Southern Historical Society Papers/Volume 02/July/Editorial Paragraphs
In sending out this first number of our second volume, there are several things we deem it appropriate to say:
1. We thank our friends and the public generally for the very kind reception they have been pleased to give our Papers. The press throughout the South, and many of the Northern papers, have been exceedingly kind in their notices. We have received numerous private letters from distinguished Confederates, warmly commending our enterprise, and testifying to the interest and value of our publications; and the steady increase of our subscription list attests the growing popularity of our monthly.
2. We are exceedingly anxious to largely increase our subscription list, in order that we may extend the sphere of our usefulness, and have the means of making certain improvements in our Papers. If each one of our subscribers would secure us one new name, we would at once double our list. We beg our friends to interest themselves in this matter, and to swell our list either by personal solicitation, or by sending us the names of reliable agents who will canvass for us.
3. We think that a casual reference to the table of contents of our first volume will show that our publications thus far have possessed both popular interest and historic value. But we may safely promise that our issues will be even more interesting and valuable in the months to come. We have scarcely touched the rich collection of MSS. already on our shelves, and we have the promise of other papers of deep interest and great historic value from some of the ablest of the men who made our Confederate history.
4. We feel, then, that we do not transcend the limits of becoming editorial modesty when we cordially congratulate the Society on the past success and future prospects of their enterprise.
Our January Number ran out several months ago. We had a second edition printed, and that too has been exhausted for several weeks, so that a large number of our subscribers have not yet received it. We will, however, have a third edition ready in a few days, and all can be supplied.
We are now stereotyping all of our issues, and will in future have no difficulty in supplying as many back numbers as may be wanted.
Bound Volumes of our Papers for the first six months of our issue can now be supplied at the following rates:
Cloth | $2.00 |
Half Morocco | 2.25 |
Half Calf | 2.50 |
Or, to any one who will send us the first six numbers clean and in good condition, and fifty cents, we will send a copy bound in cloth, for seventy-five cents a half morocco copy, and for one dollar a copy in half calf. The sender must prepay postage or express, and we return the copy at his cost.
Send for a copy of our "Confederate View of the Treatment of Prisoners." Even those who have it in the volume of Papers, would like to have it in the more convenient form of a separate volume. Send $1.25 for the cloth. $1.50 for the half morocco, or $1.75 for the half calf, and we will send the volume post paid.