Southern Historical Society Papers/Volume 02/December/Book Notices
Book Notices.
We are indebted to the author for a copy of this very valuable contribution to history, which we have read with deep interest, and of which, at some early day, we propose a full review. Meantime, we most cordially commend the book to every Confederate who desires to have a refutation of the slanders against our Government and people with which the minds of the nations have been so long poisoned, and to every intelligent Northern man who is willing to "hear the other side" of this question. Dr. Stevenson was in position to know whereof he affirms. He was fortunate in preserving a large part of the Andersonville papers, and he has most abundantly made good the assertion in his preface: "I propose in the following pages to show, from official Confederate and Federal documents: 1st. That the sufferings at Andersonville were the results of a malignant pestilence, coupled with the uncontrollable events of a fierce and bitter war; 2d. That Captain Wirz expiated his alleged crimes under the form of a trial that can reflect no credit on the Government that tried him and that his life was taken away by suborned testimony; 3d. That his alleged co-conspirators were entirely innocent of the crimes charged; 4th. That the Federal authorities at Washington prevented the exchange of prisoners of war, and that by exchanging the prisoners, three-fourths of all the lives lost in prisons North and South could have been saved."
Dr. Stevenson gives a number of valuable documents never before published, and makes a book that should find a place in every library. The publishers have done their part well, and the book is gotten up in good style.
The author sent us some time ago a copy of this exceedingly entertaining little volume; but our notice was crowded out at the time, and has since been somehow overlooked. Colonel Hundley wields a facile, graceful pen, and has written an exceedingly interesting narrative of his experience and observation as a prisoner of war—much of the narrative being taken from a diary which he kept at the time. The book is divided into three parts—On my way to Johnson's Island, Life on Johnson's Island, and My Escape and Recapture—and the whole is very pleasantly combined into a book of decided interest, and of considerable historic value as throwing light on the question of the "Treatment of Prisoners." Colonel Hundley did not find Northern prisons the palaces which they have been represented to be, and his narrative might have served a good purpose had we had it when preparing our numbers on the prison question.
We can cordially recommend the book as worthy of an important place in our war literature. 
FOR 1877.
The marked favor with which this Monthly has been received during the first year of its existence, insures its success during the coming year, and strengthens our determination to make it still more worthy of public favor.
While preserving its historic character, it will contain many articles of deep popular interest.
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Many of the ablest of our Confederate leaders have promised us papers of rare interest and historic value, and we propose to have during the coming year exhaustive discussions of some of the most important battles and campaigns of the war. We shall publish a number of important official reports, which have never been in print, and of some of which we possess the only copies extant. In a word, we propose to make our Papers interesting to all lovers of historic truth, and simply invaluable to those who desire to see vindicated the name and fame of those who made our great struggle for constitutional freedom.
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