Southern Historical Society Papers/Volume 03/January/Editorial Paragraphs

As we enter with this issue upon the second year of the publication of our Papers, we warmly congratulate the Society on the success of the past year and the prospects for the future.
Despite "hard times" our enterprise has met with a success which encourages us to hope that we shall be able to increase our circulation during the coming year, and advance all of the interests of the Society. But we beg our friends to remember that we need their continued sympathy and active help, in order that our expectations may be realized.
Renewals have been coming in with some degree of briskness; but many have yet failed to renew, and we beg that they will do so at once. We send this number to all old subscribers who have not notified us to discontinue their subscriptions, in the hope that they will find it convenient to renew. But we again call attention to our terms, which are strictly cash in advance.
Lists of Names and the postoffice address of those who might probably subscribe to our Papers would be very useful. Some of our friends have sent us such lists, and we beg that others will do so; but a still better list, of course would be lists of subscribers with money. A little effort on the part of our friends would swell our list and increase our power to be useful in the great work in which we are engaged.
Any Failures to receive our Papers by our subscribers will be promptly corrected, so far as we are able to do so, when reported to this office. The Secretary is accustomed to give his personal attention to the making up of our mail, and is satisfied that few failures have occurred through any fault of our office. But we beg that if subscribers fail to receive their numbers they will report to us promptly, that we may seek to rectify it, and not wait until the close of the year to make their complaints.
Back Numbers for 1876 we can furnish only in two bound volumes, which we mail at $2.00, $2.25 or $2.50 per volume, according to style of binding.
"A Confederate View of the Treatment of Prisoners" (being our numbers for March and April, 1876, neatly bound) we can still mail for $1.25. $1.50 or $1.75, according to binding. And we again suggest that our friends would do a valuable work by placing this little volume (as well as our other publications) on the shelves of every public library in the land.
Contributions to our Archives are as acceptable as ever, and continue to come in from time to time. Since our last acknowledgment we have received among others the following:
From W. H. H. Terrell, Adjutant-General of Indiana (the author)—"Indiana in the War of the Rebellion," being the official report of the part borne by Indiana in the "war between the States." Life and Public Services of Oliver P. Morton, of Indiana.
From H. C. Wall (the author)—"The Pee Dee Guards" (Company D, Twenty-third North Carolina regiment), from 1861 to 1865.
From the Vermont Historical Society—"History of the Saint Albans Raid," by Hon. Edward A. Sowles.
From the author (Napier Bartlett)—"Military Annals of Louisiana" during the late war.
From the author (Dr. R. Randolph Stevenson)—"The Southern Side, or Andersonville Prison."
From the author (Rev. Joseph H. Martin, of Atlanta, Georgia)—"The Declaration of Independence—A Centennial Poem."
From Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati—"C. W. Moulton's reply to Boynton's Review of Sherman's Memoirs."
From John McCrae, Esq., Camden, South Carolina—A complete file of Charleston Daily Mercury, from the 8th of July, 1859, to the 10th of February, 1865, and from the 19th of November, 1866, to the 16th of November, 1868. The Charleston Daily News, from June, 1866, to 5th of April, 1873. Charleston News and Courier, from April 7th, 1873, to November 27th, 1875. Daily South Carolinian, from 1855 to October, 1864, and Daily Columbia Guardian, from November 14th, 1864, to February 15th, 1865. The Southern Presbyterian, from September 11th, 1858, to December 29th, 1865, and from May 7th, 1869, to December 30th, 1875.
These, added to the valuable files received from Mr. McCrae some months ago, constitute a most important addition to our collection, and place the Society under obligations to Mr. McCrae, which are only increased by the courteous manner in which he has made the donations, and the real pleasure which it seems to have afforded him.
From Mrs. C. A. Hamilton, Beaufort, South Carolina—A large collection of war issues of the Charleston and other papers. (The Society is anxious to secure even odd numbers of papers published during the war, as they help to complete our files, and are valuable as duplicates.)
From Major H. B. McClellan, Lexington, Kentucky (formerly of General Stuart's staff)—A package of MSS. containing the following: General J. E. B. Stuart's report of operations of his cavalry, from October 30th, 1862, to November 6th, 1862. An original letter from Major-General John Pope to Major-General Banks, dated July 21st, 1862, enclosing dispatch from Brigadier-General Rufus King, at Falmouth (giving account of his raid on Beaver Dam depot), and ordering Banks to send General Hatch at once to make cavalry raid on Gordonsville, Charlottesville, &c. (This letter was probably found when Stuart captured Pope's headquarters).