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Spanish Constitution of 1978 (annotated)/Repeals

From Wikisource

Congreso de los Diputados, pages 86–87


Repeal of Fundamental Laws of the former political system1 C1. Act 1/1977, of January 4, for Political Reform, is hereby repealed, as well as the following, in so far as they were not already repealed by the above-mentioned Act: the Act of the Fundamental Principles of National Movement of May 17, 1958; the Charter of the Spanish People (Fuero de los Españoles) of July 17, 1945; the Labour Charter of March 9, 1938; the Act of Constitution of the Cortes of July 17, 1942; the Act of Succession to the Head of State of July 26, 1947, all of them as amended by the Organic Act of the State of January 10, 1967. The last mentioned Act and that of the National Referendum of October 22, 1945, are likewise repealed.

Repeal of the Acts of 18392, 137 C2. To the extent that it may still retain some validity, the Act of October 25, 1839 shall be and 1876 on traditional rights of the Basque provincesdefinitively repealed in so far as it applies to the provinces of Alava, Guipúzcoa and Vizcaya.

Subject to the same terms, the Act of July 21, 1876 shall be deemed to be definitively repealed.

General repealing provision9.1 C3. Likewise, any provisions contrary to those contained in the Constitution are hereby repealed.