Spawn of the Desert/End matter

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End matter. 1 page & rear inner cover.

3980662Spawn of the Desert — End matterW. C. Tuttle
THE following books can be purchased at any good store or newsstand. If your dealer has not the ones you want, ask him to get them for you.
  • Don Quickshot of the Rio Grande Stephen Chalmers
  • Loaded Dice Edwin L. Sabin
  • Sontag of Sundown W. C. Tuttle
  • Spawn of the Desert W. C. Tuttle
  • Arizona Argonauts H. Bedford-Jones
  • The Lure of Piper's Glen Theodore Goodridge Roberts
  • Apache Valley Arthur Chapman
  • The Challenge of the North James B. Hendryx
  • The Second Mate H. Bedford-Jones
  • The Devil's Payday W. C. Tuttle
  • The Canyon of the Green Death F. R. Buckley
  • Sky High Corral Ralph Cummins
  • The Seven Pearls of Shandi Magruder Maury
  • The Last Grubstake Anthony M. Rud
  • The Sheriff of Pecos H. Bedford-Jones
  • The Wonderstrands Samuel Alexander White
  • The Night Rider Elmer B. Mason
  • The Phantom Wolf T. Von Ziekursch
  • The Hen Herder J. Allan Dunn
  • The One Big Thing James B. Hendryx
  • Scavengers Of The Sea George Ethelbert Walsh
  • Musket House Theodore Goodridge Roberts
  • Mormon Valley H. Bedford-Jones
  • The Law of the Range W. C. Tuttle
  • The Beautiful Lady Booth Tarkington
  • Ma Pettengill Talks Harry Leon Wilson
  • North of Fifty-Three Rex Beach
  • Wings Gene Stratton-Porter
  • Touchstone Edith Wharton
  • Uneducating Mary Kathleen Norris
  • The Spanish Jade Maurice Hewlett
  • The Duel Joseph Conrad
  • The Gorgeous Isle Gertrude Atherton
  • The Dark Fleece Joseph Hergesheimer
  • An Amateur W. B. Maxwell
  • Captain Wardlaw's Kitbags Harold Macgrath
  • All in the Night's Work

Ethel Watts Mumford And George Bronson Howard

  • The Devil's Heirloom Anthony M. Rud
  • The Death Bell Edison Marshall
  • The Currency Expert Francis Lynde
  • Flat 2 Edgar Wallace
  • The Remittance Woman Achmed Abdullah
  • The Moss Mystery Carolyn Wells
  • Crooked Shadows Gordon Young
  • Green Timber Thoroughbreds Theodore Goodridge Roberts
  • Ten Thousand Dollars Reward Charles Wesley Sanders
  • The Water Devil Crittenden Marriott
  • The Gray Gull Henry Francis Granger
  • Etiquette Lillian Eichler
  • Economy Cooking Lillian White Gerard


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Garden City, New York

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Garden City, New York

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