Southern Historical Society Papers/Volume 03/March/Editorial Paragraphs

Colonel Jones' Confederate Roster is concluded in this number. We repeat that before publishing it in separate book form, the author will throughly revise and correct it, and it will be esteemed a favor if any one detecting errors or omissions, will at once write to this office, or direct to Colonel Charles C. Jones, Jr., Box 5549, New York city.
Renewals have been steadily coming in; but we are compelled to drop from our mailing list the names of a number of subscribers from whom we have not yet heard. We beg that our subscribers will not only renew promptly themselves, but that they will use their influence to induce others to do so.
New Subscribers are being added to our list in, perhaps, as large numbers as we could expect these "hard times." But we are anxious to extend the sphere of our usefulness by greatly increasing our subscription list, and we beg our friends to help us in this. It can be done very easily if each subscriber will endeavor to add another to our list.
Agents are very much needed by us to push our work in every community. To energetic, efficient, reliable agents, who will make us frequent reports and prompt returns for all subscribers secured (and we want none others), we can pay a liberal commission. And we would be obliged to our friends for any help they may afford us in securing suitable agents.
"The Houdon Statue, its History and Value," is the title of a pamphlet by Sherwin McRae, Esq., which was published by order of the Senate of Virginia, and for a copy of which we are indebted to Col. James McDonald, Secretary of the Commonwealth. The author discusses, ably and exhaustively, "Washington—his person as represented by the artists;" gives a full history of the Houdon Statue, and shows beyond all reasonable doubt that not Stuart's portrait, nor any one of the many other pictures taken of him, but Houdon's Statue is the true likeness of Washington; and that when Lafayette said, after seeing this noble work of art, that it was "A fac-simile of Washington's person," he but expressed the conviction of all who were familiar with the great original.
Virginia is indeed fortunate in having in her State Capitol this splendid work of art, which is, at the same time, a fac-simile of the person of her illustrious son who led to a successful issue the first Great Rebellion; and we should see to it that Yankee enterprise is not permitted to palm off some other picture as the true likeness of the "Father of His Country."
The genius of our talented artist (Valentine) has produced busts which are exact copies of the Houdon Statue, and we should rejoice to see these scattered widely through the land.
And now we want a fac-simile (not an ideal) of our second Washington—the chieftain of the second "Great Rebellion"—the immortal Lee, who, while not successful, will be written down in history as deserving success, and will live forever in the hearts of all true lovers of liberty. We have this fac-simile in Valentine's splendid recumbent figure at Lexington, and hope to have it also when the "Lee Monument Association" shall have completed their work, and placed their equestrian statue at Richmond.
Contributions to our Archives are still gratefully appreciated. Among others we acknowledge the following:
From Graves Reufroe, Esq., of Talladega, Alabama—"History and Debates of the Convention of the People of Alabama," begun in Montgomery January 7th, 1861, by Hon. William R. Smith, one of the delegates from Tuscaloosa. This book contains the speeches made in secret session, and many State papers of interest and value, and is a highly prized addition to our library, as well as a renewed evidence of the interest taken in our work by our young friend, Mr. Reufroe.
From Major Powhatan Ellis, of Gloucester county, Virginia—Hardee's Tactics (Confederate Edition) published at Jackson, Mississippi, 1861; a bundle of war papers, and a number of issues of the Richmond Whig and other papers for 1865. These papers contain a large number of important official reports, and other matters of great interest and value, and Major Ellis has placed the Society under obligation for these as well as for previous favors.
From J. F. Mayer, Richmond—"The Unveiling of Divine Justice in the Great Rebellion: A Sermon by Rev. T. H. Robinson, of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania." This production is valuable as a specimen of the barkings of the "blood-hounds of Zion." "Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics," an edition of Hardee published at Jackson, Mississippi, in 1861.
From A. Barron Holmes, Esq., Charleston, South Carolina—"Gregg's History of the Old Cheraws"; "Gibbes' Documentary History of South Carolina," 1781-82; "History of the South Carolina Jockey Club," by Dr. John B. Irving; "The Pleiocene Fossils of South Carolina," by M. Tuomey and F. S. Holmes; "The Post Pleiocene Fossils of South Carolina," by F. S. Holmes. (These copies of Professor Holmes' great work are now out of print, as the drawings, lithographs, &c., were all "confiscated" in Philadelphia soon after the breaking out of the late war.)
From Hon. James Lyons, Richmond—His letter to the President of the United States in July, 1869, in relation to his right to registration and voting in the Virginia election of 1869.