Southern Historical Society Papers/Volume 04/July/A Slander Refuted
A Slander Refuted.
[It has been suggested that we ought to put in permanent form the follow refutation of a slander against General Carter Stevenson and his brave men, which we felt called on to make at the time:]
Office Southern Historical Society,
Richmond, January 25, 1876.
Editors Dispatch:
We have in our Archives the following official document, which completely refutes Mr. Blaine's statement that Gen. Grant told him that he fought at Chattanooga Gen. Carter Stevenson's division, which had been captured at Vicksburg, and had not been exchanged:
Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office,
Richmond, September 16, 1863.
General Orders, No. 123.
The following order is published for the information of all concerned:
Exchange Notice, No. 6.
The following Confederate officers and men, captured at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863, and subsequently paroled, have been duly exchanged, and are hereby so declared:
1. The officers and men of Gen. C. L. Stevenson's division.
2. The officers and men of Gen. Bowen's division.
3. The officers and men of Brig.-Gen. Moore's brigade.
4. The officers and men of the Second Texas regiment.
5. The officers and men of Waul's legion.
6. Also, all Confederate officers and men who have been delivered at City Point at anytime previous to July 25th, 1863, have been duly exchanged, and are hereby so declared.
Ro. Ould,
Agent of Exchange.
Richmond, September 12, 1863.
By order:S. Cooper,
Adjutant and Inspector-General.
On page 74 of General Boynton's book ("Sherman's Historical Raid") the following telegram from Gen. Halleck, at Washington, to Burnside, in East Tennessee, is given:
"September 18, ——.
* * * "A part at least of Longstreet's corps is going to Atlanta. It is believed that Bragg, Johnston, and Hardee, with the exchanged prisoners from Vicksburg and Port Hudson, are concentrating against Rosecrans. You must give him all the aid you can." [Italics ours.]
Either Mr. Blaine is mistaken, therefore, in giving General Grant as his authority for saying that these high-toned gentlemen and gallant soldiers violated their paroles, or else General Grant's memory is at variance with the facts.
J. William Jones,
Secretary Southern Historical Society.