Southern Historical Society Papers/Volume 36
Historical Society Papers.
edited by
Published by the Society.
I. | 1 |
II. | Two Important Letters by Jefferson Davis Discovered—Prove that He Was in No Way Responsible for Conditions at the Andersonville Prison, and Prof. W. L. Fleming Shows that He Never Saw the Chandler Report until after the War
8 |
III. | The Last Charge of the 14th Virginia Cavalry at Appomattox C. H., Va., April 9, 1865, and its Battle FlagInteresting Incidents of the Retreat. Contributed by Capt. E. E. Bouldin
13 |
IV. | Barksdale's Mississippi Brigade at Fredericksburg, Read at 17th Annual Reunion, Louisiana Division, U. C. V., Monroe, October 15, 1908. By Capt. James Dinkins
17 |
V. | 26 |
VI. | The Virginia Convention of 1788—An Address Delivered to the Virginia Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, at the Westmoreland Club, February 22, 1908, Richmond, Va. By Josiah Staunton Moore
28 |
VII. | The Real Jefferson Davis in Private and Public Life, Some Facts Never Before Printed Concerning the Confederate President, and His Lineage, Family and Descendants—Physical Likeness to Abraham Lincoln. By T. C. DeLeon
74 |
VIII. | History of Chimborazo Hospital, C. S. A. Abstract of address of Dr. J. R. Gildersleeve, President of the Association of Medical Officers of the Army and Navy of the Confederacy at Nashville, Tenn., June 14, 1904
56 |
IX. | Hunter's Raid 1864—A Charge Through Harrisonburg
95 |
X. | 104 |
XI. | 105 |
XII. | 121 |
XIII. | Tribute of Love to her Noble Dead, Impressive Services in Old Blandford Cemetary, July 31, 1908. Address of Hon. Charles T. Lassiter, "Battle of the Crater."
125 |
XIV. | Officers and Soldiers of the War 1814-1815—Battalion of Volunteers from New Orleans, La.
133 |
XV. | 141 |
XVI. | 146 |
XVII. | 156 |
XVIII. | 161 |
XIX. | Unveiling of the Monument to Humphrey's Division in the National Cemetary at Fredericksburg, Va., November 11, 1908. McClure's Address
174 |
XX. | 180 |
XXI. | On Historic Spots—A Visit to the Battlefields around Fredericksburg, Marye's Heights, Salem Church, Chancellorsville and The Wilderness—Recollections of Officers
197 |
XXII. | Confederate Supreme Court—W. L. Yancey Urged its Establishment
209 |
XXIII. | 210 |
XXIV. | 213 |
XXV. | Virginia Battlefield Park—Efforts of Fredericksburg thereto
215 |
XXVI. | 218 |
XXVII. | 220 |
XXVIII. | 224 |
XXIX. | Southern Historical Society Papers/Volume 36/Monument to Captain Henry Wirz, Earnest Effort toward, at Richmond, Va.—Mortality of Confederate and Federal Prisoners Contrasted and Causes Explained. By J. R. Gibbons. [Note, see ante, p. 1.]
226 |
XXX. | 237 |
XXXI. | 245 |
XXXII. | 248 |
XXXIII. | Efforts for Reconstruction in April, 1865. Judge J. A. Campbell's Noble Offices—His Arbitrary Imprisonment—Character of Lincoln Appealingly Exhibited
250 |
XXXIV. | The Last Sad Days—From Petersburg to Appomattox C. H.—Foodless Days, Sleepless Nights. By J. D. Cumming
261 |
XXXV. | 267 |
XXXVI. | Escape from Fort Delaware. Told by Sergeant Warren D. Reid of Mississippi
271 |
XXXVII. | Cavalry Raids in the War of Secession—Major Gen. John B. Floyd and the State Line—Surrender of Fort Donelson. By Major Robert W. Hunter
280 |
XXXVIII. | 283 |
XXXIX. | Brilliant Eulogy of Gen. Wm. H. Payne, on the Presentation of bis Portrait to Lee Camp Confederate Veterans, December 18, 1908. Presentation speech by Col. Thomas Smith
285 |
Address in Acceptance, Remarkable for its Eloquence, Epigram and Sarcasm. By Leigh Robinson of Washington, D. C.
293 |
XL. | Monument to Henry W. Wyatt of Albemarle county, Va.—The First to Fall in the War 1861-1865
354 |
XLI. | Company G, 24th Virginia Infantry—List of Members and a Brief History of Them. By H. G. White
356 |
XLII. | 360 |
XLIII. | Ransom's Brigade—Its Gallant Conduct in the Capture of Plymouth, North Carolina in April, 1864. By Edwin G. Moore
363 |
XLIV. | 368 |
XLV. | 369 |
XLVI. | 371 |
Page 1, second line from top for Vol. XXXIV read Vol. XXXVI.
Page 206, tenth line from bottom for Sedwick read Sedgwick, for Bloomy read Bloody.
Page 245, fourth line from top for Burgyn read Burgwyn.