and inducing others to do so) by which they can accomplish this end:
1. We are anxious to secure the name and postoffice address of every person who would be likely to subscribe for our Papers. Let our friends make out for us lists of all such of whom they can think.
2. We are anxious to secure in every section reliable, working, efficient agents, who will canvass for our Papers. We can pay such a liberal commission, and our friends would greatly aid us by looking out and recommending to us suitable agents.
It would seem scarcely necessary to repeat (but we are anxious for it to be understood) that neither the Southern Historical Society, the Executive Committee, nor the Secretary are to be considered as endorsing everything which is published in our Papers. In the mass of MSS. on our shelves, and constantly coming in, there are many statements made by eye-witnesses, or active participants, concerning events of which we have no personal knowledge. Even the official reports of our most distinguished and trustworthy officers contain conflicting statements about events which they view from different stand-points. It is obvious that it would not be proper for the Committee to assume the responsibility of deciding who is right in such cases, and we must, therefore, either publish nothing about which any difference of opinion can arise (and that course would limit us to a very narrow field), or we must publish, impartially and without comment, both sides, being careful to admit nothing which has not a responsible name attached to it. It has seemed to the Committee far better to publish these papers now, while living witnesses can sift them, than that they should be allowed to sleep in our archives, and be produced in years to come, when, perhaps, no competent witness of the events recorded will be alive to attest their accuracy or refute their errors.
On the other hand, we must, of course, avoid personal controversies, and scrupulously exclude from our pages all unpleasant personalities. By careless inadvertence on the part of the Secretary, in at least one instance, personalities have appeared in our Papers, which are to be deeply regretted, but which we do not think could be mended by allowing other personalities in reply. We shall be more careful in future. And it may be well to add that it is not only the right, but the duty of members of the Society, to make at any time suggestions to the Executive Committee as to the proper conduct of our affairs. We are honestly trying to do our best, and warmly appreciate the kind words of encouragement and approval which come from every quarter; but we not only lay no claim to infallibility, but are conscious of many mistakes, and will thankfully receive friendly criticism whenever our friends discover that we need it.
Mr. William H. Hardgrove, No. 19 Third Street, Louisville, Kentucky, is now our only authorized agent for that city. If there are persons there who have subscribed through other agents, and have not been receiving their papers, they will oblige us by communicating with this office. And, indeed, we would take it as a favor if subscribers everywhere would notify the Secretary of any delay, or irregularity in the receipt of their papers. We are always careful to mail to subscribers immediately on the receipt of their orders.
We have received a newspaper account of the recent reunion of Mahone's old brigade in Norfolk. It seems to have been a most enjoyable affair, and we deeply regretted that we could not accept an invitation to be present. We are glad to see that these reunions of different commands of Confederates are becoming more common, and we should be glad to have sent for our scrap-book accounts of them all. But we must beg the participants not to allow themselves to become so absorbed in the social features of these reunions as to forget to make provision for a record of their history. Let every brigade—every regiment—make up its record while the men who can give the facts are alive to do so. And we wish it to be most distinctly understood, that the Southern Historical Society is ready to co-operate most heartily with any of these organizations. We will afford their historians the fullest access to our archives, and we will cheerfully do anything in our power to assist them in supplying missing links in their history.
Our Confederate Roster, prepared by the skillful hand of Colonel Charles C. Jones, Jr., has excited a good deal of interest, and elicited wide commendation for its very great accuracy. When completed it will make a volume which every Confederate soldier should possess.
We repeat again that the author is extremely anxious to make the Roster as complete and as accurate as possible, and would esteem it a favor if any one detecting errors or omissions would write to him at once. Address Colonel Charles C. Jones, Jr., Postoffice Box 5549, New York city.
We desire again to call attention to our books, which are now ready for distribution:
"A Confederate View of the Treatment of Prisoners" is simply our March and April numbers put into a very neatly bound volume. It does not profess to be an exhaustive discussion of the subject, but it gives official facts and figures, and most unimpeachable testimony to refute the slanders against the Confederacy which have so long "run riot over both facts and probabilities." It is a book that ought to be placed in every public and private library in the South, and our friends should interest themselves in placing it in Northern and European libraries as well.
We mail it on the receipt of the price, $1.25, $1.50, or $1.75, according to binding.
"Southern Historical Society Papers—Volume I—January to June, 1876," containing our first six numbers beautifully bound, we mail at $2.00 bound in cloth, $2.25 in half morocco, and $2.50 half calf.
We consider this volume of 500 pages, containing invaluable matter to those who would know the truth of our Confederate history, an exceedingly cheap book, and we hope our friends will assist in its circulation.
And we would be obliged if friends would call the attention of booksellers to our publications. We are satisfied that we can make it to the advantage of booksellers and newsdealers to keep our publications on hand.